Part 1: 04/06/09 - 04/07/09

So, Persona 3 is a pretty good game even if its middling for its particular subseries. As mentioned in the OP, the FES is short for Festival (yes, really) and it's gonna be a long one.

See, The Journey is what was in vanilla Persona 3 and what we'll be covering first in two different ways (because there's some special things that can only be done that way). The Answer is a direct sequel and what we'll be covering afterwards.
Because I make nothing but good ideas you see.

...I sure hope you know the deal by now. Of COURSE I'm putting it on Hard. It means I get to hemorrhage a ton of money, and increases damage received, reduces damage dealt, makes it harder to escape from random battles etc. etc.

so there's some really sensible audio things here so just watch cutscene videos if you can/want to very highly recommend

Requisite disclaimer. I think at this point it's weirder to see a thing that DOESN'T have this.

The first actual thing we see is a blue butterfly. This is an important symbol within the subseries as it's a signifier of a major character who... as far as this update cares is only appearing as a butterfly.

Also I hope you like the moon. We're going to be seeing the moon. A lot.

In this case, it's just used to make that clear before it uses a pretty sweet match cut...

To zoom out of a giant TV presumably in Tokyo somewhere. There's also A LOT of incidental NPC chatter in the background here. A lot of VAs pull double duty for things like this, and a lot of it here is really inconsequential. I could transcribe things like Liam O'Brien getting transferred to a new department at [job] or I could, y'know, not.

As soon as this guy walks on-screen, the background music kicks in but is a little dulled, starts midway through and has different quality to normal.

Because he's listening to it himself, and we're just getting it as a side-effect. This is implicitly the way all the audio works which is cool.

...ATL Audio System is a real company that makes real headphones by the way. The "P" is just for Persona and PE-03 is because this is Persona 3.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, in between shots of Blue Hair McProtagonist walking somewhere, we get snippets of someone freaking out about... something.
Everytime the camera cuts to this, the music gets interrupted for obvious reasons. It'd be annoying to deal with here, so.

That timestamp on Blue Hair's player is a complete lie. Burn My Dread is barely a minute and a half long! It doesn't even make for good extended versions so don't even try that excuse.

Back with Lady Freakout, she's holding something, is somewhere or maybe even someWHEN we definitely aren't (see: sunset) and... isn't wearing any pants? What?

Obligatory shot of the inevitable mascot from later. This IS an anime after all.
pretty sure we never see this thing again

Okay, so, she DOES have a skirt on it was just a bad camera angle before.
Also she has a gun.
Somewhere was accurate; that sure ain't Japan.

Meanwhile, with the walk-montage we get to see some weird ass things.
...At this point, the music stops switching between on/off if you were actually doing that. (you werent dont lie)

And suddenly her freaking out made some degree of sense. I can't say I've played too many games that begin with a high school girl committing suicide. Bold move there.

A train speeding down the tracks somewhere is our intermediary shot this time. Is this symbolic?

But, of course, she couldn't quite pull the trigger. I imagine even as niche as this was when it first released, that would've caught a fair amount of negative attenti--
ahaha no it wouldnt have made a damn difference

Attention passengers, we apologise for any delay. The next stop is Iwa--

And the train from before comes hurtling to an off-screen stop to pick up Blue Hair.

He even sees and reacts to the butterfly!
Iwatodai. Iwatodai.

This is the final train bound for Tatsumi Port Island. Please make sure you board in time for departure.

And then as the clock hits 12 exact...

Yeah, so, the main character isn't QUITE 100% silent. He has very, VERY minor voiced "dialogue" (I'm being generous) in these cutscenes. He's voiced by Yuri Lowenthal. That name should at least sound a little familiar in this context because he also voiced Serph in Digital Devil Saga. I can't wait for Steve Blum to turn up again, oh man!

...Y'know, I don't THINK clocks should bleed. Calling that one a hunch.

Not quite the reaction I'd have but, uh, sure. You do you.

He's not even remotely fazed by the DOZENS OF COFFINS just floating around like it ain't no thing. I guess this passes for normal in the far future of 2009.

He's looking around a bunch because he's following this flyer and looking for something that's marked on it.

Dude is so nonchalant about all this, he doesn't even notice or care that he walked through a puddle of blood. Damn, son.

After all, he's found his destination...

And heads on in.

As he proceeds to do the unthinkable and remove his headphones (yes, really!)...

Creepy kid teleports in out of nowhere, and starts actual dialogue. He's ALSO voiced by Yuri Lowenthal (this saves money you see).

So there are three "canon" names for the MC here depending on the adaptation. Minato Arisato is the most commonly known coming from the manga, but the 4 show stage play The Weird Masquerade gives him the name Sakuya Shiomi.
These are both pretty bad so we'll go with the name from the OVA films, Makoto Yuki. It's the least worst one.

no really just watch this i will say that every single time i link one

So, remember how she was hesitant shooting herself with it? Yeah, there's a reason for that and all...

But she seems to eventually have no such compunction when it comes to shooting Yuki!

Track 135 is quite impressive, but Burn My Dread still isnt 5 minutes long!

Mitsuru here is voiced by Tara Platt. I am going to presume you recognise these names, yes.

Yukari is voiced by, uh, Michelle Ruff. She sounds like Every Michelle Ruff Character Ever.

So, during a lot of events (A LOT), the MC gets dialogue options. Most of them actually matter somewhat, so I'll worry about maximising correctness as far as the game cares.

It's a shame that we're going to leave this dorm pretty soon. I mean, this is a lot of effort telling us where our temporary room is and going out of their way to show us it and all.

> Yukari doesn't seem to know what you're talking about.

Right now, I just want to do the sensible thing.

...Hole up in my bedroom and pretend the crazy lady with a gun doesn't exist.

For today, and today only, we'll see what these transitions are. By which I mean I'll signpost them.

But now we have the real important things to deal with...

> You decide you had better not ignore her.

So, I don't care what your personal feelings are on the use of honorifics here. It's a conscious decision that, regardless of the reasons, definitely exists. Would it be better to not have them? Sure. Is it a problem that they're there? No.

So, uh, yeah.

Makoto gonna take a train to high school. This is just a thing that happens here.

I do like how it's really obvious even here where Makoto and Yukari are. Little design things make them stand out.

..As does Yukari wearing pink and not dark blue, yes.

Okay, so this represents something that's going to be a bit rare (all things considered) for a while...

Actual control over things. I know, I'm shocked too! Personae 3-5 all have really, REALLY lengthy introductory stuff.
And I'm not helping here because I'mma bug EVERYONE worth bugging.

Starting with these two.

I'm already not sure I like where this guy is going to go with this.

Just gonna ignore him for now and instead check what class we're in. Hopefully it's not 2-F!

Oh. I guess we just don't know right now, huh? That sucks.

Ah well, over here we have a school shop. Might as well check it out.

It doesn't sell much but that Book Cover could be useful later. Sadly, we only have 3000 Yen so we can't afford it.

So, we'll head to the one hall we can right now. There's some things to do here, along with the whole "teacher's lounge" deal.

But first, it's nice to see a game that answers the jokey question of "but where do they poop??"

...And then takes it a step further anyway.

Using the bathroom is a potentially Very Good Thing to do. Especially early on, when it actually has a chance to help. You'll see. Later. Eventually.

> The two of them seem very excited...

You just said that this is the library, so... the library?

A sort-of kinda maybe importantish thing here is this. It might be useful at some point to know about at least?

That's all there is out in here, so we'll head on in.

Ms. Toriumi DOES have an English VA but she's uncreditted. Figures.

> The Principal continues with his speech...

> The student behind you is trying to get your attention.


> You hear lots of people talking...

So, what about something actually sort of maybe more relevant? That sounds good.

Junpei's voiced by very prolific anime man Vic Micgogna. You've probably heard him in dozens of things, really.

Yukari, you are REALLY bad at keeping secrets.

...Given everything that happened in Persona 2, you'd think they would. It's kind of a big deal.

I guess Makoto makes good decisions of his own volition.

This is a minor transitory scene that doesn't really NEED to exist.

But it does serve a bit of a purpose anyway.

Even if its just letting us see other folks going about their days.
> The gentle spring sunlight is warm...

Fancy as this sure might seem, it's just a save point.

Now we can hang out at the dorm for a bit and talk to, uh, whoever's here.

We can't leave though. Not like we have any reason to right now anyway.

Our next story is about the cherry blossoms. It's springtime, and they're all over town now.
The blossoms this year were a little late compared to other years, but they'll be at their peak this week.
So, the TV here updates daily. Daily. I'll try and check it out as often as possible but I don't expect to remember every day.

Anyway, yeah, there really isn't much to see in the dorm right now...

So we'll just head on off to bed. We should have more freedom to do things in the morning...

Ah, yes, it must be "THEM"!

And the award for "most cliche line of the update" goes to...
Anyway, yeah, Akihiko was voiced by Liam O'Brien who is Cool and Good.
Now we actually get to continue on to the next day at last. Freedom is inching closer...