Part 101: 12/31/09 - 03/05/10: One Journey's End
So, today's when we make an important decis--


So... you understand.

I think that looking to the future is a great way to live.

But, that doesn't mean that other ways of living are wrong.

No one knows which road leads to happiness.

This must be what it means to "feel happy".

Thanks for everything...
As Makoto pulls out his evoker, the screen fades to blue and we hear him pull the trigger...
> All your thoughts began to fade, like chalk on a sidewalk...
Now that we've accepted an offer, we skip ahead a few months to the end of the school year.
Yukari Route Ending
Want To Be Close
Dangit Junpei. Pretty sure you promised to stop doing that!

Damn, it's cold. But of course, you never miss a day of school.

Man, can ya believe this year's already over? We're practically seniors now.

Just one more year... Ya think anything interesting will happen?


I hope you're right.

But, seeing the current seniors makes me wonder...

Seems like all they frickin' do is study. Talk about boring.
Oh, right. I think you left Kenji behind again. Guess he's not important enough to be involved in the ending.

Dude, she's pretty cute! How come I never noticed her before?


Uh... What's her name, then?

I dunno.

So then, why're you giving me a hard time?

Anyway, it's always crazy in the dorms this time of year, with so many people coming and going.

Oh yeah, did ya hear? Akihiko-senpai's movin' out.
Oh yeah, that guy! He's always talking about like protein and working out or something. It's super offputting, really.

I know who he is, but I haven't really talked to him.

Of course, all the graduates are leaving, even Kirijo-senpai.

Ms. Student Council President... She's in our dorm too, huh?

Is something wrong?

She looks kinda depressed, doesn't she?

...Wait, do ya think she might be interested in one of us!?

Haha, I doubt it.

...Ouch. That hurts.
> The days go by peacefully, without incident...
Since we're locked into our ending at this point, time just keeps on passing without any further input on our end.

From Class D, Mitsuru Kirijo.

Thank you.

When I first addressed you from this podium,

I spoke to you all about seizing opportunity while you had the chance...

Well, it must have been fate that intervened and gave me an important reminder of this...
Despite that being a thing that seems like it should be important, it didn't really come up much really. Clearly it'll be more pivotal to the Mitsuru route whenever we do that in the future.

To tell you the truth, after losing my father, I also lost much of my self-confidence.

You see, I had overestimated my ability to handle everything alone.

Few people can be that strong...

There are times when we cannot stand without the support of others...

After my father's death, I received kind words from many people.

You all taught me the value of allowing yourself to be cared for and protected.

I would like to continue going forward with the support of those around me.

Thank you so much... for those wonderful years...

I guess even Presidents cry too...

She's only human.
Time and a place, my man.

What are you talking about?

You know, the girl we saw the other day.

I assumed she'd be here...

Oh, her. Well, there's a lot of people who aren't here. Actually, I'm surprised YOU didn't skip.

Heh, I thought about it.

What have you got planned, Yuka-tan? College?

Mmmm... I haven't really decided yet.

What about you?

I've got a plan.

Oh, really? Well, I never would've guessed it.

But, that stuff she said about seizing opportunities? Gimme a break. We're only in high school.

I mean, yeah it's important, but can't it wait a few years?

Well, at least one of us knows what he wants...
Voiced lines always make this kinda thing real awkward, since this has to be vague enough to be applicable for every possiblility and all.

...What's that supposed to mean?

I dunno. You tell me.


I mean, high school's hard enough as it is.

Yeah, I can agree with that.

Here's what I think...

Sometimes you're better off not knowing. As they say, "Ignorance is bliss."

Besides, you can't always be thinking about the future.

In the end, it doesn't matter as long as you're happy.

You've got to live in the moment--carpe diem, right?

...Yeah, I guess so.

Whew, that was some speech.

That's why I get so worked up so easily.

It's hard to explain. It's just the way I am.

Hey, I know where you're coming from. Thinking about stuff like that just gives me a headache.

So, I try to avoid it as much as possible.

Everyone's so uptight these days.

They just need to chill out... You know, take it easy for a change.

What're you gonna do if that plan backfires?

Well, that'll be that.

But for now, let the good times roll...

A graduation party, huh?

Well in that case, I won't take no for an answer.

I'll buy ya a drink, alright?
The sentiment is cool and all, but we're all still minors here!
...Yes, I know he doesn't mean booze (probably) but still. Reminder that the drinking age in Japan is 20. I say like that realistically stops anyone anyway.
> It seems like you have no choice.

Let's go.
Cue credits! I've snipped 'em out of the video for the time being, since it'd give proper finality when we're actually done with the game proper. Just the one route right now doesn't really warrant it.

Though there is a small post-credits anime scene that's... very, very brief. Credits music still play over it, albeit instrumentally, even. If it sounds super jarring, that's why. Can't do much about that!

Very little substance, honestly. This is all we get to see of the karaoke antics...

Before the game ends suddenly. Yeah.
At least we can get NG+ now which is useful and gives us some new content even. In a move that would be stolen by Sweet Fuse (a PSP otome game) we get access to a new NG+ only route. No bonus cameos of Lotus Juice on later cycles, though, sorry.
But, yeah, that's Persona 3. An odd decision to go from JRPGs explicitly about beating up Nyarathotep and the psyche of man to... a dating sim in which everyone has mental hangups that are solved with The Power Of Love. I dunno, I think it worked in places but not others. But that's just me and I'm probably blinded to some degree by remembering it being way better... 10 years ago...
Ah well, maybe next cycle'll be more interesting!