Part 102: 12/31/09: Under A Decisive Moon
So, today's when we make an important decision. Nice of the game to manage to squeeze that in on an actual blue moon (second full moon in one calendar month) for good measure.
Iwatodai Dorm

It feels like I'm stepping into the ring...
Aigis' the only one without anything new to say about today. Her stuff about it is taken from last night wholesale, which is fair enough I guess.

We do have a bit of time before we have to decide whether or not we let Ryoji live, so...

This world is going to end soon. All of humanity will be wiped off the face of the planet.
...Wait, hang on, what?!

...But don't worry! We'll be recreating it. There will be a new land called Paradise.

Hope that wasn't too freaky...

Wiped off the face of...!?

Shhhhh! Makoto! Keep it down!

I told you it was a SECRET! We can't risk starting a panic...

I... I can finally reincarnate into a worthwhile body!

I don't want you to get stuck at the end of the world...

That'd suck, right? So come with me to Paradise. It's easy.
> Nozomi is more willing to open up.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

I think we can waive the initiation fee and just do scripture and the products for about 132,000 yen. How's that?

I know it's a good deal. We're having a salvation clearance right now.

That's ridiculous.
> Nozomi seems agitated.

I only wanted to share eternal happiness with you because I care about your soul!

You're lucky, cause I'm still gonna go apologize to God for you.
> Nozomi left, still holding his hamburger.
> You returned to the dorm.
Under A Decisive Moon
just watch this instead if you can; covers the rest of the update
So, anyway, how about that important stuff? Doesn't even take place during the Dark Hour for once.
> You will have to make your decision now.

Midnight's just around the corner...

At midnight, I will change from this form into something unrecognizable.

So, have you reached a decision?

Come see me when you have your answer.


Don't let the fact that you'll have to kill me influence your decision.

As I said before, I'm going to disappear anyways.

So, there's no need to worry about me.


I'll be waiting...


...I see.

Have the rest of you made your decision?

No need to ask me.

You know how I feel.
Junpei manages to answer for everyone all at once, by raising a simple and valid point.

I'm with the rest of you.

I'm in, too.

I have made my decision as well.

Then, we're all in agreement, yes?

Better let him know, then.

One quick loading screen later...

It's been a long time since we talked like this in your room.

Although back then, I didn't appear in this form, and wasn't known by this name.

You're all going to risk your lives on a battle you can't win.

But, you're the only one here right now, so...

I'll say this one more time.
Honestly, I feel like Ryoji would've been significantly more likely to convince people if he left the memories part out. It'd make it seem actually worth considering.

Tomorrow, you'll wake up a normal high-school student.

You'll be able to live in peace until the moment of the Fall.

But if you let me live, you'll spend every waking moment until that day in fear of your inevitable death.

...Are you still thinking?

Or, have you already made up your mind?
It's honestly impressive how much of a non-choice this ends up being, huh? It even defaults to "live," because it's super obvious.

I guess my words didn't change your mind...

There's still some time until midnight.
Ohey, Thanatos. That explains a lot, really.

I will bring death to this world until I am finally satiated.

Do not hesitate to kill me.

...I want you to think about this carefully.

Right now, you are all confused by the truth.

But some things in this world cannot be changed. You do not understand this yet.

Don't you want to end all your friends' pain and suffering?

...It's up to you. You're the only one who can make this decision.

Now, this is your last chance.

Tell me your answer...

You live.

I understand.

It's regrettable, but it's your life... You can do what you want with it.

I will respect your decision.

Let's go back to the lounge.

I need to tell you guys how to confront Nyx.


It's an unfortunate decision... but it is yours to make.

That's right.

But we must still try.

Personally, I don't care if it is impossible.

...I understand.

I'll tell you where to find Nyx.

You must reach the top of the tower before the promised day.

When's the promised day...?

Exactly one month from tomorrow...
...Something about that doesn't seem to quite add up.

Nyx will descend to Tartarus...

...and the world will end.

If you go to the top of Tartarus on that day, you'll be able to face her.

...and Tartarus welcomes her arrival.

The tower exists for the purpose of Nyx's coming...

So if we reach the top, we can fight Nyx?

Yes, but remember...

From today, you will fight against eternal despair.

When you face her, you will finally understand this truth.

And then, you will realize what it is you are trying to stand against.

...We understand. There's no need to keep telling us.

Well, I'll be going on ahead of you, then.

I want to leave you while I'm still in this form.



I won't forget that you were my enemy... and my friend.


Thank you.

But... I'll always be watching over you.

...Well, goodbye.

That's what you say on New Year's Eve, right?

See ya!
The Path Is Open
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...
Susano-O is improved, somewhat, from vanilla in his incarnation here. He's level 76 though, so chances are we won't get to see what makes him improved. He's got better resists and a much more useful capstone at level 83, though nothing new or unique.
> Your relationship with them has grown stronger, and reached a new level of closeness...
The Power of the Heart
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...
> In one month, on January 31st, you will be able to face Nyx.
> You must reach the top of Tartarus by that day.
> This is the decision you have all made.