Part 103: 12/01/09 - 12/31/09: Lyapunov Exponent

So, it's that time again. Time for a brief - and in this case I do mean brief - detour into the world of Portable. December has the least changes by far, though January will more than make up for it...

Anyway, first off: Ken.

No video for this one, because Ken's only voiced at his rank 10 scene if you date him. Don't. Don't date Ken.

> Ken looks off into the distance and smiles.

> Ken speaks hesitantly, but you hear the sincerity in his voice.

> Ken nods reassuringly...
> He looks more like an adult than usual.
> His face is truly that of a fine young man.
> You sense a deep bond between yourself and Ken...

Melchizedek is the same here as in FES, disappointingly.

> You spent a long time talking with Ken about all sorts of things...

Since we don't have anime cutscenes, Ryoji and Aigis' battle plays out with... just dialogue and anime screenshots in the background. It's even dead silent musically outside of the small bit where Unavoidable Battle would play!

At least they did take the effort to draw a blurry model for Young Kotone.

Aigis even gets a new portrait for all of like 3 lines of dialogue at the end here. It's nice to see, even if it really doesn't get the damage she received across anywhere near as well.

After that we have the build up for exams! Since Portable modified links, this time period plays out a lot differently now... namely that we have a week of nothing. Yep. We have nothing we can do during the day except stat boosts or the shrine.
To get boosts for Mitsuru. And only Mitsuru. She's our only non-plot link at this point.

So, we'll be skipping all the way ahead to Christmas Eve then.

> Akihiko is a bit embarrassed...

> You walk around and enjoy the lights with Akihiko.

The Music Box we get from Akihiko is way better than, like, everything else you can possibly get today. Across both possible versions.

> You've shared a tender moment with Akihiko.

So, uh, the Music Box is an infinite-use in combat item. It just restores 50 SP to one person, but since nothing costs more than that...
It's still not super great, or inherently gamebreaking or anything, but it's the best available item for sure.

There's only one new person in Tartarus this month. She's up on the 203rd floor...

And the reward isn't even all that great or anything either. 8 Diamonds is nice, don't get me wrong, but it's not as good as most other rewards have been.

And our last adjustment for the month (yes, really) is on New Year's Eve itself. After we opt to left Ryoji live, just before we head on back downstairs...

> Ryoji is smiling.
> Ryoji slipped off a ring that was on his finger.

> You feel a strong, solid bond with Ryoji...

Norn's level 62, focused very heavily on Wind and has pretty good Magic to the detriment of her Endurance. She's basically the game going "what if the main character had a better Isis but without healing spells." She even drains Wind and is weak to Elec! Until level 69 when she absorbs Elec.
She'll be more important for having the unique upper-tier Wind spell, which she just starts with.

And then we go back downstairs, Ryoji tells us about the end of January, leaves, we get Max Fool and start Judgement.
I told you it was brief. December has a giant deadspot of free time because we just have Mitsuru to hang out with. There's really little to see this time around.