Part 113: 01/01/10 - 01/23/10: Between Doors
So, let's just dive right into this shall we?

Gonna be skipping over a lot of stuff here. While January does have a lot of differences to what we're used to, they're mostly self-contained for better or worse. There's also minor stuff that really doesn't matter at all.

Though once we're done with the New Year's shrine stuff, Theo lets us know that he has a sister who wants to test us. Guess this has to be where Elizabeth has vanished off to since we didn't pick her, right?

We'll worry about that later though. First, I... may have forgotten the last date with Theo. Whoops.

But, we can't do it yet. Turns out when it says "after school" it means it very literally. Great.

So we gotta kill time until the eighth before we can learn about one of the dumbest decisions that's Portable exclusive. Oh well.

I didn't expect this store to be so well stocked...
> Mitsuru seems to be enjoying her day off.

I had no idea there were so many new artists.

And, it seems that most music today is contemporary...

But, with so many different artists and styles of music, how do people choose their favorites?
> Mitsuru is impressed.

Do you enjoy classic music, Shiomi? If so, I have some records in my room...
I feel like Mitsuru's someone's grandma that accidentally took APTX 4869, judging from this scene.

I'd love to hear them.

I see. Then I'll select a few for you.

I hope they'll be to your liking.
> It's getting late...
> You decide to go back to the dorm.
Whew, now we'll just skip all the way to the 8th. Before we can do anything else, we need to hang out with Theo.
His Last Bow
Warm Feeling


Um... It's late, I know, to mention this, but is it permissible for me to enter?
> You led Theo to your room.

What's with that smile?

Huh...? Oh, pardon me. Was I smiling?

Your... "presence" is strong here.

Perhaps one would call it... your scent?

What kind of scent is it?

That's a difficult question... It would be meaningless to break it down into its component chemicals.

It's neither good nor bad...




By the way, regarding my request this time...

Er... Didn't it make you uncomfortable?

I was surprised, but no.

I-I'm sorry.

...Though I'm glad to hear that.

The station, the shrine, the school... All had their unique charms...

Every moment of the short time I spent with you is an unforgettable memory...

...Thank you so much.

This will be the last of my requests to visit this world.


You have carried out my request to the fullest.

Thank you for everything.

I have to thank you too.
Minor heads up, the alternate choice here does give you a much longer scene that goes where you think it does. But only if you answer a second prompt correctly as well.

I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it as well.

...Then, I must say good-bye now.
But, well, Theo is too much of a dork to ever realistically go that route. That and I don't feel like it makes sense with the decisions I've made beforehand.

And that would put you at a serious disadvantage.

That's why...

This will be the last time.

...Thank you so very much.


Your hand, please...

...for the last time.
> You returned to the Velvet Room with Theo...
Paulownia Mall
So, now that we have Kartikeya we can take him to the Antiques Store and make Kotone's ultimate weapon. Hurray!
But, fun fact: this is only the first of two unique Naginata. And it's the best one.

If you grind to level 80+, you can make Atavaka who also makes a unique naginata. It's almost identical but is weaker for some reason.
Why this requires getting another 10 levels to make a worse weapon is beyond me. I feel like this was intended to be the other way around, if anything, but even then the Khakkhara wouldn't be worth the effort of getting over the Vel Vel Muruga so I don't get it.
Memories of the School
sadly january has no musical variance for town stuff here

Now that we've seen the weirdest decision that can't be intententional, let's rocket through the month as best we can. That basically means we're gonne be seeing the end of Mitsuru's link and little else.
Aigis is genuinely straight up identical aside from minor things like Kiyoshi not being jealous.

The world is much bigger than I thought. Rather... my world was much too small.

From my point of view, your world is so brilliant...

When I'm with you, I discover so many new things about myself. Laughter, anxiety... It's quite an education.

...If only it could go on forever.
> Mitsuru sounded somewhat sad...


When you're with me... what do you think?

I enjoy myself.

I-I see... I'm glad to hear that.

These days spend with you will no doubt be treasured...

I'll keep them near to my heart...
> You feel a sense of affection from Mitsuru...
Mitsuru being, well, Mitsuru that's just how the scene ends. Yeah, it's a short one this time.

Skipping ahead a few days later again and oh no, more people in Tartarus. Pretty much only noteworthy because this gives us an excuse to head in there tonight.
tartarus_0d06 /
As promised, there's something new here alright. No, that's not the Monad door:

See? The blue door just appears on January 1st and I believe never goes away. It should persist even into NG+ which might be important.

So, those two people in here managed to get annoyingly high and far away from each other. First one is up on the 224th floor which isn't so bad.

...Second one is right at the end on floor 250. Since we're here, we might as well just dunk on the Jotun and finish things off.

After stepping into Monad for a second, Theo also gives us his Monad quests but he gives us two. The katana retrieval (nope) and... this one. Number 55 is available really, really early here for some reason.
The reason this isn't around yet otherwise is because Quest 55 is a NG+ request. Yeah. As we are now we can't even finish it. It's just straight up impossible.
You need something that we don't have yet to finish it. You'll see.

Well, let's just get these two rewards and... oh my. A Soma is nice as always, but Salvation is just straight up better. Sort of. Mediarahan AND removes all ailments? Don't mind if I do.
Though that's the last one and there's a unique skill card only available from this. It's not a big deal - it's basically just a renamed equivalent to Weapons Master (increases regular attack damage by 50%) - but I must've skipped one by accident at some point. Probably in December.

Anyway, while I'm realising my NG+ foray is now gonna be even longer, let's deal with the alternative version of that long Mitsuru scene. You know the one.

Even though it was a typical road trip movie, the way the characters expressed their emotions was great.

The main character sacrificed everything just to go on a journey with his friends.


And then, in the final scene, he decided to return to his normal life...

...I wonder if he was happy with that decision...

Hey, Shiomi...

Have you ever thought about going to a place like that...

Somewhere far away, where no one knows who you are?

I haven't.

...I see.

*laugh* You're so strong...
> Mitsuru seems a little sad.

Don't misunderstand me; I don't yearn to leave everything behind...

It's just that, sometimes, it's easy to become bound by the things that are important to you.

The future of the company... All my responsibilities...

I wish I didn't have so much to worry about.

Sometimes I feel shakled by my family name...


I know that kind of thinking is not permitted...

...Tch, I've become so undisciplined, constantly complaining...

*laugh* I must bore you with all my griping.
> Mitsuru seems to trust you...

I talk about responsibility, but in the end... I haven't the courage of my convictions...

Was I really this weak...? Just a woman waiting for someone to support her...?

Haha... I really do find new facets of myself when I'm with you...

I am... a fool.

Don't blame yourself.

You're right. Stating this won't help anything...
> Mitsuru is forcing a smile...


Would you... away with me?
welp here it comes...
Man's Voice: Mitsuru!

I didn't expect to find you here.

We're leaving. Let's go.


Wait a minute. I didn't make any plans with you for today...

Well, my business meeting for this evening was cancelled.

I'm a very busy man. You're just going to have to adjust your schedule to mine.

I can't... I've already made plans.

Well, you can break them.

I don't think you have anything more important to do than spend time with me.


...Don't look so sullen. You know this benefits you as well, don't you?

I thought you understood our arrangement.
At least Mitsuru still gets to visibly emote here rather than that being tied specifically to her dialogue only.

*sigh* Why must you and your family always be so difficult?

I imagine you feel the same.


How could you say that!?
> Mitsuru is trembling with anger.

How dare you!?


Who are you!? I think you'd best be quiet...

Listen, Mitsuru...

Corporate management is not child's play.

No matter how smart you are, you're still going to need my knowledge and experience.

And, the Kirijo Group still needs the cooperation of my company, does it not?



...Now, let's go. I've made reservations for us at a luxurious restaurant!


Very well...

Well, thank you. I had a lot of fun today.

And... I'm sorry...

Please excuse me.

Senpai, let's run!

Stop, Shiomi...

I know how you feel... I...

Let's go, Mitsuru.

Maybe you do attend the same school, but don't you see the ocean of difference between you and Mitsuru?

That goes for you too, Mitsuru. Choose your acquaintances carefully.

After all, they will become mine as well.

If your friends aren't suited to high society, I'm the one who'll suffer.
It's really impressive how he keeps managing to get worse.

I advise you never come near Mitsuru again, little missy.
I refuse.


Do you not grasp the trouble you're causing for Mitsuru? Are you simple?

Hmmm... You do have a pretty face. It might allow you to sneak your way into high society.
fucking seriously
put the shovel down dude its not helping you get out of that gigantic pit you've dug

Men, however, require talent. I have the Group to look after. A little girl's burdens are nothing next to mine...

That's enough...


I said that's enough!

Why are you getting so angry!?

If you insult her, you insult me!


Have you forgotten...? If you cross me, then...

You spoke of "burdens," did you?

You were right to do so, Indeed, there's no comparison!

Her outlook on life has redeemed and comformted me innumerable times.

She is dear to me...

Take back your insults!


...Fine, fine. I suppose you can associate with her from time to time.

What a feeble apology!

People are not things, they are not pawns, and they are definitely not your servants!

A man who fails to understant that cannot possibly develop the Group!

After all, a company is made of its people!

The Kirijo Group will not prosper under you! From today forth, you and I are strangers!
It's impressive how this one line alone is leagues better than anything in the previous version.

And if you try to do anything malicious, I will use the power of the Group to destroy you.

...Get out of here, you snob! I don't want to see your face ever again!

...but this is a change that I really don't understand. What's the point.
> The well-dressed man ran away...

My father told me that many times.

Family, companies, society... People are the basis of everything...

I think I now fully grasp the meaning behind his words...

*chuckle* Let's go home.
> You decided to return to the dorm.
For the sake of expediency, and because it doesn't matter here, we'll let Chidori stay dead this time around. The differences are minimal, but it means we can spend the 21st doing something more useful with our time.

...You can see miles from here.

Sometimes I come here to have a look... at the place we're defending...

I'm so sorry about what happened the other day. It must have upset you.

You were cool.

*chuckle* I see...

I must say, it's a bit embarrassing to hear you say that.

Thinking back, those words I said to that man stay with me...

I must have been seeing people only in terms of interest, according to whether or not they could benefit me...

To tell you the truth, it was initially the same with you.

The others in SEES, too, were pawns for my purposes...

*chuckle* Yukari realized that and snapped at me for it...

But I never even tried to understand where she was coming from...

Even though that was exactly it.

...You opened our eyes and brought us all back together.

No one could have served better than you as our leader.

My judgement was correct. *chuckle* I have quite the eye for people, no?
> Mitsuru seems to trust you.
> Your relationship with Mitsuru has intensified...

...As Kotone.

*chuckle* It's a bit embarrassing, so I'll address you as that only when we're together.

Kotone... You're outwardly adorable.

In the end... It was I who was most hung up on the concept of femininity...

"Because I am a woman..." "Despite being a woman..."

It was just a way to excuse myself for failing...

Watching you, I realize... I had been a coward.

I am me. I have things only I can do.

And I will accomplish them...

I will never ask you to run away with me ever again.

Instead, Kotone...

Stay by my side. Fight alongside me... live alongside me.

> The hours flew by as you talked with Mitsuru.
Just gonna skip ahead another couple of days. No big surprises here I'm sure.

Our maid staff helped me move here... so that's why it looks like this.

It's as if there's a second lounge here, isn't it?
> Mitsuru is smiling.
> ...The hours flew by as you talked with Mitsuru.

I want you to have this.
> You received something from Mitsuru.

It's the key to my motorcycle...

I'm not going to run from the future anymore.

I don't have to think of my motorcycle as a means to escape from my feelings.

Though I do regret that I won't be riding it as often anymore...

...Let's ride together, Kotone.

...But, you'll have to sit on the back until you get your license.

...I can't wait until then.

I'll do my best.

...Very well. But, please be careful.
> Mitsuru is smiling.

I am Mitsuru Kirijo. I hold my head high when I give that name.

Thank you, Kotone. You have given me pride.
> Mitsuru quietly nodded...
> You felt a tight bond with Mitsuru...
Still Alilat. No big surprises or changes in this part.

Besides, why a horror movie...?

F-Fine, fine. You don't have to push the package in my face...

"True Stories: The Cursed House"...


I-I'm not afraid of what I can't see.

But on film... the direction and techniques used are another story.

W-Well, let's watch.


W-Would you mind...

...if I held your hand?
> You spent a long time together with Mitsuru.
Okay, fine, let's see what's behind the new door.
Between Doors
Some kind of... desert-y area filled with doors...? And that right there. She's wearing blue alright, but she's not Elizabeth...

Instead, it's Theo's other sister! In the incredibly unlikely chance you don't already know, Margaret here was the Velvet Room assistant in Persona 4 (and handled fusion stuff almost exclusively in Q, for all the nothing that matters). She did what Liz/Theo do here, but instead of giving out all requests, she just had the fusion ones.

I am the one who rules over power... Will that description help you understand?

I've heard a lot about you. I thought it was time I saw you with my own eyes.
Vision Quests being here is kinda weird, since they're otherwise a thing that's unique to Soul Hackers. There's only 3 there and they function very, very differently to here. They don't really have much of anything in common beyond the name.

A world within me...?

I have prepared various contests for you here, each one in accordance with your memories.

Do you remember the giant Shadows you've fought so far?

Here, you will be able to fight them again, just as you did the first time.

I think you'll understand faster if you open the first door rather than stand here asking questions.

Why did you do this?

You have the freedom to choose whether or not you answer the "questions" posed here.

Some are quite difficult... I won't think less of you for retreating.

Now, open the doors of your own will.

And after you find an answer to each question... But that would be telling.
Yeah, so, there's like... thirteen doors in here and we're gonna go through all of 'em. There's 8 for the full moon fights and there's 5 gimmicky ones that each correspond to a combat stat (allegedly).

The thing about it being like it was the first time isn't entirely just for show. You need to compose a team that was valid on the day you fought the boss originally. So for the only door we can open right now, we have to use Yukari and Junpei and cannot use anyone else. The stat ones don't have team compositions in the same way though. They're gimmicks, so they give you preset teams and even Personae loadouts. They're bad and dumb but we'll get to those later.
II. Arcana Priestess Redux
Master of Shadow
So, what's different about these fights? Well, they're harder. The original Priestess would've taken more than 350 damage from a Garudyne. She also would've died instantly from that.

The general fights play out mostly the same as they did before but with bigger numbers on both sides.

The Priestess herself got off relatively light here. She's only level 60 and has a "meagre" 5000HP.
Yes, 5000HP is low for these fights. It's dumb.

Since things are technically harder now, that means the enemy uses dynes and all that good stuff. Nothing too surprising here.

Though it does mean the Priestess' healing buddy is now infinitely more obnoxious and irritating.

The Priestess' ice spells are also dynes which no one here innately blocks. It's really not a big deal though.

Hey look, she also has Primal Force.

And she nearly murdered Junpei with it! Man, it's like that skill is potentially dangerous if you can't just no-sell it forever or someting.
But, like, that's it. It's the same as before but technically harder. There's no time limit this time but it really doesn't matter. It could still be there and we'd have been done with plenty of time to spare.
Between Doors
It's worth noting that these things are pretty important and a good way to get Fusion Skill items. Once. Each refight gives you one in sets, but only the first time you beat it.

Doing the Priestess again only gives an Opal, which is nowhere near as good. Doing it a third time gets you something even worse if I remember right.
Oh and don't use Armageddon here. It takes forever to grind the gems for and you only ever get 1 Cadenza for it. Yeah.
So, uh, I guess now we have 12 boss fights to do to unlock something special that Margaret wants to keep secret. I'll mostly gloss over the refights because we've seen them before; just gonna cover the important stuff there. Don't worry about the composition stuff though; we'll just use the exact same teams as we did before for convenience.