Part 118: 03/03/10
Remember what we were told immediately following Tartarus' disappearance? Everyone's lost their memories. Not just of that day, but of the past year...
Want To Be Close
So something about this whole affair gives a distinct sense of jamais vu.

Damn, it's cold. But of course, you never miss a day of school.

Man, can ya believe this year's already over? We're practically seniors now.

Just one more year... Ya think anything interesting will happen?


I hope you're right.

But, seeing the current seniors makes me wonder...

Seems like all they frickin' do is study. Talk about boring.

Dude, she's pretty cute! How come I never noticed her before?


Uh... What's her name, then?

I dunno.

So then, why're you giving me a hard time?

Anyway, it's always crazy in the dorms this time of year, with so many people coming and going.

Oh yeah, did ya hear? Akihiko-senpai's movin' out.

I know who he is, but I haven't really talked to him.

Of course, all the graduates are leaving, even Kirijo-senpai.

Ms. Student Council President... She's in our dorm too, huh?

Is something wrong?

She looks kinda depressed, doesn't she?

...Wait, do ya think she might be interested in one of us!?

Haha, I doubt it.

...Ouch. That hurts.
And here's where things begin to diverge from an alternate timeline...

Uh... Never mind. Forget it.

Aw, come on now... Don't gimme that.

I mean, don't take it the wrong way. I was just thinking...

Well, it's not like we're best friends or anything, so I guess it just kinda happened.

Yeah, I guess so.

But, I can't really explain why.

Anyway, that girl--
Unfortunately for this little discussion, its interrupted by the first bell. Guess we're running a bit late this morning.

Oh crap!
And much unlike last time we were in March, we get a bit of free time to spend on... well, not a lot necessarily. What's available here is dependant entirely on the number of links we maxed. Out of the 22 we did, 18 of them have little denouements available now. Fool, Death and Judgement obviously comprise three of the ones that don't, but the fourth is a little less obvious at first.
And out of the 18 mini-scenes available, 17 of them are optional. Yeah, one of them is mandatory to sit through if the link gets maxed and it's not one you'd expect...

On top of that, the SEES folks we didn't have links with are all hanging around somewhere too. So I guess we're gonna be pretty busy today!

I haven't had the special in a while.

Can you spot me?

Wha...? Hey, I don't have any money! I'm just a high school kid.
I only have maybe a couple million yen left over. I'd check but we can't open the menu any more. It just doesn't exist after beating Nyx Avatar. Guess it makes sense, since we don't really have any reason to anymore.

C'mon, we're friends, right? Two buddies with a dream of being heroes someday?

Yeah... those were good times.
It seems pretty important to note that even though everyone (except obviously Aigis and maybe Makoto) don't remember the past year's events, some folks do have weird vague recollections of stuff. Even if they're not all that aware of it themselves...

...Well, forget that for now. Guess what?

Toriumi-sensei called me to her office again...

She asked me what my plans were from April onward... Shyeah, like I have any!

I was grinning, but I got one hell of a lecture for it...

Why's she so damn serious about it?

Kenji said she doesn't even calm down for cake anymore! Damn, dude...

Oh hey, I heard from Kenji that the new teachers coming in April are all women.

He was so excited, it hurt to look at him.

I did have someone, right...?


H-Hey! I'm not kidding. Why would I make up something that depressing!?

I just... wanted to say that I... had someone important before...


How could I forget something that important? Something I know I'm not supposed to forget...

Sorry man... I'm gonna pass on the ramen.
So, yeah, even though Chidori didn't remember Junpei following her not-actually-dead moment, the reverse clearly isn't true. Junpei does remember her, at least on a subconscious level.

We've got a bunch of mini-scenes (and some real ones) to get through now, so we'll do them in a roughly sensible order. Kenji's right here, so we'll start there.

Dude! I've got a super-important announcement to make!

Wanna hear? Huh?

Okay, here goes. And this is just between you and me, okay?
And Junpei and whoever else he tells...

Next year... there are THREE fine-looking women teachers coming in!

Ms. Toriumi has that weird secret she refuses to tell anyone... Ms. Ounishi is obsessed with medicine...

Ms. Terauchi is like, going to India or somewhere...

I mean, c'mon! Even our nurseis a guy! Even if he's good at a job... Nurses are suposed (
sic) to be GIRLS!
...Dangit Kenji, stop that.

He's ruining my lifelong dream to fake sick, ditch class and chat with the hot nurse...

...You okay, dude? You're not looking so good.

You should see the nurse. But, uh... I'm not going with you, dude.

Oh, oh, and I heard those new teachers are coming by today to check out the campus.

I'm thinking about hanging around the faculty office to scope 'em out. Wanna come?


Wise decision, O Sir Makoto!

See, starting next year, we can choose our homeroom...

So we've gotta make sure we choose the right one, if you catch my drift.

Wait a minute... Oh, crap...


Sorry, man! I gotta get lost before SHE gets here!

Who's "she"?


She'll be coming here starting next year, but... she's gonna swing by today and look around...

But I'm not gonna be her damn tour guide! I don't wanna lead her around by the hand where everyone can see!

*sigh* I wish I had an older sister instead...

...Well, whatever. I'm gonna jet. Laters, Makoto.
If I wanted to give Kenji the benefit of the doubt, I'd say that his comment there was because it'd prevent him being embarrassed here.

More importantly, Yukari is right here. I'm sure this'll require less contortion to make not gross.

...Sorry, I was just thinking about you.

Hey, um...


C-Can we go somewhere else?



Are you okay, Makoto-kun? You don't look so good...

Um... I actually have a little favor to ask...

> Yukari's eyes are cast down, as if hesitating.

I-It's my mom...


...H-Hey, that's not what I meant!

I just promised to visit my mom... but I'm still kinda scared.

If I see her... I might end up saying some really nasty things...

What if we end up hurting each other even more? I don't wanna hurt her feelings...

I still haven't sorted all this out inside...

I think... I do want to see her...

That's why I thought it'd be great if you could be there with me.

You don't have to say anything, really...

I feel like I can clear the air with my mom if you come with me...

So... if it's not too much trouble... How about it?

Sounds good to me.

R-Really!? Thanks!

I'll call her up right away! I've been putting this off for so long...

...Sorry my family is such a pain.

Hey, so...

I bet you're thinking... "Couldn't I have gone out with someone with fewer problems?"

I wanted to go out with you.

...H-Hey, it sounds weird when you come right out and say it like that.

I was just joking... Geez...

It went by so fast... We're already seniors.

At the end of the year, we'll graduate and go to college... And then start a career?

Wow, it's hard to imagine...

Do you think... we'll still be together then?

Of course.


...I think so, too.


Well, let's talk about the near future, then.


B-But just the two of us, okay...? You better not invite anyone else.


Like... if we stay the night, and stuff.


I wonder if anyone else at the dorms would realize... if we both went away for a night...

That's an embarassing thought...


W-We'll talk more about it later.
And with that... unexpected thought, the second of our 18 scenes here comes to a close.
Want To Be Close
After that particular scene, we're left on the roof instead of anything else. Yeah, none of these are gonna end this part of the day. There's no-one else up here, so we'll head on back downstairs...

...and immediately run into Yuko, since she's always right here.

Me too!

...At least, I want to.

But I've gotta go somewhere.

I'll come with you.

Whaaaat!? N-No! No way!!


Nah, I can't.

Honestly, I hardly ever read in the school library.

I'm studying sports medicine, so I really don't have time today...

Sorry about that.

But since we're here together, why don't we talk for a while?

Wanna walk with me to the entrance, at least?

Good luck to you.

Heh... yeah. Thanks!

...Remember what I told you before? About finding my dream?

I never had anything like that until now, so I'd been slacking off...

Honestly? My grades suck! It's tough to get them back up...

That's why... I need to try hard.

I seriously want to go have fun with you--cross my heart.

And I... kinda want to feel you too.

But I gotta be patient! That's what I keep telling myself...

I wanna take my dream into my own hands... and stand next to you with my head held high...

I wanna walk alongside you...
Given the rank 10 scene implications, you might want to phrase that slightly differently...

You'll fall in love with me all over again!

Just kidding...

See? I really need to be patient...

...Hey. you know that saying, "beer tastes better after an honest day's work," right?

That's just what I mean. If we're patient now and cool off for a while, then later on--


A-Anyway, that's what I'm trying to say. I'll see you later! Let's go out again sometime soon!
Want To Be Close
Immediately after that scene's over, we're by the entrance and hey wouldn't you know it? Kaz's here. That's perfect!

I don't mind, but... You were going out with Yuko, huh?

She's been pretty energetic... Is that all because of you?

Last time, she had this huge book about knees, and she was trying to figure out which muscle was where...

It really tickled! How come she can't practice that stuff on you, dude?
I feel like out of everyone to use for that one in particular, Kaz is the worst choice available...

Well, she's a great girl. Don't let her down, okay man?

...Now why did I just say that...?

Oh, yeah. I have to talk to you about something.

The results are in...


And it's one hundred percent healed! They said I can keep doing kendo!

Dude, I was so happy, I almost broke the doctor's back I hugged him so so hard!

But thinking about it now...

If I'd kept hiding the pain in my knee...

I get goosebumps, man.

I was pushing myself too hard, trying to catch up to you, and I got pissed off cause nothing seemed to go right.

Man, I was acting like a little kid... I thought so, anyway.

I kept saying it was all for my nephew, but it was just my pride.

And I got you, the guys on the team, and my parents worried for nothing.

Man... I was such an baby...

Don't worry about it.

Haha... Thanks, man.

Well, at least I finally snapped out of it, even if it took me long enough.
We really didn't do anything, but sure, okay I guess.

I swear, right here, right now, that I'm gonna do better next year.

I'm not gonna jump to conclusions like that... I'm gonna listen to people. It's hard for me, but...

Well, that's about it. I just wanted to tell you first.

Now I'm gonna head to the faculty office and tell everyone there, and then tell the team.

...Dude, are you alright? You look kinda tired.

Go get some rest, man. Your health is the most important thing, right?

We're still signed up for the spring tournament! If you slack off, man, I'm gonna leave you in the dust!

Folks keep mentioning that we look tired and we're right by the faculty office corridor, so we might as well see what's over there next.

First, we've got Hidetoshi before we can get to anything else.

Well, time flies.

It's already March...


There's something I wanted to tell you.

We'll still be able to talk to each other next year, but...

I wanted to say this while we're still both on the student council.

...I'm going to quit the council.

I'm just not going to apply next year.

...This may sound odd, but do you think this country is headed in the right direction?
He's not wrong. That does sound incredibly odd.

I don't think so.

I see... Me neither.

Around January, there was a sinister cult growing in popularity.

I was thinking how we could change that... what it would take to change society.

I thought maybe one influential person could start a revolution.

But starting a revolution just because you have the power to do it creates more problems...

That's what the Nyxist incident taught me. I realized how naive I had been...

Things that each of us have to learn before going out into the world...

That's what's needed most. So...
I was genuinely expecting politician, to be honest.

A society is dictated by its people. If we improve the people's minds, society will be likewise improved.

...Aren't you going to laugh at me? Say something like "You? A teacher?"


I see... I'll do my best.


...That's all I wanted to tell you.

That, and to say thanks.

It was thanks to you that I reached this conclusion...
Still not convinced we actually did, well, anything but I guess this is fine.

Anyway, the nurse's office is locked but the faculty office is right here. Since we're apparently talking to every important character, I guess Mr. Toriumi sorta counts. She has multiple portraits at least.

You're looking more and more like a professional!

Your lesson the other day intrigued me, too... It seemed like you spent a lot of time preparing it.

I've never seen you so passionate about teaching before!

It's unparalleled!


...Yes, I have been studying more than just making preparations lately.

But it does seem odd that I'd start now, though.


The thing is... I've decided to stop wasting my time, always living only in the present.

How wonderful!

I'm impressed by your change of heart. What brought this on?

So I took a closer look at my life.

That person... Well, was it...? Yes, it must have been a person...

Ah yes, I understand. I myself once went through a similar epiphany.

A destiny called fate!?

Isn't that like saying "My headache hurts"...?

...Anyway, isn't that a harsh thing to say to a single girl like me? Ahaha...

Well, if you'll excuse me...
> The teachers seem busy.
> You decide to leave.

I-Is everything okay? Do you need something?

You don't look well... Maybe you should visit the nurse's--
Tried, it's locked. Was hoping Edogawa might be in here...

Oh, you dropped something.
> It seems Ms. Toriumi noticed the wallpaper on it.


Now, now, Makoto... Cell phones aren't allowed at school.

Hm? That screen...
I love that she's genuinely just reading it exact, including the arrow and everything.


What a charming confession of love!

Did you make this, Makoto?

No, it was made by...
Yeah, so, Toriumi actually has 3 portraits (4 if you count the static one from the final Velvet Room scene). Her third is only ever used in this one scene.

Lalalalalalaaaa! I can't hear you! I can't heeeeear youuuuu!

...Never mind that! Wh-What's going on!?

Why would Makoto-kun have this screencap...?

D-Don't tell me he got it online!? But the only people who were on the servers were...





It can't be...

Is this a joke!?


C-Calm down, Ms. Toriumi! Help! Someone call a doctor!
And then, unfortunately, Mrs. Terauchi, the more responsible adult of the two, leaves. Whew boy, this could be bad...

I-I... I said all that... to you...?

I... I...!

No, no no no... This is bad... Noooooooooo !
Yep, you told me all about your creepy and inappropriate crush on a high schooler and how you planned to abuse your position of authority to your own gross ends. "Bad" doesn't begin to cut it, really.
On some level, she's super lucky that we just never actually speak to Officer Kurosawa huh.
> Ms. Toriumi is crying...

*sob* Th-This can't be happening...

I quit this school! I'm leaving! I'm never coming back!

Ohhhh, I wish I was dead! Just kill me now!

Hello, Maya-san.

Th-Then you really are--!

*sob* *sob*



I'm Maya...

I'm Maya, dammit! You got a problem with that!?

Why don't you say something !? Geez! You idiot!

This is so embarassing!


Please don't make this weirder and even more awkward.


So... I-I'm grateful.


Wipe that smile off your face! Or I'll wipe it off for you with my fists!!

U-Um... If you don't mind...

I-If you... don't... mind...



Oh, to hell with this!
Mercifully, she just gets out of here at this point before she really finds a shovel.
We never will find Edogawa in the end, by the way.
Want To Be Close
Nothing else to do over here, so we'll head back out to the main lobby and spot Mitsuru's been standing there the entire time.

...Not everyone is going to mention that, don't worry. They just really wanted to make sure you know I guess.

Make sure to get some rest, Makoto.


M-My apologies. I meant, of course, Yuki...
Literally no one else could have heard you here.


...If you don't mind, could we go somewhere to talk?

I have some business to take care of later on...

But I want to be with you until then.


Let's go to the student council room, then.

...I'd like to see it once more before I graduate.

This spring, I'll formally become a university student.

...So this will be my last chance to see the view from here.

I don't have much time today. All the members of the head family are gathering for a briefing session.

The Kirijo Group looks strong right now, but it's actually very frail... It could collapse at any time.

I must stay strong...
> Mitsuru seems a little tired.

Can I help?

*chuckle* Of course you can. In fact, there's something only you can do.

Who else will lend a shoulder when I need support?

If you can think of anyone else, let me know...

...Soon, I'll be saying my farewells to the dorm, too.

I've been slowly packing up my things... but it's not going well.

Everything brings back memories... A book, a picture, a piece of clothing... on and on.

My senior year seemed short, but very... full. It went by so quickly.

Especially after you arrived...

...I never knew I had such feelings inside.

If you hadn't come to this school... I wonder what would've become of me.

If I hadn't met you...

Would I have accepted my arranged marriage...?

Or would I have gotten on my motorcycle one day, driven off, and never returned...?

Fate... is a mysterious thing.
Considering the end of Mitsuru's link and its absurdly weird focus on ~True Love~ I'd guess the second option.
It'd make for a cooler spinoff than the Aigis cellphone game, at least.

But there's no use dwelling on the past.

...You can be part of that future too, Makoto.


Do you understand?

Come visit the Kirijo head family sometime. Don't worry, it's just to say hello.

I want them to get used to your face.

It's almost time. I have to be on my way.

I wish we could see each other back at the dorms... but I'll be late tonight. Maybe this weekend?

...Just the two of us, of course.


W-Well, see you.
Want To Be Close
After that, we're back on the second floor hallway, of course. Chihiro's here but... so is this guy I don't recognise.

Apparently he's a member of staff?
Advisor: ...This came for you from Mamoru. I bet his school is sorry he's gone... But it's good news for us, because now there's nothing standing between us and total victory! See you around.
> You received a letter from Mamoru.
> You opened the letter.
Memories of the School
> Mamoru's firm handwriting fills the page...

I'm doing good. I'm starting to get used to the job, too.

...But what I really wanted to talk to you about was the kendo team.

Before, I had totally given up on the idea of continuing.

But even so, part of me still didn't want to let it go.

I had to do it... but kendo was my whole life.

We're gonna make a kendo team.

Well, I call it a team, but it's really just a few guys at the factory.

We practice after work, and sometimes on our days off...

The other day. we did endurance swimming at Lake Biwa. We've even climbed Mt. Hiei.
This sounds way cooler than anything we've seen from Mamoru otherwise.

We don't have fancy equipment like before, so it's not as efficient... But I'm enjoying myself.

Most of the guys are just in it for fun, and we don't do much serious training, but...

I guess it's a good handicap for me.

How about you? You're still at it, right?

I'm sure you're just gonna keep getting better and better.

I'm almost as anxious for you to improve as I used to be about myself... It's a strange feeling.

So hey, Makoto.

One day... You and I are gonna go at it again.

It feels nice... having a goal...

I can't believe I had forgotten what that was like...

Oh yeah, and my mom's getting better. She's in a sanatorium, with fresh air and good doctors.

My relatives and friends come by the house, so my brothers are well taken care of, too.

Everything's going great these days.

I feel like I'm able to take care of the people who matter to me... It's really fulfilling.

And it's thanks to you that it's all come together.

So... thanks, man.

Can't wait to see you again, Makoto. You better be ready!
> The letter ends there...
Mamoru: still incredibly boring, apparently.
Want To Be Close
Speaking of which, Chihiro's nearby and I would not blame you if you forgot she existed until now. She's sorta just been there floating around in the background for months and months.

A-Are you okay? You don't look so good...

You should get home and rest before it gets worse...

Right now, I, um...

...Oh, sorry! You're feeling sick, and here I am making you stand around...

What were you going to say?


W-Well, it isn't much, but...

"The history of passionate love between teachers and students"...
...Why do I get the feeling this was left here by either Toriumi or Kenji?


...People are free to fall in love with each other... There's nothing bad about it!

I can see why it would be a problem if it was between a teacher and a student, but...

That doesn't give them the right to make fun of it like this.

...Oh, I'll be all right on my own.


I'll... go by myself.

Makoto-san... Thank you very much.

...I've made up my mind.

It's not much, but...

Next year, I want to join the Student council too...


The things that showed me the way to change myself...

So... I want to push myself harder.


I want to... like myself more.

And I want you to like me more, too...

I... want to be the first one in your thoughts...
Yeah, so, about that... who are you, again?

That's why...



...What am I saying!?

I-I can't believe I said something like that at school... I-I'm sorry!
We've heard worse today, honestly.

W-Well! Please excuse me!

But maybe next time... we could go home together.

Or, if not there... I have a lot of places I'd like to see.

I want to visit each of them... with you.
Want To Be Close
I suppose the biggest mercy is that we never left the 2nd floor corridor afterwards. Only person left upstairs now is Fuuka and she's hanging out in her usual spot.

Are you okay...? You look so pale...

Maybe you should see the nurse...

Oh, why don't I go with you? I'm going to the faculty office, and the nurse's office is next door.

I... want to be by your side as much as I can...


I'd be happy to go with you.

Let's go, then.


This is actually the first time we've walked side by side in school, huh? I'm a little nervous...
...Out of all the side teachers to bring back at the end, they picked Ekoda. Goddammit.

U-Umm... I-I want to start a tech club...!

Tech gloves?
I'm guessing here this is one of those homophone jokes that really does not translate.

Well, I think you'd have to go to a hardware store for those...

Um... not "tech gloves"... A tech club!

Like a club all about technology and electronics!

...You want to start a club?
Even at the end, Ekoda is a gigantic unmitigated dick.

Look... it's already March. Can't you at least wait until April?

Huh? B-But I really want to get started on it now!

I'll do my best to find members... Um, so, do I have your permission to start a club...?

What? You mean to say you don't have any members yet? Then it's not even worth discussing.

You can't start a club without at least five members.
I have no idea if being this specific is a real world rule, but I sorta have to presume so, since it comes up in basically every anime ever.

Now then...

Well... It looks like I need to find five people.

...Makoto-kun, would you like to join my tech club?

Of course.

Yesss! I'm so glad!

I was hoping you would say that...


I thought... liking electronics made me strange.

I always kept it to myself, because I thought it was strange for a girl to be interested in that.

But if you can accept me for being this way...

I've decided to be strong and let everyone know who I really am.

Even if people think I'm strange, that's okay...

...I'll have you with me, so there's nothing to be scared of...

I want to meet lots of people like me and hang out with them...

I kept my love of electronics hidden, so I never had any friends who shared my interests...

That's why I thought I'd start a club all about it.

Maybe other people like that sort of thing as well... If so, I want a way to talk to them...

But I admit, it makes me a little nervous...

Oh, but I'll still keep coming to the photography club.

I'll be busy... but it's important that I do this well.


...Hey, Makoto-kun.

You'll stay in the photography club next year too, right?

I want to stay in whatever clubs you're in...

I want to be in the same homeroom, too...

And I want to see more of you at the dorms...

I just want to be with you more in general...


I've been saying "more" a lot...

I hope you don't think I'm taking advantage of your kindness...

Hey, you can say whatever you want to me, okay?

I might not be reliable...

But I want to get to know you better...


Oh! I-I've got to hurry and find some club members!

I need to make some posters... And other things, too!

W-Well, see you later!

Next time... Maybe we can talk about it more in my room...


W-Well, I really have to go now! Bye!
Unfortunately, this dumps us out by the faculty office. There's no one left to talk to upstairs or over here, so that just leaves the other corridor...
Want To Be Close
And Mr. Ono's there, oddly enough. He's distinctive enough to warrant talking to.

Andre... Laurent... Jean... Geraux?


That's too long!

A samurai's name should be simple and short...

...Oh, Makoto.

I think this letter is for you. It's all in hiragana, but...

If it's not yours, could you give it to whoever it's for?

It's from Andre... whatever. I can't remember those long foreign names...

When he was in my class, we just called him Bebe...
"Andre" isn't that long and you clearly remembered that, so...
> You took the letter from Mr. Ono.
> The sender's name is listed as Andre Laurent Jean Geraux...
> It's from Bebe. You open the envelope.
Memories of the School
> Bebe's halting words line the pages...
It's always weird when people allegedly "write" in their spoken accent. It's super jarring and doesn't fit, like, anything ever.
At least here they sort of gave themselves an excuse by saying the whole thing was written in hiragana as an awful justification? Pretty sure that's not how that works though...

Ze kanji eez difficult for me, so I'm sorry zis eez all in ze 'iragana.

I learned a lot in Japan, but Bebe eez still not zat good.

I write zis with a dictionary.

Bebe showed Uncle ze kimono. 'e 'ad much praise for it.

'e say zat Japan eez a great country. Bebe eez so 'appy to 'ear zis.

So I tell Uncle zat I want to go back to ze Japan.

I tell 'im many times. He say, "Okay!"

I'm sorry. Makoto-sama. I said I'd come back, but zis is a lie.

Bebe didn't know.

My aunt wasn't ze only one who 'elped me study abroad.

Uncle, relatives, neighbors... many people 'elped.

Zey all wanted me to go back. Zey said, "we will 'elp pay for it."

But my Uncle is sad zat my aunt died.

Bebe cannot take everyone's money for 'is own fun.

Learning about Japan can be done in France too.

Zat's why Bebe will stay in France.

When Bebe is strong enough on 'is own, zen I will come to Japan again.
> Bebe's handwriting has left an impression in the paper. He seems very determined...

Bebe zought about 'ow fun it is to make clothes with Makoto-sama, and entered ze school of fashion.

I made a clothes for ze school contest. Bebe won first prize!

I named zese clothes that won first place.

It eez ze name Bebe likes.

Japan and France, Makoto-sama and Bebe. Zey are far apart.

But I will always be close. Even if you can't see me, zat will not change.

Every day was fun. A lot.

I wish I can see you again some day.
> The words near the end are blurred...
I know the implication here is that Bebe was crying writing it, but I prefer the idea that maybe, just maybe, Makoto was tearing up reading
...Yes, fine, I'll be sincere for a minute and admit Bebe was the real best link all along (outside of Portable).
Want To Be Close
Not much left to do in school. Keisuke's the only link left here to talk to, for starters. Not ending on a high note, really...

A-Are you feeling alright? You don't look so good.

If there are no symptoms, it could be anemia... Do you want me to take you to the nurse's office?

Well, first though...

I want to tell you something.

I... took the college entrance exam...

It's the first time I've ever failed this badly, haha.

I'm going to study harder starting this spring.

I thought I'd studied enough, but... I guess I started too late.

Before, I probably would have given up after hearing about it.

But... not anymore.

There are a lot of ways I can do that...

But my way is to heal them.

So I won't give up anymore...

I'm going to try the entrance exams again next year, and this time. I'll be shooting for the t0p score!

...Thanks, Makoto-kun.

I think it was because of your help this year that I've changed so much.

I'll be graduating a year earlier than you... but I won't forget about you.
No, uh, that's fine. We won't be mad if you do.

Since it's nearby, we can head out to the small courtyard and find... Akihiko? He's never been hanging out in school before now, huh.

What are you doing here?

...I'm just looking around the school. That's all.

This is the last day, so...


It seemed to pass by really quick, but at the same time, I feel like it took forever...

I've done nothing but box for all three years I've been here.



Is that right...?


Wait, no...

We went to the movies, we walked Koromaru... I never went far, but...

I had fun doing it.

Heh... If we hadn't lived in the same dorm, we might have never known each other.

It's pretty weird to think about...


I won't be in the dorm much longer.

But I'll always be your senpai...

If something's bothering you, tell me, okay? Whatever it is, I'll help you.
If it seems odd that the girls didn't have much of a "half-recollection but maybe not" moment, that's because they were busy being social link stuff instead.

The guys don't quite have that luxury. Also apparently Ken is here now.

Phew... I'm glad you're here. I feel awkward, coming to high school.

Oh, I almost forgot. I came here to drop off something Sanada-senpai forgot.

He's usually level-headed, but he can be forgetful sometimes.
So, yeah, even though the past has been sort of rewritten to negate things Persona related, Ken still permanently resides in the dorm. He was there for the summer because of Persona reasons and stuck around afterwards for Persona reasons. Without those, Ken shouldn't even know who we are and yet...


There's something else, too...


I never talked to him, but...

Whenever I think of him, I...

I feel sad, and I don't know why... Like there's some painful memories I'm missing...
Oh that's just Persona Q. Everyone's missing those, and that's overall for the best.

I can't remember...

But what... I don't know.

Why would I forget something like that...?


Um... sorry about that. I felt so comfortable talking to you that I just went on and on...

I like you, Makoto-senpai. You listen to what people say...

And you went to the movies with me, instead of treating me like a little kid...

So... Um... Thanks for being nice to me.
Before we leave school, though, we have just one last little thing to do...

Just like the links, the NPC plotlines that happen concurrently without our input all come to a close now too.

And then, all I'll be doing is studying for my entrance exams.

That's gonna suck...

I mean, how am I going to be able to study if she's following me around all the time?
...I didn't say it was a good conclusion, necessarily.

Time flies, huh?

I spent the whole year talking and being stalked.

*sigh* I have to spend my time more wisely next year.
Yeah, so our next stop is the mall. Which is where the police station is. Just sayin'...
Anyway, yeah, uh, I don't remember if I mentioned why I picked this weird bad one to be the one to highlight. Well, almost every unnamed NPC has a mini-plot thread of their own but this one's the worst so it's most keeping in line with the tone of the game. Also, uh, it's clearly the favorite of someone at Atlus, because the same general stalker plot is in 4 and 5 too.
It never gets any better, no.
When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars
There's only one person we have to talk to in the mall, though. It's this innocuous bartender.
...The antiques store IS open, but we can't go in because it does Persona things and guess what we don't have!
Bartender: He actually called here trying to reach you. I think he had a message for you... But I can't quite remember it. ...Hey, hey, don't freak out. Just hang on a sec.
> The bartender walked into the club.
Bartender: Here you go. I wrote it down. Good thinking. huh? But my handwriting isn't so good... I hope you can read it.
He says that, but we don't read it. He does. Also, when he says he wrote it down...

My son's a good-for-nothing punk, and my wife is frigid as usual...

That witch... What? Hey, shut up! I'm on the phone!

A lot's happened, but I apologized a thousand times, and everything's back to normal now.

I guess you could say we're back in love with each other.

I realized...

Rather than holding onto my pride... I needed to suck it up and apologize.

Thanks to you, Makoto...

...Take care, kid. 'Til we meet again.
He wrote it down. Verbatim. As it was happening. That's absurdly impressive.
Bartender: He didn't leave any contact info or anything. But I'm sure you'll meet him again somewhere. Hey, maybe you should become a monk! Those guys all know each other, right? Hahaha. Anyway, stop by this place anytime if you want a drink. As soon as you're over 21, of course. Seeya.
Nothing else for us at the mall, though, and nothing at the Port Island Station either. That brings us around to the strip mall for the next few.

And it's not really obvious this random dude in a suit is someone important enough to talk to...
Familiar: Makoto-kun, right? I'm... Maiko's dad.

If you have a minute, could we sit and talk for a while?


Good, I was hoping you'd say that. Here, have a seat.

Want some takoyaki? The stand here is really good.

...Oh, I guess you know already, huh?
Well, we already knew it was Weird at least.

She came here when she ran away from home, too.

She really loved the takoyaki...

...She was a good kid, huh?

You're right.

She's so good that I wonder if she's really my kid sometimes.

I got a letter from Maiko.

It's long, and full of details about her new life over there.

She says she's made a lot of friends.

They yelled at her for forgetting her P.E. uniform... she forgot her homework and had to copy a friend's...

...I never knew she was that forgetful.

Oh, and she did so well at her recorder test, that she was asked to perform in front of everyone.

Then she goes on to talk about how she plays at the park right by the school with her friends every day...

Her mother's doing well, too... They're having a lot of fun together.


Having fun... Sounds nice.

Nowadays, I come home to an empty house... The rooms seem so big without them.

...I wonder if she feels the same way about her house, now that there's no dad in it.

We put that kid through so much on account of our own problems...

I feel terrible about it all...

Seems Maiko really took a shine to you. She wrote allll about you.

That's why I'm drinking lots of milk.


I'm going to marry him someday!


What's up with that. you punk!?

Y-You were taking advantage of my little Maiko, weren't you!?

Maybe I haven't been the best dad, but I'm still her father, dammit!

And I'm not letting a guy like you touch Maiko with a ten-foot pole!

I-I'll never let you marry her! D-Don't forget it!
> Maiko's dad ran off...
As weird as his reactions is here, considering the loops he needs to jump through to reach that conclusion, it's still better than the Portable version. Somehow.
When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars
These three here at least stand out a bit, so that's a clue there's something going on here.
Hagakure cook: It's a little embarassing, but... One day this student saw what I was preparing and said he wanted to try some. I didn't want to give it to him, but he insisted... So I made him a bowl.
Hagakure cook: So I did, and you know what? It was so good I decided to put it on the menu. ...Though it wasn't my idea, so I kept it as a secret menu item only. I didn't really appreciate his attitude, but I learned a lot from that kid... He's getting more and more popular in this strip mall. He's pretty much an idol here.
Interviewer: An idol...? Him?
Barista: His appearance and mannerisms may be... eccentric... But he has an encyclopedic knowledge of food, and a discerning palate. No one else comes close. All our patrons know him.
Interviewer: All of them, eh...?
Barista: I was devastated, of course. But I wish him well in whatever he wants to do. I heard he's working on a book... I can't wait to read it! Even though he's far away by now, I feel like he's right next to me. I hope his journey goes well for him.
> The interview continues...
So, yeah, the denouement for the Moon link is just a random interview we can overhear. On the one hand, that's kinda disappointing but on the other hand, it's perfectly fine all things considered.

You almost certainly noticed Bunkichi and Mitsuko just outside their store, so we'll talk to them next.

You've grown so much since the last time I saw you!

Come on, dear, there's no way he could have grown that much in so short a time...

What must have happened is that we shrank! Right, Makoto-chan?

Ah! Good point, good point! You've got me there.

...By the way, Makoto-chan.

I'm thinking of giving this old place a remodeling.

I'll make it even showier than the Wing they're adding to Gekkoukan!

Speaking of which... the school's decided to move the persimmon tree to another field.

So our son can still watch over the school and its students...

I know that tree isn't really our son. But it still makes me happy...

Once my dear wife heard, she couldn't stop crying.

C'mon, smile! Bahhh!

Don't yell, dear... your dentures will fall out.

Anyhow, we'll support the Gekkoukan High students as best we can.

You look very mature now, Makoto-chan.

You must have been working so hard...

Come visit us anytime!
Only 2 small link scenes left, and the penultimate one brings us over to the shrine...

Also Koromaru is here. Seeing him as a normal dog again looks weird to me. I dunno.
> Koromaru seems to be staring into the shrine...

> Koromaru seems sad...

> Koromaru doesn't seem to want to move from where he's sitting...
Sadly, Koromaru isn't who we came here to see. He's a nice bonus, I'll grant you that!

No, who we want to talk to is this woman.

Oh... You must be... Um, by any chance is your name Makoto-kun?


I see. So... You're Makoto-kun...

Akinari's mother. My son talked about you a lot... I was just thinking about him. If you have time, could you sit here and talk about him with me?


That's wonderful. Please, sit down. Today is... a special day.
Living With Determination

It must be another of God's tricks...

He'd be 20 if he was still alive.

Only 19 years... It wasn't long enough.

He was almost an adult, but he never made it...

He had a genetic disease. Me, I'm healthy as a horse, but him...

Every day. I wondered if he'd wake up the next morning...

I blamed myself for what he inherited...

But... He said something to me near the end.

I'm glad to have been given life.

I'm glad to have been your son.

Thank you so much for the life you have given me...

That's what he said... He was the one who suffered so much, and yet he said that to me...

But... my son brought me a lot of joy, too.

Holding his warm body in my arms just after he was born... Those tiny hands...

That first smile... Hearing him breathe easily at night...

Every day, I gave thanks for him being alive... Every day, I found new joy in him.

But my boy gave me so much... That I have to keep on going, looking straight ahead... That's how I feel.

I'll eat the finest foods, visit the most exotic places... Everything my boy could never do...

I'll have so many stories to tell him about the things I've done.

On that day... when we meet again, on the other side.
I'm not really sure how "I'll be a gluttonous hedonist so I can brag to my dead son" is meant to be an uplifting thought, but you do you I guess.

That reminds me... when my son's condition worsened, he started writing a fable.

But when I was cleaning out his room, I never found the notebook...

He said he was going to show it to you first, when he was done.

I asked why not me, and he laughed and said, "You'll be the second one to see it, Mom."

I suppose... he wasn't able to finish the story...

He did finish it.

What...? So, was he able to give you the notebook?
> You explained how you received the notebook from Akinari, and that you heard the entire story from him...

I... I see...

It was awful to think that he wasn't able to finish his project... I see...

...You should hold onto the notebook. I'm sure that's what my boy would've wanted.

I'll wait for him to tell it to me himself, when I see him again...

Heh... Now I have something else to look forward to...

...There is one piece of advice I'd like to give you, as an old lady to a young man.

Take good care of the ones dearest to you.

If you wait until their time has come, and you're clinging to their cold bodies... then it's too late.

Everyone who's born will die someday. Not just Akinari, or me, or you.

It happens to everyone... So before that happens...

It doesn't take a grand gesture. You don't have to make a big production of it, but...

We all go through life with the same struggles, the same heartbreak...

We should be able to prop each other up with the same love and kindness as well.

I'm sure you have something precious you can share with people... Always remember that...
And on that happy note, we've seen 17 of the 18 scenes and we're done for the day. Kind of.

There's nothing else we can do outside now. For the first time ever, we need to manually return to the dorm. This is something you can do any day, of course, but it's kind of a bad idea most of the time. Today, it's mandatory.
This Mysterious Feeling
So, our 18th scene here is the only one that we have to sit through. It autoplays when we return to the dorm.
> The TV is left on.
> The news is on...
Newscaster: A special report on the Amazing Commodities Corp., of the "Tanaka's Amazing Commodities" program. President Tanaka's failure to account for certain expenditures has caused a media stir lately... We now join our field reporter, live from the scene.
Field Reporter: Word has it that President Tanaka will be coming out shortly to make a statement. The tension in the air here can't be denied.
Newscaster: Thank you, and we'll be looking forward to updates as soon as anything happens. Back to the studio. The unaccounted expenditure has sparked a massive investigation. Some theorize that tax evasion is the cause--
Commentator: He tricks his own viewers for a few extra bucks! I bet he'd slit his mama's throat for a five-yen piece! No matter how high his net worth rises. he'll never be satisfied! He's lower than the scum on an earthworm's belly! All that money, and no charity's ever seen a dime!
Newscaster: W-Well, I'm sure he's not as bad as all that... Oh, this just in--something has happened at the scene.
Field Reporter: President Tanaka has emerged! He's carrying a microphone! It looks like he's going to... sing!?
Current Net Price Tanaka
Singer: Granter of your desires!

We have a monopoly on the cheapest, highest-quality goods! Our customers' ecstatic screams cause noise pollution!

Our stocks rise so high they're a hazard to birds, and we make losers every day out of people who don't buy!

We're the only miracle left in this sad, desolate world! That's the Amazing Commodities guarantee!

We look forward to your business!
> President Tanaka's car drove off...
This Mysterious Feeling
Commentator: What the hell are you doing!? You call yourself a journalist!? If you can't get one lousy comment out of him. it's as good as free advertising!
Newscaster: We'll have to interrupt you there. as we've just received a fax. I-It's from President Tanaka! The message reads...

And what's in my pocketbook is my own business.

It's not my company's money--so what's it to them how I use it?

But let me make one thing clear: I'm not ashamed of a single thing!

My conscience is clear, dear viewers--so buy my products, guilt-free!

Amazing Commodities, here for you year-round, rain or shine! Buy now or drown in bitter tears!

Newscaster: ...Apparently, he had no intention of revealing his use for the funds.
You might not remember, but we DO know what this whole thing is referring to.
Commentator: Has this Tanaka no shame!?
Commentator: As self-appointed representative of Joe Q. Public, I have something to say and I'm not afraid to say it!
Newscaster: Thanks very much, as we wrap up our special report. With no new clues as to how the funds have been used, we can only hope that they went to humanitarian purposes. Next up, your daily glimpse into the stock market...
> The report continues...
> It doesn't seem like the others have returned yet.
> They all must be enjoying the peaceful evening...
> ...Even though you've just returned from school...
> are feeling very tired.
> You should to go to sleep early tonight.
So, we're all alone in the dorm right now. There's no one here and we COULD leave... but since it's Evening, we can only go to the Mall. There's nothing to do there and no one to talk to that we couldn't before.

So, all we'll do tonight is do something sensible for once and go to sleep early.