Part 119: 03/04/10 - 03/05/10: Memento Mori

So, today's a very short and brief day all things considered. I'd skip it wholesale but we do have one tiny thing to do.

The only thing we can do today is talk to Junpei. I checked, just to be safe. Junpei's the only one around to talk to. Others would be out and about if we didn't talk to them yesterday though.

So, we'll just go back to the dorm pretty much instantly then.

At least we do get to learn that tomorrow we see who remembers what. Which I guess is something...

Even though it's moments before we come to Graduation Day anyway. Ah well.

covers what is effectively the rest of the update just watch this instead if you can

Oddly enough, this random unnamed student is also voiced by Karen Strassman. I get that it's convenient and all, but it's also somewhat jarring hearing her go from still fairly robot-y Aigis to her normal voice back to back like that.

She pauses for a moment here. One of the rare times an elipsis ends up being used correctly in a JRPG.

Graduating Senior: Wow, that's rare. I've never heard her stumble in a speech before.
Graduating Senior's Friend: It's a big day... It must be tough thinking about her father.

And with that, we're suddenly back to the animezone for this.

It's so weird seeing Junpei without his hat here. I dunno, it just doesn't look right to me.

I sure haven't mentioned it much but boy do we get some real jank animation in these scenes sometimes. Like, this might not seem fair because it's a still and all and it wasn't meant to be seen as one but it doesn't look any better in motion.

Honestly the best part about is that during almost the entire scene there's random NPCs complaining and murmuring about what's going on in the background. It's just a constant thing that's there.

> You hear voices calling out to you...

> The gentle spring sunlight warms your body.
> You feel a little sleepy...

> The sounds of footsteps and familiar voices are getting closer...

> You're getting sleepier...

Stop ye travellers as you pass by
As you are now, so once was I
As I am now, soon you shall be
Prepare yourself to follow me

As Makoto closes his eyes one last time, we catch a glimpse of Philemon's blue butterfly bookending our journey.

Though, the Fool's Journey is not over. Not really.

Death, the thirteenth arcana, is not an ending but the midpoint of the journey. It represents a great change. Death itself is a very powerful change of course.

So as one journey comes to a close, that this is not truly the end brings with it a question. We need to find The Answer...

For the second time now, we've come to the end of the Journey proper.

The voice of the wind and droplets of light flow over you as you doze
I will never forget the gentle smile and the eyes you hid in sorrow
You gave me the courage to wish (even when it hurts) and to fight, so I can go on
In my dreams (even when I wake up) I will see you again
I sing, with a distant memory in my heart
You defended this fragile and fleeting world with your hands
So please, fold your wings and rest
Sheltered by an eternal peace, love through all eternity

There's not much to say about the credits. They're credits. It shows silhouettes of the main cast and their ultimate persona. Most notable here is that it shows Messiah for Makoto's which pretty much sums up his intended character arc in one single image.

Rest now in my arms, as I watch over you
As I recall your joy, your sorrow, and your rage
I will remember you always, until my life is exhausted
At an intersection, I heard a voice similar to yours
I turned to look up at the sky, to force back my sudden tears
I continue to walk alone, aimlessly, believing that I will see you again tomorrow (someday)
Through rainy nights (and sunny days) I wait for you

I'll just use Yukari and Io to demonstrate that's the intent here. You can see the lot in the video if you watch the credits, ever.

I'll never forget that dark night, we made it through
That blindingly brilliant moment when we were all together
Those precious times I didn't realize I should cherish
Now all I can do is remember, I will embrace the feeling

I know for a fact, you were there by my side
You were always always always there, smiling
If ever I lose you, I will find you, I will never leave you

You defended this fragile and fleeting world with your hands
So please, fold your wings and rest
Sheltered by an eternal peace, love through all eternity

Rest now in my arms, as I watch over you
As I recall your joy, your sorrow, and your rage
I will remember you always, until my life is exhausted

That blindingly brilliant moment when we were all together
Those precious times I didn't realize I should cherish
Now all I can do is remember, I will embrace the feeling

I know for a fact, you were there by my side
You were always always always there, smiling

If ever I lose you, I will find you, I will never leave you

Like before, we get a final after credits scene albeit one with technically more substance.

As in we get to see an actual result of what happened, rather than "karaoke and then it ends".

Though it's still a very abrupt stop all things considered. It's appropriate really, because Makoto's journey is over.

But we do have the ability to save NG+ data which we'll need to use. There's one thing that's gated behind it and one thing I want to try and do in it. Just in case, you know.

Nice of it to tell you that if you save over the clear data you lose it.
...Now I'm curious, how long did this take?

Y'know what, forget I asked.
So, how about that New Game+ and the hardest fight in FES? Also maybe a glitch or two, why not?