Part 16: 05/24/09 - 05/26/09

Well, let's see. Yukari is Tired right now, but no one else is. We can push this a little further, I'm sure.

Mitsuru's thoroughly useless right now, so we'll just see what's up from hereon in.

Red Shadows are still around, and are just Steel Gigas x2 fights still. That's not gonna change for a while. They're still the best thing to fight for EXP though.

A bunch of the Shadows have been replaced wholesale now. There's some carry-over, but like half from before the fight against those 3 Tables are gone.
Anyway! Spurious Books were on the train before, but they're slightly different to before. For starters, they are weak to Elec now and not Fire!

Dancing Hands are ALSO around now, as regular Shadows. Sometimes Tartarus bosses are going to become random fights, sometimes they aren't. As a general rule, if it appears in a group of 3 it will reoccur; if it's solo, it won't. This isn't perfect but it's a good rule of thumb.

They're much closer to their incarnation on the train than the boss fight, though. Still not quite a 1-to-1 since they have higher Magic here and can use Bufula.

Venus Eagles are also just hanging around, but their resistances are very different to before. Not weak to Pierce, don't even Drain Fire!

A-Aki, are you... okay?

Right... uh, that's...

I guess since everyone's Tired at this point, and Akihiko's showing it more than anyone else, we should definitely just up and leave now.

Sunday's come again already? Exam week really messed with that perception.

Tanaka's selling a piece of armor this week, that presumably forms a weird set with that Katana from before. This one ALSO comes with 2 Diet Food. Definitely gonna buy it, of course.

Speaking of the Katana, it's by far the strongest weapon right now. It doesn't have Juzumaru's +20HP effect, but using it anyway.

I'm not even annoyed any more. This is just... natural, really.
There's no one else in the dorm, so we'll go out and about to see if we can find 'em.

...Nope, no one's around anywhere today. Weird. At least we can see that the Cloth sells for a decent chunk, relatively, AND we got it for free without having to track down Gold Shadows.

> Maya is not signed on.

> Maya entered the area.

> Maya seems happy.

> Maya used a Heal Potion on Tatsuya.
> But there was no effect...

> Maya feels like she can open up to you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> Maya's player signed off.

Well, that's going to be relevant later I guess...
> You decided to log off as well.

Well, now we get to see if we hit 1st place or not...

If she ends up being really bad, I guess she can just warm the bench or something.

Excellent, now we'll know how well we did on the exam.

Damn, that's the second best result. This still has a benefit at least...

Still not enough to get to rank 2 though? Really thought that's what would've pushed it over the edge...

> You stayed up and listened to the lecture...

Notably, I don't think we were even all that close to rank 3 to begin with for Academics. It's easy to blame failing to get there on me playing fast and loose with extending Tired/Sick status but that's only part of the issue.

Well, I'm sure we'll be able to get it high enough for things in the future so we'll worry about that later.

For now, we'll just find someone who we CAN hang out with and I think Kaz is just the guy.

Unsurprisingly, Kaz didn't turn up to practice this time either...

> You see Kazushi...

Nothing here that counts as dialogue, which is fairly annoying. We're picking the first option, of course.

> Kazushi seems appreciative.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

I like how Akihiko says this like there was something better he could've been doing with his time when he was spending it just recuperating anyway.

Well, that's fine. I wasn't really planning on it anyway.

When we spoke to her, she said her favorite thing about the game was being able to talk to the kids.
Yeah, I can believe it. Both parts of it, even.

And now we've finally hit Charm rank 2. I swear we'll be using these for stuff other than exams sometime in the future!

...Yeah, I'm really not sure where anyone would get the impression that Junpei has a one-track mind. I don't see it.
Nothing else going on today, so we'll skip right to the important stuff.

I'm beginning to think that we can't actually hang out with Chihiro at this point. It's been 3 attempts that have all been systematically shot down.

Perhaps somewhat expectedly, Hidetoshi's hanging out over by the Faculty Office when there's no student council I see.

S-Sure...? Anyway, we need to hang out with someone. I guess seeing Kenji's plan go up in flames is a good option.

Y'know what, I changed my mind. Kenji doesn't deserve attention right now.

We'll hang out with our other injured sports buddy instead.

> After practice, you go to Iwatodai Station.

In a rare moment for him, Makoto actually genuinely runs here. Odd, that.

> Kazushi has opened up to you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> You decided to go back to the dorm.
Okay, bye!

Eh, we've already been to Tartarus this week. Maybe later?

Hey wait, where's Junpei? Don't tell me... He isn't, is he?

> You hear Junpei yelling and shouting.
Oh wow, he really is. He's actually hiding in his room! He's too scared/ashamed to face Mitsuru after bombing the test. I wonder if he'll also learn from this...

The economy seems to be on the rise again... Though a touch of inflation has led some consumers to complain.
Oh right and it's the 26th of May, so that means we can do something for Liz today.

One swift fade to blue later...

Can't use this as a regular ol' weapon in Tartarus before/after taking it to show Elizabeth, sadly. Even though it's a sword. Don't question it, okay?

Now then, since we're going to be at Paulownia Mall when we leave anyway...

This guy wasn't around before. I wonder if he's who Maya told us about. I also swear I've seen him somewhere before. Hmm.... nah, I'm overthinking this.

> But, he does not seem to be interested in you.

Well, this is what it looks like when we run face first into a stat lock I see! Gonna need to keep an eye open for a Charm level of Smooth. Which I will definitely remember, and not promptly forget.

Before we worry about that, though, we might as well finish working on Courage since it's already so close to being done.

I gotta admit, I feel kind of relieved that I haven't hit Academics 3 yet anyway. It'd suck if we were very close to it when the exams dropped, but it's seeming pretty likely that we were still quite a ways off. Oddly relieved by that one.
Anyway, uh, let's see. We should probably spend some time soon hanging out with someone new. We've got a few that we just kinda instantly backburnered after all...