Part 17: 05/27/09 - 05/29/09
Fairly close to the end of May already. We do need to finish Arqa in Tartarus soon though....
Want To Be Close (Reincarnation)
even if you dont like the regular version or are super sick of it by now, i still recommend at least checking this out
But we'll worry about that later, I'm sure. For now, we have a quick day. No pre-school chatter, no lessons, just a skip right to the end of the day. Not complaining at all.
Not very many obvious options to hang out with today, so I suppose Yuko sounds good to me.

Can you hang on a sec? I'll finish the story after I put my shoes on.

How childish...
> Yuko is standing by the shoe rack with a strange look on her face.

What's wrong?

Oh, it's nothing, really...
> It seems like something is bothering Yuko.

It's the same stupid prank again...

...Phew, they're safe.

It wouldn't be funny if I had gum all over my shoes.

Do you know who did it?

I have my suspicions, but I don't plan to confront her.
> Yuko seems disgusted.

I was pissed off at first, but then I just got used to it...

...But if I catch her in the act, I'll grab her and slap her.

...Hey! That was a joke, okay? Don't take it so seriously.

I'm not like that at all! Alright?
> You left school with Yuko.

Like I thought, brains are just as important as brawn...

No, we're not dating. He's just a friend from the team.
Black Socks: ...You don't have to hide it. I'm surprised you can get such a handsome guy. Maybe I should become a team manager too.

You've got the story all wrong, like usual.
White Socks: Maybe you should quit. You have to do so much running, after all...
So these two folks don't even have names but are meant to be generic High School Antagonists as far as Yuko cares. Stellar.
Black Socks: Oh, stop. Her boyfriend might hear you.

...If you wanna give it a try, I won't stop you, but I wouldn't bother if you're just looking for a boyfriend...

Because being a team manager isn't easy. You won't have time to be sticking gum on the shoe rack.

Of course not. It was just an example.

...What's wrong? Did I say something to offend you?
Black Socks: ...N-No.
White Socks: H-Hey... We should get going now...
> The two girls disappeared...

...Let's go sit down.

No worries.


...Maybe I should tell you the whole story...

That girl with the black socks... She went to the same middle school as me.

Back then, there was this boy on the basketball team who asked me out, and we started dating.

But, he was seeing her at the same time!

She blamed me because I was the manager of the basketball team. Does that make any sense at all?

That gum on my shelf... It was probably her. She still holds a grudge.

Girls can be so unforgiving sometimes...

Are you mad?

I'm honored.

Um... How can you say that with a straight face? And how many other girls have you used that line on?

When it comes to relationships, you should never play with a woman's emotions.

Trust me, I've been there before.

...You know, if people see us sitting together like this, they may think we really ARE dating...
> Yuko seems embarrassed.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

By the way... That guy I was going out with... I broke up with him a long time ago!

...You probably figured that out already, huh?
Well, obviously. Not sure I necessarily care though; it's not like it's my business.

S-See ya later.
> Yuko ran away.
> ...You decided to go back to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm
Not everyday that Ikutsuki's here, so we'll definitely remember to talk to him at least!

It is quite difficult to find someone who has the potential.

Would you feel more assured if you had more team members?

I'm okay with who we have.

But, if any of you become ill, the strength of the team will drastically decrease.

Depending on so few members puts us in a very precarious position.

But, its skills don't really change that much...

Is that why my grades are so low...?

Haha... I was just joking...

*sigh* Now I'm depressed...

Status lowering skills are very useful.

Power isn't the only thing that wins battles...

Heh... I can't believe my Persona is actually teaching me something.
Though the weather is colder this year, many tourists are still enjoying the early island summer.
Yukari and Mitsuru just repeat stuff from before, so there's no point in worrying about that. Disappointing, really.
We should be getting fairly close to maxing Courage now. Should.
Academics keeps proving itself to be a lot further off Rank 3 than I expected. It's... not really a bad thing, honestly.
Want To Be Close (Reincarnation) /

About what?

About Fuuka Yamagishi, of course. I haven't given up hope that she'll join our team.

Dude, her face looks so familiar.

She does look kinda weak, but it only makes me wanna protect her, ya know?
N-No... I can't say that I do.
Oh dear... after spending all that time in the Nurse's Office already I am worried about where this is going.

In this class, I'll ease all your worries. It's psychotherapy through magic!

All right, everyone, be very, very quiet. No talking... Silence!

Were you surprised to hear me bring up magic?
Not as much as you would think.

It's a recent proposal, so it's not well known yet...

Study hard, and I can beat your weak minds into shape! Eeeheehee...

Now then! Let's get on with our first lecture, on the basics of magic.

Who can use magic, and who cannot? That'll be our starting point.
Well, even Junpei can but he's not very good at it...

Some of you might think that magic lets you do absolutely anything...

Pulling pranks on people, hurting your enemies...

It's true of both eastern and western sorcery...

Those with wicked hearts will either be powerless, or be driven to ruin.

There's one more thing that can't be forgotten When learning magic.

That is... a "master."

You should aspire to become as good as your predecessors, especially if you're studying difficult magic.

When you begin your training, you'll have to live in two worlds at once: the real world, and the dark realm.

If you can't distinguish between the two. you're headed for certain disaster.

That's why the presence of a master is of the utmost importance!

With that in mind, I'll move on to meditation, a standard practice in magical training.

I've got some handouts for you...

If you're interested in the subject, try meditating before going to bed.

Slowly recall the events of the day... It's like traveling back through time.

If you can do that flawlessly, you may just make a good magician. Eeeheehee...

That's all for today!
This feels like it was earned for the exact opposite reason to usual. Goddamn it, Edogawa.
Oh well, let's see what we can accomplish today shall we?

Um, the other day, when you, um, asked me out...

I-I've been thinking...

Um, if it's okay with you, would you, um, like to...

Let's walk home together.


Um, then, I'll go get ready...

I mean, um, I'm glad you're willing to... b-but...

Just relax...

*sigh* Y-Yeah... I-I'm not very good at talking t-to boys...

There are a lot of guys in Student Council, so I-I should work on that...

...Oh! School is almost out. Let's go.

...Oh! I-I'm sorry! I was just thinking about... what to say...

I was trying to come up with a topic you might be interested in, Makoto-san...

...but I couldn't think of anything...

This is... Iwatodai Dorm. right? You live here, Makoto-san?

You should have told me!


I knew we were going the wrong direction. but... I-I couldn't bring myself to say anything...

Th-Thank you very very much for... um, making time for me, Makoto-san.
> Chihiro seems to appreciate your company.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
The Power of the Heart
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...
And with that, she immediately runs away. Must not be many trains left at this point... even though we were able to get one at midnight...
Iwatodai Dorm

The number of victims seems to be on the rise again... Apparently, the decline was only temporary.

Huh? Does that mean that no matter how many Shadows we defeat, more will just keep coming?

If that's the case, then what's the point of fighting...?

Our efforts have prevented the crisis from escalating.

I guess you're right. ...Ya know, it's kinda creepy when you think about it...

If we couldn't use our Personas, then the whole city would be crawling with zombies...

I don't know the details, but it's causing some sort of unforeseen error.

If you have time to examine it, I'd appreciate it.
This is effectively just a(n optional) reminder that there's a thing to check out there. There's nothing new added at the moment, don't worry.
Junpei and Akihiko are hanging out on the second floor for a bit of a change.

Of course. Why would you ask such an obvious question?

Well, y'know... I was just thinking it might be nice to get some kind of thank you...

From the ladies, at least...
Junpei... Junpei, please. Focus man. This is a bit more important.

I know that makes things harder.

But, if we don't fight, then more people will become victims of the Shadows, like The Lost.

We ARE making a difference, though. We're making the city more peaceful.
According to his doctors, he was a victim of Apathy Syndrome.
Well, at least it was nice while it lasted...
With how quick Courage ranks up anyway, it should hit max before the next full moon. Should. I'd be more surprised if it doesn't.
Academics is just gonna keep on being a bit of a slog to get anywhere, I see.
...Especially with stuff like this sabotaging tomorrow's gain. At least we get an extra Courage point now.
Studying having a chance to self-sabotage like this is really weird but until we max Courage I am going to remain okay with it.
Want To Be Close (Reincarnation) /
Gossiping: What, like bullying him? Poor kid... What's his name?
Listening: I don't know... All I heard is that it's really a problem. I thought our school was peaceful, too, but I guess it's not so much.
> The first bell has rung.
oh god why are you back

Mr. Ekoda left work early today, so today's lecture will be a little different. He looked fine, but he claimed he didn't feel well...

Make sure you know what you're eating, everyone, before you take a bite.

Last time, I related some basic magical knowledge...

Today, I'll add to that with a discussion of meditation. But first, let's review the ways that magicians meditate.

To heighten your creative impulse, the source of all magical power...

Carefully observe a real-world object and recreate it in your head to the last detail.

That's the Western style, but I'd also like to talk about the Eastern style of meditation.

Modern magicians adapted Eastern meditation for their own original style.

Those are the basics of Eastern meditation.

You don't need much to meditate. All that's required is a quiet environment and some time.

It doesn't take long, but you should allot at least 15 minutes for it.

Now for the practicalities... First, your posture. Choose a position you're comfortable in.

You can also meditate while sitting on a chair. Any position will work, as long as you're relaxed.

Once you can breathe comfortably, cover or close your eyes and relax.

Now that you've prepared yourself physically, let's focus on your mind and soul. Imagine a symbol... Perhaps a large tree, or the moon.

If you wish, it could even be the god of your own faith.

However, do not empty your mind.

...So what have owe learned? To practice meditation is to imagine some sort of symbol.

The imagined symbol is there for other reasons besides helping the meditation go smoothly, however.

It can be very dangerous to plumb the depths of your consciousness...

By keeping a clear symbol in mind, you can avoid plunging over the edge.

Go ahead and try meditating if you'd like. That's all for today.
This really feels dirty and wrong. This so shouldn't give Academics but it does.
...And now for something different.


She freaked out and started crying.

...Like it was the end of the world. You should've seen the look on her face... It was priceless.

Oh my gawd!

I've never laughed so hard in all my life!
Gossiping Girls: Hahahahaha!

Don't they have anything better to do?


What voice? I don't hear anything.


What's wrong, Maki? Maki!


Are you okay!?

Sorry... What were we talking about?

I can't stand girls like that...
Well, that sure was... something I guess.
Now, what are we gonna do today? We have a lot of options...

She must have some kind of iron will to follow me around this much.

She'll probably be a detective or something when she grows up.

He just threw a rock at a bird resting on that branch!

That's so cruel...
Anyway, uh, we're close to the gym but we're also close-by to something else...
We haven't been in here yet. There's other rooms along this corridor too but we can't get into any of them...
> There's a note on the door.
We need Academics rank 2 or higher to read this note. If we can't do that, then we can't enter the room. Yeaaaaah this one's pretty arbitrary. Oh and we also need our Hierophant S.Link to be at rank 3 or higher just for good measure.
> The foreign exchange student you met at the bookstore is busy sewing.
It's been a while, I forget; did we give him our name? I don't think we did...

I 'aven't seen you since ze bookstore!

I am very 'appy!

You know my name?

Yes, I asked ze teacher, my sensei. We are in ze same grade!
Sure, okay. Whatever you say, Andre.

Zis eez tanoshii, very fun! Would you like to try?
> It seems Bebe wants you to join.


Honto!? Really!? Arigatou, thank you!

But, now I am 'appy!
> You have joined Fashion Club.
> You now understand Bebe a little better.
The Power of the Heart
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Well zen, Makoto-sama, goodbye! ...Oh, by ze way...

I was wondering 'ow you bid farewell in Nihongo--Japanese...
...Let's be honest, they pretend like there's four options but there isn't. There's only one.

Hasta la vista.
> You decide to go back to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm
...Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD, Akihiko!

I don't suffer much damage from electricity. But, ice is a different story...

If my Persona is another side of me... and ice is my weakness...

Is it just me or does there seem to be a connection there?

I don't really care.

Be careful...

Not caring is a form of bullying.
Not really sure I agree but sure, okay, whatever.
The water was tested and found to be radioactive, but fortunately, it did not leave the plant.
This sure seems important but, uh, since it's an aside on the telly it's not really that big a deal. Weird.
...Bah, I guess my math was a little bit off. Alright, fine. Guess we're not gonna get max Courage before June but that's not really a big deal.
Speaking of June, we're really unnervingly close now to that 6/6 deadline for Liz's one request that still has it. And it is the one for getting to document at the top of Arqa... guess I know what we're doing next.