Part 29: 06/01/09 - 06/18/09: The Butterfly Effect
So, another month done and it's time to see what happens when a butterfly flaps its wings...
Well, first we can hang out with Akihiko now! That's a pretty big deal, I would think.
After School

Two extra-large specials, please.

Can I order some appetizers, too?

Haha, yeah. Eat as much as you'd like.
> Akihiko seems happy, for some reason...

Physical strength is everything.

Your skills are truly remarkable...

But they won't be of any use if you get exhausted easily.
> Akihiko seems to be worried about you, in his own way.
> ...In any case, you decide to eat the extra-large ramen brought to your table.
> You somehow managed to eat it all, but your stomach is groaning...

Hey, are you up for going to another restaurant?

Another meal? Let's go!

...Are you sure? You don't look so well.

Don't let yourself suffer just to be friendly. Seriously...
> Akihiko seems to sigh inwardly...

You must have a really small stomach.

If you don't eat right, you'll never grow stronger.
> ...You feel that Akihiko is treating you like a child.

Why are you glaring at me like that?

I'm not Junpei. I won't go easy on you just because you're a girl.

...So do your best and do a good job, okay?

Our lives are on the line too, after all.

And, of course, we'll do our best to back you up, as well.

You're not the only one who's going to be trying hard out there.
> You can sense Akihiko's care for you...
> You feel like you understand Akihiko a little now...
Power of the Heart
We won't be seeing Makoto's Star S.Link for a while, yet. Not because of schedule issues or anything (one day, Gourmet King), but because it's flatout not available for ages.
After School

Let's get a quick jog in to help settle out stomachs.
> You and Akihiko jogged back to the dorm while he cheered you on...
Akihiko is all of note today, so we'll skip ahead to, uh...
...the very next day. To the library we go!

Oh, that's right. Ms. Ounishi said that some new books have come in.

Can you help me put barcodes on them and enter them in the system?

Of course!

I'll go get them. If anyone comes to the counter while I'm gone, help them.
> Saori seems to be enjoying herself...

Eek... Oh, I'm sorry.
> Saori bumps into a female student who just came through the door...
> The girl is obviously flustered, for some reason...

Me? What is it?
Buns: Well... um... C-Could I borrow your physics notes? The teacher erases the blackboard too fast for me to copy them down...

Oh, of course.

I've been taking a lot of notes for physics, too...

I'm not too good in that class myself, so I need to pay attention.
Buns: Oh, um... That's all right.

...I see. Give me one second.
> Saori pulls a notebook from her bag and hands it to the girl.
Buns: Oh, great. Thanks...
> The student leaves.
> Saori sees her off...

She was very polite to you...

Heh... You noticed?

We don't know each other all that well.

But, it feels good to have people rely on me.


> Saori smiles, slightly sadly...

I've never gotten used to this school.

...You're a transfer student, but you seem to have grown accustomed to this place really quickly.

I see you sometimes in the hall, and you always look like you're having fun.

You should've come talk to me.

Hm... I thought other people would think the wrong thing if we started getting along well...
> You feel like you understand a little bit about the situation Saori is in...

Oh, I was going to get the new books. Watch the counter while I'm out.
> You did your duties in the school library committee and left school with Saori...
I know it's not really fair to compare Saori to Maya since we haven't seem the same amount of each, but man. She is really just kinda boring in comparison...
Oh well, next up is Junpei again.
After School

Everyone seems to be having fun, but they don't know what's going on...

That doesn't make a difference or anything, but...

It's like... I feel this wall between us and them...

...That's okay, because I don't really talk about serious stuff with them.


Hey, wanna go eat something?
Male Student's Voice: Hey, it's Junpei. You going home?

Oh, sorry. I didn't notice you, Kotone-san.

Ohhhh! If that's how it is, you should've told me.

It's nothing like that.

We live in the same dorm, so we-- Hey, why are you getting your phone?

Kotone-san, mind if we take a picture together?


What'll she say if I don't show her at least one picture of me with a girl?

But still...

...A picture?

Wait... Could it be you? Is it YOU!?

Yup! Wait, what?

I-I'm gonna tell you this as a friend, got it?

Peeping on girls is a crime!

Who's peeping!? I just asked Kotone-san if it was okay!

Not just now! PE! Pictures! The ones going around!

Huh? What're you talking about? I don't know anything.

That's right! At least I'm proud of who I am!

So, what's this about? Are there pictures of her going around?


Wouldn't the photography club be your first bunch of suspects?

The photography club...! I totally forgot about them...

Alright, we'll go check it out. Thanks, Kenji.

Make sure you smack 'em for me, too.

> You decided to go to the photography club with Junpei to find the source.
A fun quirk of fate that both paths ended up at the Photography Club for one reason or another. Kotone isn't here as a member though.

Th-There's supposedly this photo going around. You know anything about it?

Going around...? What photo is it?

You're the culprit!

Huh? I don't know anything about that...

I know all the film used by the club members gets developed here.

...Ohhhh, so you mean someone was being a Peeping Tom?

That's why you're here... You sure you don't want to join the club...?

Oh, well, it's not me.

Also, none of our members would do such a thing.

Huh, but that's...

I know! People who love the art of photography would never stoop so low.

I can tell you none of my people would have done it.
Keisuke, let me tell you about this photography club member at a different school. His name is Rex...

...What do you think? Can you trust him?
> Junpei asks you quietly...

I can trust him.
> It seems that he heard you...

I'll ask all the club members, too. Just in case.

I'll get everyone with a digital camera to show me their data, too.

Sorry, but that's pretty much all I can do to help. I know it must be rough.
> The president seemed kind...
> It seems that there's nothing more that you can ask about here...
> In any case, you went back outside with Junpei...

I guess we'll just have to go about this in a more direct way...

I'll try asking my guy friends again, too. Wait right here.

It's all right, forget about it.

It's not all right! Don't be so modest.

All right. then I'll count on you.

No prob, leave it to me.

It'd suck if your social life got ruined by something like this.
> Junpei seems to be genuinely concerned about you.
> You feel like the bond between you and Junpei has grown stronger...

...Well, let's just go back for today.
> You went back to the dorm with Junpei.
I sure hope this is going somewhere, honestly.
But, we've got a good chance right now to hang out more with people we actually live with. I think we should SEES the opportunity. im not sorry
> You joined Akihiko on his training and ran here with him...

Let's take a short break...

That's actually a blessing, after working up a good sweat...

It feels nice.

I usually train in the club room or alone in my own room at the dorm...

I'll train with you, if you want.

It'd be nice to have a running partner.

...But if you join me, we're going to do more than just run every day, okay?

In any case, I should've changed into my workout gear.

I thought this would just be a light run for fun...

But, I'm drenched in sweat...

Don't catch a cold.

This is nothing. I'll be fine.




...I said I'll be fine.

Hey, want to try that before we head back?
> Akihiko points at the horizontal bar...

You can't do a back hip circle, can you?

I bet you can't either, sempai!

Oh, really? Haha... I'm actually quite good at it.

Want me to show you?
> Akihiko grabs the bar while he's still talking...

Everybody should be able to do this.
> Akihiko seems proud...

Can you at least sit up here?

> Akihiko helps pull you us to get a seat on the bar.
> It's a little scary, because you're finding it hard to balance on it.

...This takes me back.

...It reminds me of when I was a kid.
> Akihiko falls silent and looks off into the distance...

If I don't get stronger...

...I won't be able to save anything.
> Akihiko mutters, as if to himself...
> You feel like you understand Akihiko a little better now...

Were you sweating today, too? Make sure you take a bath today so you don't catch a cold.
> You and Akihiko returned to the dorm together.
Wait, dang, I just noticed we're super close to the full moon. Umm...
Real quick, then. We can choose to go look for the key to the Gym with Yukari like before, but it's identical and nothing changes so we won't. Instead, we'll opt to go look with Akihiko. Junpei's not an option, because obviously Mitsuru is keeping an eye on him.

Very well. Then Takeba will accompany us to the janitor's room. We'll meet back up in the main hallway.
Disappointingly, Akihiko doesn't have an interesting quip if you try and go to the bathroom right now. It's tragic, but it's true.


Hold up, someone's coming!
> The footsteps are getting closer...

Who's be here at this hour...?

We should hide.
> The two of you hid behind a pillar...
> The footsteps faded away...

Whew... Just a security guard.

Will we get arrested?

Haha... Well, considering that we're sneaking around the faculty offices after hours, we'd at least be expelled.

Let's just make sure we're not caught.

...Alright, he's gone.

Let's go.
Akihiko is also really kinda boring and has nothing interesting to say if we try and go somewhere other than the Faculty Office, so...
> The two of you searched for the key...

Wasn't it the gym key?


What, it was just the regular gym key?

...I-I see.

> Akihiko is rummaging through the keys...
> ...You spot a key right next to where he's looking.

No good... It's not here.

Must be in the janitor's room, where Mitsuru and the others went.

What're you waiting for? Let's go.

I found it. Let's go.

Oh, so you had it.

Well, why didn't you just say so?

...Well, at least we found it. C'mon, let's find the others!
> Obtained Gym Key.

They said to meet up in the main hallway, right? We should get going.

Yeah, piece of cake!
And after that, it just remerges with the normal dialogue. Split into teams, Yukari stays behind, etc. etc.
We'll skip ast the rest of the full moon since it's all the same as before but without an animated cutscene.
We haven't spent any time with Rio yet this month, and she's almost certainly going to be better than Kaz in every way. I mean, she doesn't seem to be purposefully injuring herself so that's already a good start.

Alright, I'll serve next, so...

Male Student's Voice: Heeey, Rio!
...Even in an alternative reality, there really isn't any avoiding this guy. He still just keeps appearing.

I've got some homework that I just don'e understand at all.

Could you do it for me instead? Or tell me how to do it?

Homework...? I bet you just slept through class again.


...What do I get in return?

Ooh, so you're up for it? Lucky me!

I'll give you my love in return. Love, baby!

Nobody needs that!

...How about you buy me a special at Hagakure?

Yeah, yeah...
> Kenji leaves...

Aren't you being too nice to him?

Oh, you mean the homework?

He's pretty stupid, so I doubt he'll be able to do it by himself...

It's been like this since preschool, so he's pretty reliant on me...

He's been coming here a lot lately, and he's starting to be a pest...


What's the matter?
> Rio mumbles...
I see someone really needs to watch Haikyuu!! You can get plenty done with just two people if you try!

Why don't you try apologizing?


> Rio seems vexed...

It's like... I don't want to pretend nothing happened, and I'm not going to say this is my fault.

...I know that I need to be more mature about this, but...


All that stuff about having never been in a relationship and stuff... That's none of their business.

Don't let it get to you!


Do you have... someone you like?


I-Is that so...

I don't get romance. It seems like so much trouble, and there's no big reward for doing it.
> Rio opened up to you a little...
> You feel like you understand Rio a little more now...

I'll serve, Kotone-san, so you...


...Is it okay if I just call you Kotone? I feel like it fits you better.
> You and Rio finished your practice, then you went back to the dorm.
And next up is, uh, the very next day. Again. Man, it really felt like April and May combined weren't this packed. Weird.
Well, if this is anything like it is for Makoto, this is around about the time we get railroaded into dating Junpei so let's just get this out of the way now.
After School

You'd better start being careful, you know?

You might be fine now, but you don't wanna be a tub in ten years, you know?

Shut it, jerk.

So hostile... This isn't the first time you've thought of it, huh?

Still... Man, you ever wonder what we'll be doing in ten years?

...I don't really wanna think about it.
> Junpei seems to stare off into the distance...

You'll be a great man.

You really think so? Hearing it from you definitely makes my day.


Lately, when I do stuff like watch TV or read manga, I can't concentrate...
> Junpei fiddles with his chopsticks...



I wonder if there's anything only I can do...
> Junpei mutters as if to himself...

Your terrible jokes?

Gee, thanks. That's helpful.

I mean, Yuka-tan's got her response to my jokes down to a science.

She delivers a dope-slap that feels like an icy dagger to the brain...


When I think about this Persona stuff, it's like I have a personal mission...

But, I don't understand it at all...


Maybe I don't even have a mission like that, and that's what I'm afraid of.

I've got all these pent-up emotions that I can't figure out...


Do you have anything like that?

Like, do you ever think about what you can do...?


...I see. I mean... You don't seem like that at all.

I guess that's another thing that's amazing about you...
> You sense that Junpei has been open with you about his troubles...
This got surprisingly deep and philosophical for Junpei, huh? He's absolutely not at all the regular boring "dumb best friend" type he appears to be at first, which is kinda great.

Ha, I guess talking about serious stuff once in a while isn't so bad.
> You and Junpei talked for a while before going back.
Oh, wait, I just noticed the date. It's after the 9th! We can check out the Antique Store.
It has more stuff available here than before, but most notable is that this is where you can get the Fusion Skill items. And they're all available immediately. Yes, even that one you're thinking of right now. And that other one you just thought of as well. They're not EASY to get, mind you, but you can. Probably earlier than we'll get many of them with Makoto, even.
Anyway, next matter of importance is that we're going to put our Max Courage (still required, yes) to use here. Fuuka is similar to her link for Makoto, but it's different enough to warrant a bit of a closer look.

I hope you're hungry...
> Fuuka handed you a boxed lunch.
> ...!?
For better or worse (hint: worse), it still focuses on this one not-joke for way too long.
> ...But you mustered up your courage and opened it.
> ...!?
> It looks pretty unappetizing...

Please eat up!
> Fuuka is watching you expectantly...
> ...You decide to try it out.
> ...The food tastes as bad as it looks...

...H-How is it?

It's not quite right...

...Urgh. Oh... I-I see...

It did get a little burnt...

Th-Thank you for your honesty...

Sorry that I asked you to try this all of a sudden.

To tell the truth... Um, did you notice? Look at the blackboard.

Then again, I'm the only member so far...

I'm going to keep trying my best, so would you mind stopping by and trying my new creations sometime...?

Actually, to be honest... I want you to join, too. Cookbooks don't make much sense to me...

And instead of just cooking and eating everything by myself...

...Cooking for you would inspire me to try harder.

So, h-how about it? ...Would it be too much trouble?

Okay, I'll join!

Oh, um, we'll meet on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

I'll try my best, so let's work hard at it!
> You've become the second member of the Cooking Club and will be helping Fuuka learn how to cook...
Power of the Heart
> As Fuuka said, there are remnants of all the ingredients left that she hadn't prepared...
> ...Rather than waste them, you decide to cook them all together.
> ...You made something vaguely edible.
...Y'know, I've played Tales of games. I know this is a sign of failure, not success.

If we find a cute doggy in the neighborhood, we should give it this.
> You cleaned up with Fuuka, and headed back to the dorm...
Possibly not surprisingly, there is a use for Dog Food. It's even a key item, so you know it's important.
...Oh wait, I completely spaced on this. We absolutely have to go on a date with Theo!
Our Second Date
highly recommended for obvious reasons
> .....?
> Theo doesn't seem to want to get on the escalator.

I-I've heard of this... It's called an escalator, no?


I shouldn't have any problems riding something like this, should I?
> ...Despite Theo's words, he isn't budging from where he stands.
> It seems he can't grasp the timing of it...
Let's be honest, these are both good options but lending him a hand with an escalator is way better.
...Be better still if it wasn't left in a VN format, but alas we have to make sacrifices.

I-I can't allow you to do that!

I'll... go on ahead. Please, allow me.
> Theo took your hand...


This is rather... slow.
> ...You both got off safely.

> Theo seems proud for some reason...
It's because Theo is the best. That's the reason.


This smell... No, no, don't tell me...
Cook: How 'bout it? Wanna buy one? It'll make you smile so wide, your cheeks will fall off!

So good as to make one's cheeks fall off...!?

That... would be dire indeed...!

Wanna try it out?

Well then! I accept your challenge.
> In any case, you decide to buy one.
> You sat alongside Theo and shared the takoyaki.

97 degrees Fahrenheit...


Alright, out with it!

So I've been taught, which means... I mustn't...

...But using THAT for cooking...

It's apparent now why one's cheeks might fall off...

> ...Theo is pinching his cheeks.

> ......!?

Yours seem to be in no danger.

Thank goodness...

That hurt!

Oh, I'm so sorry.
> It appears to be... a takoyaki-shaped cell phone strap.
> Was the cook pleased with him...?

Would this be considered... a souvenir of my time with you?

How unfortunate.. I've acquired something precious to me.

It's your fault, you realize.

That's why I won't let you have this.
> Theo laughs.
> You walked around the strip mall with Theo...

The flow of time is fixed at a certain speed...

And yet it seems there are moments when it passes so quickly.
> The sound of a car's horn is heard.

Oh... That car's--

You mustn't allow yourself to become so lost in thought.

...Now, let us go.
> You returned to the Velvet Room with Theo.
I know some people prefer Liz's versions of events, but I think Theo's are kind of more fun. It's mainly because he actually has more than one general reaction and is kind of a goob.
The Poem for Everyone's Souls
So, how about a new mechanic? Let's have a new mechanic.

I have business with you, so please come to the Velvet Room at your earliest convenience.

It is an important matter that involves you...

I will be waiting.
> The call ended.
At this point, we get automatically moved to the Velvet Room. Just so you don't forget/miss this, I guess.

It seems to be someone without the potential who heard the voices of the Shadows...

If left alone they will become Lost in your world and may die...

Please find them and return them.
Yeah, so from now on we'll occasionally get a call from Theo telling us whether or not there's someone in Tartarus. We have a very generour time limit to find and rescue them, but there's two three reasons for why you'd want to do that.
1. Anyone that gets dragged in and not rescued will die eventually.
2. You get a reward of some kind for doing it.
3. It's just a random NPC right now, but later ones can and will include some of your S.Links. Yikes!
So with that in mind, I think we'll take a bit of a break here. We'll definitely be taking a trip to Tartarus soon enough, now, and we've still got like half the month's content left to go.