Part 35: 07/12/09 - 07/13/09
Welp, we're at our last two days of freedom before we run fullforce into a week of finals.
Sign o' the Times


Hmph... Why're you here?

If you came here to try and convince me, then forget it.

...It's nothing like that.

I just wanted to see how you were doing.


It's been almost 14 years since we met at the orphanage...

Back then, it seemed like we had all the time in the world.

Heh... You haven't changed one bit.

If you wanna get all sappy, go do it with your other friends.

...What was that!?

It's rare for you to think about the past. Usually, you just charge ahead like a damn fool.

So obviously, there's something on your mind.


I do reminisce sometimes... But, what's the point?


No shit?
Akihiko nods.

To be honest, all I've been thinking about lately is getting stronger.

But yesterday, someone made me question my reason for fighting...

Your reason for fighting, huh...

...I'm not like you.

...Man, I can't believe I'm the one getting lectured here.


Well, see ya around.
Meanwhile, somewhere else but presumably at roughly the exact same time...

...Can I talk to you for a moment?


Oh, please come in.
No, I didn't skip over anything there. Mitsuru just walks in, sits down and immediately cuts right to being midway through a thought.

Oh, I-I'm sorry for doing that without permission...

Don't worry, you're not in trouble. But, I do have a special favor to ask of you.

I want you to find out as much as you can about that incident ten years ago.

But, very little was made public...

You mean, hack into their system?

That's illegal.

I'll give you my ID and password. You'll be free from accountability.

I want to know the truth, in detail.
So, she's going to be using valid login credentials to normally log on and view the stuff that you could view on your own anyway...


Of course, I'll understand if you refuse.

Okay. I'll see what I can do.

Are you sure?

...I appreciate it.

After all, despite my good intentions, I did drag you into this without fully explaining.

Certainly, you must be a little angry with me...

Not really.
That... answers nothing. It's not even remotely relevant, even!

That's why they're so tough on me...

It's really hard for me to be at home...

But here, I feel important, and I can help you and the others...

So, why should I be angry?

You're right, Yamagishi. We do need you.

No one can take your place.


Thank you... I'll see you later.
Meanwhile, elsewhere again...
It's fairly close to where Akihiko went, though.


That's good...

That's what we've been fighting for...

So, why am I so pissed!?
How nice of them to wear their uniform on a Sunday, so we could tell they were students even with the nameplate also telling us that. Really thoughtful of them, that.
Friend: Seriously. But, at least we're seniors now... We won't be wearing these stupid uniforms much longer.
Student: Yeah, I've had enough of this. I just wanna get accepted to college and start having some fun.
Friend: That's IF you get accepted, don't forget.

I'M the reason...

I was like, "Fighting is my duty." But hell, it's all I'm good for.

If it weren't for that...

I'd be worthless.

Haha, my duty...? What a buncha bullshit.

Dammit! Nothing I do is good enough!

Meanwhile, again... just one remains at this point after all...

Seems like my worst fears keep coming true...

Am I stupid to believe in things like trust and friendship...?


This old letter of yours...

I must've read it a thousand times since it came last spring...

Tomorrow, I'll bring this letter to the opening ceremony for the Moonlight Bridge.

It'll be stored in a time capsule, and sent to you ten years from now.

Yukari... You're so small right now, but in ten years, you'll be sixteen. You'll be in high school.


I know you've been sad because I have to work so late, but you still always greet me with a smile.

I'll be starting on a big project soon, and I'm happy to be receiving so much recognition for my work...

But, I swear to you that nothing is more important to me than you and your mother.

Yukari... Are you remembering to enjoy life?

Are you still bright-eyed and hopeful, like you are now?

...Well, I hope this letter brings a smile to your face.

Love, Dad


I won't turn my back. I won't be like Mom.

Not ever...
Well, that was some... very disparate and different scenes of the rest of the gang. Junpei's was the most... filler-y feeling though, by far, which is a bit of a weird shame in a way.
Current Net Price Tanaka
But, hey, this IS our first Sunday since like the middle of June that we've been able to buy anything off Tanaka so let's see what he's got. A sweet new pair of boots! ...And some diet pills... for 10,000 yen. Yeesh.
...Well, footwear is what I seem to have the worst luck in getting in Tartarus (and I never bother buying equipment from the police station because I'm both a cheapskate and an idiot), so I'll take 'em!
Iwatodai Dorm
I appreciate this being upfront, but it's a Sunday and we never Tartarus on Sundays anyway. Also it's the middle of the day we couldn't Tartarus for hours.

Everyone seems to be studying...

I mean, I haven't seen anyone around, so they must be studying, right?

I'm not sure...

Yeah, neither am I.

Maybe they're not just studying...
I feel like we've been punished by a divine entity in the most passive aggresively minor way possible at this point. It's just... every single time. Without fail.
Oh, and everyone else is in their rooms now. Except Akihiko who's outright nowhere to be found. How odd!
They don't have anything super-interesting to say though (that Junpei is actually studying is surprising). We'll take advantage of the peace and how we don't need to leave the dorm for once to just go back into our room to play a dead video game.
Instead of, uh, leaping backwards through time a little bit to do that.

nowadays i just log on to MMOs with bedhead and all (liek today lol)

but when i was little, ppl said i was a real cutie -_-;;

guess i missed my chance rite? nobody thinks i'm hawt ne more T_T men only want younger women? be honest w/me =3

Guys like younger chicks.

yeah, i thought so. everyone knows it but it sux to hear for real... orz T_T
Considering what you've mentioned before, that's... not just "bad," that is actively a crime.
> Maya seems pretty happy.

but i didn't make sense? i should know better--i teach composition!! o_O;;

mkay, i'll be calm. i'll compose my bitching carefully for you ;P

one of my coworkers is really pissing me off. i'm trying to avoid her @_@

its been a while but that kinda thing sticks w/u, u know?

ne way, she said she needed some advice, but then she just started bragging! >=(

and she acts like its nuthing! omg, rite?

i hate skanky hoes liek her! just give puppy-dog eyes and guys do whatever!

she even stuffs her bra!! lol

Just calm down.

talk about fake, rite? what kind of woman has to use pads for her boobs?

i'm fine w/ massaging in teh shower and drnking more milk. all natural

omg for reals, i saw Ms. K running in late one time, ok?

...theyre fake for sure >=) my school is FULL of teachers like taht! -_-;

man tatsuya, talkin to u is better than getting a massage =P :


complaining online is now an important part of my days off ^_^
> Maya likes talking to you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

...but after what i said, i might go to hell ne way o_O;;

well... i rented sum DVDs, sooo... later, tatsuya! thx for chattin
Wait, DVDs?! The overdue fees on those things gets kinda ridiculous! I hope it's the first time, so they'll waive 'em...
> Maya's player signed off.
> You decide to log out as well.
Alright, so that brings us along nicely to our last day before exa--
The Voice Someone Calls

So, how's life as a Persona-user?

Something's missing.

I wonder what... I hope you find it soon.

I remembered something else about the coming of the end...

Ten years ago, if I remember correctly.


A Persona is like a mirror.

Which means, a Persona-user can never escape from his true self.

Regardless, I will stay with you...
Kinda... weird to get that from this, huh? Also, real nice of Pharos to tell us he remembered a thing happened in the past. But not what said thing was.
No matter, though. We've got one last day of freedom before we lose the rest of the week to finals. Joy.
Want To Be Close (Reincarnation) /
Listening: What am I going to do if I fail again? I wish the school wouldn't post our names...
Gossiping: Yeah, that's the worst part. You get a bad grade, and everyone looks at you like your dog just died...
> The first bell has rung.
I... uh... maybe...?

Summer vacation is just ahead, so study hard!

Summer is beach season! Shaved ice! Wheeee!

It's also the hottest season, so don't neglect your health, okay?

Oh, by the way, there's a popular event in Japan in the summer that can be a little scary...

It's a girl's chance to get closer to the boy she's interested in.

It's called Kimodameshi!

Anyway, enjoy your summer, and make sure you come out of it with some good memories!
Still not another level... well, not much we can do about that now. But it's the last day before exams so our options are as limited as ever.
Fortunately, we DO have options so it's not a big deal!

Have you seen Striped Shirt?

We were playing tag, but... It's no fun if I can't find him.

You don't look so good... Are you sick?

Huh? S-So, you are sick?

Ha ha, no. I'm kidding. You're so easy, Maiko.

No fair! I'm an innocent girl, so I actually believed you!

I'm Maiko's friend.

So you're the guy she was talking about. I wondered what you were like...

Are you "too old" to play with kids, or are you still young at heart?

You can eat with us too, Striped Shirt!

Nah, I'm okay, thanks.

I'll see you guys around.

He's gone...

I ususally see him around the sthrine on Sundays.

I see him on the way to cram school, too.

Yay! It's takoyaki time!
> You decided to go with Maiko to get takoyaki.

I remember one time Dad burned his mouth on this takoyaki!

...'Cause I put too many in his mouth at once.
And then he snorted, sending me flying out of the encouter!
> Maiko suddenly fell silent...

...Dad doesn't spend much time at home anymore these days.

Oh! Do you think he'll come home for my birthday?

Don't worry, he'll be there.

Y-You really think so!?

I mean, I know Mom will buy me presents, but still...

...She hasn't asked me what I want, yet.
> Maiko fell silent again.

...If they really loved me, then they wouldn't get a divorce.
> Maiko seems to enjoy spending time with you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

If I don't do laundry, the house will be a real big mess!

See ya!
> Maiko took off, so you decided to go back to the dorm.
Summer Plans

> An awkward silence fills the room...


Y-You know, it's almost summer break. Do you have any plans?

Man, it sure would be nice!

Somewhere in the south, where the water is crystal clear!

But first, we have exams to worry about... Ugh, what a drag...

Now, now. You'll be fine.

But yeah, I'd love to go somewhere famous for its beautiful beaches, like Okinawa.

Mr. Chairman... I didn't realize you were here.

Mitsuru, your father will be vacationing in Yakushima during the break.

He will...?

You'll all have some time off after exams, right? Why don't you go and pay him a suprise visit?

YES! Beach babes, here I come!

*sigh* Men.

How about it, Mitsuru?

But... my father is a busy man; I don't want to ruin his vacation.

Haha, don't worry...

No father would be upset with a daughter who came all that way to see him.

You've all done a great job. You deserve to relax for a while.



I guess everyone needs a break now and then. Let's do it.


Hmm, the beach...

I should design a special training regimen.
> Everyone seems excited about the trip...

Dude, I'm stoked!

I have to go buy a swim suit.

Hey, don't worry, I've got an extra pair you can borrow.

Nice try, man.

Are you going to swim too, Ikutsuki-san?

I'm afraid I can't.

I'll turn to dust if I'm exposed to d--


Sorry about the other day...

I got a little carried away...

In a way, it's only logical that we go to Yakushima.

The Chairman said that no one who was responsible for the accident is still alive, but...

in reality, there is one witness who survived.

There is?

Gotta admit, it's nice to have a plan for the summer that isn't "um, hang out with old people and a grade schooler some more and also live in Tartarus."
Iwatodai Dorm

Now. you will all need to concentrate on your final exams...

You're always cracking jokes.

Hahaha... This is no time for humor.

But, I'm happy to see everyone has a smile on their face.
For extra luck. try wearing your shoes on the wrong feet!
I dunno, that sounds both painful and awkward!
Anyway, Junpei's up on the second floor all alone.

Right now, I have to concentrate.

How do you stay so calm all the time?

It seems like all you do is wander around and talk to people.
And once again, the girls have shut themselves up in their rooms. Welp, so much for Tartarusing before the exams...
Which, as you can see, presents a bit of a problem! Money really isn't normally a bit deal or anything but Hard mode haemorrages the stuff at a disgustingly fast rate.
Fortunately, I had some trash I could sell to get Hua Po +3 Strength (the most meaningless and trivial of increases) but that's all.
We've always got free studying in our room at least, but that's not ideal...
Fortunately, we have one - and exactly one - chance to go to Tartarus soon.
Yukari's spending a bit of time working on being a better general healer, I see. Her Magic is pretty okay for the time and she can heal everyone at once which is nice. Shame that her first Medium spell is single target healing but it's a good sign anyway.
Junpei is, well, Junpei. Notable is that he's got Great status so he can deal decent Phys damage AND has an improved Crit rate just for that little bit extra oomph.
Akihiko, likewise, is Akihiko'ing. He's the only person without a stat over 20, which isn't as big a deal as it sounds but it bugs me anyway. At least he can debuff and will be able to do so better soon. His healing skills have fallen pretty far behind though, just because he can only cure ~60-70HP on a single target which is woefully inadequate.
Mitsuru is Good. Her skillset is still small but focused and she's close to solving her own potential SP problem without needing to be fed items or returning to the first floor all the time.
As before, and for maybe the last time, vote for
the one person who gets benched.