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Persona 3 FES

by Dragonatrix

Part 37: 07/20/09

So, vacation sounds nice. Let's do that!

> It's time for you to get ready...

It's a little longer than maybe expected though, huh. We'll be leaving Yakushima and back in Iwatodai by Thursday evening, huh?


Ikutsuki already paid the fairly unfair fare for the ferry, so we get to just skip to being on the boat.

Hahaaaa! Awesome!

There it is... Yakushima!

Well, Junpei is enjoying himself and thinks this is gonna be fun.

Everyone else is either oddly upset or overly serious...

And in Yukari's case, actively annoyed for some reason.


It's like we're in an episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Fabulous...

Maid: And you must be her schoolmates, correct? Welcome to the Kirijo vacation home. Please follow me.

Um, is this the right place?
Dude, real-life maids...
I knew she was from an important family, but this definitely confirms it...

It's good to see you.

And he just... leaves, without saying a single word. Odd.

Was that...?
...her father?
Dude, talk about scary!
He's not gonna make us walk the plank, is he?
Don't be stupid...

Sweet! This is gonna rock!

It's right there. Dude, this place rules! Come on, let's go!
What, already?
I mean, sure, but let me get changed first!
Then, I'll see ya there.
I'm not gonna waste a single minute!


Yup! Summer's here!
Darn... There's nothing out there I can use as a marker... Too bad. I was hoping for a good swim.
You must be joking... We come all the way to the beach and you're gonna train?
What's wrong with that? You got a better idea?
Damn right, I do! It's summertime at the beach! I've got the perfect activity!

It takes a lot of confidence to pull off a swimsuit like that!

Next up is Contestant No. 2, Fuuka Yamagishi!
...Wow, Fuuka, I had no idea you were so... I mean, you should wear a swimsuit more often!

Oh come on, there's nothing to be embarrassed about!
Stop that creepy laugh, you perv!
And here's our final contestant...

Wow... Mitsuru-senpai, you're beautiful...
Yeah, your skin is flawless! Did you already put on sunscreen?
N-No, not yet...

I'm not interested.
Yeah, like I believe that.
Man, this is great! I'm in heaven!
How 'bout a swim!?
Buh buh buh bump ba baaa! Charge!

Whoa, it's cold!! Hahahahaha!!

> The uneasy feeling went away...



Welcome to the beach! It's apparently a fun place to be? Let's see what everyone else thinks.

I came here often when I was young, but I don't remember it looking quite like this.

Our operations during the Dark Hour put a lot of stress on us. You should relax a little, and rest up.

Akihiko, oddly, acts as a temporary makeshift save point. Might be a good idea to use his function since we don't get many chances to save around here.

Also he lets us leave when we're done.

Heheheh! You like it? You like that, huh?
No one can resist splashing girls at the beach! Heheh, I'm gonna splash more water on youuuu!
You--! H-Hey, you're gonna pay for that! Take this!

And, uh, that's it. There's nothing else on the beach but two sidepaths - one that's an exit and one that we just can't use.

So, we'll just speak with Akihiko to leave early.

We're going to stay here for a little while longer.
I'll see you later.

Yakushima at Night


I'm glad that you're in good health...

Takeharu Kirijo is voiced by Derek Stephen Prince, which is cool. That name should sound familiar...

I'm sorry for bringing such a crowd...
...I heard you told them about the incident.
Why did you hide it so long?
...I wasn't hiding it...
I've told you time and again; none of the blame is yours.

The Nanjo Group is something from Persona 1 and 2. It's good to know Takeharu and co. used to know Kei; we'll cover some Nanjo stuff a few months more down the line, most likely.

You must learn to trust in others, Mitsuru.
There are things in this world that cannot be accomplished alone, no matter how many sacrifices you make.
...Yes, Father.
You accessed our database, didn't you?

I'm... I'm sorry.
Bring them here. All of them.
I had no intention of concealing the truth from them. I've made prepartions to disclose everything.
There's a girl named Takeba in your group, correct?


One fade to blue later...

Fearful Experience

Well, it's true... We adults are to blame.
If I could've atoned for it with my life, I would have done so...
Now, I have no choice but to rely on you.
What my father wanted to create with those monsters' power...

That's what he was trying to do?
Imagine if you could control the flow of time... eliminate unwanted events before they occur.
With such a device, you could shape the future to your liking.
Damn, that's insane...
However, under my father's direction, the research began to stray from its original goal.

Now that I think about it, his madness may have resulted from his struggle to break free from that...
It's only natural that you want to know the truth... and it's my duty to tell you.

This is the only exisiting footage of the accident, recorded by a scientist who was at the scene.
I pray that this recording reaches safe hands...
That voice...!?

It's Liam O'Brien!

This experiment should have never even been conceived...
I'm afraid what I've done will result in an unprecedented disaster...
But if I hadn't, the entire world may have paid the price...
The entire world?
Please, listen carefully...

To end this nightmare, you must eliminate all of them!
I am to blame for this.
I knew the risks, but I was blinded by the promise of success... And so, I didn't raise any objections...
It is all my fault...

You mean... that was...?

But, we are the ones who are responsible. We pushed him to continue the research.
The Kirijo Group is to blame for his death.
I... I can't believe it...
So, that means... my dad caused it all...?

It was all his fault...?
Y-You okay?
So, that's why you were hiding this...?

No, Takeba, I...


Um... Shouldn't someone go after her?
Will you go...?
...Thank you.

Living With Determination

This is too much...
Remember what I told you at the hospital...?
How my dad died when I was little...?
You understand now, right...? He died in that incident.
Nobody knew the truth, so there were all sorts of rumors...

We even had to move a few times.
That must've been tough.
But all this time, I kept telling myself it wasn't his fault.
I loved him a lot, and I believed he'd never do anything wrong.
I received a letter back in the spring. It was from him, written ten years ago...

That only made me believe in him more...
When I found out I had a special power, I thought it was fate.
I was scared, but I thought if I cooperated with the Kirijo Group, I might find out what really happened.

That's not true.
Haha, you're just trying to make me feel better.
Why does reality have to be so harsh...?
I tried so hard to fight my fear, and this is what I get...
Maybe I'm just jealous of Mitsuru- senpai.

Haha... I'm a horrible person, aren't I?
Don't blame yourself.
Hmph. Well, you're just Mr. Perfect.
Nothing ever fazes you.

You think you know me!?
You don't know anything!
I'm sorry...
My head's a mess...
I'm so afraid...
I don't know what to do anymore... I'm totally lost...
Tell me... What should I do...?
Don't lose hope.

Ya know, you really are one-of-a-kind.
...I'm sorry for acting like this. You've lost your parents, too.
But, I'm alright now... I'm used to dealing with stressful situations.
Anyway, thanks for listening.

I came cuz I wanted to.
Oooh, you're such a gentleman... *giggle* ...Thanks.


It's almost... *gasp* the Dark Hour, so you should get back.
Huh? Oh, yeah, that's right...
Um... Did I miss something...?
I-I almost forgot... It doesn't matter where you are when the Dark Hour comes...
Well, duh.
You know, I've been thinking lately...

It's like trading away your innocence...
In exchange for power, you can no longer look away from the things you don't want to see.
So, I guess I'm stuck with you guys, huh?
Now that that's settled, let's get back!

So, welcome to Yakushima. It's a big ol' series of plot scenes. Lots and lots of them.

...and also the worst day of the game but we'll get to that... next time...