Part 41: 07/29/09 - 08/01/09

We've got more of that sports practice stuff to do, before we can do things that actually matter.

None of the scenes for it have been particularly long or anything, which is something I guess.

I am absolutely completely okay with that, since we don't even need to at this point.

Such as...?

Yeah, uh, that doesn't sound too difficult here.
Since Mitsuru isn't here, Akihiko isn't right now either. Ken's shut himself up in his room for some reason, so we can't talk to him either.

It's a very mysterious illness that affects those with unstable minds or psychological problems. Its victims can only groan, and they don't eat or talk normally. Researchers still don't know what causes it, but we do know that people can recover from it...
Oddly enough, that always seems to happen following a full moon for some reason. It's hard to say why for sure.

I finally remembered to sell all the unneeded equipment, trash items and... apparently I had a Treasure Coin? I sure didn't think I did. Well, I'm definitely not gonna complain.

I was VERY tempted to make Junpei a Basic Katana out of Power to give him a really useful added effect but, eh, we'll do something better later.

Around now is when I was rather bluntly reminded that this Academics grind we're in the midst of is to get it to Rank 5. For some reason I thought we were already there, but nope.

It's not really a big deal since we have plenty of time for it and all but that's just a really annoying thing to remember.

And, huh, I guess we're gonna get to talk to Pharos today. Probably just about the Full Moon in 8 days.

The console beeps.

I would guess Ken, but that makes absolutely no sense and Akihiko wouldn't play a dumb variation of Japan's favourite pastime, The Pronoun Game, in that case...

Remember that dog we saw all of once ever before now? Well he's back!

At this hour? That's... sure, okay.

So, yeah, a dog just kinda casually kicked a shadow's ass. That's a thing that just happened.

And with that one cool thing done, we're back to normal stuff again.

At least we do seem to be going somewhere with this, though.

Gotta wait for that week to pass before we can do that though. If we could stop Apathy Syndrome without that, the problem wouldn't really be.

Good to know Koromaru's gonna be okay.

Well, they weren't a Persona user but Junpei clearly hasn't heard of Oliver before...

I really don't see the relevance here. Like, at all.

So... why are you so upset by that...? What.

Hey, Lisa's back!

Been a while since we got to see Lisa turn up on-screen giving random Cantonese lessons, but I for one am glad it's a semi-recurring bit.
Ken's still shut up in his room, for whatever that's worth.

It's a Thursday and we're not off to Tartarus, so that means we get to spend time with Mutatsu again.

Although, as you might recall from before, it IS just spending time since we didn't have enough points to get a rank up.

That's nicely fixed itself now though, so the next time we see Mutatsu it'll net us another rank.

But for today we've got another Dark Hour event! This one's got to be what we'd expect.

Yep, mostly back to our normal night time events of being bugged by a small child.

Oh good, that makes two of us.

> Pharos has disappeared...

But, of course, before we can even pretend to worry about the Full Moon coming up in a week...

We've got more of this to deal with. Not much more, but still... more.

And, yes, we will do something about it. In 6 days, when we can.

I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not that we get to out-Ikutsuki Ikutsuki, but I will take that opportunity every day of the week anyway.

Well, it's not a lie. At least as far as Makoto's concerned.

The problem particularly affects Apathy Syndrome victims, since they are unable to move...
This seems like such an obvious concern that it's a bit of a surprise that it hasn't come up before, really.

Moving on from that, we'll head right on back to a nightclub to hang out with a rad monk.

The Heart Sutra is a very well-known Buddhist scripture. It might be the most famous, even.

> You saw through Mutatsu's harsh words and felt his kindness...
> You understand Mutatsu better now.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.
Mutatsu, you're cool and all but maybe - just maybe - getting plastered tonight wasn't the best idea.

Oh well, not like that's really my problem anyway. My biggest problems right now are the looming full moon, the sports thing and needing to hit these books.

Last day of practice. This better have been worth it!

Welp, we're officially the best in the Kendo Club. Y'know, as opposed to before when we were officially the best in the Kendo Club.

I mean, it's not like it's even comparable so I'm not sure it'd be very effective.

I'm not sure that's entirely accurate. I mean, yes, if you discount all the Shadows that appear outside of Tartarus only irregular ones appear outside of Tartarus.
And apparently the Full Moon fights don't count as irregular...?

Does Makoto really seem like someone who would joke?
I mean, really now. Hot Sauce Coffee is serious business and you shouldn't take it lightly.

Make sure you have enough water, and keep your energy up! Now let's join our regular reporters back in the studio.

If they hadn't been found in time, they could have died, so be careful out there...

Not much left to do tonight, so we'll just get some last minute studying in.

We've got the dumb sports tournament thingy tomorrow to deal with and then hopefully a few days of proper respite before the full moon...