Part 44: 08/02/09 - 08/05/09

Just got a few days to go before the Full Moon...

And, of course, our Sunday gets spent on having to do Sports.

no really

> The opening ceremony has begun.

Athlete: compete fairly and uphold the ideals of good sportsmanship!

> The roar of the crowd fills the air, as the participants put their hearts into competing.
> Soon, it will be your turn.

I'm pretty sure that's both against the rules and actively illegal.

You can only get this if you ask Yuko to cheer for you. That makes this dialogue choice way more relevant and important than many in these kindsa scenes end up being. (It's a full HP/SP restore for one person.)

> Kazushi has given you some advice.

> Your body feels light as a feather because you worked so hard during summer vacation.
One fade to blue later...
> The competion has ended.
...and fade right back in.

> You've met Mamoru Hayase, a rival from another school.

And with that, he leaves and... we don't get a new Social Link...? Huh, that sure seemed like it was gonna be one.

> You decide to leave with your teammates.

Personally, I'm feeling pretty ready as we are now. Time's not quite so generous, though.

We're not going to Tartarus today. We're not going to Tartarus tomorrow. We're not going to Tartarus any day before the 6th.

Ah yes, good ol' Image Training. A classic anime staple that... makes no sense at all most of the time, really. It sorta does for Fuuka, at least.

...Dammit, not only did we miss the early day airing because of a dumb sports tournament we didn't even win, we missed the 6pm re-airing as well!

Icarus and... Garuda...? Sure. Sure, okay. Tokusatsu gonna keep on doin' what it does I guess.

But that's next Sunday. This Sunday, we're gonna mourn missing the show with a cool monk friend.

...Yep, shoulda seen that one coming. This is gonna be a bit of a trend with Mutatsu since by now the link really expects us to have a Tower person, but uh that's still a few levels off.

We're also not even all that close to Rank 5 academics if my terrible math skills are accurate.
Which they may very well not be.

But, hey, we're in summer now and we finally have a genuinely free day!

Since this is a Monday, though, we can't buy stuff off Tanaka. I'm sure he's ever-so-distraught over this.

You may have already heard of it: southern Miami, in the USA! Let's see what they have to say!

Nothing else new inside the dorm. Ken's shut himself in his room again, and Junpei is out somewhere.

Mamoru's already hanging out opposite Bookworms. He's gonna be here, basically, every day from now on. So, uh, we'll just ignore him for the time being.

Junpei's hanging out at the mall, and is really jealous of Koromaru. He got to kill one Shadow and suddenly everyone seems threatened of him.

But, he's not the only one of note here. Just because we're not at school right now doesn't mean sidestories are gonna stop existing.

That is incredibly gross! She was already questioning what good qualities this guy even has, and it sure seems to be a continuing trend.

So, uh, let's just not deal with anything else and play video games.

Naturally, this is just a simple spend time event, again.

But next time we hang out with Maya, it's gonna be a rank up event.

But, as with all Maya things, that steals the entire day so...

There's really nothing to focus on re: Shadows right now.
As for stuff inside the dorm, both Junpei and Akihiko are out today. Junpei just repeats what he said yesterday, though, and Akihiko... is nowhere to be found.

But there is this. Which, uh, I completely forgot about because the game sure forgot to inform us about it as well. I'unno.
By which I totally definitely mean I didn't forget at all and was definitely saving it for a day that'd be mostly empty. Yep. Definitely.

So this was recorded in the midst of finals just before Yakushima, huh...

Do... do you get it?

Well, as far as wacky anime misunderstandings go... it could be worse?

> The recording ends here...

Well, moving ever-so-swiftly on from... that.

I do appreciate that we have a bit of an excuse for why we can still hang out with Maiko, even though it's really not needed.

And, yet again, it's not even a scene. Boy did we hit a lull in things at the start of summer, huh?

We couldn't find Akihiko before, but he's here now so let's see what he has to say.

Also, whoops, I forgot to check the TV earlier today apparently.
For extra luck, get yourself stuck in the train doors on purpose!
That, uh, doesn't really sound like a good idea to me but what do I know.

Anyway, it's Tuesday which means we get to see what Tanaka's got to say. And it's guaranteed to be, uh, something.

> President Tanaka seems offended.

Well, I was expecting Tanaka to be telling us about some mean shit he did. Not quite like that though! That's just gross.

> President Tanaka seems to be thinking.

> President Tanaka seems to be thinking.

> You sense that President Tanaka has strong feelings for you.
> You feel like you understand him a little better now.

> You said goodbye to President Tanaka.
I do kinda like that switch at the end there. It's nice that it pretends that Tanaka's gonna do his old schtick, but then spins it into "no Tanaka really is being nice."

I'm, uh, sorta beginning to question what we're gonna do at night when this is finished. I have a few ideas but we'll see what happens when we get there.

Last day of respite before the Full Moon...

This time, the pledge leader was a student from another winning school...
I feel like the implication here is meant to be that it's Mamoru, but it really could be anyone.
Anyway, Akihiko and Junpei are out somewhere again. Akihiko can't be found, like before, since he's busy doing a train.

Just leaves the question of what're we gonna do for the day? Wednesday means we could spend the entire day boosting Academics for a +10 boost overall, but nah. We do not really have the time for that, so...

> Maiko is absorbed in thought.

> Maiko seems to really like you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> You returned to the dorm after saying goodbye to Maiko.

We've been as ready as we're gonna get for a while now, so...

I'unno, they've all been fairly easy so far. I don't imagine that'll change any time soon.

But, of course, today IS Wednesday so...'s not +10 Academics, but it is still +6. Not a very flashy last act before the Full Moon but eh.
Speaking of the full moon, though!

It is the next thing we have to contend with, so let's see what folks can do. Yukari is still really lacking in offense, but is pretty solidish support. Definitely the best healer we have, if only because she has Media which no one else does, though.

Junpei is the same as before, which is pretty okay. He's lagging a bit since he doesn't have any fancy big equipment boosts to his Strength, and he sat out the previous Tartarus run, but he should be fine.

Akihiko's still busy Akihiko-ing. He's pretty okay at support, but his offense is really lacking right now. He's not really behind Junpei in Strength, but his lack of variety there is his biggest problem.

Mitsuru is, well, Mitsuru. She's very one-note but it is a competent one-note. Her Magic is only 1 behind Yukari, but she has mid-tier magic.

And, finally, Aigis is pretty much unchanged from before. That she hit level 30 is a nice bonus but it didn't matter much.
Unlike before, we have all 3 slots available for whoever we want to bring.