Part 47: 08/10/09 - 08/18/09

Well, we all know what's coming on up ahead this week. And apparently more...?

Summer school, everyone's favourite thing I am sure.

So, this is a dumb thing that I dislike. We get +2 Academics like if it was a normal class, or studying at night or whatever.

And it uses the entire day, including our Evening, like it was a Hermit scene or an exam. We get +2 Academics a day. That's +12 in a week, which doesn't sound so bad (that's 1/5th of an Academics rank...)... except we can get +12 in two days, since we get +2 from Studying and +4 from the Arcade. And then we get an extra +2 from every day we don't Hermit or Tartarus or are too tired/sick. So, we always get more than +12 a week.

point is its dumb but hey at least edogawa is here to make it... longer... fuck

The Tarot de Marseille is the original version of the Tarot deck and the most well-known overall. The Rider-Waite deck is the most well-known among English speakers, and has a slightly different order to the Tarot de Marseille. Notably the Rider-Waite deck uses the order the Persona games use, since it has Justice as card number VIII and Strength as XI, when the Tarot de Marseille has them the other way around.

The Thoth deck is... quite different in a few ways. It renames some cards, draws from very different ideas and so massively changes the meaning of a couple cards.

And, right away, Edogawa reveals that he doesn't know the Thoth tarot deck at all. The final Major Arcana in Crowley's deck was The Universe, and not The World.

So, since Edogawa's going to run through a rudimentary explanation of the Marseille/Rider-Waite tarot, it's worth just taking a moment to reflect on just how very... very on the nose this scene is gonna be.

Thoth deck renames the Magician to the Magus. It's a minor change, but it's worth caring about anyway.

Notably, The Priestess IS the name from the Thoth deck. Marseille uses The Popess and Rider-Waite use The High Priestess instead.

Marseille uses The Pope.

As mentioned before, Justice is only here in Rider-Waite and later in Marseille. Justice doesn't exist at all in Thoth, instead being replaced by Adjustment. Adjustment represents balance and conscious results from action, and the wisdom that comes as a result.

Rider-Waite and Marseille call it Wheel of Fortune instead of "just" Fortune, but that's all.

Strength is replaced in Thoth by, uh, Lust. In part it represents power, sure, but it's also vitality and energy. Enjoyment from life when passion is applied.

Temperance doesn't exist in Thoth either, since its been semi-replaced by Adjustment already. XIV in the Thoth deck is instead Art, which is... completely different. It's alchemy, and mathematics. The ability to combine and solve; to take something and turn it into something precious.

Judgement is replaced by something else in the Thoth deck, but we'll cover that one later. It's, uh, special.

It also grants the ability to stop time!

> The class continues...
> Despite the heat, the lecture continues...

Well, that was an actual scene which is at least vaguely different.

Wednesday and Thursday are just "Academics up" with nothing else to it. Notably, we'd be rank 5 by now if we weren't forced to do this and nothing else. But we were, so we aren't.
Thanks, Mitsuru!

Most of Edogawa's lessons are pretty, uh, memorable but I straight up forgot this one even existed. I really don't know how.

Edogawa with the subtle slam of all of Judaism there, jeez.

Once famous depiction makes it an anime prettyboy with long-silver hair and a sword bigger than Robert Wadlow.

> The class continues...

I've never really bothered with this either. We'll definitely take a look at 'em later on.

And as an added bonus, we get to rank 5 Academics today. That's how I know we should've gotten it on Wednesday!

And despite Fuuka saying this would be "weeks", it's just the one week actually.

And we get Saturday to do whatever the hell we want with. Hurray!

Sadly, we don't get the Persona 5 option to hang out with

"Soon" is a relative term. We won't be bothering with Tartarus juuuuust yet, naturally.

The man riding on the portable shrine was knocked off. He was uninjured, but three of the shrine bearers underneath him were hospitalized. The inebriated man said "If you're pissed off, try being the one on top."
I don't... understand...?

Anyway, Koromaru has a special mechanic that we were sorta told about before!

> He seems to want to go for a walk...
> Aigis can go with you tonight.
We can walk Koromaru at night, sometimes! We don't even have to go alone, necessarily.

There are reasons to go alone sometimes, but when the option is there to go with someone else... why wouldn't you do that instead?

Aigis smiling looks very... unnatural and creepy. I'm pretty sure that's intentional, at least.

Needless to say, provided it doesn't clash with my schedule for stuff we'll be walking Koromaru a fair bit. Because hell yeah, good dog, best friend.

While I could genuinely keep count of our points to rank 6 (since we hit rank 5 exact and all), there's uh really no point to that.

So, like Junpei said, there's some festival thingy today.

> You have decided to go to the Summer Festival with Yukari.

> The shrine is filled with people eating food and playing games.

Oh, wait, that stand right there...!

Takoyaki Vendor: It'll be ready in just a sec! ...... ...Here ya go.

> Yukari seems excited.

Apparently, Yukari... doesn't mind... that? Well, that's weird and is a clear holdover from vanilla.
See, here could get an invite from all 4 girls (as mentioned before). Vanilla only gives you the one invitation, from whichever of the 4 has the highest S.Link rank.

Yukari, please. Where are your manners? Don't talk with your mouth full.

> Yukari is trying to say something...

There's clearly some left, and it was "good?" Which is why it... goes right in the bin.
At least now we go back to the left.

...which you'd have seen before. How did you miss it?

Sorry, Yukari I'm more interested in the Master Joker masks that they apparently have (for a subtle background Innocent Sin reference) and also the Phoenix Ranger Featherman team!

Attendant: All you do is pick a ball! It's easy! And, everyone's a winner!

> You picked a ball from the bottom.
Attendant: Oooh... Let's see what you've--

So, like, this is obviously a scam but... he gains nothing out of it, so.. why? There's no buy-in, not even a ticket thing, so there's no benefit to this other than being a dick.
And if you don't want anyone to actually win, just don't put in a winning ball!
Attendant: Well, here's your prize... You won a Jack Frost Doll. Please come again!
also, wow, mixed signals much buddy

I was hoping, and expecting, to see Aigis and Mitsuru but alas...

And with that, our little festival... date?... comes to an end.

It's weird that was pretty stock, when things that have less impact and relevance (classroom lectures) got major rewrites between Vanilla and FES. I don't even know.

But, now we're back to our normal routine, huh?

...Is what I'd like to say, but now we have some other stuff available.

> Kenji seems excited...
> You have decided to go to the movies With Kenji.
We don't actually need to do this. It's just functionally the same as hanging out on an available day that doesn't give a rank up. Kenji's here is completely skippable, for whatever that's worth, but we can't really avoid him forever so sure. Why not.

The biggest difference between this and normal hang out scenes is that this gives us Social Link points AND Social Stat points. It's +4 to one stat depending on the movie in question (this is Courage so it doesn't even matter).

> After saying goodbye to Kenji, you decided to go back to the dorm.

Pretty close to being done with that whole thing, yeah. We'll get there soon enough...

I really wish we could've seen that, but alas... ...NG+...

I know it's obvious anyway, but remember when this was a secret? And Ken wasn't supposed to know?

Has Japan become a subtropical climate? By all indications, this week will be another humid one. This is in addition to all the disasters worldwide, such as hurricanes and tsunamis...
Now, it's a Monday so our options are pretty limited. We could go to Tartarus, but that's now our only real option and... we're not gonna do that, so...

We'll just head off to our bedroom and have a quick study session. Like we always do.

So, we had Kenji and Courage yesterday. I wouldn't be surprised if today's film is a Charm boost.

And it's Bebe for good measure. We haven't spent time with him in a while.

> Bebe seems happy...

One of the scant few that actually matters, for the Social Stat points.

> You decide to go back to the dorm.

We're not studying in the middle of the day, Mitsuru. There IS a reason to consider that, but there's only one day (with our schedule) in the whole game that makes it even remotely possible. Yes, really.

Reiji Kido is the requisite antisocial delinquient character from Persona 1, with rad US flag gloves. He's a playable character, but because Persona 1 is weird about things, you have to jump through a buncha hoops to even have the option be available. He's, in theory, the best character in that game but he ironically gets worse overall later. Character-wise, he's pretty simple unfortunately, since he's an optional character (even by Persona 1's standards) but he still has some major importance to the SEBEC route of the game. Because obviously, right? Outside of one scene at the beginning, before the route divide, he doesn't appear at all in the Snow Queen events.
He has two Primary Arcana (Devil and Death) which is reflected in his initial and ultimate Personae. His initial persona is Bres, of the Devil arcana, one of the kings of the Tuatha De Danann from Irish lore. His ultimate Persona is, uh, Mot, of the Death Arcana... who's kind of a downgrade, oddly, in my opinion. I'unno, that might just be me though.

Anyway, Koromaru is understandably upset over being fed Yukari's trashbin burned remains (two days in a row, it seems).

But, hey, today's Tuesday which means we get to spend the evening with Tanaka.

So... you do care. If this wasn't a common mistake, I could totally buy this as subtle character development, but alas.

> President Tanaka seems upset.
> You feel like you understand him a little better now.

> President Tanaka left.
I guess Tanaka can (accidentally) be a force for good, but it seems weird that this is something he never considered before. I get the whole idea, but man.

So, like, we have about half a month until the next full moon. We're not super-pressed for time, or anything, but this seems like a good time to Tartarus for the first time.

Yukari still only has first tier attacks, but second tier healing. She's super-close to getting Recarm which is... cute, I guess? It won't really matter much, in theory, but hey. Also 30 Magic is kind of a lot.

Junpei's sorta falling behind at this point, in theory. That he doesn't get any upgrades for 5 levels and then it's just Agilao is really worrying, considering.

Akihiko is, well, Akihiko. His offense and restoration are rapidly falling behind, because of both his bleh stats and that they just aren't all that strong. At least he can still contribute with debuffs, which is something I guess.

Mitsuru's, well, the same as before right now. Her Magic isn't quite on par with Yukari's, but she can make up for it by having Bufula which straight up does bigger numbers anyway.

Aigis is a decent enough tank, still, and like one fight away from getting Rakukaja. Taken a while, but she did start at level 30 which is a little high so, fair enough.

And now we have Koromaru. Koromaru has a base 125 Evasion. That is roughly quadruple the highest available for anyone else right now. Koromaru also has the most HP out of everyone, period, but because of that he has the least SP. He is Yukari's mirror, but he's also a dodge tank.

Oh and his highest stat is Agility, but his offense is roughly on par with Akihiko and Aigis, so he has a lot of overlap in a way. Also note how he's immune to Fire and Dark. Everyone else only has one elemental strength, and they only resist it. Koromaru is too cool for that.
Now, there ARE times and reasons why you would want Junpei instead of Koromaru. There are also times and reasons why you would want Aigis instead of Koromaru, but those are much more obvious.
You know the drill by now, I'm sure. Unlike before, Koromaru is not guaranteed a slot, so...