Part 49: 08/22/09 - 08/26/09
2 weeks exact until the full moon, so we should probably go to Tartarus sometime soon. But, eh, it can wait a while. We could've even done that before (not even really close to tired), but it's not super important just yet.

They're showing a war movie marathon today...

Sweet, huh!? So, are you in?


Yeah, dawg... It's gonna be awesome! I'll see ya later.
Kaz... Kaz, please. I'm... sorta... glad to see you again, but c'mon.
When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars /
Way of Life
I'm sure you're surprised to hear that this is +4 Courage.

...Gotta run. Later, bro.
> You decide to go back to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm

I guess it just seems different because we're on break.
Well, maybe? It is a fortnight exact, so there's generally more visible folks with Apathy Syndrome out and about now.

The more victims there are, the stronger the Shadow.

Based on our data thus far, the next Shadow will most likely be stronger than the last.
There's also the simple reasoning of how they seem to appear piecemeal, rather than all simultaneously, thus they have to get stronger because where one was slain, the next may thrive.
Or something. I never claimed to be good at this.

But, I'm here, so we can still go to Tartarus.
Oh, yeah, great. Thanks, Akihiko.
...We're not going to Tartarus today.
Yukari and Fuuka are up on the second floor, just hanging out here. Ken, meanwhile, is in his room. Again.

What do you think will happen to us if the Dark Hour disappears?

We'll go back to normal.

Yeah, that's what I think too.

Those Strega guys said our Persona abilities will disappear without a trace.

So, we'll probably just go back to being ordinary high school students.

There are only four Shadows left... We have to defeat them and stop the damage they're causing to society.

I've read some of those blogs...

A girl wrote about the suffering she experienced when she was one of The Lost...

And some guy posted a message about his parents becoming victims...

It's so sad...
I feel like it being colloquially referred to as "Apathy Syndrome" just made slightly less sense. Until now it seemed to fit fine, and yet...
More importantly, Koromaru wants to go for a walk! This is a Saturday, so it's normally an arcade night, but...

So this is my last high school summer vacation, huh...? I don't feel like that's good or bad...

I do have some regrets, though.

> You spoke quietly with Akihiko...

Well, we should get back. It's nice enough at our dorm too, right?
I'd be surprised if it wasn't, really. It's 4 stories, has cable, I guess heating and air con...
It's not quite the Arcade's quiz, but at least we can do what I can only surmise is homework or whatever. It makes sense to me, at least.
It's so weird having a Sunday now. It's, like, freedom from our usual rigamarole.
And we could totally even use it today to do whatever we want! And I recommend you probably do that. It's a free day.

They're having a tear-jerker marathon...

I just love movies like that... So, will you come With me?
Obviously this is gonna be Charm, and we already maxed Chihiro's S.Link as well. We have no reason at all to bother doing this.


Thank you! I can't wait!
> Chihiro seems excited.
...But we're doing it anyway, because fuck it. Why not.
When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars /
Way of Life

Are you ready? Let's go get seated.

Thanks for coming with me. We should probably get going, though.
> After saying goodbye to Chihiro, you decide to go back to the dorm.
And that was definitely worth wasting our daytime slot on Chihiro. Yep.
Iwatodai Dorm

Why is school temporarily closed during the summer?

It's customary.


...Then, school resumes the following month.

...I comprehend.
...Also, Ikutsuki's here today apparently. Sure, okay.

Oh, you think that I don't know anything about fashion because I'm a researcher, right?

No, not at all.

Good. You understand that it's not prudent to judge a person based on preconceptions.
It's more that I have never thought about it before. Because why even would I. C'mon, man.

You should really consider strengthening the team.

Now that Koromaru has joined us, there are more members to choose from.
We could technically form 2 full teams, even! Provided Makoto is on both teams, and thus ensures that he wins the Minority Rule game gets the most EXP. Or, something.
...And now. the news.
Fortunately, they're Phoenix Rangers so they probably all have Amrita (or at least Stondi, or Dis-Stones) and thus don't have to worry about Petrification.
Tonight, Junpei's hanging out upstairs with the girls.

Yes! We have an important mission!!

I think homework is also an important mission...

Yeah, and I'm sure Senpai would agree.

I genuinely want to see Junpei try that line on Mitsuru at some point. See how well it goes for ya, buddy.

What an idiot. He's only making things worse for himself...

...but doing our summer vacation homework is just as important.

In fact, it may be more of a priority because of the time constraint...

That's right... Have YOU been doing your homework, Junpei?

Of course! Who do you think I am!

...Alright, ya got me! I haven't done any of it yet!


What? Don't look at me like that!
Do your homework, Junpei.
Hey, wouldn't you know it? Koromaru wants to go for a walk again tonight! Unfortunately, no one else wants to come with. Fine, their loss.
Ohey, Bunkichi! We, uh, kinda haven't been by the store in a while, huh? Probably should do that sometime soon before I forget.

You're quite a rascal, walking around late at night like this!

Say, who's that with you...? Don't tell me that's Makoto-chan's...!?
On the one hand, I really wanna know who/what he thought Koromaru was. On the other hand, I really... don't.
Either way, with that Koromaru is off to the shrine proper for a bit.
Meanwhile we just sorta hang out with Bunkichi and do a normal S.Link style hangout, which is nice.
We even get +10 towards the next rank outta it. I think this is fixed to be +10 no matter what, though. It doesn't matter here, but it might for a more general playthrough.
> You decide to go back to the dorm with Koromaru.
Definitely need to back to Bookworms sometime soon, but I dunno when we'll get around to that really.
My September notes are already kind of a borderline unreadable mess that I've had to rewrite like four times.
Anyway, today begins with... Ken doing things?

I'm sorry, but I won't take no for an answer.

You know, another new Persona-user joined us... and he's not human.


He's incredibly loyal... Up 'til now, he's been guarding the spot where his master was killed...

despite the bad memories.


But, it's been two years since then...


How long do you plan to beat yourself up over it?

You're always at that spot behind the station, even though you don't hang out with the crowd there.

It doesn't matter.

What difference does it make if I come to terms with it? It won't change anything.


That's enough, already.

I just want to forget it ever happened.


It can't be...


So his name is Shinji, huh...?
Iwatodai Dorm
Anyway, we don't get any calls from anyone at this point to go the movies with them. The Film Festival thing IS still ongoing, though...

The formatting is tricky... I'll have to do some research.

"You should relax during summer vacation"...

That is what I was told. Thus, I am devoting all available processes to relaxation.
Mitsuru is busy being, well, Mitsuru and Aigis is being... Aigis, alright.

Maybe he's exhausted from the heat, like Junpei...
Speaking of Junpei, he's mysteriously MIA today. Akihiko's off-screen somewhere too, but he just had a cutscene. Ken apparently teleported back into his bedroom since then. Junpei's just... nowhere.
Critical Woman: Don't say nonsense like, "If you leave them alone, they'll recover..."!
Doctor: We're doing our best to take care of the Apathy Syndrome. But all we can do right now is--
Critical Woman: That's what you keep saying!
Moderator Whew! It's getting as hot in here as it is out there, but that's all the time we have for today. Coming up next, the news.

My friend texted me, saying she was bailing on our plans to go to the Film Festival.

It must have been some emergency! She was so excited about it...
> Yukari seems interested in going to the Film Festival.

Wanna go with me?

Hm? With you?

Well... Sure, why not?

I hope you're into the kinda stuff they're showing today, cause we'll be seeing a lot of it!
> Yukari seems happy.
I probably shoulda checked to see what the theatre would be playing, honestly. I kinda forgot to do that though.
When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars /
Way of Life

So it might be kinda manly for you... I don't know about this.
I... what.
Yes, really. This was an Academics boost. Just, uh, just keep that in mind.

You know... There really are times in life that you have to get by on willpower alone.

But I'm still young... I probably haven't seen anything that hard yet.

Wow, it's getting late. How many movies did they show?

The baseball one, the judo one, the military basic training one... Oh, the shot put one! How could I forget?

The shot put sequences kinda lost me. but all the scenes after that with the main guy running were incredible.


...I'm being weird, huh?

I'm getting hungry. Why don't we grab a bite somewhere and head back to the dorm?
> You decided to go back to the dorm with Yukari.
Iwatodai Dorm

There must be something I can do to pass the time...


*chuckle* Good one.
Do your homework, Junpei.

It is your decision whether the same team members fight in every battle,

or if different team members fight in each battle.

Either way, please think strategically when you are selecting your team.
I have the best strategy for this. I'm a great long-term planner!

Maybe he's suffering from the summer heat like Junpei-kun said...

I've been doing it little by little, but for right now. I'm going to take a break from it.

I think he's got heat exhaustion. Poor kid...

He should go outside and play. You know, have some fun, build up some stamina.
Honestly, even though we know it's wrong, I do like that folks - including Junpei - are attentative enough to pay attention and see that Ken's acting differently today.
Anyway, today is Monday so we'll just head on up to our room to get in some late night studying as per usual.
We still don't get invited by anyone else to the movies, so we're officially done with that. No, not the Film Festival.

But I could never achieve it, because there was so much else in the way.

But I've made up my mind... the next chance I get, I'll do it.

My mind is clear.
It's not at all obvious what Ken's referring to here, but at least we can see immediately that Junpei's theory was wrong. But we already knew that, so...

Haha. I'm just kidding. I really had fun today... I'm glad I came!

Thanks for inviting me.
Yesterday, Yukari. You mean yesterday.

Is it the heat or something?

Kids are supposed to be outside in the yard, playing with the dog. Though there's no backyard here...

Hey, we have a dog! I could be playing with him now!
Dangit Junpei. At least you... actually, damn, I can't complain about that.

You look bored. Did you finish your homework?

...Well, you're one up on Junpei.

I actually want to switch up my workout plan, but the heat is killing me...

Wanna go to the Film Festival?

Film Festival, huh? I didn't know about it 'til Junpei told me.

C'mon, let's go.
When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars /
Way of Life

Oh well. Let's give it a shot.
This one's +4 Courage, by the way.

His hands were on fire...

And he must have jumped eight feet!

It looked like he was suspended from the ceiling.

I guess that's why they call it "wire-fu," huh?

They must have been on some kind of amazmg training program...

But they never show those parts! Arrgh!

Tch... I gotta train even harder...!

I'm gonna do squats all the way back on the monorail!
> You decided to go back to the dorm with Akihiko.
Iwatodai Dorm

Please be careful that you don't get heat exhaustion.
She says, with a big ol' smile on her face...

Once school starts, you won't have much time for anything else.

So, if there's something you want to do, you should do it while you're still on break.
Akihiko is genuinely the only person in the dorm this evening that has updated dialogue. Yeah.
So let's just go see Tanaka, since it's Tuesday and all.
This Mysterious Feeling

She was a kind of girl that men dream of--drop dead gorgeous.

But, no matter how attractive she was, I was repulsed by her dedication to charity work.

You're not going to donate?

...Well if I say no, the tabloids will tear me to shreds.
> President Tanaka seems annoyed.
Damn, Tanaka. I take from that if you knew that the cash was more
likely to go to rich dudes in the first place, you'd be more inclined to donate...?

I pulled myself up out of squalor to get where I am today!

That's what I had always dreamt of. But to tell you the truth, now I have too much money.

Profits are booming, but I'm so busy I don't have time to spend a dime...

Maybe I should train someone to take my place.

I could teach them my business philosophy and help them master my management techniques...

It would probably cost me a fortune, but if it works, then I could sit back and relax in my massage chair!

How 'bout it? Want to become my successor? I'll even let you join the Tanaka family...

...Just kidding. People would think I'm a weirdo if I adopted a boy as old as you...
> Despite his odd sense of humor, you sense President Tanaka's strong feelings towards you.
> You feel like you understand him a little better now.
> President Tanaka left.
Y'know, I remembered this being ever-so-slightly earlier. Not by much, just not the 9th. Guess I was off a bit. Happens!
It's not a big deal, after all.
Since we have time, we'll go for at least one more day.
Iwatodai Dorm

I need to figure a way to bust out punches like the ones in the movie...
> Akihiko is thinking hard... You decided to leave him alone.
I would definitely love to see Akihiko punch like that.

Furthermore, it appears that if he does not go today, he will not be able to go at all.

Please listen to Koromaru-san's request, Makoto-san.


Let's go.


Koromaru-san is very happy.

I, in turn, am happy for Koromaru-san.
When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars /
Way of Life
So, we're going to the movies with Koromaru today. And it was his idea. And we're watching hotblooded shounen anime, apparently.


Arf! Arf!
> Koromaru can't wait any longer.
> You enter the movie theater with Koromaru.
> Koromaru seems disappointed...

> Koromaru seems sad...



> You promise Koromaru to buy the DVD for him when it's released...

Woof! Woof!

Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!
> Koromaru seems very happy!
> After walking Koromaru, you decided to go back to the dorm.
...Not gonna lie, most of the reason I even bothered with the movies was so I could have a justification for doing Koromaru's movie date.

So if you're going to Tartarus, count me in.
Obviously enough at this point, we're not going to go to Tartarus tonight. Sorry, Akihiko.

This poses a problem...

I will not be able to stay by your side when you are at school.

That worries me...
Well, someone has to stay here and look after Koromaru.

Prepare yourself for it.

Well then, I guess he'll be heading home soon...

Even though he wasn't here for very long. it's still gonna be sad to see him go...
Honestly, I think we might be able to get Academics maxed just in time for going back to school. Maybe.
We're halfway there, but it's still got a bit of a ways to go. It won't be easy, but I don't do things because they're easy. That much should be obvious at this point.
But that's not really important right now. We just wanna get it done before our next exams, anyway, and that's when it'd be most important. And we can DEFINITELY get it before then.