Part 53: 09/01/09 - 09/02/09
It's been a long while since we've had days that weren't just meanderingly empty, honestly. Summer's not as nice here as it is in future games if you stop and think about it.
Changing Seasons /
so, changing seasons is unironically my favourite city theme. not just in this game, but all persona games. absolutely click it.
and while i dont like it quite as much as changing seasons, sun is still rad af and 100% a pro click
Listening: Yeah... I'm in no mood to be here. I just want to turn around and head back to bed...
Gossiping: Heh, you might come down with that Apathy Syndrome... Then you wouldn't have to worry about anything.
Listening: Noooo! Are you kidding me!? Although, come to think of it, it doesn't sound too bad. Maybe I'll try it.
Gossiping: Hahah! Are you serious?

Now, let's review. ...Makoto.
Wow, that's... really kinda easy. Huh.


Exactly. Been studying, I see.

A superconductive material has zero electrical resistance.

As a result, electric current can travel eternally through a superconductive circuit.


Many years ago, I tried to use this fact to confess my love to someone...

"My love for you is superconductive!" I told them.

I... really don't believe you. Like, at all.

But enthusiasm isn't very scientific. I lost interest in her before long.

All right, in the next section...
There's something weirdly nice about seeing this again. I dunno, might just be me. It means we have a bunch of variety of things we can do again. For example!
We can finally go shopping again and have it not rob us of our entire day just to consider it.
There's nothing that we can buy here that we can't get for free in Tartarus (although some of it is more convenient here). And thanks to our level at this point, compared to last time, we can even buy a Grenade Launcher for Aigis!
It, uh, is worse than the Six-Shot so we won't be. But, hey, it's available now which is... something I guess.
Oh yeah, we're gonna head over to Edogawa because, uh...
This Mysterious Feeling

Perhaps this one may...

Ah, pay no mind to the mutterings of a kindly nurse... Eeeheehee.

I feel I must ask...

Do you have your own deck of tarot cards? Don't lie... I can smell them on you.

Do you consult them regularly? If you own a deck and you don't use it, it's a shameful waste!

...Though while we're on the subject, why not a detailed lesson on the use of the tarot?
Something tells me this is gonna be a long one...

I warn you, it's a complicated subject, and will take some time... Do you want to hear it?

I'd like to hear it.

Very well, then. Your fate is sealed... Eeeheehee.

Or as it's more commonly known, fortune-telling.

For now, let's keep to the simple one-card spread, where you draw and interpret a single card.

It will suffice for learning the basic methods of the tarot.

Now, a quick word on the deck... For best results, you'll want to use all 78 cards...

But for today's explanation, we'll limit ourselves to the 22 Major Arcana.

That means mixing them all up, putting them in a pile, lining up the drawn cards, and examining them.

When I say "spread," I refer to how they will be presented. It's a concept I'll come back to several times.

...Ahh, I nearly forgot about the necessary preparation before handling the cards.

Before one begins a tarot reading, one's mind must be calm.

Try to unify your consciousness while relaxmg it at the same time.

Once you're relaxed, we'll begin.

Place the cards face-down on the table to hide the pictures...

Then the client of the reading will shuffle, or mix, the cards.

If you're reading your own fortune, then you perform this step yourself.

The left hand is the agent of the subconscious mind, you see. Eeeheehee...

Though if you're clumsy, or lost a hand, or what-have-you, you can use either or both hands. It all depends.

When the client is satisfied, make a single pile, which completes the shuffling phase.

...And by "pile," I mean a neat, orderly stack.

Now, onto cutting the deck.

Split the stack you've made into three piles, each one roughly the same height.

Normally the client also performs the cut, but the fortune-teller is free to perform this step as well.

Just let the spirit move you.

It may be your own feelings, and it may be occult inspiration...

Reorganize the three piles in the order of your choice, and stack them into one pile again.

Once this is complete, the reader should take the pile.

Be very careful on this step. You must preserve the direction that the cards originally faced.

And now, it's finally time to draw a card. This is the spread phrase.

We're doing a one-card spread, so turn over the top card, and place it on the field to the side.

In some methods, you specify which card from the top... but that's outside of this lecture.

The card on the field provides the answer to the client's question.

Now, at last, the reading phase.

First, we must understand the card's meaning.

You do remember that much, yes?

There are a few exceptions, but in general, a reversed card is negative, and has a different meaning.

Once you understand the drawn card's meaning, apply it to your question...

Let inspiration rise to the surface of your mind, and... Well...

I'll say it once more: form a story around it! A story, I say!

...Excuse me... I went too far.

Regardless, simply telling the client the card's meaning isn't considered a true reading.

Using the clue derived from the card, the reader must use his inspiration to look into the client's future.

It's important to converse with the client as well, to assist with your inspiration.

...What's that? Each card's meaning? Didn't I hand out notes on that before?

If you've lost them, I can't help you... Research that information on your own time.

Well, I think that's enough of an explanation for today...

Oh yes, one more thing. Always seal your inspiration after the fortune has been told.

Say farewell to the cards, for instance, or imagine cocooning yourself in a sleeping bag.

If you don't seal your inspiration, it may draw unwanted attention...

Whew... Talking so much at once is quite draining. Run along home, now.
oh my god that was way longer than i expected and we didnt even get anything out of it
At least it didn't take up our afternoon timeslot to do. Edogawa sure implied it would, but thankfully that wasn't the case.
There's so many choices for things to do and people to hang out with now that we've gotten the side-stuff for the day done. So, how's about Bebe? We haven't spent time with him in what feels like forever!

I 'ave come up wiz a great idea to show Japan's charm to my uncle!

I will show 'im a kimono, and make 'im understand the beauty of Nihon!

That's a good idea.

Since you agree, Makoto-sama, I 'ave nozing to be afraid of!

Ze kimono eez a Japanese treasure!

If I show it to my uncle, he will surely let me stay in Nihon.

Ze design will be...

...ze mascot of ze Sweet Shop!

I zought of zis design because...
> Bebe seems to be counting on you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

I will 'urry up and make ze kimono!

I will sew like ze wind!
> You worked with Bebe for a long time, and then decided to go back to the dorm.
It's such a simple plan, but one that clearly makes sense to Bebe. What can he do and make that's very traditionally Japanese?

Hey, Fuuka, is Aigis ready?

Ready for what?

She said she wanted to go to school, so I said something to Mitsuru-senpai as a joke...
This... seems like a really bad idea.

Seriously!? He's down with that?

Her said something about studying her behavior in a social environment...

Well, as far as I'm concerned, it's a great idea...

The camouflage Fuuka-san has provided me with seems to be the appropriate size.

It looks very natural on you; no one will suspect a thing.

But, why does he want you to go to school? It's not like there's anything special about it.

With the commencement of the second semester, I intend to synchronize my schedule with the other members'.
Ah yes, the crucial flaw in our planning so far. Not having everyone at Gekkoukan during the day is a drastic hindrance on our ability to act at midnight.

Therefore, I request to accompany our squad leader.

Delay our deployment? Won't you going to school create more problems?

I will make any necessary adjustments as problems arise.

Woof, woof!

Sorry, Koro-chan... You have to stay here.

If the robot can come, I don't see why Koromaru can't either. There's so many easy ways to make it work!
Iwatodai Dorm

I really couldn't think of any reason why she shouldn't...

...and the Chairman agreed.
No, I can't think of any reason at all why the android built for combat can't come to high school.

I do not understand why I am permitted to go to school while Koromaru-san is not.

Because he's a dog.
Persona 3 is a very serious game. Very. Incredibly serious.

My question remains unanswered.

...It's common sense?

A tacit understanding that is not listed in the school regulations...

My question has been answered. Thank you very much.
Wow, Ken, you uh... you might wanna get the translation on your dialogue here checked. It's very clunky and unnatural.

...we decided she should wear winter wear.

I don't think anyone will find that suspicious...
I think if anything gives it away, it'll be the clanking of metallic hoov--
Wait, no, she IS wearing shoes this time. That helps with that problem.

I bet there will be a ton of guys who's gonna get a crush on her.

The way she walks... The way she talks...
Stilted, emotionless, overly literal and with a laser focus on Makoto?

I hope she won't be too hot in them.
Honestly, while it would be very funny if she overheated from wearing a bunch of extra layers in summer, it seems pretty hard to get Aigis to overheat at all. Orgia Mode does it, but that's the only thing we've seen that can.

If anything happens at school, I'm not gonna be held responsible for it.

*sigh* What is Ikutsuki-san thinking...?
A leading paper printed an Apathy Syndrome victim's picture without masking his identity, and...
That's... not quite what I'd have expected, honestly. It's certainly an issue, and all, mind.
Speaking of issues, it's Tuesday so let's see what Tanaka's up to.
This Mysterious Feeling

I've decided to make a donation.

Oh, there she is...
She is just in this scene to... look pretty? She has no dialogue, and yet...

Not really.

You're too young. You're still immune to her secret pheromone.
> President Tanaka seems a little disappointed.

A woman like that usually has men on their knees.
Is... is she really just in this scene to be objectified to her face? I think I know what Tanaka's thinking...

She's raising money to help orphans in foreign countries.

I don't look at it as a donation so much as an investment. Let me explain...

Children who learn to cope with adversity are more likely to become rich and famous, like me.

When I told them over the phone, they sent me this.
> President Tanaka handed you a thank-you letter.

I received it the very next day. Now, I can't back out...

10 million yen is nothing to me, though.

Once those children grow up and become successful, I'll introduce myself to them.
...he says in front of the alleged charity worker

This idea probably would not have occurred to me if it wasn't for our conversations...

By talking to you, I seem to have developed an interest in watching others mature...

I thank you for that. Actually, I should be thanking myself... for wisely noticing this.
> Despite his self-flattery, you sense President Tanaka's true appreciation.
> You feel like you fully understand him now.
The Path is Open
This Mysterious Feeling
So, uh, Beelzebub is... a significantly higher level than the previous 2 we unlocked from SLinks. Melchizedek and Arahabaki were at the level 60 mark. The Lord of the Flies here is... level 81. Yep.

I worked myself to the bone to earn that money, and all I get in return is a piece of paper?

...Excuse us. We need some time alone to talk about adult stuff.
..."Adult stuff," huh?

Oh, by the way...

I've decided to pass on the exclusive modeling contract we discussed.
...we what?

Unfortunately, I got swept up by your enthusiasm and may have given you the wrong impression...

Anyway, stop hanging around middle-aged men like me and find what truly makes you happy.

Tootaloo, my dear boy... May you find success one day.
> President Tanaka sent you on your way with some kind words and a thank-you letter.
I guess it's good to know that Tanaka really did learn literally nothing and is still a self-centred, manipulative scumbag. Never change, you despicable bastard.
Anyway, we're this
close to maxing Academics. It should be done on, uh, Friday at this rate. Right before the full moon.
This doesn't really help, but we can deal with it.
Changing Seasons /

That's right.

Currently, I detect no Shadows in the vicinity. However, we must remain cautious at all times.

...It's a school.

I see. I shall record that in my memory bank.

...Please introduce yourself.

My name is Aigis. I am pleased to meet you all.

Aigis... What a strange name... I wonder if she was born overseas.

...Clearly, that's a mistake.

It just goes to show, you can't believe everything you read.

You can sit... right over there, in that empty seat.

Um, Ms. Toriumi, that spot's already taken. He's just playin' hookey.

...Which means he's not here.

So, it's free to be used, right?

Because I wish to always be by his side.

Is there a problem?
Classmate: ...Um, Yukari, why're you standing up?

My, aren't we just full of drama today?

Do me a favor and save the antics for after school.
> It's from Akihiko.

> "I'll be waiting by the gate. Meet me there."
An Old New Arrival
Changing Seasons /

There's something I have to do, and I want you to come with me.


The situation has changed. Sorry, but this time, I'm not asking.


This belongs to you.

Yeah, so what?

There's more.
If Shinji didn't care about Strega, why would he care about that ki--
Well, uh, that's not the reaction I was expecting.

He has the potential, and Ikutsuki-san has okayed it. He's now a Persona-user.

You've gotta be kidding me.


Let me ask you one thing...

Was it his decision to join SEES?

Yeah. He volunteered.

...I see.

...Well, I can't say I expected that either.

So, you're the one leading the operations now, huh?

If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you fighting for?
We've got nothing better to d Uh, we were forced to jo Um...

I don't know.

Is that so?

Well, you do your thing; I'll do mine.

Is my room still vacant?
Akihiko nods and they walk off.
Iwatodai Dorm

I don't think he's a bad guy. I mean, he's good friends with Akihiko-senpai.
Yeah, so, uh, Shinji's gonna join SEES formally sometime in the future. He's not actually joined yet though - Fuuka lets you see everyone's stat screens, but we don't have one for Shinji.

With him back on the team, no one can beat us!
Seems really presumptuous to go that far before he even does anything.

So, he used to be a member of SEES, huh...

He seems okay, doesn't he?
Yes, "that place." The dingy alleyway. Don't play the pronoun game, especially when it's super-pointless.
Which is always.

He said Shinjiro-san has been feeding him from time to time.

But, is he dependable? I mean, he was at that place, and...

I guess I'm just not very trusting.
The Older Kids are up on the 2nd floor. Like when Fuuka moved in, they're ostensibly working on setting up a bedroom but...

But, I can't help wondering what motivated you to pick up your Evoker once again...

Something must have affected you profoundly.

I won't ask you now, though.

I appreciate that.

Maybe someday I'll be in the mood to tell you...


I'm ready for battle right now, in fact.

Tch. You're as hot-headed as always.
Obviously, we're not going to Tartarus tonight.

I'm gonna take it easy for today, but starting tomorrow, call me whenever.
Tomorrow, huh? Let's see... the 3rd of September...
That's the last day to get Elizabeth's requests done...
Anyway, today is a Wednesday which means we're off to the Arcade. And wouldn't you know it, that gives us an Academics rank up!
Which means we've finally maxed all three of our social stats. Took a little longer than I'd have liked, but it's fine and not at all a big deal. It does mean that now we gotta think about what to do for most evenings.
Well, we can worry about that later. First, we've got Tartarus to deal with and then the full moon immediately afterwards.