Part 81: 11/04/09
It's kind of a clever, nice touch that we're not tired after last night. There's no point to it since we just have the ending left to go after all.

This is the first time we've talked during the daytime.

...For both of us.

I now know my role clearly.

The time has come.

As difficult as it may be, I must tell you something.

I want you to know... For me, our friendship was a miracle.

But, miracles don't last forever.

...If only they did.


I shall treasure our conversations always.

...Remember that.

It was fun while it lasted.

The Path is Open
Thanatos is level 64 and, well, I really like the guy. As what is clearly one of our NG+ super Persona, he's a little bit disappointing, but he's also REALLY easy to make very good so it all works out.
Changing Seasons (Reincarnation)
...okay so remember how i said Changing Seasons was my favourite general area theme? this is even better, though i do wish it still had the rad french lyrics

Tonight's the big celebration! I'm gonna eat like there's no tomorrow!

Yeah, I'm ready.

Me too! I haven't eaten anything since yesterday!
Don't skip breakfast. It's important. Even just a banana is fine!

You better come back right after school, man! I'll be waitng.
> There's going to be a celebration at the dorm.
> You should head back.
Yeah, no time to run around and talk to folks just yet. We'll probably get that between this and the final part of the ending, Earthbound style or something.
The Fool's Journey
if you can definitely better to just watch this; it's the rest of the update - this scene is veeeery long
Iwatodai Dorm

The slices are huge!

Man, I'm starving... Can we eat?

Hey, where are Aigis-san and Ikutsuki-san?
Seems a bit pointless to do that now that we've beaten the 12th Shadow, but it's probably some data thing to make sure this doesn't become necessary again.

He said they'd join us later.

*giggle* The Chairman just can't stay away from the lab, can he?
The sound of a car parking is heard outside.

So, it's over at last, huh...


Though you will never receive the recognition you deserve, it is undoubtedly a monumental achievement.

Thank you.

For lending us your power until the very end.

Oh, it's... it's no big deal.

You needn't bear this burden any longer. You deserve a chance to experience the joys of youth.

The Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad will be dissolved as of midnight tonight.

No longer must you put your lives on the line in battle.

Oh, it's nothing...

Alright, everyone... It's time to celebrate.

Sweet! I've been waiting for you to say that!
This just being 7 is a bit odd, but I guess it makes sense insofar as skipping from 6 to Max is a bit odd and would totally definitely never happen, ever.

I have an idea... How 'bout we all take a picture?

Actually, I tried to take one last night...

You mean... you brought a camera with you into battle?

Well, it was our LAST battle, after all.

*sigh* I feel like such a tourist.

But, I have to admit... I kinda want a picture, too.

Alright, everyone get together.

Knock it off.

It's a bit weird that we're back here in the animezone for this one bit, but...

C'mon, quit fooling around, Junpei.

Argh! Knock it off, will ya?
...If nothing else, this is probably the most appropriate photo that we could've taken here.
Iwatodai Dorm

Are you kidding? I'm stuffed.

Me too...

I couldn't eat another bite.

How 'bout you, Senpai...?

I'm good for now.


Don't give the dog raw fish! You'll make him sick!


It's almost midnight...

The clock transition being here despite the Dark Hour no longer existing is pretty clev--


Woof! Woof!

I thought we ended the Dark Hour!

Senpai, what's going on...!?

I don't know.
A bell begins ringing, somewhere...

Yeah, something didn't feel right.


No way...

Hey... Do you hear that?

Where's Ikutsuki?

Why is he late!? He's got Aigis with him, doesn't he!?



We're heading for Tartarus.

Um... To do what?

I don't know... But, that's where the sound is coming from.

We have to find out what's going on.
As the first time proper we've gotten to see Tartarus from the outside, while in-engine, it doesn't show much. We can see the giant, giant doors though and a clock inlaid across both that makes me think the doors as we see them don't actually open.

The "door handles" as a pair of bull heads is a bit of an interesting design too. They're both too big and too high for our use, though, and too low down for the Titans.

Aigis? Why are you here...?


Ikutsuki-san, what's this all about!?

You said the Dark Hour and Tartarus would disappear if we defeated the 12 Shadows.

That's why we fought so hard! But, now--

...What is your intention?

It was all a lie, wasn't it?

Excellent deduction, Mitsuru.

Unfortunately, your realization has come too late.
That Which Comes From The Darkness


...You tricked us!?

It is not unexpected that the Dark Hour and Tartarus remain.

In fact, I never intended for you to rid the world of them. Quite the opposite, actually.

What do you mean?

And that was accomplished in no small part, thanks to your efforts.
Uhhh... The Reaper's tough and all, sure, but we could take him right now. It'd be slow, but we could do it!


What are you talking about!?

The end of all shall come and free this world from despair...

The death of everything... but also the beginning.

Wh-What is he saying...? Is he out of his mind...?

The experiment went awry, but that is not why the Dark Hour and Tartarus were born.

That can't be.

People have filled the world, yet turned it into a void!

The only hope of salvation lies in ruin!
...What prophecy? What? Was the whole science thing in the past just an insane cult? Because its sounding more and more like a Jonestown-esque cult.

And once the Prince has delivered us all, he shall rule the new world as King!

Man, he's totally lost it...

I apologize for deceiving you, but this was for your sake as well.

You call that salvation!?

...I have a question for you.


In the video from my father...

He said to defeat the Shadows... Was that a lie, too?

Ah... He did record that himself.
Gasp, the most heinous act of all: video editing!

...You doctored it!?

I corrected it.

Your father was a superb scientist...

He may not have known it, but I truly respected him.

While others focused on the Shadows' abilities, he explored much more important things...


He left that recording at the expense of his life.

So you were behind it all!?

You used both me and my father!

"Used" is such an ugly word... It was for the sake of the world, so how could it be wrong?

...and we intend to do just that.
Yukari pulls out her Evoker. No one else does, though, even though Mitsuru just straight up threatened to "correct" Ikutsuki.

Hey, w-wait...

But, you are just children, after all. I suppose it can't be helped.

The time has come for you to fulfill your role. Capture them, and prepare them to be sacrificed!
Ikutsuki pulls out a remote, and immediately opts to use it.

This is meant to be Aigis jumping towards the party to, like, kick their asses or something but it really looks more like Ikutsuki's mods include the ability to now fly.

Meanwhile, back in the anime-zone...

Somewhere in Tartarus, on open area (that's clearly not the top we reached before), most of the party is crucified.

Man, we got owned
during that fakeout battle transition. Aigis' absence is obvious, but Takeharu's not here either.
The Voice Someone Calls

What the hell!?

What is this!?



It is just as it appears... They are to be sacrifices--harbingers of the Fall.

The arrangements are complete; the prophecy shall be fulfilled.

You son of a bitch! I'm gonna rip your head off!
Aigis raises one of her arms and very loudly and audibly cocks the gun.


You traitor! Are you insane!?

Of course not. ...You know, your father was an unlucky man.

My father was wrong.
It IS an ideology that tends to find more traction around serial killers than sensible people...


You are but a nuisance now. ...Aigis!


What are you doing, Aigis!?
Aigis drops her arm. How nice.

I... am...

Ten years... I've wasted ten long years!
If you really believed the nonsensical bullshit you're spouting, wouldn't it be an investment
and not a "waste"?

I'm not like your father... I won't make any exceptions!
Back to anime scenes for the third time in this one scene, yes, and Ikutski's totally ready to shoot Takeharu.

...But Ikutski's not the only one with a real gun here, apparently.

Two shots ring out, as both men fire at each other simultaneously...

...But only Ikutski remains standing.


...At least he's wounded, though not enough to stop things.

Aigis... we'll end this. Execute the sacrifices, now!
Takeharu, on the other hand, is definitely dead.
(the walther p99 that he had there is the most commonly used pistol by law enforcement in many parts of the world)


Dammit, snap out of it!

Finish them, Aigis!
While Aigis definitely does rapidfire towards the party, she ain't hitting anyone here.

Instead opting to free them from their inprisonment.

What the...

Dammit, you... you defective machine!

I'll do it myself!
But, hey, did you notice? Someone else was conspicuous by their absence up here.

What the-- waah!
Koromaru to the rescue, hell yeah!



Hahah... You don't get it, do you? This useless, pathetic world will gradually fester over time!

Only it's destruction can bring about its salvation!

Heh, and then, at long last...

I will rule over the new world!

I was so close...
Ikutsuki takes a few steps back and off the edge of the raised platform...

...Tumbling into the darkness below. He clearly can't convince anyone here he's right, his own (literal) machination turned against him and any confrontation would end with his defeat and capture. Preferring death in this scenario at least fits with his insane ramblings.
Living With Determination

He swore that he would atone for endangering our generation, even if it cost him his life...

But, I... I wanted him to live...

I... I became a Persona-user to protect him...
> Everyone was at a loss for words...
> So, you decided to return to the dorm and sleep.