Part 90: 11/29/09 - 12/01/09: Harabah The Drought (Part Two)

Just three days before the first full moon that presumably doesn't have an Arcana Shadow... Let's see what we can fit into the time we have, then.

Tanaka's actively just ripping us off today, apparently. 90k for a fucking Sigma Drive (and some Mega Protein!) is absurd, especially for something that's not at all worth wasting any money on.
As one of the last things that Tanaka even sells, this is just plain appalling.

No one in the dorm has anything new to say right now, so we'll just go straight to the shrine to hang out with Akinari.

> Akinari looks into your eyes.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

This seems like a potentially bad thing, but it probably isn't that big a deal overall. It is nice for those dorks, though!

> Koromaru seems to be barking about something.

Oh no! Looks like Featherman R is rapidly approaching its final arc! We really need to catch an actual episode soon, now.
Newscaster: ...And now, the news. Tension is still high over the Apathy Syndrome, since the causes are still undetermined...

Junpei and Ryoji are on the 2nd floor, but they got around showing the latter by claiming he's in Junpei's room. Sure.

Pretty obvious from where I'm standing: Cielo Mist. Gotta get that refreshing Jamaican flavour!

Anyway, we'll be going to Tartarus tonight for sure and for the first time in a while, Koromaru's getting a rest. He's sure earned it, at least.

So, Fuuka's right this time around. From floor 181 on up, we DO get some new Shadows! The Red Shadows are the same as before, though, but that's consistent with previous blocks so I can't really complain.
And, yeah, Junpei's sporting the Balmung (which pushes him up to over 500HP...) and Makoto's got the Gungnir. One day we'll get to make unique weapons for other people, but that day is not today.

So, new Shadows! Gracious Cupids are the lowest level dudes around (aside from the Luxury Hands but they don't count). They're... kinda eh, but most Shadows are, really. Mediarama and Marakukaja seem like they should make these things annoying but Thor has Vicious Strike and that does ~400 damage to all of 'em so it's a non-issue. If they DO get turns, they don't, then I'd be more worried about that Marin Karin anyway.

They drop Pink Feathers which is what Elizabeth's last request for this stretch of Tartarus is for. She wants 6 of these things, which sounds annoying but fortunately Cupids are common and often come in groups that can cap out at 5.

Immoral Snakes try an interesting tactic of being weak to more people than normal. We have more folks that can use Pierce elemental attacks than any other Phys element, which is... a decision, I guess. Also they're weak to all flavours of Instant Death too which is cute but kinda superfluous.

While Immoral Snakes were interesting in their incompetence, Battle Wheels... sure do exist, I guess. Heat Wave is outdated Strike damage, Agidyne is a thing that more party members can no sell than anything else (thanks to Trismegistus) and Eerie Sound... inflicts Distress. The most boring Ailment.

Hell Knights are probably the most common regular Shadow in the area, aside from the Cupids. They're also the closest thus far to being a threat. This, of course, is predicated on them ever getting turns which is still not a likely prospect. Even with just (Ma)Garula, the Vayu Bracer allows Yukari to almost one-shot them from full health. Whoops.

Red Sigils employ a tactic that makes them annoying on paper, but really doesn't matter here in practice. Dodge Ice is meant to counteract their Ice weakness and make you waste turns trying to hit 'em with it. Unfortunately, they usually come all on their lonesome, so I just

...Power Castles. Power Castles please. They're the rarest thing in the block in my experience (I got a few more Luxury Hands and only one fight with these guys). They, uh, have 15 SP and 2 spells they cannot ever use. Deathbound IS dangerous, in general, but since they'll drop before getting to use it, it's a non-issue.

And lastly we have a Jotun of Blood who seems to have sneaked into this area from higher up in the tower. But he's not a red Shadow. so he's just sorta hanging out here. I dunno. He's weak to Curse and has no other resistances, which I guess counters his high HP but not really. That he has Infuriate is a silly decision on his part if he ever uses it.

That's it for new Shadows. While heading on up, we find some new armour that is technically an upgrade. It's got the highest Defense stat out of everything we currently have on-hand.
Unfortunately, it's not a cosmetic item so at this point it's basically just vendor trash.

Fuuka even manages to find the boss a little earlier than normal for once. It does take her until the 185th to figure out where it is, but that counts as an improvement in my book.

Speaking of which, there's nothing else of note that happens until we hit the boss' floor. Just gonna hand Elizabeth these feathers and grab that free full heal.

Not even a weird attempt at explaining anything this time around. I dunno. Yet Another Berserker's Seal is kinda nice, I guess. Maybe.
Let's just go dunk on the boss real quick, before I forget.

portable video is very slightly longer because he got a HP buff there

No, Fuuka. It's really, really not.

The Phantom King is a fucking joke loser who gets dunked on by any and every possible party composition. He tries to inflict Fear, via either Evil Smile or Evil Touch.

He also has Expel instant death in both Single and Multi-Target varieties. A bunch of things online sometimes claim he has Mudoon stuff too, but he doesn't.

That aside, he has a whole one other trick he can use to attack. He'll cast Mind Charge...

And follow it up with a Megido. Really?

Phantom King, buddy, pal. Let me show you what I can do to you here. Tarukaja + Rakunda + Power Charge + Great means that Vorpal Blade...

...Nearly does 75% of his max HP in a single hit. Yep, that sure is a fight I guess.

The Phantom King is a boring loser. He has 2500 HP, 500 SP, 25 Strength, 57 Magic (...yes, really), 36 Endurance, 35 Agility and 35 Luck. He has, uh, no elemental resistances. Technically. He nulls Light/Dark like normal, but that's it.

I dunno what it is with Tartarus bosses lately not even trying to pretend to be threats, but uh... that sure is an odd recurring pattern. Remember when it seemed like Tartarus was gonna be where more challenging fights were, because the Full Moon shadows had to be relatively easy to account for Tartarus being strictly optional? What happened to that?

Anyway, we're done with Harabah for today. Not going higher than 190 because there is no barrier between the first and second halves this time around. If we go to 191, we just start the second stretch then and there.

Aaaaand here's where the lesson, mercifully, ends so we get spared from Ekoda's weird and possibly inappropriate old man rant here.

Right, well, Monday is a pretty awkward day for us right now. Despite not being a holiday, there's still very few people even available any more.

So, uh, congrats on being winner by default here, Mamoru!

One quick fade to blue later...

> Mamoru seems a little sad.
> Mamoru seems to be pondering something intently.

> You can sense Mamoru is passionate about his club.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

Bit of an understatement, that.

> Mamoru began power-walking home...
> You decided to go back to the dorm.

Not really. We don't spend that much time in the dorm.

And, uh, every other girl for good measure.

Eh, no need. We're already considered a Genius, so we can probably smash it.

Well, that was weird. Guess we know rather clearly whose character arc is gonna be next, though!
...What also doesn't hurt is that there's no one else left. But, y'know, details.

Ulala Serizawa is a minor character in Persona 2: Innocent Sin and a playable character in Eternal Punishment. She's friends with Maya but also incredibly, blatantly jealous of her to the point where right at the start she decides, in a drunken stupor, to call JOKER (not to be mistaken with Master Joker) about Maya.
Her Primary Arcana is The Star, and her initial Persona is Callisto, a Greek nymph of Artemis who ended up encountering Zeus'... more Zeus-like qualities.

Anyway, Aigis and Koromaru are up on the second floor.

> He looks worried.

Everyone else has squirreled away to study for exams that apparently are coming up in December. That means we can't go to Tartarus today, which is kind of a mean trick considering today is this month's deadline for stuff that has that. Good thing we dodged that one!

But before today ends altogether, we've got one last optional cutscene. This is one we could miss by either ignoring Junpei or being a dick to him. We did neither, and so...

...We get a scene of Mitsuru calling someone.

I really feel like that should be my line here.

And so on that bizarrely enigmatic note, November comes to a close. Sure.

Aigis summing up my thoughts on Junpei's idea here really well, I see.

Anyway, today is Tuesday so let's spend even more time with Mitsuru. This can't possibly backfire.

> Mitsuru seems dejected.

One fade to blue later...

> Mitsuru has discovered how delicious takoyaki tastes...
> Your relationship with her has grown.
I'm not seeing the connection here, but sure. I'll take it.

> After saying goodbye to Mitsuru, you decided to return to the dorm.

Good to see that Junpei believes in his friends.

Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. Exams aren't until the 14th and we've long since maxed our Academics.

Aigis is... hiding over by the stairs today. That sure is a different place to be hanging out. Makes her surprisingly easy to miss.
Well, tomorrow's a full moon, and who even knows what's gonna happen then! Quite possibly nothing of importance, since all the Arcana Shadows have been killed and all. We'll find out what it's gonna be soon enough, though...