Part 97: 12/14/09 - 12/21/09
Well, this is it then. Our probably definitely final... finals. Let's get to it, shall we?
During the Test...since this is the last time this'll play, if you've skipped it every time so far give it a listen here at least
Like normal, I'll be nailing all these without issue. The answers'll be tagged if you wanna try and play along at home, albeit in Hard Mode.
...Sometimes, "Hard Mode" might be very subjective.
Left-hand rule
"Winter mornings are pleasant."
There's always one that requires the answers there to know what the question is asking, isn't there.

And then on the last day, our max Academics is pulling its weight. How nice!
Changing Seasons (
Reincarnation) /
Exams now well and truly done, we'll be spending the day with Mitsuru, of course. We've only got... five links left to spend our time on.

Soon, we'll be looking back nostalgically on these times...

Did something happen?

...I'm just tired. There's no need for you to worry.

Since my father passed away... I've been faced with many difficult problems...

My inheritance.... the future of Kirijo... and the expectations of everyone involved with both...

Most likely I won't be able to attend college or begin a profession. I will have to find another path.
> Mitsuru looks unusually timid.

Say, Yuki...

What are your thoughts on marriage?
You... really don't want to know my real thoughts on that, Mitsuru.

It's the result of love.

However, I'm a Kirijo. I cannot simply make a decision according to my emotions.

An agreement between two parties such as marriage must be carefully considered.

My parents' marriage was arranged for strategic reasons.

But, as time passed, they slowly grew to love each other.

I don't consider them unfortunate... Love comes in all different forms.

Do you disagree?

That's a tough one.

If I could speak with my father one last time, I would ask him...
> Mitsuru seems sad.

I can't believe the library is closing and we're still here.

*sigh* Talking in the library... I'm not setting a very good example as Student Council President.

...We should go.
> You listened to Mitsuru as she talked about her personal problems.
> Your relationship with her has become more intimate...
No, really, that's just how the scene ends. How sudden.
Iwatodai Dorm

I went for a walk around town...

The number of The Lost is increasing. I saw them everywhere I looked.

Perhaps that has to do with the Fall.

We have to do something.

Yes, I agree.

We must continue going to Tartarus until the very end.

Whether our opponent is a Shadow, or whether it is fate, we will need to be strong to win.
That's a bit of a jarring change for the side-conversation, huh...

But, one day they will realize that the jolly old man doesn't really exist.

They will be sad, but their sadness will lead them to maturity...

...and then they will leave their childish toys behind.

Christmas... What an interesting holiday...
At least she didn't use that "F" word. She didn't use that word, but I still thought to myself: you should never been broke into the Christmas business. So, Mitsuru, you don't belong in the Christmas business. Shoulda never been broke in. Bottom line: you shoulda never been allowed to break in. Just because of this one thing. And because I'm not fake, and my father wasn't fake.

How do you think you did on the finals, Makoto-kun?

I think I did well.

Oh, that's wonderful. I think I did pretty good, too.

But, there were a lot of questions I know I missed, so I'll have to review them later.
Well, I don't "think" I did well. I know I did well.

This is the same way I felt after the last midterms...

We thought it was going to be the last battle, but it wasn't...

*sigh* The more I think about it, the more depressed I get...


Wow, that's great.

Given the situation you were in, you did an amazing job.
Meanwhile, Junpei went and Junpei'd.

But, how can I be expected to concentrate when I know the world is going to end...?

Let's try and have some fun...

...because this may be our last one.
Wow, Akihiko. Way to bring the mood down!

And for the entire year for that matter. Because we didn't really get around to programming weather until Persona 4.
Weather Man: For everyone who was looking forward to a white Christmas: too bad! Now, let's join the rest of the gang back in the studio!
Newscaster: Welcome to Hyper-Action News, bringing you all the day's news, and more news besides!
I guess from this being considered noteworthy that Tatsumi Port's bizarrely boring weather is just a gameplay concession or something, though.

That's just the way I can resolve this as making sense, since there's no point in bothering with weather effects if they don't matter.

Is something wrong?

No, I just wanted to talk.

Awww... Are you feeling lonely?

Hey... Are you teasing me?

No. ...Well, maybe just a little. *giggle*


Hey, do you think it's inside Tartarus?

I have no idea...

Oh, by the way, I've made my decision...

I want to fight to the end. It's better than doing nothing.

That's why you're here, isn't it, Senpai? To talk about our decision?

*giggle* You're so easy to read.

I've made my decision as well.

Kirijo is making great strides to turn itself around.

After I graduate, I plan to assume leadership of the Group and continue where my father left off.

I cannot turn back now, even if I wanted to.

But, what if you die?

But I am confident they would fulfill my wishes.

Ryoji said Nyx can't be defeated... but I kinda wonder about that.
This scene IS voice acted, but not important enough to warrant a video. Still, that explains the clunky and awkward allusion here. Plus it's flatout wrong; Makoto is VERY killable. It's just a world ending cataclysm if it happens.

I agree...

Death dwelled within him, amplifying his abilities, though he was exceptional to begin with.

He's an interesting guy, huh?

...Yes, he is.

Honestly, it doesn't matter whether or not we die.

All that matters is that we're proud of how we lived.

Does your decision have anything to do with your father?

...A little. But, it's more about me and how I feel.

I understand.

Senpai, when we were in Kyoto, you asked me to stand by your side...

Do you remember?

...Yes, I remember.

Current Net Price Tanaka
So, today, Tanaka has something maybe worth it for us. A neat new sword! It's cheaper here than it is in vanilla (costs 180k here and 280k there). We CAN get more than one, albeit rarely, even. But, well, its not worth getting for Junpei now because it just gives +50SP. Still gonna buy it as a backup for Makoto since it might be useful for some boss fights, maybe.
In Vanilla, it was a +10 to Strength, Magic, Agility, Endurance AND Luck! That bonus effect is now reserved for ultimate weapons only. Sorry, Apocalypse!
Iwatodai Dorm
This week we've got the guys (minus Ken) on the second floor instead.

Maybe he's cursing fate... Why does he even care about life on earth?

I don't really wanna think about it...

No matter what we do, we can't stop it from happening...

It's just not fair...


I wish I could just forget about it, too.

But, the day will come... We have to decide our answer by then.
> He seems even braver than usual.

They better hurry up so I can crush 'em.

I agree.

I won't forgive them for what happened to Shinji and Chidori.


Heh, he agrees with us too.
I appreciate that even the characters are just done with the bad pacing of plot beats at this point.
Doesn't make it better, mind, and despite acknowledging it, Atlus sure forgot to learn
from it.

Anyway, Ken's hanging out downstairs on his own right now.

It's like I was sleepwalking...

And I opened my eyes and was like, "Oh yeah, Christmas..."
Fuuka's downstairs as well, but she's busy presumably putting the finishing touches on this tiny model tree.

Makoto-kun, what do you think the true meaning of Christmas is?

Joy to the world.

Yes, I agree.

The Christmas spirit should put a smile on everyone's face.

So, let's be happy!
Unfortunately, thanks to exams, we need to spend today using the shrine to get another 10 points for Yukari. Sorry Akinari, that makes three weeks in a row you got ignored because of these exams!

Speaking of Yukari, Mitsuru and her are downstairs again in the evening.

The answer was in front of me the entire time...

If I do not come back, then someone else will have to run the company.

Although, I have every intention of returning.

I've made up my mind...

I'm going to fight to the end.
...Not gonna lie, I completely misread that the first time as "Demon Robot Tanaka" and now I'm sorta disappointed. That'd be incredibly cool.

And as a last note for the day, Paulownia's now been decorated just in time for Christmas. No other changes, though.

So that'll do it for today. And since we're back at school now...
Changing Seasons (
Reincarnation) /
We've gotta get our exam results, and of course we nailed first place again. Probably wasn't even close, really. Gotta love that little fistpump that Makoto feels the need to do for good measure!

...And immediately afterwards, we get Edogawa. Welp. I could skip these at this point, sure, but I probably won't.

Today, we'll finally talk about magic right here in Japan.

Though I'm sure you think you're familiar with it already, you probably aren't.

The view that magic is a dubious subculture is becoming more common...

But what is swept into the corners of society today was once central to Japan.

After all, Himiko of Yama-taikoku was a shaman.

She reportedly used magic called "Kido" to control the country.

Sadly, we have no way of knowing what kind of sorcery that was...

The same is true for Prince Shotoku, who established a centralized government.

He practiced Onmyodo, so in a sense, he was also a shaman.

With origins like this, magic was naturally woven into the very fabric of Japan.

In the Heian period, for example...

The Bereau of Onmyo was established, for Onmyouji to expel evil spirits and give spiritual advice.

Even in the age of the samurai, magicians played their part.

Many generals who studied divination and military tactics could be considered magicians.

Are you all listening? Don't become mesmerized, now... Eeeheehee.

I'll test you to see how closely you've been paying attention.

Get it wrong, and you'll hear more taboo phrases. Tohokami emitama...

Who to call on... Ah, Makoto. I ask thee...


Very good. Thank your kotodama for that one.

The trend of tying magic to the people continued to the Edo period, but...

Tsuchimikado Shinto, which had been revived during the Edo period, faded away...
And thankfully at this point, Edogawa's lecture ends. You can start actually paying attention again. 

Just in time for spending today with Yukari herself, instead of praying at a shrine like an old man!

Everyone's in their room, too... I hope no one finds out I snuck you in here...

If I accidentally scream, everybody will hear me...
Man, these are getting way less subtle.


What am I saying!? Don't get the wrong idea, okay?

I didn't hear anything.

...Am I always this crazy?
> Yukari is laughing and blushing at the same time.
> You talk with Yukari for a long time.

This is for you...
> Yukari has given you a special gift.

You know what it is, right? It's the strap from my cell phone.

It's been my special keepsake for many years...


...I used to talk to the toy figurine attached to it when I was here in my room.

*giggle* You must think I'm nuts, huh?

...That's not the reason I gave it to you, though...

I-I'm only gonna say this once, okay?



Whew, I said it!
> Yukari has professed her love for you, and it seems she wants your love in return.
The Path Is Open
Cybele's someone we can use relatively soon. She's level 68 and is pretty good all told honestly. She learns Spell Master at level 75, just for good measure, and even starts with Samarecarm if you feel the desperate need for a max revive ever. She doesn't even have a weakness, which sure feels quite rare! Really, her only downside is that her only magical offense is Megidola and she has Recovery inheritance.

...Hey, don't make any plans for tonight, okay?

I want to spend some time together, just the two of us...
They're really not even trying to hide it at this point, wow.
Iwatodai Dorm

There are less than ten days until New Year's Eve.

But, for some reason, I'm not scared at all.

Well, maybe I'm scared a little...

But, I'm still gonna fight.

Win or lose, I'm gonna give it my all.
Man, we've really blasted through most of December pretty quick, huh? Exam week speeds things up a bit, by default, but there's usually still a bit more to it.
Well, we DO have Tartarus to go back to still and that needs doing sometime in the next 8 days...

Now, what should I do for Christmas...?

Sure am!

Cool! Let's enjoy Christmas!

I have such a hard decision to make...

My teachers used to tell me not to worry about test scores...

This is what they must have meant.
I could be wrong here, but I'm reasonably confident that this kinda scenario is not quite what most people have in mind. Also, I do not believe that a Japanese teacher would tell a student to not worry about their test scores.

Ohey, first time in a while we're able to take Koromaru out like this. Definitely gonna be doing that, then!

I think I'll make this a regular stop on my own walks.


It's almost Christmas...

And, well...

Do you...


...It's nothing. Forget I said anything...
> You spoke quietly with Mitsuru...

...Let's head back.
So, now we have something important. Like Mitsuru says, we're only a few days out from Christmas which is going to be Very Important...
Burn My Dread (Reincarnation)
Christmas Eve is, of course, more noteworthy than Christmas itself. Because this is Japan and therefore Christmas Eve is a day of romance.

Much like with the summer festival way back when, we get calls from all the high school girls we've got links with.

...Provided they're at least rank 5, of course.

They call you in this order until you accept one or reject them all. I believe this wasn't the case in Vanilla, but my knowledge there shows its gaps in places like this. I think its still prioritised in this order but you only get a call from the one that's the highest ranked/prioritised if its a tie.

We CAN always choose to not spend it with any of the girls, of course.
So, I guess it's a pretty simple ask this time around:
Who's our romantic partner for Christmas Eve, if anyone?