Part 98: 12/22/09 - 12/24/09
Not much of December left, but we'll take it easy for the moment.
Changing Seasons (
Reincarnation) /

Ms. Ounishi left early, so I'll be teaching today in her place.

I think today we'll learn about near-death experiences.

...There's no real reason for it. They've just been on my mind.

Now, a near-death experience is defined as something an individual experiences just before death.

Is it true insight into the afterlife? Or simply a trick of the brain?

There are a few surviving records of ancient near-death experiences.

According to the writings of Plato, a resuscitated soldier experienced the afterlife as a spirit.

A similar incident was reported in Japan by ethnologist Kunio Yanagita in the Tono Monogatari.

I'm sure you've heard your own stories, from famous or infamous individuals.

I have a few first-hand reports with me today... Let me read you some of them.

"I felt as if my soul was detached from my body." "I met a friend who had already passed away."

"I saw my whole life flashing before my eyes..."

"I saw the most brilliant light." "I was bathed in light."

These kinds of reports are typical.

Some have attempted to make direct recordings of near-death experiences.

Researcher Kenneth Ring has tried to quantify near-death experiences with a Weighted Core Experience Index.
Fun fact: at time of writing, Kenneth Ring is still alive. This (currently) 82 year old man from San Francisco is, or at least was, a psychology professor at the University of Connecticut. The research in take place occured in 1977, for what its worth.

Modern efforts have led to a new theory of near-death experiences. which goes like so...

If an individual who is dying denies that fact...

As a result, he'll try to do anything he can to extend his life.

But the futility of this leads to depression.

In the end, he accepts his fate.

...Is everyone listening? It's not every day you'll hear a lesson like this... Eeeheehee.

How about a little test, to prove you were listening...

Get it wrong, and memories of your life at school will disappear... Athah gabor leolam adnai...

Who should I pick...? All right. Makoto, I ask thee.


Good work... That is correct. You'll have a happy school life.

Some people say a near-death experience awakens one's higher consciousness.

Perhaps this is because near-death experiences are surprisingly free of pain and suffering.

But this is not to say I'd want any of you to seek one out. Use the time you have here wisely, okay?

...That's all for today. Class is dismissed.
Oh, that felt mercifully shorter than normal.
Anyway, today is a VERY important day. What we decide to do on Christmas Eve ripples forward in time to the last... 4 days of the game, and backwards in time to today.

Regardless, we nailed that exam effortlessly so we'll grab these cards from Mitsuru. +4 to their primary stat and +2 to Luck. They're very nice if you're the kinda person who uses them.

Anyway, today we'll be hanging out with Mitsuru.

It may sound strange, but I have been eager to experience a film in an actual theater.

Even though we sat at the end of the aisle, I didn't feel like my view was compromised in the least...

I find it interesting that so much thought is put into the design and construction of a movie theater.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

...Thanks to you, Yuki. I've always felt too uncomfortable to come here alone.

I don't think I would normally have this type of conversation...

But, it seems to me that Yukari is the type of girl who wouldn't feel inhibited watching a movie by herself.

She's also more suited to ride a motorcycle...

A motorcycle?

Yes, I believe you've seen it before; I used to use it when I provided support for the team.

However, I didn't purchase it solely for that purpose.

With a motorcycle, I can go where I want, when I want, all by myself.

I had planned to get rid of it after it was damaged, but I decided to have it repaired instead.

It may be a bit of an exaggeration to say I cherish it, but I do enjoy riding it when I have time to.

Let's go for a ride.

Together...? Just the two of us?

Can you ride a motorcycle? Or do you plan to sit on the back?

*laugh* Either way, it would be a lot of fun.

Thank you, I feel much better.
> Mitsuru has expressed her gratitude to you.
> Your relationship has become closer...
> You decided to return to the dorm with Mitsuru.
Nice to see that we've gone from instantly ending after the rank up message to a more "normal" closer.
Iwatodai Dorm

What about you, Makoto-san? Do you have anyone special to spend Christmas with?

Yes, I do.

Wow... You sound like an adult...

I don't have any plans. Do you?


Oh, let me guess... You're going to get ready for Christmas, right?

Well, good luck on choosing a present your girlfriend will like.
Eh, we don't need to buy anything. We're completely fine, like.
Newscaster: In lighter news, we join our foreign correspondent live from Rockefeller Center in New York City! She'll give us a look at the Christmas mood in the Big Apple, where everyone knows...
Another Koromaru walk today? Don't mind if we do!

A shrine may be an odd place to bring something like this up, but...

Do you... have any plans for Christmas?
Yes, and they're pretty simple really. Could change but eh probably not at this point.

Um, assuming you're free, of course...


I-I have some preparations to make...

Oh, um...
> You spoke quietly with Fuuka...

Do you want a bath again today? I'll clean you right up!
So, here's a nice free day to do with something with. But first...

Oh, hi, Sanada-san...

Is this where you should be?

Well, I was planning to...

But when I thought about what I was gonna say to her, it just didn't feel right.

Yeah, same here.

I don't have anything I need to tell Shinji right now.

...I have my own stuff to deal with.

...You got me.

But, it doesn't matter... because I've made up my mind.

I'm gonna look it straight in the eyes.

...Straight in the eyes...
Y'know I can see a pattern emerging here at this point. Just a shame that if its right then we've only got one more scene like this to go. Maybe 2, depending on when Aigis gets back.
Iwatodai Dorm
No one hanging out upstairs today. Mitsuru's the only one we're even talking to right now.

Simply think of it as this year's Christmas... and enjoy it.
That's it. So, we've got a day off and its a Wednesday so our options now are VERY limited...

So limited in fact that we get to spend time with our NEW BEST FRIEND, NOZOMI!

You must be one of those people with an extreme metabolism.

Sometimes I run into people who think they can take my title of Gourmet King. ...They're jealous.
How could anyone dislike the Gourmet King? He's a great comedian!

They think they understand how I got this far, but they're wrong. The sooner they accept that, the better for them.

Because of your courageous appetite, I will declare you as a supporter of the Gourmet King.

This is something history places upon you, so you aren't allowed to refuse.
> You've gained Nozomi's trust.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

...It kind of feels like I have a younger brother now.

So, how 'bout it? Do you want to have me as a big brother?
We could say no, but what kind of fool does that?!

Sure, okay.

There is a bit of resemblance, but alas, it's not to be. We'll have to remain friends.

...Isn't it always this way? I get my mind working, and it just makes me hungrier.

I just finished that beef bowl, but I'm already aching for more...
> Nozomi is still hungry.

...Think I should keep eating? It'd be staying true to myself, and that's good, right?

You're coming too, right Makoto? You have to, you're one of my supporters.

By the way, I made up this backwards walking thing, so don't steal it.
> You tagged along with Nozomi on the quest for another beef bowl.
> You said goodbye after the second meal and returned to the dorm.
Don't worry, we'll be seeing a lot more Nozomi in the very, very near future!
Iwatodai Dorm

Have you made up your mind yet, Makoto-san?

Well, I have. I'm going to fight.

When I thought about it, I realized that there really wasn't a choice to be made.

I don't want to have to tell my mom and Shinjiro-san that we failed.
I get that it's great and cool that everyone is independently deciding on with their own whether or not they'll fight Nyx, but... whether they even get that choice is exclusively up to Makoto. Still a good idea to prepare for it, just in case.

Yukari's focusing on something much more important...

It was about how much money women wanted their boyfriends to spend on their Christmas presents.

I usually get so excited thinking about my Christmas presents...

But this Christmas, I just want one thing, and it doesn't cost anything.
Granted, this could still be referring to Ryoji and Nyx and all, but that comes at New Year's Eve. It's easy to read in a couple ways, really. I can't give up.

I'll do whatever it takes.

The first one who looks away loses.

I'm going to stare right into Nyx's eyes...

...and I won't look away.
While I appreciate the sentiment, I don't think Nyx is going to be bested via staring contest.
Although that would be an amazing swerve.
Newscaster: Many Christmas trees all over town will shine through the night...
Last day before Christmas Eve. Last chance for one of our teammates to clunkily hint that she wants to spend it with us, I see. I'm sorry you have to be used this way, Koromaru.

I wonder if it's because it means everyone's at the dorm.

You do know what day tomorrow is, right?

I'm... gonna have something ready, just in case. If you have time...


W-Well, I'll tell you the rest tomorrow.
> You spoke quietly with Yukari...

C'mere and let's get you clean before we go home.
So, Christmas Eve. There's six possible outcomes to today, but that just results in 3 possible branches in the future/past. It'll make sense later, I promise.
Changing Seasons (
Reincarnation) /

Although unlike in Japan, December 25th-- Christmas Day--is even more important.

Do you all know why we celebrate Christmas in the first place?

It's interesting that a day whih is celebrated worldwide is observed differently from country to country.

Another example is Valentine's Day. Try looking it up online, if you're interested.
So, at Lunchtime we get text messages in the order shown at the end of the previous update. If we reject them all, we could spend today with Mitsuru (as a regular, Keisuke or Nozomi like normal...
But that's boring, so we'll spend it today with Mitsuru all proper like.


I've seen Christmas decorations before, but...

These are so beautiful...

So, what next?
There is a second option here that involves Makoto clunkily flirting. Needless to say, that IS the less good option. Makes perfect sense to me; would you want Makoto to flirt with you?

You mean, after this? Well...

...What would you like to do?

I'm up for anything...


...Do you want to walk around a little?
> You walk around and enjoy the lights with Mitsuru.

I'm usually stuck at business parties making small talk with presidents and CEOs...

...Here, I want you to have this.
Don't worry, this is less illegal than it seems. It's non-alcoholic (according to its description label)!

...I specially ordered it for you.

I hope we can enjoy it together someday.

I feel so calm and peaceful...

...Thanks to you.

Um, I feel like I need to tell you something...

...But, that makes me realize how I truly feel...

...I never imagined I could be this happy...
Noteworthy is that even though this time transition happens...

...We're not kicked back to the dorm!

...Sometimes, when I'm with you, I wish the wristwatch had never been invented.

What would you call this feeling...?



S-Sorry. I was talking to myself.

You'll see my face getting red...


This place is too bright...

...Let's change places.