Part 99: 12/25/09 - 12/27/09: Harabah The Drought (Part Four)

As a big ol' contrast to yesterday, Christmas is positively mundane.

Nothing of note happens in it by default. Which makes sense, since we WERE just told that Christmas Eve is a bigger deal and all.
More importantly, though, it's a Friday. Out of our 4 remaining links, only one of them can be done on Fridays!

Which means today is another Nozomi day!

> The two bowls you were eating have been replaced by two new ones.

That doesn't rhyme.

> The taste eradicated your cares.

See, this is why it pays to be friends with THE Gourmet King! Get all sorts of neat perks.

> Nozomi seems to be displaying kindness.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

Okay but that's just gross.

> After finishing up your ramen with Nozomi, you returned to the dorm.

never couldve guessed

Eh, they were pretty easy really.

So, that's Christmas huh. Seems pretty boring, really...

So, we're going to Tartarus today. Since Akihiko and Ken haven't gotten to do much in... a very, very long time, they get to come today and Yukari was a semi-close runner up for Christmas Eve so she gets slot 3.
Also they're all like 5-6 levels behind, and this way I don't need to grind them twice to play catchup. That helps too.

So he can maybe contribute something, Ken gets the Gungnir while Makoto gets to try out the Apocalypse to see how its nerfed incarnation fares.

Yukari's been using the Pleiades since we got it forever ago. That it has +4 Magic helps out there, for sure...

But she can tade it in for something else for a bit. The Luck boost is "eh," but we're not gonna be relying on her Magic much against randoms anyway.

Fuuka finds the boss when we hit floor 207. I guess that's technically earlier than normal at this point.

So, we've got a few new Shadows to contend with along the way. Judgement Swords are turning up now after being demoted from a boss fight, I see. They're somehow less threatening than they were before, and that's before you realise they're weak to Die For Me! which doesn't do any favours.

Iron Dice is mildly inconvenient in that Auto/Rush doesn't guarantee wiping them effortlessly. Ziodyne oneshots them basically regardless of who casts it at this point.

Prime Magus is almost threatening! Mind Charge and Bufudyne could be a bad thing (for Akihiko), but Megido is adorably worthless and... Mamudo? Really?

Perpetual Sand is... confused, I think. It's immune to elemental damage and has Makarakarn. They CAN come in some funky combinations that make that sorta worth using, but it just looks weird. Being weak to 2/3 Physical elements also seems kinda arbitrary but whatever. At least we can smash 'em easy enough with like Deathbound or something.

They drop the thing that Elizabeth wants from normal Shadows this time around, and she only wants 3 of them. Nice and easy.

Mad Cyclops is sorta like the previous Cyclops, except with a cool motif on his wheel and being strictly worse. Only two elements that are boosted? Weak to Expel? D-, see me after class.

And finally, we have the Stasis Giant who had a fairly quick turnaround from boss fight to cannon fodder. That immunity to Elec/Wind is almost inconvenient, so points for that I guess. Weak to Ice though, so we still don't really have to try at all.

During our ascent proper, Loki managed to hit level 63 and learn his penultimate skill removing his weakness. And also completing that request for Liz too. (His last skill is Repel Fire at 65 for what its worth)

Thor even managed to finally stop dicking around and hit level 60, granting us a sweet new accessory.

I would put it on Yukari, but nothing here has Zio spells right now so she can keep her Wind Amp.

And hey some new armor that only the guys can wear. Ken has no fashion gear right now, so he can get this I guess. It gives +2 Strength in this case, and he could use that.

And that's it until we reach the boss. Let's do the needful...

It's a hammer. It has 302 base power, 89% accuracy, increases Crit Rate and you can find them on two floors in rare chests in Harabah. We could've already gotten one. Yeah.

So, with this we can make

But, hey, we're level 64 now so we can do the first of a whopping five (!) Hexagon Spread fusions. Yes, that's up from three before.
Thanatos is one of the two new ones, being upped from a Pentagon in vanilla, and he was our rank 10 Death persona and...

...Boy does he look familiar.
Yes, he really learns Mahamaon at level 66. For some reason. His only other skills are 1-handed Sword Master at level 68 (whatever) and Brave Blade at level 71. 550 power Slash on a single target; 95% accuracy and 5% crit rate. It's a new skill for FES, though not super great. Not sure why they felt the need to add it, really, but I'm not gonna complain about variety.

And he even has a Heart Item if he manages to ever get to level 71. It... might happen. Maybe. Probably not, but you never know.

Anyway, that done, I'm gonna give Makoto these beads that we got forever ago and I forgot I was holding onto. Just as a precaution. It probably won't come up.

I'm just trying to rig these dice a little bit more in my favour.

It is the hardest boss fight in Harabah!

And this is basically why. The Reckoning Dice are capable of casting Megidolaon sometimes. They only have 500SP though, and they are not able to kill anyone with it as is.

Their only other actual attack is Megidola. Yes, really. They only have those two expensive Almighty spells to attack you. And they don't have that much SP.
You could easily tank through this until they can't hurt you any more, but that'd take a while so I wouldn't.

They are cleverer than the Perpetual Sand, though. They're also immune to Fire/Ice/Wind/Elec but they have Tetrakarn to cover their only vulnerabilities.

If you leave that up and let them get another turn, they'll cast Provoke on someone which is pretty clever. They don't have Infuriate though, so they can only pick one person at a time to enrage. Makes it clear what their MO here is. While Luck is their worst stat, they have Rage Boost to make it more likely to happen.
...That said, I did spend a decent chunk of time letting it just cast Provoke over and over and over and over again and it never hit anyone. After it missed like eight times in a row, I just sorta gave up on that attempt. Great work, Reckoning Dice!

But that's it. The Reckoning Dice have 2900 HP, 40 in every stat... except Luck which is 33. Pretty boring on paper, but Megidola(on) means they can almost nearly kill people. It's not saying much compared to the other bosses as of late though.

Now that we've rolled the Dice, we can pick up our requisite Soma and a couple Attack Mirrors. That's oddly fitting, which isn't something that we get overly often.

As you'd expect from that, the next floor is a small one that serves to segue into the end of the block.

And on floor 214, we find a... barrier to the next floor. Glad that they're not doing a second fake top floor at least.

Now that we're here, we'll grab the Old Document and give that a quick read.

We even know who authored these tiny notes now. We'll see if we can ask her something about it later.

Bit of an underwhelming reward for being the finale of this quest chain, really. It's a decent chunk of change regardless, though.

Real quick, since we're level 64 let's go through all the fusion skill quests we can and good Lord is that expensive!
Shadow Hound costs 25% of Makoto's SP...

For a pretty bleh and generic small amount of lasers.

It does Strike damage, with a base power of 300, 99% accuracy and a 5% crit rate. Yes, it costs 10% more SP than Scarlet Havoc despite being actively worse. No, I don't know why.

With that incredibly weird euphemism out of the way, we get Yukari's casual winter clothing. Since they make more sense for the time of year, she'll definitely be wearing these.

Next is... one that we can't do this one yet. Gotta get to level 65 first. I could probably just grind it right now and do it, but meh. It can wait.

Speaking of quests that can wait, Akihiko's joke weapon is locked behind 3 Gold Shadow drops. In a place we don't have access to.
I really do not understand the order you get these.

But that's my problem to deal with later. Let's just head on back to the normal world.

Gossiping: What are you getting with your New Year's gift?
Listening: We haven't got ours yet! But I want to get a luck bag! I'm aiming for that purse...
Gossiping: Ooh, me too! Hey, do you want to start waiting in line today? We could bring a kotatsu..
> The first bell has rung.
Yeah, so, today's our last day of school for the year.

Since it's a Saturday, we'll be spending it with Mitsuru of course.

> Mitsuru is looking at the bookshelf.

> Mitsuru seems melancholy...

Whew boy, there's a giant can of worms in that.

> Mitsuru has expressed her feelings for you.
> It seems like things are starting to get serious.

This is straight up just for show at this point.

> After saying goodbye to Mitsuru, you decided to return to the dorm.

That happened a week ago now. Bit late telling us that now, no?

Newscaster: The crowd was so large that there are no suspects or witnesses yet... However, the majority of the consumers were women buying Christmas gifts, so...

In keeping up a recent trend, we'll be taking Koromaru out for a walk again today. No one else is coming with us, though.

Unlike normal, this does not give us a small scene for +10 points with a pre-determined S.Link!

> Koromaru is looking up at you intensely...
> The Promised Day is drawing near... Koromaru must be preoccupied with it as well...

> You decide to go back to the dorm with Koromaru.
Koromaru is such a good boy that he doesn't even hesitate when it comes to deciding whether or not he's gonna try and fight an unkillable god who may end the world.

Speaking of which, its now Sunday which makes this a free day. Which means!

I'm sure you're surprised by this stunning revelation. Just need Aigis back from her repairs now. That's taken almost the entire month, though...

Despite its name, Tanaka's selling regular ol' armor today. It's just silver platemail, basically. We CAN buy this from the police station... when Makoto hits level 70. It costs a bit over 1.5x the price Tanaka is selling it for too. Gonna snag it for sure, of course.

Yukari's dialogue here is technically "new" insofar as this one line has changed. Yep. Great.

...dangit i thought i could beat it this time

Anyway, there's not much else to do right now (we'll go to the Antiques Store next time we're in the mall), so let's just go hang out with Akinari. It's a Sunday and we can finally do that again, without it ruining something.

> Akinari is having trouble breathing.

That... sounds like a very good thing to get help for!

> Akinari smiled weakly...
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

Fear exists as a way to let you know about danger, yes. It's a basic evoltuionary trait that's there to trigger your fight or flight response. If you just ignore it wholesale, that's potentially a Darwin Award worthy decision in the making.

I was gonna say that you still can, but it just now occurs to me that he can't. There isn't a fireplace in the dorm! Not even an electric one.

At this point, there's only Ken and Akihiko left to go and everyone's had a Koromaru walk this month. Let's keep this pattern going then.

> You spoke with Junpei for a while.

Only a few days left now before New Year's Eve... I can already see it on the horizon.
Just a very short time between now and deciding the Fate Of The World. So, y'know, no pressure.