The Let's Play Archive

Persona 3 Portable

by Feinne

Part 161: 11/4/09


Today was the end.

Video- “Death”


> You sense a familiar presence…

I should have known something was wrong right from the start, because Pharos came to me outside the Dark Hour.

This is the first time we’ve talked during the daytime.
Nice weather, isn’t it? This is indeed a new day.
…For both of us.
All the fragments of my memory… They’ve finally come together.
I now know my role clearly.
The time has come.
As difficult as it may be, I must tell you something.
I am afraid this is goodbye.
I want you to know… For me, our friendship was a miracle.
But, miracles don’t last forever.
…If only they did.
I can’t see you anymore?
I shall treasure our conversations always.
Even if today is the end, the bond between us can never be severed.
…Remember that.
> Pharos is looking at you with teary eyes…
> You sense a strong bond with Pharos…

I felt so sad just then.

Like, I don’t know, a part of me was missing.

It was fun while it lasted.
> Pharos disappeared…
> Will you ever see him again…?

Still, I was happy because we were going to have our party later to celebrate our victory.

Tonight’s the big celebration! I’m gonna eat like there’s no tomorrow!
Yeah, I’m ready.
Me too! I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday!
You better come back right after school, man! I’ll be waiting.

Aigis and the Chairman weren’t there when we got started. I didn’t really care about the Chairman to be honest, because hearing an entire evening’s worth of fish jokes never really appealed, but even though she couldn’t eat with us it seemed sad for Aigis not to be there.

Video- “Parties”

thE eNd oF ThE bEGinnInG

> Just as promised, the finest sushi is laid out on the table.
Whoa… Nice spread.
The slices are huge!
Man, I’m starving… Can we eat?
Hey, where are Aigis-san and ikutsuki-san?
He took her to the lab for a tune-up or something.
He said they’ll join us later.
* giggle * The Chairman just can’t stay away from the lab, can he?
> A car pulled up in the front…
That must be my father.

Sure enough, Mr. Kirijo was there.

We’ve been waiting for you.
So, it’s over at last, huh…
Wh-Who’s he…?
Can’t you tell? That’s Mitsuru-senpai’s dad. She looks exactly like him.
Y-You think so…?
Congratulations, everyone. You’ve done well. There are no words to express my gratitude.
Though you will never receive the recognition you deserve, it is undoubtedly a monumental achievement.
Thank you.
To you, I owe a special thanks…
…For lending us your power until the very end.
> Takeharu took Yukari’s hands and firmly clasped them…
Oh, it’s… it’s no big deal.
The 12 Shadows that were the cause of all our troubles have been destroyed, thanks to your efforts.
You needn’t bear this burden any longer. You deserve a chance to experience the joys of youth.
The Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad will be dissolved as of midnight tonight.
I-I see…

It was good news, but it felt like an end of something as well. Like, having to fight wasn’t fun but it was nice to be able to do something to make the world a better place, no matter how small.

Tomorrow, you can triumphantly return to a normal school life.
…Is something the matter?
Oh, it’s nothing…
Alright, everyone… It’s time to celebrate.
Your feast awaits you. There’s no need to hold back; eat as much as you’d like.
Sweet! I’ve been waiting for you tos ay that!

The feast was great, but I was really starting to get worried when Aigis never showed up.

Listen up, everyone…
Well, now that we’re all stuffed, how ‘bout we take a picture together?
Actually, I tried to take one last night…
…but I forgot it wouldn’t work during the Dark Hour.
You mean… you brought a camera with you into battle?
Well, it was our LAST battle, after all.
‘Scuse me, mister! Would you mind taking our picture?
* sigh * I feel like such a tourist.
But, I have to admit… I kinda want a picture, too.
* chuckle * I’m so glad to have a photo with Yukari-chan and our leader.
I’ll treasure it!
Oh, wait… Ikutsuki-san and Aigis aren’t here. …I guess we’ll have to take another one later.
Alright, everyone get together.
> Everyone gathered in front of the camera…
C’mon, squeeze tight! Everyone come in closer to me!
…Does that include me too?
Uh, no… Not you…
Geez, let’s not keep this poor guy waiting all day to take the picture!
Hey, we’re good to go. You can take the pictures anytime!
Time to strike a pose!
Ah—Hey, get your hand outta my face!

Ha, SEES the picture: not everyone was there at the time and it kind of ended badly. So fitting.

Is it just me… or did this not get my good side?
W-We’re gonna take another one once Aigis and Ikutsuki-san come back, alright!?
Yes, yes, we hear you.
I could get used to a worry-free life like this…
How about you, Koro-chan? Are you glad to get all this meat?
> The celebration party went off without a hitch…
> You spent a moment of relaxation with your battle-weary friends…

Still, there’s no place I would have rather been this year. Even allowing for what was about to happen.

H-Hey, how come nobody’s eating? Don’t tell me you’re full already!
Are you kidding? I’m stuffed.
Me too…
I couldn’t eat another bite.
How ‘bout you, Senpai…?
I’m good for now.
Wanna try some, Koromaru?
Don’t give the dog raw fish! You’ll make him sick!
* whimper *
I wonder what’s taking those two so long…
It’s almost midnight…

Because while this was a night of endings, nothing was really over.

The Dark Hour came once more, the sickly green moonlight seeming to mock our efforts to end it.

The hell…!?
The guys in suits… They’ve transmogrified…
Woof! Woof!
I thought we ended the Dark Hour!
Senpai, what’s going on…!?
I don’t know…
Apparently, I was right to have my doubts.
Yeah, something didn’t feel right.
No way…
Hey… Do you hear that?

A horrible sound began to ring out in the distance. I knew at once there was only one place it could be coming from…

Where’s Ikutsuki?
Why is he late!? He’s got Aigis with him, doesn’t he!?
Everyone… Prepare for battle.
We’re heading for Tartarus.
Umm… To do what?
I don’t know… But, that’s where the sound is coming from.
We have to find out what’s going on.

And that’s where he was. That bastard, the Chairman.

Video- “Partings”

ThE BEGinninG Of tHE eNd

> It hasn’t disappeared…
> Ikutsuki and Aigis are standing at its entrance…
Aigis? Why are you here…?
She is here merely to fulfill her role—as a weapon.
Ikutsuki-san, what’s this all about!?
You said the Dark Hour and Tartarus would disappear if we defeated the 12 Shadows.
That’s why we fought so hard! But, now—
…What is your intention?
It was all a lie, wasn’t it?
You knew from the beginning that the Dark Hour wouldn’t disappear.
Excellent deduction, Mitsuru.
Unfortunately, your realization has come too late.
…You tricked us!?

I always thought he was a bit creepy and weird, but I never imagined this.

It is not unexpected that the Dark Hour and Tartarus remain.
In fact, I never intended for you to rid the world of them. Quite the opposite, actually.
What do you mean?
The 12 Shadows were parts of a whole… They were destined to be reunited.
…And that was accomplished in no small part, thanks to your efforts.
Soon, Death, the almighty, shall arise and bring forth the Fall…
What are you talking about!?
The end of all shall come and free this world from despair…
The death of everything… but also the beginning.
Wh-What is he saying…? Is he out of his mind…?

And he’d been planning this from the start. Not just the start of the year, but since the whole damned thing had begun.

The experiment went awry, but that is not why the Dark Hour and Tartarus were born.
They manifested as a result of harvesting the Shadows’ power—just as the experiment was designed to do.
That is why your grandfather gathered so many Shadows… To bring about the Fall.
That can’t be…
People have filled the world, yet turned it into a void!
The only hope of salvation lies in ruin!
According to the prophecy… The Fall will be orchestrated by “the Prince”.
And once the Prince has delivered us all, he shall rule the new world as King!
The man who tried it ten years ago failed. But I will not; I shall succeed!
Man, he’s totally lost it…
I apologize for deceiving you, but this was for your sake as well.
If you follow me for just a little while longer, you, too, will find salvation.
You call that salvation!?
Don’t be stupid!
Don’t worry; the ignorant will be saved equally…

He’d taken advantage of all of us.

In the video from my father…
He said to defeat the Shadows… Was that a lie, too?
Ah… He did record that himself.
…Of course, I had to make some modifications.
…You doctored it!?
I corrected it.
Your father was a superb scientist…
He may not have known it, but I truly respected him.
While others focused on the Shadows’ abilities, he explored much more important things…
But unfortunately, he could not comprehend the magnificent potential of the Fall…
He left that recording at the expense of his life.
It would seem so. …But, it did prove rather useful, so I’m sure he’s happy.

And he was so damned smug about it too.

You used both me and my father!
“Used” is such an ugly word… It was for the sake of the world, so how could it be wrong?
Our role is to correct the mistakes of the past…
> Mitsuru grabbed her Evoker…
…and we intend to do just that.
I’m with you!
* sigh * …How disappointing. I had hoped you would see the light.
But, you are just children, after all. I supposed it can’t be helped.
The time has come for you to fulfill your role. Capture them, and prepare them to be sacrificed!

If I live to be a thousand years I’ll never forgive him for making her do this, nobody should have to hurt their friends.

Energy output… at maximum.
Aigis…? What’s wrong?
Aigis, please…!
> Aigis has taken her battle stance…

We awoke high atop Tartarus.

> ……!?
> You can see your friends being crucified…
> ……!?
> You, too, are chained to a cross, unable to move…
Ngh, mmm…
What the hell!?
What is this!?
* gasp *
> It seems your friends have awakened…
Dammit… I can’t get these off…!
> Aigis is restraining a man in a suit before your eyes…
> It’s Takeharu, Mitsuru’s father…!

It seemed that Mitsuru’s father had followed us, just in time to get captured himself.

It is just as it appears… They are to be sacrifices—harbingers of the Fall.
The arrangements are complete; the prophecy shall be fulfilled.
You son of a bitch! I’m gonna rip your head off!
My my, what a commotion…
Aigis. Direct your aim at Mr. Kirijo.
> Aigis aimed her gun at Takeharu, as directed by Ikutsuki…
You traitor! Are you insane!?
Ikutuski: Of course not. …You know, your father was an unlucky man.
Even you, his son, after all this time, do not understand his vision.
My father was wrong.
Death as deliverance… That is not an ideology anyone should ever embrace!
You are but a nuisance now. …Aigis!
Go on ahead and give this man his honorable “deliverance”!
Wait! Please, Aigis! Nooo!!
> Mitsuru is yelling frantically, straining at her bonds…

Ikutsuki’d made a mistake, however. Well, more like two mistakes.

What are you doing, Aigis!?
I… am…
> Aigis lowered her guns in confusion…
Tch… Fine, I’ll do this myself!
Ten years… I’ve wasted ten long years!
I’m not like your father… I won’t make exceptions!
> At that moment, Takeharu freed himself from Aigis’s grip and pulled out a gun…!

The first was not searching Mitsuru’s father when he had the chance.

> Takeharu slowly fell forward to the ground…
Urgh… Dammit…
> Takeharu shot Ikutsuki in the stomach…
Aigis… Execute the sacrifices! Let’s end this…!

And the second was forgetting that regardless of what else she was, Aigis had a Persona.

> Aigis turned toward you…
Snap out of it!
> Aigis looked up with unfocused eyes…
Finish them, Aigis!

And Persona is the strength of the heart made manifest.

> Aigis shot away your restraints with her machine guns…
Wha…!? You damned defective machine!
> Ikutsuki falls to his knees, holding his blood-stained stomach…
You’re all alone now, and you’re injured on top of that.
Looks like this is it, Mr. Chairman…
Hahaha… You don’t get it, do you!?
It’s useless to search for hope or reasons to live in this pathetic world!
A world this depraved must be started over from the beginning!
And then! At long last!
I will rule over the new world! Hahahaha!
> Ikutsuki strectched his hand toward the sky…
I… I was so close…
> Ikutsuki leaned forward as if trying to grasp the moon…
> …And slowly fell…

The damage was done, though.

> Mitsuru shook her father’s body…
> There was no response…
One time, my father made a promise.
He swore that he would atone for endangering our generation, even if it cost him his life…
But, I… I wanted him to live…
I… I became a Persona-user to protect him…
* sob * * sob *
> Everyone was at a loss for words…

To see Mitsuru like that… I never would have imagined it. I don’t know, I guess I thought she was indestructible.

> Soon, the Dark Hour will end…
> Akihiko picked up the stunned Mitsuru…
> Everyone returned to the dormitory in silence…

So yeah, today was the end. One battle has come to an end, but I have a terrible feeling a much greater one is just on the horizon…