The Let's Play Archive

Persona 3 Portable

by Feinne

Part 220: 1/28/10


It’s almost time.

As they say, January walks, and February runs… It’ll be another new year in a flash.
But before that, we’ve got our final exams, so don’t get too relaxed!
Anyway, just look at me—I manage to come to school every day, so you can too.
Even though if I had the choice, I’d have slept in at home… Lots of scary people in town now.
Those Apathy Syndrome rumors have been all over TV lately. Same with those cult members…
How did things end up this way? Well, this is what they said about it on TV yesterday…
It’s a “disease” born from modern society, where the darkness in their hearts completely takes over.
They say it’s inevitable in a hopeless society like ours, and that its victims are victims of society.
But I think that’s wrong. Everyone has darkness in their hearts, but they fight against it, right?
It’s true that hope isn’t something you come across so easily in our society.
But that hardly gives them license to give up! They should be able to stand on their own two feet!
…Anyway, that’s what I thought.
I hope you were paying attention, class. Something profound like that is bound to be on the final exam.

After school, Mitsuru asked me to swing by her room. I’d seen it from the command room but holy crap it’s so much better in person.

> Her room is filled with expensive furniture…
I know what you want to say.
Our maid staff helped me move here… so that’s why it looks like this.
It’s as if there’s a second lounge here, isn’t it?
> Mitsuru is smiling.
> …The hours flew by as you talked with Mitsuru.

She’d wanted to give me something.

I want you to have this.
> You received something from Mitsuru.
> Obtained Motorcycle Key.
It’s the key to my motorcycle…
I’m not going to run from the future anymore.
I don’t have to think of my motorcycle as a means to escape from my feelings.
Though I do regret that I won’t be riding it as often anymore…
…Let’s ride together, Aelita.
…But, you’ll have to sit on the back until you get your license.
When we’re done fighting, I’ll teach you how to operate it…
…I can’t wait until then.
I’ll do my best.
…Very well. But, please be careful.
> Mitsuru is smiling.
I am Mitsuru Kirijo. I hold my head high when I give that name.
Thank you, Aelita. You have given me pride.
> Mitsuru quietly nodded…
> You felt a tight bond with Mitsuru…

Oh, and I had something for her as well.

It was just a movie I’d wanted to watch, I already know what you’re thinking.

Well… Back on the subject… Do we have to watch that DVD?
Besides, why a horror movie…?
F-Fine, fine. You don’t have to push the package in my face…
“True Stories: The Cursed House”…
I-I’m not afraid of what I can’t see.
But on film… the direction and techniques used are another story.
W-Well, let’s watch.
W-Would you mind…
…if I held your hand?
> You spent a long time with Mitsuru.

It’s like you think I can’t be alone anywhere without something… untoward happening but I mean it hasn’t happened EVERY time and changing the subject things are getting pretty rough out there this close to Nyx’s coming.

Newscaster: Police are ruling it a suicide over a failing grade on his college entrance exams.
There have been at least eight reported cases of suicide as a result of the exams, and…

We’ll need to go into Tartarus one last time soon, I think.

When I close my eyes, I see his sad face, just like in that video…
I gotta get rid of the Dark Hour and return a smile to his face.

There’s still one last thing I need to do in there before the end.

…Don’t worry. We won’t change, even after this is all over.
So right now, just concentrate on defeating Nyx.
And we’ll give Shinji a world without the Dark Hour as a present.

A question I need to answer, and a challenge I need to meet.

I heard that when I grow up, I’ll acquire a taste for it.
Do you think that’s true?
Yeah, I think so.
You’re right… I don’t know what I’m worrying about.
Well, let’s do our best so we can look forward to drinking coffee together.

I won’t have another chance after all this is done.

Good. We need to be fully prepared if we want to win.

So I’ll have to do it soon.

So, I will do the same.