The Let's Play Archive

Persona 3 Portable

by Feinne

Part 63: 7/3/09


These rumors always seem to spread so fast and take over everyone’s conversation, it’s kind of weird sometimes.

Gossiping Student: Last time I was out with my boyfriend, he was heading to Shirakawa Boulevard!
Loud Student: Whoa, Shirakawa Boulevard? Ewww… I know what was on his mind!
Gossiping Student: We’ve just started dating, but I’m already kind of disgusted. He’s got such a dirty mind…
Maybe I should dump him.
I don’t want to be the subject of one of those rumors that goes, “A couple was found unconscious…”
Loud Student: Hahah! That’d be great!
> The first bell has rung.

Mr. Ekoda managed to keep his job somehow, though I did see him sort of shudder in the hallway when Mitsuru went by.

That the “Genji Monogatari” had a different author… That “Murasaki Shikibu” was a shared pen name…
Some have even suggested that Murasaki Shikibu was an alien from outer space. An intriguing theory…
You’ve probably seen her portrait; it’s printed on the 2,000-yen bill.
But there’s one thing you might not know about Murasaki Shikibu…
And that’s the way in which her achievement is recognized worldwide.
Does anyone know? Junpei?
Huh? Me?
How am I supposed to know about someone who lived that long ago? Wh-What do I say, Aelita?
The Global Heritage Pavilion.
Correct. Too easy, was it?
Phew, you saved me… Thanks, Aelita.

It seems like there are more new Apathy Syndrome cases than the last full moon, a bad sign.

What a pain in the ass.

I went to Student Council earlier but it seems I missed the meeting.

Sorry, it was a quick meeting. Everyone left already.
It’s already kind of nice not having those hyenas around.
You’re not going home?
There’s something I want to take care of before I go home.
> Hidetoshi seems troubled.
About the cigarette butt in the boys’ bathroom… I have to do something… soon.
…As you can see, the meeting’s over, so you can leave if you want.
I’ll help out, too!
You’re probably busy all the time too. You should take a break once in a while.
> Hidetoshi seems more cheerful.

Anyway since I stuck around, he told me something interesting.

> Hidetoshi stood by the window and looked down at the courtyard…
A man without position, honor, or education… What can he cling to as he struggles through life?
“Sincerity,” a man once told me.
…Do you want to know what happened to that man?
While gathering information for a story, a TV anchorwoman was injured on the job.
The executives for the TV station called it an “unfortunate accident.”
But when a magazine learned they were hiding something, the execs pointed the finger at the script writer.
They said it was the writer who had concealed the truth; he was made into a scapegoat.
That man is currently serving time for perjury. It was he who taught me the meaning of sincerity.
> Hidetoshi bit his lip…
In today’s society, the weak are preyed upon by the strong. You can’t survive on sincerity alone!
…As or me, Aelita-kun, I’d like to build a corporation where everyone is treated fairly.
But, to do that, I’d need enough power to make my vision a reality.
> Hidetoshi poured out his soul to you. His words seemed truly heartfelt.
> You relationship is stronger now!

It’s no wonder he’s, well… the way he is after hearing that.

> It’s getting dark out.
…Well, seems like we’re done here. I’ll walk with you to the door.
> You decided to go back to the dorm.

Some poor girl has gone missing, I’m worried it’s related to the Shadows but there’s no sign of her in Tartarus.

Newscaster: After she didn’t return home the next day, her worried parents contacted the police.
Eyewitnesses have placed the girl with several of her friends in town around midnight.
The police investigation is still underway.

Nothing to do about it if she’s not there, sadly.

I bet they’re all just jealous.

Ikutsuki was around, he seems so… hopeful that another Shadow will attack in a few days.

…on the 7th, during the Dark Hour, when the next Shadow will appear.
This next operation is very important to my research.
Please prepare yourselves for the next full moon.

I wonder if he even cares about all the people who are getting hurt.

However, it seems the new cases involve couples.
Perhaps the time of the year dictates which type of victim Shadows target.

I’m sure if there were some way to understand the Shadows their targets would make sense, but who’s to say what monsters like that will do?