The Let's Play Archive

Persona 3 Portable

by Feinne

Part 76: 7/21/09


Well today was just the best day ever. Where do I start? Oh, so Fuuka suggested we go see the Jyomon Cedar Tree.

Video- “Operation Babe Hunt”


> You’re going with the other girls to see a large cryptomeria tree, considered a world heritage site.

And by we I mean we left the guys behind, I mean I don’t think either of them would really be feeling this whole nature walk thing anyway.

I never thought a walk in the woods could be so enjoyable. You can’t do this in Iwatodai.
Oh, so listen to this…
Junpei was acting like such a pervert yesterday, and I didn’t know how to react…
It’s probably a good thing we came out here by ourselves…
…Oh, yeah.

We weren’t quite far enough out in the wilderness, though, because Mitsuru got a call from the Chairman.

Mitsuru speaking…
…One moment, let me switch over to speakerphone.
Please continue.
Well, I’m at the lab here on the island…
And a machine that was considered inoperable suddenly left the facility on its own…
A machine…?
What kind of machine is it? I need detailed information to locate anything other than Shadows…
It’s a combat vehicle—an anti-Shadow weapon, to be precise.
A combat vehicle…? You mean like a tank!?
We gotta let the others know! Where’s my cell…?
We’re not currently with the others, so it might take some time for us all to assemble.
I see…
Well, regardless, I want you to handle this as soon as possible. I’m on my way there now.
If the target cannot be captured, do we have permission to destroy it?
* laugh * I highly doubt you’ll be able to destroy it.
What…? Then how are we supposed to stop it…?
Just do your best. I’ll call you again later.
> Ikutsuki ended the call…

So yeah, there was some kind of anti-Shadow weapon on the loose and we couldn’t get in touch with the guys.

Don’t worry about it. Let’s go back and get our equipment.
Then we can have Yamagishi’s Persona scan the area. Although, this island is quite large…
Geez! Where could they be!?

I have no idea what it was they were doing without us.

> Junpei and Akihiko are there.
Huh? Are the girls not up yet?
Man, what lazybones! The ocean’s not gonna sit around and wait for us, ya know?
You’re right. Once the sun sets, the water temperature drops, tiring you out much faster.
Huh? Uhh, I guess… Is that what you’re worried about…?
That reminds me. One of the maids gave me a letter as we were leaving…
Whoa, hey, Junpei!
> The letter Akihiko was holding is now in Junpei’s hands…
No buts! I ain’t letting any love letters from a lovely maid slip through my fingers!
How dumb can you get?
Uhh, let’s see here…
This says, “We’ve gone to see the Jyomon-Cedar Tree.”
It looks like Fuuka’s handwriting…
Aw man!

That’s just not right!!
Well, it is your fault.
Whaddya mean? I-I just wanted to lighten up the mood…
I don’t want to hear it.
Well, it doesn’t matter, anyway…
We’re on our own now, just the guys!
If you’re outta ammo, you pick it up on the battlefield! That’s one of the most basic military tactics!
We’ll call this Operation Babe Hunt!
“Babe Hunt”…?
You mean, like pick up girls…?
Whaddya think, Akihiko-san? With you on the squad, we’re guaranteed to succeed!
Nah, I’ll pass…
Ooh… scared you’re gonna lose?
Hey, I’m not judging you. Most guys would rather back down than lose.
All right… we’re doing this!

The loser buys dinner at Hagakure when we get back home!
Commence the operation!
Loser? Whaddya mean loser?
Wait, we’re gonna go hit on them separately!?

…Oh, I see. You’re here with your boyfriend…

Say, do you know the most efficient swimming technique? The butterfly stroke uses your leg strength to…
…Oh, I-I see.

Oh, don’t worry. I’m really good at it.
Huh? You’re trying to get a tan? I’m in the way…? Oh, ‘scuse me, then…

Well, I have some idea actually, thanks to my new best friend.

Alright, Junpei. What’s going on here!?
Whaddaya mean…?
That indirect approach of yours isn’t gonna help you score…
So you’re saying I should use cheesy come-ons like yours?
Honesty is the best policy!
I mean, who wants to listen to a guy drone on about muscles and…
What’s up? You see something…?

I don’t think she gets why I laugh so hard every time I have her tell me about it.

Talk about saving the best for last…! Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!
Man, she’s cute…
I agree…
This is our last chance to make up for failures…
Alright, here I go!
H-Hey, h-how’s it going? I noticed you’ve been, uh, staring at the ocean.
So, um… do you come here often?
My name’s Ju-Ju-Junpei.
Don’t worry, I-I just want to talk.
I mean, it’s more fun than standing here all by yourself, isn’t it?
…I am looking for a human.
O-Oh yeah…?
You are not the one.

I guess I’m getting ahead of myself, but I just can’t help it.

Wow, he got shot down faster than I expected…
Sh-She’s a tough one, Senpai…
Heh… Don’t worry about me.
Well, hello there. Say, do you like the ocean?
Is your question directed at me?
Oh, um, yeah, I like the ocean too.
Hey, I heard that triathletes who train at the beach perform better than those who practice indoors.
Makes sense, doesn’t it?
That type of information is irrelevant to me.
Heh, I won… I talked to her longer than you did.
It doesn’t matter how long you talked to her!
* sigh * This sucks… * sob *
Hey, stop crying! You’re making me feel bad…

Huh? She looks surprised for some reason. What’s she looking at…?
Awww, she took off…
…It wasn’t because of us, was it?
Who knows…
Wait, she’s heading into the forest!
Isn’t it dangerous for a skinny girl like her to wander around all alone in there?
Why, you think there might be bears or something?
I… don’t know about that, but… We should go after her!

Alright back on track with proper continuity. I heard a weird noise, and I guess I got separated from the others when I went to investigate. And that’s when things got a bit strange.

Video- “Aigis”


> You became separated from Yukari and the others…
> ……?
> You sense a strong gaze, more palpably than before…
> It’s a girl…
> She must be the one who has been watching you.

I’m not going to complain, though.

I have found you.
> She suddenly embraced you…!
I have been searching for you.
My highest priority is to be with you!
> It doesn’t seem like she wants to let go…
There she is… Wait, what!? What’s going on here!?
> Junpei and Akihiko have arrived…
> Even then, it doesn’t seem like she plans on letting go…
I see, so that’s her preference.
That explains why we got the cold shoulder…
There you are, Aelita…
Huh!? Junpei!?
What are you doing here!? We’ve been looking all over for you!
Um… What’re you doing in the middle of the woods, in your swimsuits…?
You have no idea what we’ve—
Aelita… Why’s she hugging you?
She says I’m her priority.

Anyway Mitsuru explained what was going on to the guys, but it turned out not to be a problem in the end.

I’m sorry to interrupt your vacation, but I need you all to go back to the house and prepare for battle.
That won’t be necessary… We’ve found what we were looking for.
> Even Ikutsuki has arrived…
What do you mean?
* sigh * You had me worried.
You don’t have permission to leave the lab on your own, Aigis.
…I know.
> The girl answered while still hugging you…

So we learned the whole story when we got back to the mansion.

I apologize for all the trouble. Everything is under control now.
So, what happened to capturing the tank?
Oh, that’s been taken care of.
Come here, Aigis.
> The girl you just me walked in…
This is Aigis. As you can see, she’s a “mechanical maiden.”

So yeah now I have a robot, it’s like a dream come true.

I have been assigned to SEES, effective immediately.
No way… It’s like she’s… alive.
This is unbelievable…
She’s so cute, but… she’s a robot…
Anti-Shadow weapons were created ten years ago to combat uncontrollable Shadows.
Aigis was the last to be made… and she’s the only one that still remains today.
An anti-Shadow weapon… Does that mean she…?
Yes. I am capable of operating the Persona “Palladion.”
She suffered major damage in combat and has remained in the lab ever since.
It’s still unclear as to why she suddenly reactivated herself this morning…
Well, I hope you will all get along.
An anti-Shadow weapon with a will of her own…
This is amazing!
Um… By the way…

I mean I guess strictly speaking we have a robot but she likes me best, I’m just saying.

Yes, it is very important for me to be by her side.
Hmm… Perhaps her identification system is malfunctioning…
Or maybe she’s still half asleep… This is quite interesting…
I don’t think it’s that…
…Well, I can ponder this later.
Oh, I forgot to tell you all…
You can participate in a wide range of recreational activities here.
There’s a tennis court, a pool table… even a karaoke machine.
Would you care to hear me sing?

So yeah best vacation ever so far.