Click this for the intro:
Phelddagrif posted:
Oh and while we're including the opening movie, I might as well leave these here:
Austin Powers: Goldenmember
The Bee Gees: Staying My Live Self
Persona 4 was originally released by Atlus in 2008. Players control a teenaged boy who moves to the small Japanese town of Inaba and immediately makes some bizarre discoveries--a series of unexplainable deaths, and a world inside the television where human thoughts take lethal form. Resolving to unravel these mysteries, the boy and his new friends call on the power of Persona to do battle against the monstrous denizens of the TV world and the unknown criminal or criminals attempting to use it as a murder weapon. During downtime between battles, you hone your Persona abilities by petting cats, making models, eating beef bowls, and establishing Social Links--bonds of trust with Inaba's various residents. Gameplay is a mix of dungeon crawls with turn-based combat, and
In November 2012, Atlus released Persona 4: Golden, a special edition for the PlayStation Vita with bonus content and a host of much-needed technical improvements such as motor scooters, gardening, and ski trips. It is a pretty adorable game, in that cornball family-sitcom sort of way, and I am comfortable recommending it to a JRPG fan or just a person in general.
This LP will be in screenshot format. Any text in update posts that's not in italics is transcribed from the game. Anything in italics is from me, and can be safely ignored.
I'll be playing with Clear Data--basically just the game's name for New Game Plus which allows you to keep your Personas, money, social stats, and a few other things from your previous game. I haven't quite decided how much I want to

Table of Contents
- Character Information
- April 11: 0. The Fool
- April 12: The Murders Begin
- April 13: The Midnight Channel
- April 14: Another World
- April 15 Part 1: I. The Magician
- April 15 Part 2: An Invitation, Answered
- April 16: The Killer Strikes Again
- April 17 Part 1: The Counterattack
- April 17 Part 2: Snafu
- April 18 Part 1: Regrouping
- April 18 Part 2: Storming the Castle
- April 19 - April 24: Today's Hot Topic--Meat
- April 25 - April 29: No, Sanzo Doesn't Know Any Normal Girls
- April 30: II. The High Priestess
- May 1 - May 5: Sanzo's Greatest Duty
- May 6 - May 8: Violating Everyone's Privacy
- May 9 - May 14: A New Victim
- May 15 - May 17: Why The Team Shuns Standard Investigation
- May 18 - May 19 Part 1: III. The Empress
- May 19 Part 2: A Manhunt
- May 20 - May 22: Sanzo, Bringer of Life
- May 23 - May 25: Rearranging Sanzo's Brain
- May 26 - May 28: Working for the Weekend
- May 29 - June 1: Shop 'Til You Drop
- June 2 - June 5: Sanzo's Terrible Secret
- June 6: IV. The Emperor
- June 7 - June 8: Ideas, Yosuke's Destructive Habit
- June 9 - June 11: V. The Heirophant
- June 12 - June 14: The Magic of Show Biz
- June 15 - June 16: The Most Dangerous Prey
- June 17 - June 18: Bad Taste
- June 19 - June 21: The Next Victim
- June 22 - June 23: The Culprit Revealed
- June 24 - June 25 Part 1: Tabloid Gossip, the Detective's Best Friend
- June 25 Part 2: A Vice Raid
- June 26 - June 28: Family Matters
- June 29 - July 1: A Special Occasion
- July 2 - July 4: Daisuke's Mean Side
- July 5 - July 7: A Rock and a Hard Place
- July 8 - July 9: The (slightly) Big City
- July 10: VI. The Lovers
- July 11 - July 13: Yosuke Jinxes It
- July 14 - July 16 Part 1: Childcare
- July 16 Part 2: Femmes Fatales
- July 17 - July 18: A Crisis at Home
- July 19 - July 25: Sanzo's Biker Gang
- July 26 - July 27: The Face of a Killer
- July 28 - July 29 Part 1: Dragnet
- July 29 Part 2: VII. The Chariot
- July 29 Part 3: Closing the Case
- July 30 - August 1: The Lonely and the Bereaved
- August 2 - August 4: Confrontations
- August 5 - August 7: Sanzo, Paragon of Humility
- August 8 - August 10: Nanako's Recovery
- August 11 - August 13: Hell On Wheels
- August 14 - August 21: Festivities
- August 22 - August 23 Part 1: Yet Another Swimsuit Fiasco
- August 23 Part 2 - August 26: VIII. Justice
- August 27 - August 29: Sanzo's Drinking Problem
- August 30 - August 31: The End of Summer
- September 1 - September 3: Back to School
- September 4 - September 5: An Eruption of Violence
- September 6 - September 7: Sanzo Pusses Out
- September 8 - September 10: IX. The Hermit
- September 11 - September 15: X. The Wheel of Fortune
- September 16 - September 17 Part 1: XI. Strength
- September 17 Part 2: An Officer in Distress
- September 18 - September 20: XII. The Hanged Man
- September 21 - September 23: Suckers Get Told
- September 24 - September 27: A Prayer for Happiness
- September 28 - September 30: Giving Notice
- October 1 - October 5: Where the Heart Is
- October 6 - October 7: XIII. Death
- October 8 - October 10: XIV. Temperance
- October 11 - October 12 Part 1: Party Crashing
- October 12 Part 2: Back to the Academy
- October 13 - October 20: The Killer's Warning
- October 21 - October 23: XV. The Devil
- October 24 - October 26: A Criminal's Challenge
- October 27 - October 29: Teddie and Yosuke Ruin Everything
- October 30: The Stupidest Day
- October 31 - November 3: Red Sky at Morning
- November 4 - November 5 Part 1: Cataclysm
- November 5 Part 2 - November 6 Part 1: XVI. The Tower
- November 6 Part 2: Heroism
- November 7 - November 9: The Semblance of Normalcy
- November 10 - November 13: An Important Moment
- November 14 - November 16: Riddles in Writing
- November 17 - November 20: Suicide Intervention
- November 21: Conditions Worsen
- November 22 - November 24: Visiting Hours at the Hospital...And the Zoo
- November 25 - November 27: Knife Fights and Other Romance
- November 28 - December 3 Part 1: Sanzo's Nightmare
- December 3 Part 2: The Unthinkable
- December 3 Part 3: Vengeance
- December 3 Part 4: Mercy
- December 3 Part 5: XVII. The Star
- December 4: State's Evidence
- December 5 Part 1: XVIII. The Moon
- December 5 Part 2: The Moment of Truth
- December 6: Reconciliation
- December 7: Sanzo's Worst Mistake
- December 8 - December 10: Preparations Begin
- December 11 - December 13: Sanzo, Junior Gumshoe
- December 14 - December 16: Crushing the Hopes of Japanese Neckbeards
- December 17 - December 19: Sanzo's Comeuppance
- December 20 - December 22 Part 1: Preparations Complete
- December 22 Part 2: Showdown
- December 22 Part 3: The Fate of the World
- December 22 Part 4 - December 30: XIX. The Sun
- December 31 - January 2: A White New Year's
- January 3 - January 10: The Odd Couple
- January 11 - January 13: Yukiko's Confession
- January 14 - January 16: Kanji's Dilemma
- January 17 - January 19: Teddie's Sorrow
- January 20 - January 22: Naoto's Discomfiture and Nanako's Homecoming
- January 23 - January 25: Yosuke's Regret
- January 26 - January 28: Chie's Epiphany and Rise's Resolution
- January 29 - January 31: Letting Go
- February 1: The Best Way to Avenge a Death
- February 2 - February 10: Final Exams, For Real This Time
- February 11 - Febrary 12 Part 1: Hitting the Slopes
- February 12 Part 2: A Cabin in the Woods
- February 12 Part 3 - February 13 Part 1: The Hollow Forest
- February 13 Part 2: A Poetry Slam
- February 14: It's the Thought that Counts
- February 15 - March 20 Part 1: The End Approaches
- March 20 Part 2: XX. Judgement
- March 20 Part 3: Blood and Velvet
- March 20 Part 4: The Land of the Dead
- March 20 Part 5: Sanzo's Destiny
- March 21: Farewell
- Later that summer: XXI. The World
- Credits
Alternate Scenes
- December 23 - December 24: A He-Man Woman Hater's Christmas
- January 20: Real Men Don't Kiss and Tell
- February 12 Part 2: Oh Jeepers We're Trapped in this Cabin and My Clothes Won't Stay On
- February 14: Bromantically Entangled
- March 20 Part 3: Coffee Breaks (the game in half)
- December 15 - Epilogue: She-Who-Invites
- December 3 Part 4 - March 21: Sanzo Genjo, Vengeful Psychopath
- December 3 Part 4 - March 21: Sanzo Genjo, Spineless Numpty
- December 5 Part 2 - March 21: Sanzo Genjo, Betrayer
- March 21: Sanzo Genjo, Good Enough for Government Work
Mr. Edogawa's TV Classroom: Everyone Loves Jungian Psychology!
- Lesson 1: What are Shadows and Personas?
- Lesson 2: The Unconscious: It's Just There
- Lesson 3: The Unconscious: Beyond Space-Time
- Lesson 4: Archetypes: The Structure of the Psyche
- Lesson 5: The Nature of the Shadow
- Lesson 6: Personas and Sociability
- Lesson 7: The Truth About Complexes
- Lesson 8: Psychological Types for Beginners
- Lesson 9: Interpreting Dreams
- Lesson 10: Deeper Into Jungian Psychology