Part 9: April 17 Part 1: The Counterattack
> It seems that only Nanako is here.

Where's your father?

He left already. He said he's gonna be late.
> If you leave, Nanako will be left all alone to look after the house...On the other hand, you have important business with Yosuke today.

Are you going somewhere? I'll be fine by myself.
Weather announcer: As for next week's forecast...

Oh, the sun's gonna come out. I should do some laundry. Uh...Weren't you going somewhere?
> You decided to go out.
-Junes Theme-

I found some stuff we can use in the closet at home.

We've got our Personas, but a golf club's not that reliable of a weapon.

So, which one strikes your fancy?

The katana.

Ahh, you've got discerning taste. This is a Junes exclusive. The blade's fake, though...
I saw some fake katanas on the home shopping channel once. When the salesman swung one, it broke in half and flipped back and stabbed him in the ribs. I have a good feeling about this.

As for me...Wait, maybe both would be good, too.

No! No no no no, this isn't what it looks like. We didn't steal it! Uh, I guess that's not what matters...A-Anyways, we're not doing anything bad! We're just two ordinary kids who like weapons and...Ugh, that doesn't sound right either. Ahaha...
Patrolman: Put the weapons down now! We'll listen to your story at the station. Hands where I can see them, too! I said now!
Patrolman: Are you resisting an officer of the law!? Y-You're under arrest!

You know what's been going on around town. We got men stationed everywhere. For god's sake...You're lucky I was around, or this would have ended up on your permanent record.

We're sorry...
> Your weapons have been confiscated.
-Zone Time-

Hey, did he say Amagi? Then...She really is--

Hm? Who's what now?

Oh, uh, nothing.

I'm sure you've seen on the news that there's an investigation in progress. We're sensitive about certain things. You're free to go. But this better not happen again.

Huh? Aren't you the kid staying at Dojima-san's place?

Oh! Uh, can we ask you something? It's about Yukiko-san...I mean, Yukiko Amagi of the Amagi Inn. Did something happen to her?

Huh? Oh, umm...Am I allowed to say? Well, if you're friends with Ms. Amagi...Keep this between us, okay? We got a call from Ms. Amagi's parents yesterday evening saying they couldn't find her anywhere.

Since it was the weekend, the workers at the inn were extremely busy, and no one saw Ms. Amagi around that time.

Oh, but that doesn't necessarily mean this is a case just yet!

But, people've been turning up dead on foggy days, so we're really sensitive to stuff like this.

By the way, did she say anything to you guys about maybe going through some hard times?

Uh...? Hard times?

Well, that announcer, Ms. Yamano, was staying at the Amagi Inn before the first murder.

Seems Ms. Yamano had some harsh words for the manager about the staff's attitude towards guests. The stress of it caused the manager to collapse. And with Ms. Amagi being the manager's daughter...She must've felt pretty strongly about the incident, y'know.

By the way, did Ms. Amagi ever hint that she might be leaving the house?

'Cause if not, there's been some theories floating around that she's laying low for some reason or another...

Crap, I think I've gone too far. You didn't hear that, okay?

Adachi, what the hell are you chatting with civvies for!? And where's my coffee!?

S-Sorry! I got it right here!

Psst! Forget I said anything! Please!

There you are!

I've been looking everywhere!

Anyways, something's up with Yukiko-san!

Huh? You know already!?

I kept calling her cell, but she didn't pick up...So I went to her house, and it turns out Yukiko really did disappear!

I guess we've got no choice but to go now. But that aside, the cops are saying some weird stuff. They think Yukiko-san's hiding to "lay low"...

Apparently Yukiko-san's mom collapsed because that announcer lady bitched her out. They think that gives her a motive, and the fact that the announcer died right after makes her even more suspicious...

What!? They think Yukiko did it!? What the hell is wrong with them!?

Dude, don't snap at me!

Yukiko's the victim here, dammit, not the suspect...
> They both seem agitated.

Look, we need to save her.

R-Right! That's the important thing!

With the police totally on the wrong track, we've gotta handle it ourselves.

I'm going too! And that's final! I'm going to save Yukiko no matter what!

Are you gonna be all right? But man...They just confiscated our weapons. We can't go in empty-handed.

Weapons? I know just the place!

C'mon, follow me!

Wh-What kinda shop is this...?

A metalworks, I guess? They sell all sorts of metal crap, like katanas and stuff.

Doesn't that seem weird to you!? Why would you know about a place like this anyway?

Oh, I get it. You watched one too many kung-fu movies, and...

It's not that at all! I overheard some guys in our class talk about it. They said this place sells weapons and armor.

But it might be too heavy...

I dunno, Chie...I still think it's too dangerous. I know how you feel, but--

You don't!

You don't know shit about how I feel. Yukiko might die from this, for crying out loud!

I'm going, and that's that!

Okay, but stay behind us...

Psh, I'll be fine! My reflexes are second to none!

Listen...I'm not kidding around.

You don't know what it's like in there! If you're not gonna listen to our warnings, we're leaving you here!

If you insist on coming, just make sure you have something to protect yourself.


But man, what should we get?

Hey, Sanzo. Mind picking out something for me, too? You're our main asset in battle right now, so I think you should choose whatever makes it easiest for you.
> Received 5000 yen from Yosuke.

I got my stuff all picked out! How about you guys?

You know, if we wear this stuff around town, we'll just get picked up again.

But it's not like we can waltz into Junes with a sack full of gear and expect no one to notice, either...

Why not conceal them under our uniforms? I don' think people would notice.

Okay...Let's try that.

Alright, let's split up and get ready. The store'll be crowded until the afternoon sale ends, and if we walk around together, the cops might get suspicious.

Then I'll see you guys at the Junes food court!
-How Much?-

If you want something special, bring me your own materials and I'll try to use them for you. I always like seeing new things and trying new techniques. So, bring me some rare materials that I've never seen before. If you do, I can make you some really cool stuff. When choosing what to create, the number and type of materials varies. If you bring me the proper materials, I can use them to create some fine pieces of art for you. But, what I make is up to me. I am the artist here, after all. I'll be expecting some praise, too!
Welcome to Daidara's Metalworks! This is the game's equipment shop. Every Shadow you kill drops some kind of part, which you can sell to Daidara. Sell enough parts and he'll add a new piece of gear to his stock. Clear Data carries this over, too. Since the general goon consensus has been
I will go ahead and buy what I like.

To start off, I'll pay almost 80,000 yen for some old pajamas that were too ratty for the thrift store. Sanzo also gets an Agility-boosting sword and Magic-boosting accessory. For Yosuke, I'll get some knives that increase his wind damage, and an accessory that regenerates his SP.

Something...not very heavy? That you can hide under your school uniform? You have unexpectedly strange tastes in art. Well, different strokes for different folks, I guess. I'll try out a few things.
Let's stop in at Shiroku Store just down the street, too.

Well then...young man. Nice to meet you. You came from the city? Hmm, so you're in the middle of some hard times, eh? The store may be a bit sloppy, but please take your time to look around.
Shiroku Store sells consumable items. A few Value Medicines will be nice to have until I get better ways to heal.
-Who's There?-
> It seems the others can't see the door...

So it finally begins. Now, if you'll give me a moment of your time...
-Aria of the Soul-

The catastrophe that is headed your way...It has already taken human lives in its approach towards you. But you have nothing to fear. You already have the power to fight against it. It seems that the time for you to use your Persona has come...*chuckle*

Your Persona ability is that of the wild card. If you strengthen your bonds properly, their power will help you overcome any ordeal. Our role is to facilitate that.

My to give birth to new Personas. By mixing together multiple Persona cards, I can transmute them into a new form...This, in other words, is the fusion of Personas. You have the power to hold multiple Personas and to use them accordingly. When you defeat an enemy, the seeds of possibility you attain will appear before you as cards. At times, they may be hard to grasp...but you must master your fear and reach out to them. When you obtain new cards, please do not hesitate to bring them here. If you have been developing your Social Links, then your Persona will gain even more power. They will be one of your chief sources of strength...You would do well to take this to heart.

Registering the Personas you hold will allow you to recall them at any time. Please see me when you wish to use it. Oh, and one more thing...I would like to introduce a new resident of the Velvet Room, who will be helping you on your journey.


Yeah, I can hear. Nice to meet you.
> The girl seems unfriendly. You feel that you've met her somewhere before...

Why are you here?

Excuse her. This is Marie. Her soul is still very young and--

Shut up! Don't tell him any more about me than you need to.

...As you can see. She may be brusque at times, but please understand that she is only an apprentice and forgive her for her impoliteness.

Got it.

Marie will be dealing with "Skill Cards." Using these cards will allow you to provide your Personas with new powers. Also, I am sure she will help you form a bond between yourself and the "outside world." Marie will contact you at a later date. Please feel free to speak with her here when you wish to use her services.
I have this hunch that the abrasive scene brat might turn out to be sort of important.

*chuckle* Do you recall my words to you before? "The coming year is a turning point in your destiny...If the mystery goes unsolved, your future may be forever lost." I meant precisely what I said. Defeat in battle is not the only way your journey may come to an end...Please do not forget this. When next we meet, you will come here of your own will. *chuckle* I look forward to it. Until then...farewell.
So yeah, all those incredibly useful and vitally important Velvet Room services you just got told all about? Can't use them yet! Bye! Have fun storming the castle!
-Junes Theme-

The sale should end soon, so that'll get rid of some of the people wandering around here. Alright...let's get going.

Chie, it's not too late to--

I'm going!

Fine, but don't push yourself, got it!?

What're you doing?

Can't you tell? I'm thinking about stuff.
> It seems he's been thinking about himself all this time...

I've been deli-bear-ating over it for a long time now.

Hey, that wasn't a bad joke. Heehee!

...So...did you figure anything out?

Eh, it's probably useless to think about it too much. I've seen the inside of your skull, and it was empty.

How rude!

You're right, though. I try and try but nothing comes out of my head.

Will you guys shut up!? Now's not the time for stupid jokes! Listen--someone came here yesterday, right?

Wow! There's a girl with a better nose than me!?

What's your name, Miss?

M-Miss? Uh...I'm Chie. But never mind that! Tell me more about that "someone!"

I think it happened a little after I talked with you guys. After that, I felt like someone was here.

Is it Yukiko-san!?

I don't know. I haven't looked...The presence is over that way. That's probably where they are.

Over there, huh? Is everyone ready?

-Who's There?-

Y'think this is the place they showed on TV last time?

You're positive that no one's behind a camera for that bizarre midnight program?

Program? I don't know. Maybe people on your side can see stuff in this world. It might be that. And I told you before! There's only me and Shadows here! There's no "camera" stuff going on. This world has been like this from the beginning.

"From the beginning?" That's what we don't understand!

I dunno...Can you guys explain everything about your world? I've never seen this "program" thingy before. So I don't know.

Well, is that really what's happening? Are we really looking into this world?

Because the first time Yukiko showed up on that channel was before she disappeared. Doesn't that seem off?

I mean, Yukiko saying stuff like "score myself a hot stud?" That's not like her at all!

"Score?" "Stud"...?

Yeah, I couldn't believe it either. Yukiko-san would never say anything like that.

I wonder...Is this kinda like what happened to me last time?

There's a lot of stuff I still don't get. But after hearing your story, I think that "program" happens because of the person who appears on it. Or something like that...

So, Yukiko is producing the show herself?

Ugh, I don't get this at all!

Hey...Do you feel Yukiko's presence from inside?

I'm pretty sure. So, um, what's this "scoring with a hot stud" thing...?