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The Let's Play Archive

Persona 4: Golden

by Really Pants

Part 10: April 17 Part 2: Snafu

-Studio Backlot-

She ran off on her own...
Urk! There are lots of Shadows in the castle.
It'll be dangerous inside for a girl by herself...
Dude, are you serious!? Why didn't you tell us before!? C'mon, let's find Chie!
That girl ran off on her own...That's kinda dangerous!
We should catch up to her quick, Sensei!
Ah, that's right! Here, take this.

> Obtained Revival Bead x 3.

Oh, this too. I gathered all of these myself. I'll give them to you, Sensei!

> Obtained Peach Seed x 5 and Soul Drop x 5.

Well, off you go. Be careful!
This is bad, Sanzo! We better hurry after Chie!

First though, a few last-minute preparations.

In a Clear Data game, you can adjust the combat difficulty on the fly. Retries can be enabled or disabled, and the other settings can be set high, low, or normal.

There's also the most important matter:

Silly costumes! As was completely obvious to everyone from the get-go, that stupid word vote was for which costume the boys should wear today. Naturally, the winner was the one that's all but identical to Sanzo and Yosuke's default school uniform.

Costumes change the team's appearance in dungeons, and sometimes their victory poses. They'll also say different things when you talk to them. Apart from that, costumes are completely pointless. Let's make sure we get as many as possible!

-Yukiko's Castle-

It's infinity minus one miles to Inaba, we got full SP, five Soul Drops, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it.

Suited up and good to go. Hehe, this outfit's pretty smooth. Though, maybe the sunglasses are a bit...over the top. Yeah. Oh, you changed too, Sanzo-kun. Hey, looks pretty good on you. I wonder if that's how Dojima-san looked when he was younger.
Hm? Sensei changed. Hohoh, you're dressed like you're ready for a secret mission! You look even stronger than usual!

Ugh, she ran off all alone...
Dammit, let's go!
Um, wait a second! The Shadows have gotten aggravated ever since you two got here. They'll probably attack as soon as they find you, Sensei. So try to get the jump on Shadows before they can attack you!

Shadows will chase you when they notice you, and if they can hit you before you hit them, they'll get Advantage--free turns at the start of combat.

If you're super pro like me, though, you can hit them from behind and get Advantage yourself.

That's a bit better than before. What a difference Auto-Tarukaja makes.

That's how it's done!

This also starts happening:


> You recalled what Igor told you...

When you defeat an enemy, the seeds of possibility you attain will appear before you as cards. At times, they may be hard to grasp...but you must master your fear and reach out to them.

On top of the XP, yen, and vendor trash you receive from every victory, you also have a chance to trigger Shuffle Time and pick additional rewards. Cards can have new Personas for the protagonist or Arcana effects, as follows:

Fool: Grants 1 extra pick, and changes every card left.
Magician: One of your active Persona's skills will be upgraded.
Priestess: Grants 1 extra pick, and changes another card to a random Arcana.
Empress: Grants 1 extra pick, and removes another card from the shuffle.
Emperor: Your active Persona gains a level.
Hierophant: Grants 1 extra pick, and changes another card to a random Persona.
Lovers: Grants 2 extra picks, but you'll gain no items from the battle.
Chariot: +1 Agility for your active Persona.
Justice: +1 Strength for your active Persona.
Hermit: Shadows won't attack until you change floors or trigger a combat.
Fortune: +1 Luck for your active Persona.
Strength: +1 Magic for your active Persona.
Hanged Man: +1 Endurance for your active Persona.
Death: Shuffle Time ends immediately.
Temperance: Grants a Chest Key for opening gold chests.
Devil: Grants 3 extra picks, but XP for the battle will be 0.
Tower: Grants 3 extra picks, but money for the battle will be 0.
Star: Grants 1 extra pick, and removes a selected card from your hand.
Moon: Grants 2 extra picks, but halves XP for the battle.
Sun: Grants 2 extra picks, but halves money for the battle.
Judgement: No effect.
Aeon: Grants 4 extra picks.
The World: No effect.
Suit of Swords: Grants a random Skill Card.
Suit of Cups: Restores a small amount of the team's HP and SP.
Suit of Coins: Increases money from the battle.
Suit of Wands: Increases XP from the battle.

-Yukiko's Castle-

Teddie will call out helpful advice while you fight. For example, if you just hit an enemy's weakness, he will sometimes say "You hit the enemy's weakness!"

Hmm...You're good at fighting, Sensei. Compared to you, Yosuke stinks...
Shut up, Ted!
Though I do gotta admit, you have a knack for this stuff.
Doesn't he? So you should be the one to give Yosuke orders during a fight.
It ticks me off to hear Teddie say that stuff, but I don't wanna cause trouble doing my own thing in battle. So don't hesitate to order me around.
I'm counting on you.

For some reason, new teammates always default to acting on their own in combat. Maybe it's because they're new. Make sure you rectify that nonsense as soon as you can.

I wonder how far in she went...She doesn't have glasses on! It's too dangerous for her here!
Geez, that girl...Let's hurry after her, Sanzo!

As soon as you hit the second floor:

There she is! Chie-chan is in there!

-Who's There?-

Yukiko's voice: She said that red looks good on me...

Yukiko's voice: Snow is cold and it melts quickly. It's transient...worthless. But it's perfect for me...Apart from inheriting the inn, I'm worthless. Still...Chie told me that red looks good on me.
Are these...Yukiko-san's inner thoughts? I remember hearing Senpai's, too...
Yeah. This castle is probably here because of this Yukiko person.
Yukiko's voice: Chie was the only one who gave my life meaning. She's bright and strong, and she can do anything. She has everything that I don't...Compared to Chie, I'm...I'm...Chie protects me. She looks after my worthless life, and I...I don't deserve any of it. Chie is so kind...

"Chie is so kind," huh? What a joke.

-Border of Insanity-

It's just like Yosuke! She lost control over her suppressed self! Now it's a Shadow!

She says she's worthless! *chuckle* That's how it should be, right?
Wh-What're you saying?
Yukiko's sooo good looking...sooo fair-skinned...sooo feminine. She's the one all the guys drool over. When Yukiko looked at me with such jealousy? Man, did I get a charge out of that.

I'm better than her...Much, much better!
No! I have never thought that!

We need to protect Chie.
We need to protect Chie-chan right now!

Chie, calm down!
No...No, this isn't me!
W-Wait, stupid! Don't say anything else like that!

I can't win as a girl, let alone as a person. I'm pathetic. But Yukiko...She depends on me. *chuckle* That's why she's my friend. I'll never loosen my grip on her...She's too important to me.
No...That is not how I think of her...
*chuckle* So you're just gonna turn your back and deny me again?
But things are different now. When the times comes, I'll be the one left standing. You won't mind, right! I'm still you!

Chie, no!
You're not me!

I-It's coming! You have to use your powers to save Chie-chan!

-I'll Face Myself: Battle-

We'll lead off with Rakunda, to make Shadow Chie more vulnerable. Stat modifiers are vital for any fight you expect to last longer than one or two rounds.

Throw down! Persona!

Now that Sanzo has an ally, Downing every enemy on the field triggers this: an All-Out Attack.

Most of the time, All-Out Attacks are basically free damage and it's a good idea to take them. They, along with 1 Mores, also help increase your chance to get Shuffle Time after a regular battle.


Ready or not, here we come!

Don't ask who's doing all the fighting while Sanzo and Yosuke are still charging in.

The late-game armor helps, but doesn't protect Yosuke from the worst of it:

Shadow Chie uses the Green Wall skill to cover up her weakness.

You just have to beat on her as best you can until it wears off...

...and make Yosuke Guard whenever she wastes a turn telegraphing her Mazio attack like this.

Let's do this, Jiraiya!

Good answer!


Feinne posted:

So here's our second boss in the original, Shadow Chie.

This is one of the two most changed bosses overall. The original version literally was just melee attacks, telegraphed Mazio, and a Green Wall after you knock her down the first time. Bottomless Envy is completely new and actually makes her a bit dangerous because it significantly ups her ability to damage the party while also giving her the ability to dizzy people. Still, it's just a matter of paying attention to the order she does things and knowing when to Guard. They also added a bunch of new dialog I think, she didn't really say much in the old one.

-I'll Face Myself-

Chie! Are you okay!?
What happened...?

Stop it, Chie. It's all right.
You're more than that thing.
B-But I...
He's right. I went through the same thing. So I can understand...I mean, everyone has a side like this.

A side of me I couldn't forgive...That I tried to ignore...But you still exist. You're a part of me.

> The strength of heart required to face oneself has been made manifest. Chie has faced her other self...She has obtained the facade used to overcome life's hardships, the Persona Tomoe!

Tomoe Gozen, the samurai maiden. Nobody knows today whether Tomoe was a real woman, or a fictional character. Given the sheer volume of crazy-ass legends that have grown out of the lives of noted notables from the Heian period, the difference may be academic.

But I wasn't lying about being friends with Yukiko!
Like we didn't know that already.

H-Hey! Chie!
I'm okay...Just a little tired...
You don't look okay at all. And I bet...You can use the same power we have now.
Hey, what should we do?
Let's go back.
I agree. We need to let Chie rest.
I-I never said I needed a break! I...can still keep going...

It's not that we don't think you can. It's just, we have to save Yukiko-san, no matter what. Now that you have the power, you can fight with us. It'd be much better for us all if you had your strength back. That's why we're saying we should go back and regroup.
But Yukiko's still in here, isn't she!? I-I...If those were Yukiko's true feelings, then I have to tell her something.
I'm not as strong as she thinks! It's because she was with me...Because we were always together, I was able to act that way. If we weren't, I'd...
Well, you need to get your strength back! Then you can tell her! Yuki-chan's normal. The Shadows don't attack normal people. They only attack when the fog lifts here.
So Yukiko-san will be safe until then, right?
I'm positive.
Why? I don't get it...
Teddie told us that the weather here is the opposite of our own world. The fog usually appears after it rains. But it's been sunny lately. I don't think it's going to rain anytime soon.
Don't worry so much. We'll check the weather forecast first thing when we get back.
But...But I can't turn back now! We've come so far! Yukiko's still here! She's all alone...She must be so scared!
Then you tell me how much further we gotta go to reach Yukiko-san!
You don't know what's up ahead. The enemies might be even stronger. If we push ourselves too hard and get wiped out, who'll save Yukiko-san then!? We can't fail, no matter what. Am I wrong?

I shouldn't have rushed in like that by myself...
I know how you feel.
No worries. We're definitely gonna save Yukiko-san. Right?

My head feels like it's gonna split open...Are you guys okay?
It's thanks to these.
That's right, you're not wearing the glasses.
Oh yeah...What's with those glasses? Did your eyesight go bad?
Man, you didn't notice until now? How panicked were you?
Tum de dummm! I got a pair ready for Chie-chan, too. Here you go!

Why didn't you whip those out earlier if you had them?
I made them right now! You didn't tell me she was coming! It was all so sadden! I mean, sudden! that's the trick. I was wondering how you guys could see where you were going. Hey, is it alright if I keep these?
Fo' sho!
We'll have to stop here today. But I'll be back with these puppies!
You guys better not come here without me, got it!?
Yeah, let's all promise each other: Nobody goes in alone. It's way too dangerous.
If we don't work together, we won't be able to solve the case or save Yukiko-san, right?
You're right.
Yeah, I agree. I promise too.
This'll be a breeze for us.
Alright, so from tomorrow on, we'll try and come here as much as we can after school, and that includes days off. Hey...Would you mind being our leader? You were the first to get this power, and you're way better in a fight than either of us. I think it's best for all of us if you set the pace of the investigation, and we follow your lead. I'm cool playing second banana.
Leave it to me.
I had a feeling you'd say that. I mean, I'm more the advisor type, you know? An ideas man, not an executive.
I'm with Yosuke. If you're the one calling the shots, I'd feel a lot more comfortable about this.
I'm with Yosuke too. If you're the one calling the shots, my pillow will be a lot more comfortable at night.
Teddie, would you please stop talking? I'm really on edge right now...

> Your days of pursuing this case alongside your friends have begun...

-Strength of Heart-

Fool: the unnumbered arcana. Sometimes given the number 0 or XXII. The wild card in the games of chance for which tarot cards were originally made. Signifies new beginnings, spontaneity, faith in oneself, and embracing folly.

And don't forget to check the weather forecast. It gets foggy after a lot of rain, so let's keep an eye out.
Also, let's make sure we gear up for next time.

> You decide to return to Junes and go back home.

> The news is on TV.

Announcer: That's all for world news tonight. Coming up next, the local news.

> Dojima is quiet, with a stern expression on his face.

You aren't getting involved with any strange business, are you? What happened at the station this's still bothering me. Is there anything you're not telling me?
"My friends and I think the murders are connected to a magical world in the TV where only we can go. There's this bear that told us so."
Of course not.
...I see. Well, it's just been nagging at me, that's all.
What's wrong? Are you fighting?
No...We're not having a fight.
This isn't the police station...
I agreed to look after you. So don't get yourself involved in anything that could get you into trouble. Got that?
Weather announcer: And now, our weather forecast. Due to high-pressure fronts from the west, that sunny spring-like weather will stay with us for a while longer.
Is this lady the one who decides the weather? 'Cause when she says that it'll be sunny, it always is.
Uh, she's not really deciding it...
...Never mind.

> The news continues, heedless of the heavy atmosphere...

-Signs of Love-

I killed the mood, didn't I?


Let's hit the town for a bit, decompress from all of today's massacring, maybe walk off that heavy dinner.

...Listen, I'll only say this once, so listen close. Maybe it's normal for kids like you to be goofing around outside at night back in the big city. But this isn't the city, it's the countryside. And your mother trusts me to keep you safe. You're not a kid anymore. I just have to trust you when you're out of my sight. But I can't just let you run around at night. You get me? So that's it. Don't go wandering around at night if you don't have any reason to go out, all right?
Sorry, old man, but it's a little too FASCIST around here for me. Let's try that again.

> You can feel Dojima exerting his authoritative influence on you...

> You should give up on going out tonight.


The phone.

I have something that I've prepared just for you. I was going to deliver it to your house, but the situation's changed. I need you to come pick it up. Er, where am I? I was getting to that! *ahem* I am in front of the gas station at the shopping district. You got that? Now hurry up and come pick it up!

> Morooka has summoned you...

My homeroom teacher needs to see me.
Your homeroom teacher wants to see you? You just transferred here, and you've already done something? No...This is you we're talking about.
Well, I understand. Go take care of business and hurry back home.


-Sky Full of Stars-

Here's Mr. Morooka.

More importantly: here's a bar. Morooka can wait.

Unfortunately, Sanzo's fake ID lists his name as "Heimo Sanchez Jr. III" and shows the picture of an 87-year-old Jamaican woman.

I turn my store into a nightclub once normal business hours are over. Have I met you before, during the day? Well, that doesn't matter...This is a nocturnal oasis, where adults can escape their daily lives and gather in search of a moment of peace. And I am a butterfly of the night, adorned with gems, who flutters down to bask in this oasis' glow. Everything you see and hear here is only a dream. It's a no-no to drag what happens here into the light of day. Remember that. Now, I'm sure you understand that this is no place for a child like you. It's time for you to go home.

Does that portrait look OK, by the way? I know it's weird to have just one with a background.

Hm? Why are you making that face? Everyone has countless numbers of faces. This is the one I wear during the night. I don't want to hear anything about my other faces. The same goes for any other me you may encounter at a different time...*sigh* I wonder if there's any handsome man out there who would supply me with gems...

> She brushed you off. It seems that the hostess will pay you no attention unless you have something that catches her interest...

Well that was a god damn bust. Might as well go see what's eating Morooka, I guess.

This is the school jersey I got for you! Go on, take it!

> Obtained Yaso High Jersey.

Another costume. This is a normal one that you'll see people wearing outside of dungeons, so I left it out of the choices.

Now that you've got it, get the hell out of here! I need to see this girl home! You know the way to your own house, don't you?
Female student: But it's not a lie! I really am on the way home from cram school! I can go home by myself! I wasn't trying to stay out and party!

-Signs of Love-

Huh? You were given a school jersey? That's it?
He could've just given you that at school...Well, I'm sure telling you that isn't helping. School's tough enough as it is. With these incidents going on, everyone's on edge.

Here's our new team member, Chie.

And her Persona, Tomoe. Chie is strong against ice, and weak against fire. Compared to the boys, she has less SP, but a better physical attack and more HP to use it. She'll also start getting ice attacks in a couple levels. Chie is one of the team's main bruisers, especially against enemies with no weaknesses.