The Let's Play Archive

Persona 4: Golden

by Really Pants

Part 134: Later that summer: XXI. The World

> Summer vacation...

> The town doesn't seem to have changed at all since last time...

> A man you've seen before is delivering a passionate address to the crowd.

The things you do in pursuit of justice may actually be a terrible mistake...One man is not enough to judge these things!
It was a group of boys and girls who taught me that. In their spirit, I want to join hands with all of you to rethink this town's future!
I want Inaba to be a town free from deceit and distractions that keep you from focusing on the things most important to you!
Housewife: Hey, kid. Do you know who that is?
Housewife: He was arrested during those terrible murders last year, right? And now, he's running for mayor...That was a surprise! He's so passionate, though. At first, no one wanted to go near him, but look at him now. I've been to a few of his speeches. I think he might be a pretty nice guy.
If we can all work together on this, and not get so sidetracked by passing trends, this town will regain its former glory!
So please, lend me your strength! Please...!

> Namatame's speech continues...

-New Days-

> Nobody seems to be here to welcome you. You decide to go to the Dojima residence...

> There's no answer...The front door is locked. They seem to be away...You decide to call Dojima...

...Hello? Ohhh, oh. It's you, huh? Oh yeah, you're coming over. Was--Was that today? Sorry, but my hands are tied right now. Why don't you call one of your friends and hang out with them for a bit? I'll see you later.

> Dojima seems busy. You decide to call Yosuke...Yosuke isn't answering, either...Did something happen?

> Inaba Central Shopping District...You don't see anyone you know...

Thinking man: I dunno...Those are handmade, aren't they? I don't think we can mass produce them...On the other hand, maybe "limited quantities" and "handmade" are good selling points that could revitalize this town.
Housewife with hairband: I thought of moving away once...but I don't think I could bear to be away from here.
Housewife with dyed hair: I understand completely...This is where we were born and raised. We'll have to work together if we don't want it to fall apart.

Troubled man: But...what are we supposed to sell in a "locally produced goods" section? I guess the steak kabobs are good, but what other stuff is there? We're not famous for anything else...
Loud old man: It can be anything, you half-wit! Vegetables, fish, even ramen! As long as it's something we put our backs into, it'll sell like hotcakes! You gotta work hard so you don't embarrass Junes! We can't be weak now!

> The shopping district is coming alive...You decide to go to Junes...

> Junes, Food court...You don't see anyone you know...

Teddie: Only because you were slow! Slow like a jar of maulasses!
Yosuke: Shut up! He's going to hear! Ugh, we blew it...Oh well...Here goes--One, two...!

-Youthful Lunch-

And what's with the "Bahh! It's a bear!" You make it sound like we're the ones getting ambushed!

I'm sorry...
I'm sorry...

Uhh, we heard you were coming, so we planned a little surprise. I mean...things got kind of nuts when you last visited in May. We thought instead of you coming to each of our houses, we'd spice things up this time.
Yeah. And we thought you'd miss us a little if you couldn't find any of us.

Surprised it was such a failure.
So you were surprised! In a way...!?
No! Not a success!
Whoo! So hey, Senpai, how do I look? Did you think I was someone else? Is your heart melting?
Oh, come on, you know who's changed more than anybody else here!

Gah! Will you asshats lay off!? You're gettin' a little rude there!
Well...we have all changed a little. None of us can remain in stasis forever.
Ahhahahahaha! Pffff...hee...hee...
Stop laughing already...
None of us want to be the guy who's always talking about how great things were back in the day.
As long as we're all here, keeping an eye out for each other, we can change.
Yosuke's still a show-off! Not me, though! I'm different now! Why, I've powered up so much that I'm probably a grizzly bear!
Huh, sounds powerful. I'll stick you with all the manual labor, then.
Cell phone: *RING RING*
Oh,'s me. Did the surprise go well?
Oh, well, that's good. Sorry, they asked for my help, so I acted like I wasn't home when you came by.
I'm a pro when it comes to seeing through a lie, but when I'm the one who has to put on an act, I don't last five seconds...
Anyway, bring them all back here. I've got a good meal waiting.

> You told everyone that Dojima is waiting...

Oh, really!? Let's eat!
Hey! Kanji! This is to celebrate Senpai coming back!
Shut up! I know!

> You decide to go to the Dojima residence with the others...

-PML2012: The Way of Memories-

Chie-senpai, that's your second one! We get one each, remember!?
You kids sure eat a lot...I thought I might have ordered too much, but look at you, plowing through it already.
Sorry 'bout that. And thanks. Isn't Nanako-chan here? I'd hate to eat her share...
She's at piano lessons. Don't worry, I set hers aside. Oh, didn't I tell you? Yeah, Nanako started learning the piano. She should be back any time now. I'm sure she'll be rushing home.
Ever since she found out you'd be back, it's all she's talked about.

> Dojima is laughing...

I'm glad she's doing well. too. She's growing and learning every day. It's an amazing thing to see.
Just watching her gives me strength. It's slow, but I'm moving on, bit by bit.
Actually...I came across some information about an old hit-and-run incident.
The victim was Chisato wife. I've been chasing dead ends and false leads for so long...but I think I'm finally getting close to the truth.
Just when I thought I'd keep my personal feelings separate from my job...Haha...It's strange. Though, it's thanks to you that I was able to draw that line in the first place. Thank you.
Anything else new?
Anything else...hmm...Oh, about the incidents last year, Namatame got released on lack of evidence. I can't tell you too much...but basically, no one could reproduce his supposed methods. Not even Namatame himself. He was very insistent on the details of his crimes, but a diary isn't enough evidence to build a case on. He came to me to apologize, but I told him he should come up with his own way to make up for it. He said he was going to run for mayor...I don't know how serious he was about that. that WAS Namatame-san giving those speeches.
Oh yeah...And I went to see Adachi.
What happened to him...?
Were you the one to interrogate him...?
No, I wasn't part of that. I couldn't be. We were too close. But he was indicted. It was probably just circumstantial evidence, but he said a lot of things only the real killer could know. After they set a trial date for him, I was able to go see him.
I see...
They say he's a model prisoner. The bastard said he gets better treatment behind bars than he did when he was working with me.
Heh...Next time when I go see him, I'll bring him a cheap cabbage.

> Dojima looks happy...

Hahaha, surprised, Nanako?
Welcome home, Nana-chan!
Teddie, too! And Rise-chan! Everyone's here!
I'm learning piano now! And I've been a good girl!
I'm proud of you.
Hehehe...I'll play for you sometime!
I didn't think she'd ask to start piano lessons. Like mother, like daughter, I guess. Chisato was a piano teacher...but Nanako's pretty good herself. At first, I didn't even want to hear the word "piano," but now that she wants to learn, I've gotta get over it.
I remember what my mom played! I'm going to play it for you, Dad!

Newscaster: And now, the weather. It was nice and sunny today, but what will it look like after that? Take it away, Mariko.

We've been having a lot of rain recently, so starting today I'm going to make it sunny. I mean, after all that rain, I don't think we're going to have to worry about any water shortages this summer. And besides, someone's visiting! I can't have it rain while he's here! So, I'm gonna keep it sunny for a while.
Newscaster: Mariko? Mariko!? Please calm down!
Oh, but if it gets too hot, then some rain should be fine. He should tell me whenever he wants it different and I'll change it. Just like that!

> The weather forecaster is Marie...

Oh...I forgot to mention...
She's been coming here a lot. She's famous now...
How'd she get so popular so fast? What was the station thinking? Her stage name's so boring, too...
This girl will decide tomorrow's weather, right? Whenever she says it's gonna be sunny, the sun comes out! her case...maybe...?
Newscaster: Thanks, Mariko! Tell our viewers goodbye!
I hope you all have a goooood day tomorrow! Remember, the more you put in, the more you get out!
The more you get out!

The younger ones at the station tell me they feel motivated whenever she does that.
I'm not surprised.
I feel it a little myself, to be honest. Well, I'm just glad the weird fog is gone. Now we don't have to obsess over the weather report.
It is really great, though. Everyone in town is more motivated.
Yeah. People have so much energy now!
You're right. It doesn't wear you down walking through town anymore, not like last year.
Everyone has a more positive outlook on life than when I first came.
It shows people can change. For better or worse, I depends on your perspective. After the fog lifted, I'm sure people just realized that it's a lot brighter when your eyes are open.
There's a lot we'd rather not see...A lot of grime in the human heart. But if you close your eyes to everything, you can't even see the people close to you...How can you be happy like that? The only thing to do, really, is to keep marching on, straight ahead.
I'm rambling, aren't I...? Guess I had more to drink than I thought...
Oh yeah, Nanako, didn't you say there was something you wanted to tell him when he came home?

...Your cooking is barely food, Chie.
Ha! Bearly!
Hey! Shut up!

Yeesh, that's cold, Yosuke!
Hey, what about mine?

I could have made something, too.
Uhh, please don't!

What was that, Moronji!?
I can cook if I put my mind to it!
Umm, that's...


Got it?
Everyone except Kanji: Yes!
Hell yeah!

*ahem* Well then! One, and...

Everyone except Kanji: WELCOME BACK!
It's good to see you, Senpai!

Kanji! It was "Welcome back!" How could you mess that up!?

Hey, just--SHUT UP, alright!? I just got stage fright, that's all!

Well, I figured someone would blow it.