Part 17: May 6 - May 8: Violating Everyone's Privacy

Dammit, I just fixed this thing. It's making squeaking sounds again.

Maybe you need a new one.

Huh? Yeah...Hey, by the way...

I'm sorry about the other day...You know, about what I said to Nanako-chan.

After hanging out with Nanako-chan, I feel even stronger that we have to solve this case.

I'm counting on you.

Hehe...Same to you!

Y'know, Chie and Yukiko seem different lately. They're a lot closer. Oh yeah, I was just curious, but are you...Ehh, never mind. If we keep chatting, we're gonna be late.

*sigh* Man, school's such a chore. And now my bike's messed up too.

The roads are much wider here than in the city, so I keep speeding. I guess that did it.

*sigh* Oh well. Until I get my motorcycle license, I'll just have to walk.

At least they were peaceful.

I listened in on the housewives gossiping at Junes, but it doesn't seem like anything happened. And I haven't heard anything about someone disappearing suddenly, either. Y'think Yukiko could've been the last of the victims?

I doubt this is over.


I don't know.

But we shouldn't relax as long as the culprit remains at large.

I wonder...Will someone show up on TV again if it rains?

If we only knew a little more about who the killer might be...

Eh, it's no good fretting over it now. If someone does show up on the Midnight Channel, then we'll deal with it. It's supposed to start raining soon, but I hope this weather holds through next week.

You know...Midterms...

Ugh, you had to go and bring that up. I don't wanna think about it.

*sigh* I wish I had Yukiko's gift for studying.

Hey Yosuke, why don't you have Yukiko go over some of the material with you?

Hm? Oh, that's right. Yukiko's ranked at the top in every exam.

Maybe I should ask her for some private lessons.

P-Private lessons!?

Huh? What's wrong?
Haven't had one of those in a while.

Ow! What was that for? I'm just asking you to help me study...

Oh, I'm sorry...You were talking about studying...

I thought it might've been an off-color joke. Our inn has had some strange visitors lately.

If you thought it was a joke, then just shrug it off!

Sorry. My hand moved without thinking.


Thanks a lot, Chie, for bringing up the whole studying thing.

Wh-What did I do!?

You're the one who made it sound creepy and wrong! "Private lessons," huh?

Wha--Then it's mostly my fault!?

Oh, I should start heading home.
-Heartbeat, Heartbreak-
Long-haired girl: Stories and novels are good, but what I really like are picture books and books with animal facts. It's fun just to look at them, isn't it?
> After you asked that question, she began talking about her goals for the future. You listened intently...You heard something that might prove to be useful! You should report back to her admirer.
He is naturally nowhere to be found.
Man: Could I ask you something? Do you know about the Mori Ranmaru? Years ago, I was the manager of the Konishi Liquor Store, right here in this town's very shopping district. But, I kind of lost the will to do business and I quit my job as the manager. Anyway...To be honest, I shouldn't have come out here to the country, but I can't go back home empty-handed, you know? You're from around here, aren't you? Do you think you could find a Mori Ranmaru for me? I was supposed to be managing the "Local Products" section of Konishi-san's store. I don't know much about the area, and I can't bear to go back in there, so...Could you look for it for me? I'll even give you a fitting reward. How about it? Thank you! I was really at a loss as to what to do!
I feel like I ought to clarify this one: The man is too afraid to go buy some booze, so he wants a sixteen-year-old boy to do it for him.
-Aria of the Soul-
> Something seems different...Marie is nowhere to be found.

If you are looking for Marie, I sent her on an errand. She should be back soon.

Where did you send her?

Oh, please don't be concerned. This errand is, of course, pertaining to those of us who reside within the Velvet Room. I would never allow her to roam your world freely by herself.

Oh. What is that?

She must have dropped it. *chuckle*
> It seems the piece of paper belongs to Marie. You notice something written on it. Perhaps you should return it to her...

Waaaaah! Wait, nooo!
> Marie frantically snatches the paper away from you.

Grrrr! Grrrrr...!

...Did you look?

Show me, please.

Wh-Wh-Why would I show you!? This isn't meant for you to see!
> Marie is blushing furiously.

Just...Just forget this happened! All of it! I'm hypnotizing you now! Sleep, sleep! You didn't see anything! Now, wake up!

*chuckle* That is quite an interesting reaction. Is what is on the paper really that embarrassing?

Excuse us. Now, once again: Welcome to the Velvet Room.

Welcome, my butt. That was close.
> Marie returns to her seat and fidgets restlessly.
I forgot what I came in here for.
It's Friday, and Friday means daycare.
-Like A Dream Come True-
Yuuta: I don't wanna play house! Let's play hide-and-seek! You're it!
> Yuuta is full of energy. Once again, the children tug at you from all directions.
Day care supervisor: Most of the children have been picked up, so you can go home now. I'll see you next time!
> You finished your job and went home. On the way home, on the Samegawa flood plain...

Oh! It's already this late? I've been sitting here all this time...

Is something on your mind?

Oh, no, it's nothing. *giggle* You're a high school student, right? You seem so mature.

I was heading over there. I was going to pick up Yuuta. But then something came over me...My legs just went weak all of a sudden. Every time I think about him...
> Yuuta's mother sighs.

Have you heard? Yuuta and I aren't related by blood. He's my husband's child. I've lived with Yuuta for six months now. Only six months...Already six months...We don't ever talk to each other. My husband is away, so...Heh...It's just the two of us, alone together in a dark house.

Yuuta's a good kid.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tell you all this out of the blue...But I'm glad you listened to me, that you spoke with me. Haha, it's sad, but these days, I don't even get to have simple conversations like this.
> Yuuta's mother is smiling weakly. It seems she is trying her best to adapt to living in the countryside...
-Strength of Heart-
Temperance represents health, balance, and the joining of forces.

Nice to meet you. Please take good care of him.

Oh, that's right. I still need to pick him up. It was nice seeing you...
-Signs of Love-

Hey, Sanzo. How're things? You should be used to life here by now.

Haha, you bored? Well, have a seat.
-Like A Dream Come True-
> Dojima is desperately casting about for a topic to discuss.

Uhhh...Well, how's school?

It's fun.

I see...That's good to hear. Your school days will be over before you know it. Make sure you have fun while you can.
> Dojima is nodding to himself.

What else? Oh, yeah...How about your friends? Looks like you've made plenty of 'em.
> Dojima is scowling.

I'm not saying who you can and can't hang out with, but...You know what I'm talking about, right?


Huh. So you did notice.
> Dojima is nodding.

For some reason, wherever there's an incident, there you are. I wish I didn't have to consider this, but...the killings began around the time you came to town.

My job is all about eliminating the random element. I look only at the facts. If you keep getting caught up in my job, then...

...What's wrong?

I-I know. I didn't mean it like that.

But you're bullying him...

I'm not bullying him. We were just having a little talk. It's getting late...Go to sleep.


She's really taking a shine to you.

Look--just don't get yourself involved in anything dangerous. As long as you're safe, everything's fine. Your parents didn't ask me to raise your grades or anything.
> It seems Dojima is genuinely worried about you.
-Strength of Heart-
Hierophant stands for maturity, tradition, conservatism, and the establishment--especially establishments of an educational or religious nature.

Things here might be a little different from what you're used to, but this is a good town.

Though it's a little dangerous right at the moment...

Now then, it's about time for you to turn in. Get some sleep. 'Night.
> You said good night to Dojima and went to your room.
> You overhear students talking.
Chatty girl: Speaking of misery...Midterms start next Monday. They even post the results up for everyone to see...
Easygoing girl: Oh, don't worry about it. Your life isn't going to be ruined by one little piece of paper, is it?
Chatty girl: What? How can you possibly believe that? Getting good grades has benefits when interacting with people! Talented people really are more highly valued in society, aren't they?
Mr. Hosoi: Of course I did. But it's raining today. I hope I can get it home without getting it all wet...So, uh, does anyone have an extra book cover they'd be kind enough to lend me? Whoops, I have to start the lecture! Don't try to distract me by talking about books! Today, we're going to discuss "Kokoro" by Soseki Natsume. Open your textbooks. Before we get to the actual literature, I'll ask a question about Soseki himself. Hmm, how about Genjo-chan, the city boy.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
Mr. Hosoi: Oh, you're very knowledgeable. Yep, he translated it as, "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" By the way, the person who translated it as "I could die" was Shimei Futabatei, another prominent Meiji-era writer. Though he translated it from Russian, not English...It's still similar in that they didn't do direct translations. Back then, in Japan there wasn't the same direct expression of love that we have now, so they had to get creative. It's a subtle, endearing translation, much like the Japanese language itself.
Mr. Hosoi: Anyway, let's get back into "Kokoro."
> You hear thunder rumbling...

It was a Greatest Punches version for 980 yen. If I knew then, I'd have just replaced it instead of buying you grilled steak.

This is clearly getting closer!

Huh? What are you, scared of a little lightning?

Quiet, you! I'd be a goner if even one of those things hit me!


Hahaha, you're freakin' out way too much. C'mon, shouldn't weather like this help with your kung fu training? A bolt of lightning would hit and it'd give the inspiration for a new move! There was a scene like that in your DVD, wasn't there?

You jerk! You don't even care how I feel! If lightning has to strike somebody, let it be this guy!
*CRACK-BOOM* *fizzle*

That's what you get for saying that stuff, Chie.

...Looks like I better hurry up and head to work.

Depending on how produce sells today, I might get a little bonus in my pay for the week. This weather may keep customers away, but I gotta do my best if I'm gonna save up for a motorcycle!
Cell phone: *RING RING*

It's from my manager...Hello?
Man's voice: Yosuke-kun? Hmmm...some of the power in the store is out after that lightning strike. Could you come in early today? All the refrigerated shelves have stopped running. It's looking like we'll have to close up the produce section early today.

Wait, what!? But my pay...
Man's voice: Anyway, I need you here to help deal with this mess. I'm counting on you! Goodbye!

Cell phone: *clickBOOP...BOOP...BOOP*

What're you looking at me for!?

Ugh, why did this have to happen!?

Hey, Yukiko...can we just go home?

Chie, do you know this story? A girl forgot her homework, so she snuck into school in the middle of the night, but she suddenly needed to use the bathroom. She ventured into the girls' room, where all the lights were off. No one should have been there, but in the mirror...

Hold it right there! What're you talking about!?

Huh? It's a ghost story. I thought you liked them.

Yeah, but why tell it now!?

Thanks...I'm glad you're here...

*sigh* Why don't you just have him escort you back home, Chie?

A-Are you making fun of me!?

Well, yeah. With how freaked out you are, can you blame me?
> Chie and Yukiko leave in a hurry.
Thanks to the oh-so-mysterious fox, we now have something else to do on stormy days.
> You made sure there was no one around and called for the fox...
-Like A Dream Come True-
> This ema is written in rounded characters. It's probably a young girl's handwriting.
Ema: I want things to go well with the person I like!
> It seems the fox wants you to fulfill the wish written on the ema on its behalf. Could it be thinking that if wishes are fulfilled, then more money will be put into the offertory box? If you fulfill the wish on the ema, your relationship with the fox may grow stronger...Accept the request?

> The fox seems happy.
In addition to spending time with the fox like other Social Links, new ranks in Hermit require you to first complete a side quest. These usually involve talking to NPCs a few times over the course of several days. If we go back to the school...
Female student: Oh, you're the transfer student, Sanzo...Sanzo? Oh, I-I must have made a mistake! This is your shoe box!
> The female student ran away. There's something in your shoe box...
Note: Excuse me for writing this to you out of the blue. I held my emotions back all this time because I didn't want to disrupt your studies, but I just had to tell you...I love you!
> It's a very moving love note. However, it's actually addressed to someone else...Apparently, the girl put this in the wrong shoe box. Perhaps she's the one who wrote the ema request the fox showed you. You should talk to her the next time you see her...
-Aria of the Soul-
> There is a piece of paper on the floor. Come to think of it, the last paper you found here belonged to Marie. Something is written on it in cute handwriting...
-Music Box-
The actual music box that plays for Marie's poems isn't on YouTube. This one's close enough. I like it anyway.
-Aria of the Soul-
> This appears to be a poem. Her sense of poetry is difficult to comment on...

Waaaaaah! D-Did you read it? You read it, didn't you!? N-No, it's not like that! It's uh...It's not a poem! Yeah!
Well, clearly.

I'm yelling at the edge of the world that this is not a poem! I-I don't know what I'm saying...Words are just coming out...I...
> Marie blushes furiously. It would seem that Marie was the author of the poem you just read.

But why was it on the floor? I don't get it.
> Marie sulkily returns to her seat...
Well, that sure just happened. Let's catch some more fish. Sanzo's got just enough bread & ladybugs left for another full afternoon of fishing.
Then let's feed them to a ghost.
Lady in white: But my children at home are hungry...I cannot go home without something to feed them...Do you have any Genji Ayu you could spare? Th-Thank you very much...This is an expression of my thanks...
> Obtained Gyosen Stone.
-Like A Dream Come True-

Big bro...
> Nanako is fidgeting.

Go ahead and ask.

Okay! Ummm...well...
> Nanako looks relieved.

Are you an only child?


Hmmm...Then do you have...a little sister?

I have you.

Little sister...*giggle*
> Nanako looks very happy.

A while ago, Daddy told me...That our family won't get any bigger...

But now I have a big brother!

Let's talk, big bro! Umm...I wanna hear about your school!
> Nanako has begged you to talk to her. You decided to talk about various things...It has gotten late, so you put Nanako to bed and went to your room.
-Signs of Love-

Would you mind hanging out with me for a while today? I need to get my mind off of studying for a bit.


Great! See you soon!
> You decided to hang out with Chie today.
-Like A Dream Come True-
> Samegawa River...You decided to train with Chie.
> Chie is enthusiastic today as well.


What are you doing?

Training...Who are you fighting with, Chie?

Hmmm...Myself, I guess...? Heheh, just kidding!

Wow, cool!

Y-You think? Hahaha...

Oh, a grasshopper!

It just landed on your back.

Get it off! Get it off me!
Christ, that thing's as tall as Chie's boots! Call a paleontologist!
> Nanako took the grasshopper off Chie's back.

I'm no good with anything with thin, jointed legs! Or anything creepy or squirmy! Ack, now I can't get 'em out of my mind! I can't stand those things!

But they're cute...

You're like Yukiko.

Oh, see, 'cause Yukiko's fine around bugs.

But me, I totally lose it...Kinda funny, huh?

It's cute.
It's also completely reasonable in the face of a friggin' monster like that.

Uh, hey...Wh-What're you saying!?
> Chie is panicking.

A lot of kids in my class don't like bugs. It's not just you. Don't worry!

Nanako-chan...Ooh, you don't know how happy that makes me. Thanks!

C'mon, you wanna train too?


Let's start with form. I'll teach you a kata...
> Chie and Nanako began training...You sent Nanako home before it got dark.

All I have to do is think of them as Shadows! Then I'll be able to grab a whole fistful!

I-I just gave myself goosebumps...G-Getting used to bugs might take a while, but I won't lose to Shadows!
> You felt Chie's burning passion...
Another Follow-Up Attack. I'm looking forward to this one.
> After finishing your training, you walked partway home with Chie.

> Nanako seems to be lost in thought...

(Ask her what's wrong)

Um, well...
> Nanako fidgets.

I made flowers at school yesterday. They said today is "Mother's Day." My teacher told us that's a day when you give your mom flowers.

I don't have a I don't know what to do with these flowers.
> Nanako seems upset...

You can give them to her.


Oh, you mean the family altar!?

Dad always puts food there. He said it gets to Mom in heaven. Do you think my flowers will get to her too?

I did a really good job on mine! My teacher said they were pretty too! I wonder if my mom will be happy to get them.
> Nanako seems happy...

You should make a flower too, big bro! Then we can celebrate Mother's Day together!

We did it!
> You placed the finished flower on the family altar. It's getting late, so you put Nanako to bed and head back to your room...
And immediately back downstairs, to shoot the bull with Dojima.
-Signs of Love-

Oh yeah, it was Mother's Day...Thanks.
"I've got proof that Nanako's teacher is the killer. You really ought to get out after her ASAP. Use lethal force."

Hey, Sanzo...How's it going? Oh, er...Well, maybe that wasn't the right line...
> Dojima is struggling to find the right words...

I don't consider myself an old man yet, but when it comes to high schoolers...I don't know what to talk about.
I give him credit for not trying to sound hip.
> Dojima looks perplexed...However, with your current level of Expression, you're able to talk to him.
-Like A Dream Come True-

"For a given value of 'work.' Labor-intensive, profitable things, certainly."

Oh, really? You're pretty responsible for your age.
> Dojima is impressed.

Whoops. This is turning into an interrogation, isn't it? But it's not as if we have much in common...except for the murders.

Tell me about yourself.

About me? You're interested in the strangest things.
> Dojima shrugs...

It's just what it seems. I'm a simple country detective living with my daughter. There's nothing about that to interest a high school kid...

But you know, it really is good to have you around the house. I didn't think Nanako would be so happy...Hell, I'm already tired of hearing "big bro" this and "big bro" that. You're more like a very young brother to me than a son.

That's stretching it.

What!? You're saying you can see the years on my face? What a punk! Treating a regular guy like an old man...!
> Dojima is laughing cheerfully.

I think it's been a while since I've laughed this much.
> You were able to talk frankly with Dojima...

Alright, I have to finish processing some data from work. Don't hit the sack too late, you hear? 'Night.
> You said goodnight to Dojima and went to your room.