Part 31: June 15 - June 16: The Most Dangerous Prey
-Heartbeat, Heartbreak-
Hehe, wait 'til you hear this. I finally got a motorcycle! My very own, just like I've been dreaming about! I've been on cloud nine all morning. So, why don't we take our motorcycles for a spin out to Okina after school? You know, you once promised you would...
The up close and personal plan, eh?
Hey, you remembered! That's my partner! It's time to put our "let's use motorcycles to hit on city girls" plan in action! I want to make sure I have a girlfriend to spend the summer with this year! Don't you!? Let's head there as soon as classes let out!
It's going to be a place of education to wind up the lazy ass minds you get from screwing around all the time.
I'll show you what morals are all about! And I'll send home anyone who brings down the morale! You remember that!...What? You don't know the difference between "morals" and "morale?"
I never noticed this face before. I kind of wish I still hadn't. Since that can never be, I'll share it with all of you instead.
Sorry, Sanzo, tell me what morale is!
Cheerfulness in a group.
Hoh, that was unexpected...Did you tell him the answer, Genjo? Anyway, yes, morale refers to the enthusiasm of a group or an individual within a group.
You remember when those women were killed? It's shit like that that brings down people's morale! And their morals! And maybe that'll all happen to you if you keep living lives of low morals and low morale!
...What a low thing to say...
Thanks, Sanzo. I don't want to think what he'd say if I missed that.
-Let's Hit the Beach!-
He actually followed us all the way here...
It's no sweat keeping up with a couple of guys still gettin' used to their scooters.
Psh! If I hadn't run out of gas back there, we'd have left you in the dust!
...I shouldn't have cheaped out on gas just so I could have more money to fool around with.
Yeah, if we hang out around here, I bet someone will come talk to us!
Actually, uh...mind if I head off for a bit? Since I came all the way to Okina,'s this craft shop...
It's nothin'! I'm just sayin' I gotta go buy some stuff! Anyway, I'm gonna go do my own thing for a bit, so you guys get started without me!
Don't worry about it.
You're right! Okay, let's get this plan underway!
> You decide to wait here for a while. The early summer sunlight feels nice...Three hours passed...The early summer sunlight beats down...
No luck, huh?
This is so weird. I think someone's watching us from somewhere, though.
That seems...unlikely.
H-Hold on! I'm sure if we hang around a little longer...
Dude, the sun's gonna set...
Maybe there's some holes in your plan after all.
Is it my fault?
Nah, you're fine! Your motorcycle looks cool, and you don't look so bad yourself.
You said every guy needs a motorcycle, but that thing's a scooter. Does it, like, not matter what kind of motorcycle it is, as long as you got one?
![](12-ltwLGKO.png)'s true that the ones I saw in the magazine were all big motorcycles.
But that's just how it goes! There's always a gap between a man's dream and cold, hard reality! I can't afford an expensive one! A scooter's the best I could do!
...Senpai, can you give me ten minutes?
I can't keep quiet after gettin' shut out like this. I'll avenge you guys!
This isn't a fight, you know.
What're you gonna do to "avenge" us? Hit on some girls?
Hell yeah! How else would I fix this?
C'mon...We have motorbikes and we failed. There's no way you could do better. Right?
Three minutes is all I need.
What're you saying!?
Even instant ramen takes five minutes to make!
Now that's my Senpai.
Let's make this a contest. I'll show you clowns how a real man gets it done!
Calm down! This is turning into something we've all got a stake in. I mean, do you realize what you're saying? This means we're the ones that have to approach the girls.
That just sounds lame...and I doubt it'll go well for us...
Ya chicken?
That's not what I mean...
All we gotta do is ask them to be our friend. And then make 'em say "yes." Nothin' to it.
Well, I guess there's nothing to lose...
That's the spirit, Senpai!
And if I lose, I'll run around the block in nothin' but my underwear and those gag glasses Yukiko-senpai had!
...Only girls count for this, all right?
You're still stuck on that!? Dammit! Hell if I'm gonna lose this!
> In a strange turn of events, the three of you are having a pickup contest...!
-Like A Dream Come True: Reincarnation-
I'll show you how a man like Kanji Tatsumi gets things done!
Anyway, my highest priority is to make sure Kanji doesn't beat me!
Good luck.
What? You're in this too! You'd better get some digits!
> There's a neatly dressed girl here. Will you talk to her?
Neatly dressed girl: Oh...Oh, I'm sorry. Can I help you with something?
Wanna talk?
Neatly dressed girl: Umm...Uhh...I'm, uh, not used to this...
> The woman looks embarrassed.
Neatly dressed girl: Sorry, I'm really nervous. Um. I can't really explain it.
Are you alright?
Neatly dressed girl: S-Sure. Yes, it is at times like these that one must be at one's calmest. I must regain the balance in my heart, or evil will rush in. Mmmmmmm...Hhhhhhhh...
> The woman started to breathe deeply.
Neatly dressed girl: Phew...I'm all right now. My soul has been saved through God's intervention. Are you aware of this? At this very moment, our world is filled with demons and despair. That despair will invade peoples' souls. Eventually, the world will become hard and cruel. Illness, accidents, bad luck...all evil in this world stems from despair. I'm sure that your soul's cries for hope are what brought you to me.
> The woman seems serious...
Neatly dressed girl: However, you must not fear. There is still a path to salvation. If you pray to our God, your soul will be purified and you will be able to lead a happy, fulfilled life.
> The woman's pure eyes gleam at you...
Neatly dressed girl: The time is now! Find your happy place and gain inner joy!
> You asked for her cell phone number...
Neatly dressed girl: A cell phone!? Ugh...! Those are the product of human greed. They emit poisonous waves that will brainwash you! If you don't get rid of yours this instant, it will bring you nothing but suffering! Listen to me. Human behavior is...
> The woman lectured at you for a while...You didn't get her cell phone number...
Loud high school girl: Hahahaha! That sounds awful! What did he think he was, Inaba beef?
> A couple of flashy high school girls are here. Will you talk to them...?
Flamboyant high school girl: What the hell? Who are you? Are you hitting on us?
Loud high school girl: Well...He is kinda cute. We're not doing anything right now, so maybe we could hang out.
Flamboyant high school girl: I haven't seen you around. Where do you live?
Loud high school girl: Haha, Inaba, he says! What a redneck! That's too funny!
Flamboyant high school girl: I heard Inaba's so dead, the farm animals have taken over! Four legs good, two legs bad!
Loud high school girl: Ahahahahahaha! That's like that book! Let me hear you squeal, country boy!
If you say so!
> You went with the flow and gave a squeal.
Flamboyant high school girl: Ahahahaha! You're so funny!
Loud high school girl: Oink oink! Sooooo-eeeeee! Whatever you Inaba people do to keep your pig overlords happy! That was a good one! I bet you're one of the pigs' pets in Inaba!
> You seem to have hit it off with the girls! You spoke to the girls for a while...
Loud high school girl: Hey, give me your cell number. I'll call you when I'm bored.
If I can get yours, too.
Flamboyant high school girl: What? Why do we have to give you ours? Like I said, we'll call YOU. Don't be so desperate, geez.
Loud high school girl: Come on, give me your number! I'll call you when we're bored, and you'll be there in five minutes to entertain us. Simple, huh?
Flamboyant high school girl: If you're late, I'll post your number to an online dating site!
> You feel the situation is turning ugly. It seems wise to run away. You were somehow able to extricate yourself from the girls...You didn't get their phone numbers...
Fashionable girl: Wow, so your dad runs a Junes. I see their commercials all the time.
Yep, we always thank our customers. Every day's great at your Junes! I'll show you around the Inaba store! If I can get your number, that is...So...yeah! It would just really be great if I could get that number!
Fashionable girl: What!? But I never go to Inaba.
I'll give you a coupon for meat! 20% off, good only on Wednesdays!
Fashionable girl: Uhh...Whatever...No thanks...
Then just the last 8 digits of your number! That's good enough for me!
> Yosuke seems to be having a hard time...
Sorry, I'm busy right now!
See you later.
Yeah! Good luck!
...Hey, give it to me.
Pure girl: Um...But...
Hurry up. I ain't got all day.
Pure girl: Waahhhhhh...! I-I'm sorry! I don't have any money!
What? I just wanted to fix the string...
Pure girl: The...string?
Yeah, the threads in your sleeve are comin' undone! The string's hangin' out! It's drivin' me crazy! I'm gonna blind-stitch the hell out of it!
Pure girl: Waaahh! Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry it's unraveling!
> Neither of them seems to be understanding the other...
If you don't do somethin' about that, you're gonna get a hole in your sleeve! Hurry up and give it here!
Pure girl: Waaaaahhhhh!
Housewife's friend: Really!? But didn't their daughter JUST come of age?
> There are a couple of housewives here. Maybe you should talk to them...
Housewife with groceries: What is it?
Can I getcho numbas?
Housewife's friend: Oh my god! What would you do with an old lady like me? Though, well...I shouldn't brag, but I was the talk of the town in my younger days!
Housewife with groceries: Me too! The men in town couldn't stop talking about me. They called me "the black widow of Okina!" Oh, you're making me remember things! Heheheh!
> The housewives seem to be enjoying themselves in this conversation...
Housewife's friend: You're a handsome one, though. I'm sure you must be popular at school! You look serious, but I bet you play the field!
No comment.
Housewife's friend: Ohh? Now I'm curious! Hehehehe...!
"It's more that the field plays me, really."
Housewife with groceries: But you be careful with women! If you fool around too much, you'll enrage some poor soul, and then you'll go to hell! Ahahahaha!
> The housewives are having fun. The conversation doesn't seem to be going anywhere...You should give up asking for their number...
> A middle-aged police officer is on the job here. Will you speak to him?
Middle-aged police officer: Hm? What's the matter?
What's your number?
Middle-aged police officer: My number? If you have an emergency, it's 110...Wait, are you trying to hit on people? I envy you kids...So free. I wish I could join you...Er, I mean! *cough* I can't help you there. If you could find that out just by asking a police officer, I'm sure my younger days would have been a lot more exciting...
I want advice.
Middle-aged police officer: Well, if you want my personal advice...Don't be afraid to crash and burn. Besides, it's not scary if you AND your friends all get rejected! I don't know what I'm saying...Anyway...Good luck.
> The police officer encouraged you...You feel as if asking any more will get in the way of his job...
Older lady: Gosh dangit! Nothing today, again...
> There's an older woman here. Maybe you should talk to her...
Older lady: Oh? Can I help you? You seem young...How old are you? What do you do?
I'm a fresh-faced high schooler.
Older lady: Heh, just a stupid kid...Words like "fresh-face" are meant for women like me! If you're under eighteen, you're under my limit. Go talk to someone else.
> The woman doesn't seem interested in you...You should give up on getting her number...
...I'd better not regret this.
Little girl: ...Si? Que quieres?
Que haces?
Little girl: Vaya, nada mal. Hablas espanol? Muy bien, vamos a platicar. Como te llamas?
Me llamo Jorge.
Little girl: En serio!? Te llamas Jorge!? Gusto en conocerte, Jorgito!
> She nicknamed you "Jorgito!"
Little girl: Entonces...Que pasa, Jorgito?
Cual es tu numero de celular?
Little girl: No te lo puedo dar. My mom doesn't let me give it out to strangers. But your Spanish was muy bien! Way to be a citizen of the world! Well, I'm gonna go. Nos vemos, Jorgito!
> The little girl went home. You weren't able to get her number...
Stray cat: Meow.
> There is a stray cat laying in the sun. It looks fluffy...
(Approach it)
Stray cat: Meoooww.
> The cat seems to be waiting for your next move...
(Quietly go near it)
Stray cat: Mew...
> That cat is staring at you.
(Pet its head)
Stray cat: Meewww...
> The cat is narrowing its eyes...It seems to be content.
Stray cat: Meow.
> The cat is totally relaxed around you. You feel a sense of contentment...
...Wait, wasn't I supposed to be doing something?"
Beautiful lady: Hm...? What does a cute boy like you want with me?
Are you alone?
Beautiful lady: Ummm, well, I'm waiting for someone. Haha, are you making a pass at me? I kind of like younger boys. They're innocent, and adorable...It makes me want to educate them about some things. Hmm...How do you feel about older women?
I love them.
Beautiful lady: Oh, really? Then we might be a good match, hahah. Hey...Do you really want to hang out? Not today, I mean, and not if you don't want to. But if you want...I could teach you a lot about how grown-ups play...
> Things are going well. One more push, and you may be able to get her number.
Beautiful lady: Haha, well? Do you want to play with me?
What will we play?
Beautiful lady: Haha, I think it'll be easier to show you than to explain...But I have something to do right now, so this isn't the best day...Maybe next time.
> This is your chance to ask her for her phone number...Will you try to get her digits?
Beautiful lady: Alright, here you go, just for you. Call me, won't you?
> You got the lady's cell phone number!
Beautiful lady: I'll be waiting.
> You took more time than expected. You need to meet up with your friends...
Not as well as I hoped.
I thought so...
Oh, but I did get a phone number from some chick who said to give her a call...Does that count?
A girl hit on you!? What did she say!?
Somethin' like it only costin' so much for an hour, I dunno...What was she talkin' about?
How dense are you!? There's no way that counts!
What about you? Did you get anything?
Of course.
Way to go, partner! Was it her cell?
What kind of girl was it? C'mon, you should call her up! Please?...Pretty please?
How many times are you gonna beg...?
So, you're gonna call her, right?...Right?
> You decide to try and call the number you got...
She picked up...!
Senpai's the man...
Man's voice: Uhh, hello?
> You hear an unfamiliar man's voice on the other end of the line...
Man's voice: Oh, I get's you, huh? You rat bastard! You're dead, shitbird! How dare you hit on my girl!? I'll rip your head off and spit down your neck! You better not call again, got it!?
I could hear him from here...
Was that dude for real...?
W-Well, haha...That's the risk you take!
All right, I'm up next! Last chance!
You pulled it off, Yosuke-senpai!?
Heheh, of course I did. One phone number, right here!
Man, it wasn't easy, too. She was crazy hot. I just had to push myself a bit and go for a sexy, older woman. Time to give her a call! I hope you guys are ready for this. Hello? It's me!
Girl's voice: Yosuke-kun?
Yep! The guy who asked you out on a motorcycle ride! Man, I can't wait.
Huh? You know my name? Did I tell you?
Girl's voice: Of course I know your name. We go to the same school.
We do? That's impossible. I mean, you...
Wait...that voice...
Girl's voice: This is Hanako Ohtani. Who did you think I was? How'd you get my number?
-Border of Insanity-
Oh god, I am in such deep shit...D-Did I call the wrong number?
O-One more try...!
Hello? It's me!
Hanako?: Yeah, I know who you are. You really want to go on a date with me that much?
...What the hell was that? It sounded like a fiend from the pits of the earth...I could feel a chill down my spine...
Forget about it...for your own sake. This number is dangerous...It's better that you don't know who it was.
Oh, you guys...
You're really into me, aren't you? A motorcycle date, huh...Well, if you want to take a ride that bad, I'll go with you.
M-My motorcycle...!
What's with this scooter? It's broken. If you want to take me out, you've gotta do better than that.
The best girls don't go steady for nothing, you know. You need to make an effort.
Am I cursed...? Did I insult a gypsy or something...?
Let's just go home.
Ha...haha...Easy for you to say. I don't even have a way to get home now...
Senpai...You fought well. I was totally moved by all that.
C'mon, hop on behind me, I'll get you back home safe.
I get it now! So this is what your plan was about!
You don't get anything! And you're freaking me out! And dude, it's against the law to have two people on a bike!
It's okay...Just put an end to this suffering already...
> You saw Yosuke off to the station and decided to go home with Kanji. You should be able to come to Okina on your own now, if you have enough experience with your scooter...
Strange Quark posted:
The Spanish-speaking girl speaks English in the Japanese version. ![:allears:](../Smilies/emot-allears.gif)
> Obtained Balm of Life x 1 and Curse Paper x 4. In addition, you obtained a bonus Prize Sticker!
Oh...Uhh...Umm...Never mind.
> It seems that Nanako is hiding something...You should be able to get her to tell you with your current level of Expression.
> Nanako looks like she's about to cry...
(Swear to it)
> Nanako nods and begins talking...
They handed this out at our school. They said to give it to our parents...
> The paper Nanako gave you has the following written on it: "Parent Survey Regarding Scheduling Of Parent-Teacher Interviews"
They said to have our parents write down when they can visit the school...But Dad's always working, so...He can't come, huh?
I'll ask him with you.
Really? Thanks, big bro!
> Nanako looks relieved...
...I'll give this to Dad. I'll ask him to come...
I'm glad I asked you!
> You can feel Nanako's trust for you.
He'll come, right?...Since he's my "real" Dad. Big bro, did you have "Parent-Teacher Interviews" too? Were you nervous?
"Well, there was this one time when I was a little younger than you...Anything your dad ever mentions about me and a 'Noodle Incident' is a horrible lie, by the way."
> You talk about different things with Nanako...It's getting late, so you put Nanako to bed and went to your own room.
-Your Affection-
School camp starts tomorrow. We'll be in the same group, but what should we be cooking for dinner? Hey, why don't we get everyone and go buy ingredients after school?
We should do that.
Okay. I'll be sure to let Chie and Yosuke-kun know, then.
> Junes grocery department...You came with the others to buy ingredients for the cookout tomorrow.
-Junes Theme-
Carrots, potatoes, onions...mushrooms, green peppers, and...radishes?
Are radishes...the same as turnips?
> They're apparently going to make curry.
Curry's fine, right? It's practically our national food.
We were going back and forth between ramen and curry, but I thought ramen might not be enough for you guys.
Hmm, I wonder what kind of ingredients Yosuke likes...I get the feeling he's real picky.
He's on another floor, isn't he? Do you want me to go ask?
Nah, no need. Plus, he said he needed to get ready for something.
Hey, Chie. You use potato starch for curry, right?
......? O-Of course you do.
Otherwise, the sauce wouldn't thicken. Then we need potato starch and...some flour, too?
Th-There's...different kinds of flour...Which one should we get? All-purpose? Whole wheat?
Hm, whole wheat sounds healthy. Let's get that one. they are!
Chili peppers! It's not curry if it isn't spicy.
Oh well...Let's just get everything that seems right.
How about some kimchi, too? Ooh, and some ground pepper!
There's two kinds, though. Black and white.
Whoa! Way to go, Yukiko...The Amagi family sure knows their stuff! Let's get both, just in case.
Oh yeah...We'll need some special ingredients, too, to spice things up.
Hmm, I remember seeing something on TV about that...I think it was...umm,
How about mint chocolate!? I love that stuff! I don't like coffee that much, though...Oh, I can drink mocha, so let's get that.
How about some seafood? That should make the sauce taste better.
So the Dojimas have a shitload of wheat now. Wheat's good, right? Healthy? Besides, every middle-class family's got a bread-maker collecting dust in a pantry or closet somewhere.
I can memorize what's in the textbook and get good grades on tests, but I don't really understand it...But the teacher doesn't comprehend the difference between reading from the textbook and speaking to people. Teaching must be a great job. Even idiots can be arrogant when they know more than you do...They don't get what it means to learn at all.
"So you hate it when idiots are smarter than you, huh?"
That's just how it is.
A student's value is equal to how well he scores on tests...Well, at least THAT'S easy to understand.
> Shu nods.
...About the transfer student I told you about before...His grades are pretty good...But he can't beat me. So then, the rest of the class and the teacher made this face like "the transfer student is no good after all"...Looking down on him...
And yet, he acts all big, so everyone hates him. Lately, no one even talks to him...It's all so stupid. Why do I have to go to school when it's so obviously dumb? That place...
You're not the only one!
> You scolded Shu.
Oh...I see. Everyone goes to school against their will...
> Shu thinks deeply...
...Yasogami High looks fun. At least, I get that feeling when I see you. Oh...but by the time I'm a first-year, you'll already have graduated...
Then there's no point, huh?
> You feel that Shu is slowly opening up to you...
Oh, time's up...Be careful going home.