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The Let's Play Archive

Persona 4: Golden

by Really Pants

Part 44: July 14 - July 16 Part 1: Childcare


Mr. Hosoi: Well, to be honest, us teachers are kind of afraid ourselves. The culprit is still on the loose. But there's no sense wasting time moaning about it. Let's get to work! Today, we'll talk about Kobo Daishi, or Kuukai. First, look at this kanji.

Mr. Hosoi: Haha, good eye, but no. This is the wrong kanji, but the book is supposed to print it this way. It's actually quoting...hmm? Sanzo-chan, quit staring at the puppet and pay attention to the book!

Mr. Hosoi: Yep, that's right, it was Kuukai. You were listening after all. There's an old saying: "Even Kobo made mistakes in writing." Kobo is another name for Kuukai, and this was the mistake he made. This happened when he wrote the name "Outenmon" on the frame of the Outen gates in the city of Kyo. But, it wasn't until after they put the frame up that he noticed that he missed the dot on top of the character. Instead of taking the entire thing down to redo it, he added the dot by throwing his calligraphy brush at the gate. By the way, my wife made this doll for me by hand. Don't you think she did a great job making it look like me?

-Like A Dream Come True-

> The hill overlooking town...It seems Kanji called the boy here...

N-No complaining, okay...?

> Kanji handed the boy what appears to be a bunny doll...It's complete with clothes, a ribbon, a hat and an umbrella. It's...very elaborate.

Quiet-looking boy: Whoa!! This is incredible! Where'd you buy it!?
Huh...? Wh-Who cares!?
Quiet-looking boy: But I want one too!
Oh...Well, I got one for you.

> Kanji handed the boy another bunny...It's complete with clothes, shoes, a cap and a soccer ball. It's...very elaborate.
Quiet-looking boy: For me!? Thanks!! But where'd you buy it...?
Just tell him the truth.
Er...I-I made it...
Quiet-looking boy: You...made this?
Y-Y'got a problem with that...? If ya think it's so creepy, then give it--
Quiet-looking boy: Wow! You're so cool!! Hey, can you make me something else!? Mom loves this kind of stuff!
Huh? S-Sure...
Quiet-looking boy: You promised! I'm gonna go give this to Sana-chan! Thanks, Mister!!

Hah, he said I'm cool...
It was pretty amazing.
Yeah, but it's not like sewing's good for anything...

> Kanji seems embarrassed...

But y'know...It ain't a bad feeling. "Thanks," huh...? Ahhh, it was nothing.

> Kanji, with his embarrassed smile, looks more mature than usual...

...This is a great place, huh? The wind is different up here...Never noticed before.

> You talked with Kanji for a while and started back home.

-Signs of Love-


Mr. Yamada: The Mariana Islands are in the area of the ocean where typhoons are born. There's a line on the map that typhoons can never cross. Let's see...Sanzo-kun, you've blended into this class a little too well.

The equator.
Mr. Yamada: Yes, that's correct. I'm surprised you knew that one. Typhoons are moved by global air currents called atmospheric circulation. If one forms in the northern hemisphere, it moves north. If it forms in the south, it moves south. That's why a typhoon can never cross the equator. Isn't that interesting? Make sure you tell your parents that I'm an interesting teacher, okay? Feedback like that affects my paycheck. Ahaha, just kidding! Let's continue the lesson!

-Like A Dream Come True-

> Yuuta is energetic today, as usual.

Yuuta: ...I don't wanna go home yet! I'm playing with Mister!
But doesn't that bother him?
Yuuta: No!
Okay...fine. I'm going home.

> You decided to play with Yuuta for a bit and then walk him home. On the way home, on the Samegawa flood plain...


Yuuta: ...Is she mad at me?
Just apologize, Yuuta.
Yuuta: She hates me. But she has to take care of me...I feel sorry for her.
She doesn't hate you.

...Maybe I should have you walk him all the way home. Ha ha...He looks so happy when he's at day care. Today he yelled, "I don't wanna go home!" Well, obviously not. Haha...Even if he goes home, it's just the two of us. He'll forget his father's face at this rate. Poor thing...

> The two are unknowingly pitying each other...But it seems both are distancing themselves from the other.

...I'm glad he's going to the day care center. He looks like he's having a good time, and I have time to myself, too. He seems happy even after he comes home, especially on the days you're there...Of course, since we don't talk, I've never actually heard him say so.
Please take care of him.

> You sense Eri's gratitude...

Yuu-kun, let's go home. Mister Sanzo has to go home, too.

> They awkwardly went home together. You decided to go home as well.

-Signs of Love-

Wanna study together next Sunday? I'll drag Daisuke along too. Sound good?
Alright! Don't forget.
You have to head up to your room at night to get calls from other kids. Sometimes you'll get calls from the team about movies or hitting the TV world, and sometimes you'll get invitations to hang out.


> Sayoko looks like she's in a bad mood...

...Did you hear that commotion? That was the first time anyone ever called me a "slutty bitch" to my face...
It's like a soap opera.
Seriously. When I laughed at her feeble attempt at an insult, she scratched at me. Who's the bitch now...?

> Sayoko smiles wryly...

At the previous hospital I worked at...I had a relationship with one of the doctors. But...He had a wife.
She found out, I was forced to quit...Then I started working here.
Not too long after, it seems he began flirting again, this time with a different nurse at the hospital. I don't know what happened, but I got dragged back into it. His wife came all the way here to bitch at me.
*sigh* The other nurses were just watching, with these stupid smirks on their faces.
It can't be helped.
Haha...You're right. I'd probably do the same, in their place...Strangers are strangers...

> Sayoko smiles wryly...

It wasn't like this at first...when I first thought about becoming a nurse. What am I working for...?
What am I living for...?
(Comfort her)
Oh...I'm sorry, I was just grumbling to myself...Thank you. You're a kind boy.

> Sayoko smiles happily...You feel you understand Sayoko more now...

I'd better go. I'm sure that bitch is gone by now. Be careful going home.

Hey, that guy the police are after...I wonder what he's like. How's the investigation going? I can't stop worrying about it.
Speaking of worrying about things...We have tests coming up next week...*sigh* But I can't study when I'm thinking about our investigation!
Ugh...I guess you're right...How am I supposed to argue with that...?


Ms. Sofue: Speaking of Charlemagne, the king of hearts in a deck of cards is supposedly modeled after him. The king of hearts has a characteristic that the other kings don't. I wonder if any of you knows what it is...Well, Sanzo. Please stand up.

He has no mustache.
Ms. Sofue: Hohoho...You notice the details, Sanzo. That's good. Yes, the king of hearts is the only one without a mustache. Back then, playing cards were made using the same methods as books, by etching and engraving. It's said a clerk's hand slipped...And the resulting mistake with his chisel shaved off the mustache! Since then, that design has become commonplace, and so the king of hearts is simply drawn without a mustache. Isn't this a great example of one small mistake making its way into history? You never know where those little doodles you make on your answer sheets will end up in the future.
Eons from now, scholars of archaeology will heatedly debate the tenets of the Church of Dickbutt.

You may have noticed that Teddie and Rise are pretty drastically under-leveled compared to the rest of the team. Yosuke is falling behind as well. Let's fix that.

What'll we do today?
*sigh* I can't believe my homeroom teacher got killed...A few months ago, if someone had told me that would happen, I'd have laughed in their face.
Tons of students hated the guy, but who would have gone that far...?
One wrong step and that could've happened to me too...
C'mon, guys, don't freak out or nothing. I know it sucks and all, but that's all the more reason to catch whatever bastard's doing this.
I know. We need to keep our eyes open for the killer's next move. Don't forget to check the Midnight Channel, everyone.
The weather report? Umm, let's see...

Go ahead and ask anytime, Senpai!
Alright, let's go.

-Studio Backlot-

I'm sensing a powerful Shadow in the direction of the strip club. It reads the same as an ordinary Shadow, so I don't think it's related to the incidents...But if you're bored, why not go defeat it for fun?
"'Fun!?' That's horrible! No, we're killing it for money like always and don't you forget it."
The suspect was caught...? everything over now?
It's all over now, isn't it...? I wanted us to be the ones to catch the killer...
I wonder why I was thrown into here...I wanted to ask him personally...
Dammit! I ain't gonna be able to relax until I beat the hell outta that killer...
I made my miraculous recovery! So why is everyone feeling down? Sensei, is it not my time to shine yet?
Um, well...
Thank you...very much. It's because of you and the others that I'm still alive...Heehee...
(Pat its head)

> He seems to be enjoying it...

Hey, whatcha got there? Do you want us to have it?

> Obtained Kingpin Duster.

Wow...That's impressive.
Where do you get this stuff, anyway!?
Hey, Kanji! Looks like we just found your battle outfit! It's perfect for a punk like you!
Shut up! I'm not a punk! What the hell makes you think I'd wanna wear that!? Do I look like I'm some asshole who fights all day? Is that what you want? You want me to fight? How about I start with you!?
Hey, wait a sec...! This is from that biker gang I busted up...
Whoa...You ARE fighting...and you're winning...
Hey, what about me? Something for the bear? Nothing?

You may be wondering why I haven't called any votes for this combat like usual. Hopefully the next update will make everything clear.