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The Let's Play Archive

Persona 4: Golden

by Really Pants

Part 54: August 5 - August 7: Sanzo, Paragon of Humility

-Signs of Love-

Would you mind hanging out with me today?
Great...I'll see you in a bit then.

-Like A Dream Come True-

> Shopping District, Souzai Daigaku...

We had a memorial ceremony for my sister, and I rushed over to meet up with you after it ended...
Why here?
Haha. You're right, this isn't exactly a fun place to visit on a day off. But it's close to my house and the food is good here, so I like this place.
Hm? Senpai? And Naoki-kun too?

Oh? I didn't realize you knew him either, Ayane...
Well, Sanzo-senpai and I are both in symphonic band. I'm sure you'd be welcome to join too, Naoki-kun...
That's probably not a good idea. I can't read sheet music and I'm tone deaf.
*giggle* Me too! We have something in common!

> Today will surely be an entertaining day. The three of you have an enjoyable time together.

-Sky Full of Stars-

Drunk subordinate: Why do I have to hang out with my boss after work, anyway!? Must be nice and easy, being a student...*hic*

I'm starting to get enough gems together for some of Old Lady Shiroku's good weapons. I'll start out with a new knuckle-duster for Teddie.

-Signs of Love-

I've been watching the veggies grow every day, so I can write that down.
I'll write that I took care of them with my big bro and Dad! But when I wrote about how a green caterpillar surprised Dad, he scrunched up his face.
...I drew it pretty good, though.

-Like A Dream Come True-

The movie theater in Okina? Sure! Sounds fun!
I'll see you there a little bit before the movie starts!

Oh wait, is it just me and you?
N-Never mind. Well, let's go inside the theater.

> You and Chie take in a movie together. You felt an adrenaline rush from watching the main character vanquish his enemies with manly battle cries...You enjoyed watching the movie with Chie. Something inside of Chie changed in response to the movie...

Man...the Trial of the Dragon series isn't just's a way of life.

> Chie seems to have really liked the movie.

Thank you for taking me out! It was tons of fun! Let's go out again!

> You decide to go home...


It's going to cover a lot of material...Oh, well. I'll be at the head of the class this time, too. I won't lose! I will not lose...

> Shu looks anxious, despite what he said.

...Hey. Getting good grades, being great at sports, being fun to talk to, and good-looking...Is it possible for anyone to be all those things? Do you know anyone like that?
This guy.
...You mean yourself? You're really full of yourself, aren't you?
Teach me your ways!

> Shu laughs.

...I've been having this dream lately. In my dream, I'm on a train...It keeps speeding up, but I don't know where the tracks lead. There are no exits, so I can't get out, but there's someone coming from the car behind me. I can hear the doors opening and the footsteps...I don't know who it is, and I get scared...Every time I have that dream, the person gets one car closer to me.
You must be tired.
Probably...The only time I get to rest is when I'm sleeping, and I can't even do that right now. I want to be free...

> Shu's face is pale...

If I'm not at my best...

> Shu suddenly looks tormented.

(Cheer him up)

Yes...You're right. I need to do my best...Thank you.

> Shu tries to smile...

Please...come back again.

> Shu looks helpless...

I feel like I'll be able to sleep well tonight. Goodbye...

-Tanaka's Amazing Commodities-


I'm a pretty quick study, so I'll be fine, but I wonder if those two will be okay...Geez, if we don't get it together, this summer is sunk.

-Like A Dream Come True-

> Okina City, at Okina Station...Rise took you here.

It'll take time to get back, so let's walk around quick!
You come here often?
Yeah. You know there's not much of a selection where we live, right? Since I've got a mule with me today, I think it's time for a shopping spree!

> Rise looks like she's having fun...

Oh, come to think of it, where does Kanji buy his clothes? You can't find pointy stuff like those at Junes, can you? Does he buy them online...? Maybe he makes them...?

Suspicious Guy: A-Aren't you Risette? I, I-I-I-I...
No...I'm not. Let's go, Senpai.

> Rise dragged you away. Many people approached Rise over the course of the day...

*sigh* But I told them! I told them today, Senpai! "No, I'm not." "You're mistaken." "I'm not Risette!"
And it's true...I'm no longer "Risette"...I'm just an ordinary girl...
*giggle* Which is fine with me!
I never thought I'd be out in public like this.
I love Inaba, Senpai...You see the same faces every day, rumors spread fast, and there are times when it gets on my last nerve...
And sometimes I feel I might be better off if I was in a big city full of strangers...
But even then, I love that town. You're there, Grandma's there...And above all, there's something I can do there. Let's keep at it, Senpai!

> You can sense Rise's passion...

In addition to affinities and maximum HP/SP, Rise can now keep track of enemies' skills.

I didn't see any one-pieces that clicked with me, so I guess we should go home. Let's go, Senpai.

> You walked Rise to her house and went home.