Part 57: August 14 - August 21: Festivities
-Signs of Love-
> Mitsuo confessed his crime and was apprehended. You wonder if the incidents will end now. The Summer Festival will begin soon...

I ran into Yosuke at Junes. He said he was really in a bind because he didn't have enough employees working at Junes. He's probably going to come to you and beg for you to rescue him. He'll be all, "You've gotta save me from this chaos, Sanzo!" I feel kinda sorry for him, so I'm gonna help him out this week. You're welcome too, Sanzo-kun!
> Chie hung up. Maybe you should help out at Junes too...
-Tanaka's Amazing Commodities-
Housewife in farming clothes: They're so delicious that eating one will give you back all your stamina and energy! 'Course, you can probably guess how expensive a plant like that gets. I don't often have these in stock, so buy while you can!

My husband's tsuki meinichi is today, and I've just come back from visiting his grave.

Tsuki meinichi?

Haha. You young people these days don't learn a lot about culture, do you? The day a person dies is their "meinichi," and that day of the month is known as their "tsuki meinichi."
> Hisano kindly explained the observance to you.

Do you know what Death is?

Death is the entity that takes people to the gods. For those trying to reach the gods, and to the families of those people, Death can be an ally.

That may be true.

That is why I am Death...When a person dies...the people who are left behind start to grieve, right? "Why did that person have to die?" That's the question everyone wants to know the answer to. How is it right that this life had to come to an end...? The person did nothing wrong, and yet...We want to think that they went to the gods...They've been summoned to Heaven, and there's nothing we can do about that. We try to convince ourselves of that. Sometimes...we look forward to Death taking them up to the gods...

You don't quite understand it yet, do you?

I think I understand.

You really are a kind child...
> Hisano smiles gently...You can feel the kindness in Hisano's heart.

I looked forward to Death too much...and became Death myself. Before I realized it, I...

I'm sorry. You don't want to hear this, do you? I'm going home now. You be careful, too.
Once you've unlocked Shichiri Beach, you can start catching new bugs for sea fishing.

You can also start catching these once you've grilled the old man about the Guardian. Guess what they're for!
-Signs of Love-

I heard you got top marks on that last exam.

Keeping up your studies while taking care of Nanako, too...? You're one hard worker, aren't you? I need to act like an uncle every so often and give you some spending money. Here you go...A big tip. But don't spend it all in...Nah, you can use it however you like.
> You obtained 40,000 yen from Dojima.

I just brewed up some coffee. Want some? I promised after all...That I'd always keep your cup filled. Now hand over that mug. I make a fantastic cup of coffee, if I say so myself.
-Like A Dream Come True-
> You make small talk with Dojima over the coffee he brewed...You feel that the tight bond you have with Dojima is irreplaceable.

What, you want seconds? Don't drink too much, or you won't be able to sleep. I'll make you some more later.
> You feel as if you've learned the proper technique to quickly reel in a fish...You resolve to try it out the next time you go fishing.
Once you've read Expert Fishing, you'll start seeing split-second prompts for the triangle button while you're reeling in a fish. If you can hit it in time, you'll whip the fish halfway across the water.
-Signs of Love-

Sorry for dropping this on you all of a sudden, but I need a big favor. Can you work at Junes from today 'til Friday?

We're short on staff! I'll pay you more than we usually pay our workers!

I'll buy you lunch every day at work too, I promise! Please, I'm begging you!
> Yosuke seems desperate.


Oh, sweet! You're awesome, buddy! A real lifesaver! I'll be waiting for you at Junes, so I'll see ya soon!
> Yosuke hung up. You decided to work at Junes until Friday.
-Junes Theme-

Why are there so many people just for the hero show...This is soooo freakin' tiring...

I'd be a zombie by now if you weren't here, Sanzo...

Cheer on the heroes while enjoying a tasty snack of frosty shaved ice!

...Ugh, it's so hot today!
> Teddie is keeping up a good pace...You helped Yosuke in the food court while the sun blazed down upon you.

Oh yeah, good news! All us girls have our scooter licenses now! We're still getting the hang of riding 'em, but a little more practice and we'll be good to go! Though we need to finish helping out here first. Let's pick up the pace!
> You worked hard at Junes...

Welcome, everyone! Beat the heat and eat some meat! Yakiniku! Grilled steak! Ginger pork! Chow down and restore the energy the brutal summer days have taken from you! Try our tender, delicious beef!

Man, Teddie is really dedicated, isn't he? I'm melting in this short-sleeved shirt, and he's wearing that huge costume, AND he's standing in front of the griddle. How does he do it...?
> You helped Yosuke in the food court while the sun blazed down upon you.

Hey, tomorrow's the Summer Festival, remember? Meet us at the shrine tomorrow night, okay?
> Today is the last day you had to help Yosuke. You earned 40,000 yen for your work.
-Signs of Love-
> The Summer Festival begins today. You're supposed to meet up with your friends...
-PML2012: Deep Breath Deep Breath-
This so does not fit. The actual festival music is all sedate and traditional. Oh well.

Yeah, there ain't that many people here this year. Well, I guess you can't blame people for being scared...Haven't seen the reporters around, either. They sure are good at stirring shit up and then disappearing. Well, it ain't so bad to have thin crowds. What IS important right now is that we go get some ikayaki!

Ooh, I wanna get some too! Kanji, what's ikayaki?

They'll show up sooner or--

Whoa, isn't that them?

You look cute in it.

> Nanako seems happy.

Nana-chan, you look so cute! I'm head over heels for you!

*giggle* Thank you.

How do we look, Senpai? Does the sight make your heart skip a beat?

You look great in it, Rise.

Ooh, that slipped out so naturally.'re used to saying things like that?

*chuckle* Well, I'm still happy to hear it.
> Rise seems happy.

Kanji? What're you looking away for? Don't tell me you're ashamed to look! What are you, a monk...?

Th-That ain't it!

Ahaha! You're so cute, Kanji.

They bought me cotton candy!

Did they now? Alright then, you wanna go over and do the target prac--I mean, game with me?

Uh-huh! Let's go!

I'll take care of Nanako from here. It's only a few days a year that this town gets charged up like this. You kids should go and have fun.

Hmmm, a summer festival...Hrrrmmm...

What kinda tagline is that...?

We gotta go two-by-two! Raaaawr!


See, I've been thinking. It's the summer, you're wearing yukata, and we're at a festival. It's just wrong for guys and girls to walk around in a huge group like this. We should couple up while we're here! It's the natural way of things!

Wh-What the hell are you babblin' about!?

I'm with Teddie!

C'mon, Senpai...Why wear yukata in the first place? So we can have memories we can remember fondly, right?

So we should pair off right away!

Rise...What a terrifying girl! You got a point, though...Good memories...

I-I'm fine too. Oh, what I mean is, um...Count me in.

Alright...Y-You guys decide how we'll split up.

Huh? Seriously? It's up to us? A-Alright...

Three guys? Aren't you missing one?

What? Me, him, and Kanji makes three.

Whaaa!? You did that on purpose!

Uhhh...Should I really do this?

Oh yeah...You can barely look at 'em...

N-No way! I can look at 'em! It'll be a cinch, just you watch!

Nah...You should bail, Kanji. It'd be best for everyone that way.

Wha--!? You don't believe me!?

Well, I've made my decision...

Hey, wait 'til we're done for that!

I want Chie-chan and Yuki-chan and Rise-chan for my partner.

That's not a decision! Dude, you're the one who said we gotta pair off in the first place!

I ain't joking here, Ted! If you try and butt in on this--

That's right, Kanji! This is serious business! And you're a true man! A true man wouldn't be prancing around with other girls at a place like this!


How much more can you butter him up...?

Kanji! This is a test to see if you can uphold your status as a true man!

Phew...Now no one will be left out.

Y-Yeah...You're right!

Thanks, Teddie! You said it. Okay, count me out.

Dude, come on! Don't fall for that!

Huh? What's going on?

Oh, there are too many guys, so someone would have been left out...

I just couldn't let that happen.

WHAT!? You little--!

Haha, I see.

You're so kind, Teddie...

We let them decide and this is what we get? Awww, what a letdown...Oh well...Let's go, then.

An epic fail...

Hey! Teddie!? Why're you buying another idol's photo!? Mine's in there too!

Aaaaargh, what's with this!?

H-Hey, Ted! Hands off my corn!

Teddie! You got ketchup on my yukata!
-Signs of Love-
> Summer break continues...The Summer Festival is being held at the shrine today.

Hey, you know that festival at the shrine's going on tonight too, right? Want to go again with me? Just the two of us this time, of course! I want it to be a special memory just the two of us share. Don't you?

C'mon, let's go!

Let's go.

Got it! Haha, let's make it a festival to remember! I'll meet you in front of the shrine!
-PML2012: Deep Breath Deep Breath-
> Tatsuhime Shrine. Mobile stalls are lined up from yesterday...

I kind of wanted you to pick me in front of everyone else yesterday. But there were so many of us, and Teddie was there, so I knew it was impossible. Well, it's nice that we get to come here twice, then! For the memories!

C'mon, let's go.

What are you going to wish for?
Sanzo doesn't need any help with grades or money. Might as well jump, I suppose.

Thanks. Me too. Hehe...I bet we're both thinking of specific things on how to achieve this. I might have bigger, bolder plans than you...
> Rise smiles mischievously...You made your wishes together.
Candy apple man: Aren't you that girl on TV?

I get that a lot. Sorry, it's not me. A real idol couldn't walk around in public with a boy like this!
Candy apple man: Aw, so I got all excited for nothing. Oh well. How about a candied apple then? One for your boyfriend, too!

Hehe...So people do think you're my boyfriend.

What should we do? Want one each?...Or do you want to share one?

No...that sounds like it'd be really hard to eat...
Candy apple man: All us vendors are handing out lottery tickets. You can turn them in for a chance to draw a prize at the torii over there.

Ahaha, what? That sounds fun! Well then, I want two candied apples!
Candy apple man: Comin' right up.

Let's go look at the other stands after we're done eating, Senpai.

Oh...but today, you're here. Let's share one for real this time.

I used to have guppies in my room before, but I was too busy to take care of them.

Oh, but I'm sure they'll give us lottery tickets for playing, right? We can always just catch-and-release.

I wonder what I'll get. I hope I can get something super-weird so I can remember the day I got it.
Lottery worker: Now, close your eyes and draw your prize!
> You drew one ticket...
Lottery worker: Wow, amazing! Both of you won! The girl got fourth place. So...a cell phone strap.

Ahaha, what is this character? It's so ugly!


Wait...these clothes...My tour costume last year looked like this. this...?
Lottery worker: And the boyfriend has sixth place. A book.
> Obtained a book called The Divine Way...Was this written by the people at the shrine?

Wow, we saw a lot.

Even if you didn't, I'm sure there were girls who were thinking about inviting you.

So...thanks for coming with me today. Well, see you. I hope we can come again next year!
> You parted with Rise and decided to go home.