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The Let's Play Archive

Persona 4: Golden

by Really Pants

Part 79: October 21 - October 23: XV. The Devil

-The Path is Open-

The finalized design for Chie Satonaka. The overall idea was a cute girl who could believably exist in this world.
Chicks all really love meat and kung fu, right?

The finalized design for Tomoe, Chie Satonaka's Persona. It was designed with a certain beloved martial artist of Chie's in mind.


> You showed everyone the letter you received yesterday...

Is this a warning?
No punctuation or capitalization...What a cliche.
Ain't this just a prank? The kinda stuff that only happens in the movies?
Did you show this to your uncle?
Not yet.
Senpai...Dojima-san is trustworthy, but it may be best to keep this to ourselves. He will ask why you received such a letter, and if he were to put you under surveillance, our hands would be tied.
If this letter is real, what's most important isn't what it says. It's the fact that it was delivered to the Dojima residence, addressed directly to you. This means the culprit knows in great detail who has been interfering with his crimes...And of all of us, he chose to deliver his message to the Dojima residence, home of a police detective. I'd have this letter checked at a crime lab if I could...But even then, I doubt they'd find anything. The test is a warning, while the subtext expresses the culprit's confidence that we can't use it to pinpoint his identity.
So it's useless to tell the police...In fact, that would make things worse.
Cross your fingers it's just a prank...
I think the chances of that are slim...This message is too specific, too perfect to be a prank.
But how could the killer know so much about us? Could he be watching us from somewhere...?
Teddie's been saying for a while that when we're over there, he senses someone watching us...
Wait...Every time we went to the other side to rescue someone, did we end up on the Midnight Channel ourselves?
I-I dunno...It seems like no one else knows what we're doing. I haven't heard any rumors about us at school. Even the people who I know check that channel haven't said anything...The only gossip I heard was about the people who disappeared.
I see...Come to think of it, how the Midnight Channel works is still a mystery.
Let's put aside for now the matter of what that world truly is. There's too little data to go on. For now, we need to keep in mind that the culprit knows who we are...As long as we're all aware of that, it will be enough for now.
Yeah...Guess there's no use thinking about stuff we can't understand. Freaking out over speculation is just what the killer wants us to do...Right?
This could come in handy.

> You told the others, "We'll have to wait until the situation changes."

-Like A Dream Come True-

All right. Mind if I change the subject, then? The Culture Festival's just around the corner. What's our class doing again?
Oh yeah, it hasn't been decided yet, huh?
I heard we'll be voting on it soon...But aren't they still gathering ideas?

Whoa...I think Yosuke just got hit with a bolt of inspiration...Whatever it is, it'll be out there. I'd bet my lunch on it.
Hey Senpai, have you decided who you'll be going around the campus with during the festival? My schedule's still wide open, you lucky guy!
Urgh...She just had to say something...

-Your Affection-

> The man in black is looking at you, as if appraising you...

Man in black: Do you know about luminol reactions? What part of the body do you use to test DNA? What's the best way to obtain someone's email address? What ten things can you learn from footprints?

> The man is bombarding you with questions for some reason...With your unmatched Knowledge, you answered every challenge smoothly and easily!

Man in black: I see, I see...You are quite an interesting young man. Do you know Naoto-sama--Oh, er...You know a detective by the name of Naoto Shirogane, correct?
Man in black: No. You are lying. Deliver this to him. He will understand.

> The man in black handed you something...You received White Card.

Man in black: Good day, then...

> The man walked briskly away. This smells like a case...You should hand it over to Naoto.

That was all pretty creepy, especially right on the heels of that warning letter, but Naoto isn't out today for some reason.

-Like A Dream Come True-

> Okina City, in front of Okina Station...Rise invited you to go shopping with her.

I'll put together the best outfit for you, so be prepared. I've already checked out most of the stores. First is...over there. That ad...I see. So Kanami is the new poster girl. Oh, uhh...Remember that Kanami I mentioned once before? Kanami Mashita--the girl on that store's billboard...We were at the same agency and she was just below me. Well, she's cute, so it's no surprise that she's getting work.
No way. I have nothing to do with any of this now. I'm glad for her...She worked hard...

> Rise is smiling...You overhear a conversation between two teenagers...

Bored teenager: It's crazy that she's still in middle school. I like how she's not so fake, like Risette.
Other bored teenager: Yeah, Kanamin's like...plain, and honest. Somewhere between a little sister and the girl next door. Like, the kind of girl you want to protect.

That's the role I played. It was all an act. Everything...Hey! All that stuff about Kanami is an act, too!
...Let's go home, Senpai. I don't want to be here.


> Samegawa flood plain...Rise dragged you back here.

You like having such a cute underclassman, right? I'm an ex-idol, after all.
That part doesn't matter.
Y-Yeah, of course not...What am I saying? You see me as Rise, huh...? The real me...

> Rise seems anxious for some reason...

...I'm sorry. I was just irritated...I dragged you all the way to Okina, then just came back without doing anything...I'm really sorry.
Oh, big bro and Rise-chan!

Oh, I know--H-Hey, Nanako-chan, umm...Well...Do you know who Kanami Mashita is?
Ummm...Kanami...Mashita...? Oh, you mean Kanamin? Yeah, I know her. Some of my friends like her.
I tell them, "Rise-chan's way better!"
Y-You do, huh? Hahaha, thanks...B-But I'm totally different from how I am on TV. You must be disappointed...
Nope. I like you.
Huh? Oh...thanks. But that like the "me" over here, huh...
The "me"...? Aren't you just Rise-chan? I like you, that's all.
Oh, er...ummmm...
...Thanks, Nanako-chan. I like you too.
Oh, the show's about to start! I'm going home now!

Wh-What was I thinking, asking all that to Nanako-chan? *sigh* Risette...I quit so I wouldn't have to think about stuff like this...
...I have no regrets about showbiz. I wouldn't want to go back. Why would I sacrifice my real self!? I just want to become a Rise who's needed by the ones who see the real me. Like you, Senpai. That's the "me" I want to be. It's the truth.

> You can sense Rise's passionate will...

Rise is now ready to fight beside Sanzo in earnest. More on that later. a little upset today when I heard those kids talk about Kanami...I'm sure I'll forget it by tomorrow.

> Rise looks helpless...

(Cheer her up)
Senpai...Thank you. I'm okay. I feel better now.

> Rise seems relieved...

I'm sorry for being so selfish today...When I was working, I met lots of people, but at the cost of free time to meet people outside of work. I had no free time at all...
So when I was alone, I was truly alone. Whatever I was thinking about...I had to keep it to myself. So...Right now, I don't want to be alone...
Stay with me...just a little longer...

> You spent time with Rise until it got dark and went home.

-Sky Full of Stars-

Hobby shop owner: This is another mecha from the same series. It's bright, it's cute, and it can shoot down fighter jets! It's fairly simple to build, and the coloring makes adding details to it a real blast! But if you sand too hard, you'll have to redetail, and it'll get dirtier, and you'll have to pass that off as weathering, which--Huh? What? Hey, are you even listening? I see...Anyway, you go ahead and go a good job on this one, okay?

-Heartbeat, Heartbreak-

> You overhear students talking.

Athletic girl: There's a rumor that one of the classes still hasn't decided what they're going to do!
Generous girl: Yeah, that's pretty common. They'll argue about it forever, but in the end they'll end up with something lame like a rest area.
Athletic girl: Only one more week left to get ready...I need to get fired up, too!

-Like A Dream Come True-

> It's time for homeroom...

Male class rep: And as you also know, we still haven't decided what our class is going to do for it. *sigh* You guys really don't care, do you?
Female class rep: We're going to decide based on the suggestions we have so far. Please vote for one of them. Here they are..."Break area"..."Video room"...and "Study room."
Awestruck student: Wow...Sounds like whatever we pick, we don't need to put any effort into it. Talk about lack of motivation...
Optimistic student: Yeah, but the easier the better, right...?
Female class rep: Oh, one more. Um..."Group date cafe."
Heeey, who put in a suggestion like that? Was it you, Chie?
Yeah right! Why would I do such a thing!?
What's...a group date cafe?
Who knows...but I doubt anyone will vote for it. Our class is actually a pretty serious bunch.
Yeah, it's just a joke idea. You gotta have one weird one mixed in, y'know?
Ugh, figures!
Female class rep: We'll be passing around the vote sheet. Just circle one of the suggestions.

> What will you vote for...? You made your selection and turned in the sheet.

Male class rep: Alright, time to count the votes. Uhh, the first vote date cafe. Second date cafe. H-Huh? Seriously? Third room. Fourth date cafe. Group date cafe, group date cafe, study room, group date cafe...

> All of the votes have been counted...The group date cafe is in first!

Wha--1st place!? What are we gonna do!?
Don't ask me! This is your fault!
I do wonder, though. Do all those people who voted for it realize they have to run it themselves...?
I've never been on a group date before, so I was a little curious...
What the--You voted for it!?
Yeah...I thought it would be sad if no one voted for it.
But Yosuke's the one behind it...
H-Hey! It wasn't just me! It came in 1st place! The public agrees!
Male class rep: Well, since the majority rules, we'll be doing the group date cafe. But what does that even mean...? Is it like speed dating? Can we really pull this off? You'd all better pitch in on this.
Disinterested student: Actually...would the teachers be okay with this?
Optimistic student: Dude, how could Kashiwagi say no?
Male class rep: Ms. Kashiwagi is busy getting ready for those two notorious pageants. That's why she's leaving it up to us students to decide what to do.
Appalled student: Yeah, right! She just dumped it in our laps 'cause she didn't want to bother!
Worried student: G-Group date cafe...? Are we going to get any customers with this?
Disinterested student: Seriously, what IS a group date cafe? I voted for it and I don't even know.
Oh my gosh...How the heck's this gonna turn out...?

Attendant: Kinda like driving a car. All you gotta do is step on the gas, and the car does the rest. If life was like that...Uh, what am I saying? Sorry, I tend to think of crazy things when I'm bored.

Umm...Th-Thank you for saving me. Er...I apologize, but I have something I want to think about...
(Hand her the white card)
What's this...? He said I'd understand? What's that supposed to mean? Excuse me...but could you please accompany me for a brief period? I'd like to hear more about what transpired when you were given this card. Please, it won't take long.


> Samegawa flood plain...

What sort of person gave this to you?
A man who knew I knew you.
Which's possible that he's been snooping around, gathering information on you or me...or even the case. The man must also know you well. He wouldn't have entrusted the delivery to anyone he didn't know. But this is a small town...He could easily have looked up my address. Why go to the trouble of giving the letter to you...? Intriguing. Is he involved with this case? Or another case altogether...? If it's me he's after, he could be anyone. Oh, I'll keep the card. The man is most likely still here in Inaba. I cannot drag you further into this.
I can't back out now.
Huh...? Er, well...It's good to know you're worried about me, but...
I'm sorry, I seem to have a tin ear for other people's feelings...Yosuke-san told me so before.
I'll look into this card and report my findings to you. So...Don't worry about me. As our leader...I know that you have a lot on your shoulders, so...

> Naoto seems to be worried about you. You have a completely different impression of Naoto than when you first met...You feel a faint bond forming between you and Naoto...

-Strength of Heart-

The Wheel of Fortune signifies destiny, turning points, movements, and personal vision.


While we are here, why don't we chat a little? Ah yes, there was something I wanted to ask you...

> You talked about several aspects of the murders and went home.

-Signs of Love-

> Without any clues, all you can do now is wait for the incident to progress. What should you do today?

Would you mind hanging out with me today? Okay! I'll see you soon!

-Like A Dream Come True-

> Samegawa riverbank...You trained with Chie like always.

> Chie seems more enthusiastic than usual today.

Yeah...I feel like I haven't been that on-form in a while!
Hey, uh...there's something I want to tell you. Something I've been thinking about all this time.


...I still don't have a clue what my good points are. But...I thought I could just keep on searching.
I just want to protect people. And to do it, I'll stand up and fight.
I'm going to fight alongside you till the very end. I mean...we'll always be friends!
Of course.

> Chie is smiling gently.

This is from me to you.

> You obtained Wristbands.

Oh, and it's new, so it's clean! It makes a matching pair with mine. Hahaha...
...I think this "power" of mine is what I wanted all along. The power to protect everyone...I understand now. I'm not supposed to use it to become more self-reliant...I'm supposed to use this power to protect people...Yukiko, my friends, my family, this town...and you.

-Strength of Heart-

> Chie's strong will that allowed her to accept and overcome her weakness has awakened her heart's true power...

> Chie's Persona has been reborn...! Tomoe has transfigured into Suzuka Gongen!

Suzuka Gongen, the mythic barbarian. Could also possibly be referring to Shizuka Gozen, mistress of the samurai Minamoto Yoshitsune and one of the most famous women in Japan's history. That's not very likely, though. She'd be a much better fit for Priestess or Lovers.

-Smile- power...I have you to thank for this. No matter how far apart we may be in the future, we'll be okay. This feeling won't ever change...

> You can sense Chie's strong resolve. You feel a tight bond between you and Chie...

-The Path is Open-

Evildoers beware: Inaba has a new champion.

Faster than a spitted bullock, more powerful than a Longoniza.


Alright then, my body and mind are all worn out! Let's go get some meat, and I mean the good stuff!

> You went on a meat-eater's tour of Inaba with Chie...