Part 81: October 27 - October 29: Teddie and Yosuke Ruin Everything
AradoBalanga posted:
Someone thinks almost like you (I just found it, didn't make it at all, let me emphasize that). But, you at least guessed 3 out of 4 correctly! 

Now you are imagining Casey Kasem redubbing Yosuke's lines.
Okay this is just amazing.
-Your Affection-

Hey, what kind of events did the classes at your old school do during Culture Festivals? The school here in Inaba has a bunch of different events for our Culture Festival! I guess this is one of the few school events that everybody actually looks forward to.

I'm not.

Hey, what's with that attitude? I hope it gets really interesting, especially for some events in particular...
-Like A Dream Come True-
> "The Miss Yasogami High Pageant!"...It seems to be announcing a beauty pageant that will take place during the Culture Festival.
Disinterested student: Ugh...On top of planning it, Kashiwagi's gonna be in it?
Appalled student: So that's why she agreed to plan this event...
> The name "Noriko Kashiwagi" is indeed on the entry list. The other contestants are...You see a list of familiar names! "Yukiko Amagi" "Chie Satonaka" "Rise Kujikawa" "Naoto Shirogane" "Hanako Ohtani" It's a surprising lineup...
Disinterested student: One, two...Wow, there's a lot of signups here. I'm surprised so many people took an interest.
Appalled student: Whoa, Rise Kujikawa!? Seriously? Oh, man, trust a celebrity to kill the fun of it all...
Disinterested student: I bet she'll draw a huge crowd.
Yukiko fan: Wow, Yukiko-san's finally entering. If this was any other year, she'd win for she's up against Risette! It's gonna be a Culture Festival to remember...
Rise fan: Huh? Risette's entering!? She's gonna take part in something like this!? Maybe I better think more seriously about saving a seat...
Chie fan: Look, Chie's entering too. She's actually pretty close to my type.
Yukiko fan: Actually, I hear she has a lot of secret admirers.
Naoto fan: Naoto's that boyish...girlish...whatever, right? You know, she's, uh...pretty cute, hehehe.
Glasses-wearing student: Dude, you sound like a pervo when you laugh like that...B-But, to be honest...I think she's cute, too...Hehehe.
> It seems that each girl already has fans...
Jesus where is that shovel when I really need it

Are you free for lunch? I dunno why, but Chie asked us to come to the roof. She looked pretty serious...I wonder if something's happened. Oh, and Kanji's coming, too.
> You were called out to the rooftop during lunch. Did something happen...?
-New Days-

F-For what?

The beauty pageant! You wrote down our names without telling us, didn't you!?

N-No! It wasn't me! Why do you automatically blame me!?

I-I mean, if you don't wanna do it, you just say no, right? Like it was just a joke.

We wouldn't be so pissed if we could do that! With Kashiwagi planning this year's event, even those who got entered by other people can't back out!

Seriously? Must've been something in the fine print I overlooked...

So it was you!

Oh crap...!

Hey...Do you want us to take part in the beauty pageant?

W-Well yeah. I mean, you guys know how popular Yukiko is here. And on top of that, we have an idol and a Detective Prince. What's the point of having a beauty pageant if all these incredible heroines aren't going to take part!?

So where do I fit in!?


Well, excuuuse me for not fitting in!!

Hey, you want them to be in it too, don'tcha, Kanji!?

Huh...? I ain't interested in that stuff...

Naoto-kun...Kanji-kun says that he really wants you to be in it.

Wha--!? I-I didn't say nothing!

What about you? You want them to be in it, right?
Jesus where is that shovel when I really need it!?

Not really.

Ahh...I see. Is that a hint of jealousy in your voice? You don't want me making eyes at the other boys? *chuckle*

Hey...You guys are inching onto the bandwagon with Yosuke, aren't you?

So long as there are people looking forward to seeing me, I might as well put on a show for 'em. Of course, there's no need to involve my agency in this.

Th-That's right! That's the way to go! Teddie's looking forward to it too. Actually, I think he was more excited than anyone. It was him who was pushing me to sign you all up.

Ugh, so Ted's behind this too...

We're in an awkward position...If we can't refuse, I suppose there's no sense in arguing the point. But it seems ill-fitting for someone like me to get up on stage...I wonder if there's any way I could take it up with the school authorities...

I-I...don't think it's a problem at all.

I-I mean, just do it! Ya know...Seriously!

Dude...Looks like your blood's boiling even more than usual...

*giggle* Silly Kanji. Just tell her you wanna see her on the stage.

So, is it a deal? The four of us will be in the beauty pageant?

Wh-What are you saying!?

Um...I beg you, please be in it. If you do, my, uh, doubts will finally be cleared...

C'mon! Make me a man!

Doubts...? What are you talking about?

L-Look, just do it, dammit! I m-mean, you're an ace detective, aren't ya!?

Wha--!? What does that have to do with a beauty pageant!?

*gasp* *gasp*
> The preparations for the Culture Festival in two days are going well...

Where'd you guys go?

Over to Junes. We had to go get some paint and cloth.

Ohh, for the decorations.
Female class rep: Thank you. Did you have them write you an invoice?

Yeah, I think they understood what it was for, so they wrote it without us having to ask.
Male class rep: There's some things I want to go over about the day of the event.

Is this about the group date cafe...?
Male class rep: Yes, since Yosuke's leading the executive committee.

Wait, what!?
Male class rep: It was your proposal, right?

Are you serious...?
Male class rep: Well, all you have to do is the reception. After people sign in, have a few guys and girls sit facing each other at a table...Conduct a short session first where they ask each other questions. After about half an hour of that, it'll be confession time. Get them to select the number of the person they like. If the other person accepts, that makes them a couple...Hey Yosuke, you listening?

*sigh* Yeah, I hear ya...
Follower student: Yeah! Okay, I'll be the catcher!
Enthusiastic student: Why the catcher...? Hey, Yosuke! Wanna be the batter?


Ahh, I don't give a damn anymore! I'm in! Watch me slam that ball right back in your face!
Female class rep: Hey! You guys better get serious about this!
> The group date cafe that your class will be running at the Culture Festival is getting underway...
> "The 'Miss' Yasogami High Pageant!"...It seems that a cross-dressing pageant is also going to be held at the Culture Festival.
Eager student: Hey, it's Yosuke! We're expecting great things from you!

Haha, they're doing the cross-dressing pageant again this year? Man, they never learn, do they? Ooh, some people have signed up already. Hahah, man, what idiots would want to be in this thing? Let's see...Yosuke Hanamura...

-Like A Dream Come True-

Wait, and...Kanji Tatsumi!? You're on here too!
> "Sanzo Genjo"...That's your name, all right!
Impressed student: Wow, there's a lot of contestants. Didn't we only get, like, two people last year?
Disinterested student: I heard this year, even if someone else signs you up, you can't back out.
Impressed student: Well, that's not cool...Hey, but what if they did sign themselves up?
Disinterested student: Ewwww, what a disturbing thought. Seriously, that's really wrong.

Someone else signs you up...?

It's them...They must've done this...
> It seems that you'll have to enter the cross-dressing pageant at the Culture Festival...
-New Days-

For what, my ass! For signing us all up in the cross-dressing pageant! It was you, wasn't it!?

Ohhh, that thing. Rise-chan started saying, "Let's all have fun with this!" so I didn't really have a choice. And Kashiwagi seems happy, too, now that there's more people involved in it.

You little...! This is cross-dressing! CROSS! DRESSING!

Well, you're the one who started it! It's because of you that we can't back out of the beauty pageant, so it serves you right!

That's beside the point...

Don't worry. We'll make you absolutely enchanting. Okay?

That's not what's important here!

It's about a man's pride, dammit!

I'll give it my all.

Yeah, yeah. This has nothing to do with pride or any of that. You know already, right? Once someone signs you up, you can't back out.

If you've got a problem with that, go talk to Ms. Kashiwagi.

Th-There's no way she's gonna listen!

Wha--!? Why're you giving up!?

I ain't doin' this! Period!

Kanji-kun, are you still okay as far as the mandatory attendance policy? I don't think it would be wise to disappoint a teacher too much.

You are a scary gal, you know that, Senpai...?

Just leave it to us to dress you guys up. Rise-chan's with us too. There's no way you won't turn out pretty.

Y-You're positive we'll be pretty...?

I guarantee it.

Hey, why're you suddenly fine with this!?

Well, if we gotta do this, might as well go all the way with it!

There's nothing manly about being a woman!

I seriously refuse...

Kashiwagi's sure gonna get angry if you don't show up...Maybe you and Kanji-kun can be classmates next year.

Wh-Why is this happening...?

We all end up in the same boat, without our consent...What kinda joke is this...?

Uhh, the exact same joke you pulled on us!

"I-If we gotta do this, might as well go all the way with it!" Ahahahaha!
> The Culture Festival finally begins today. You wonder if your class project will be a success...You should hurry to school.
-New Days-
> The class booth, group date cafe...No one is stopping by.

...Ooh...This is so embarrassing...There's not that many people passing by here in the first place...

Shills...Uh, who?
Male class rep: Who else is here besides us?

I-Isn't that kinda sad?
Male class rep: Do we have a choice? We need customers to get the ball rolling. If there aren't many people passing by, we have to get the attention of the ones who are by any means necessary.

But there's only five of us here...

Yo, how's it going?

Perfect timing!

But now we've got four guys and two girls.
Male class rep: Eh, you guys are cross-dressing tomorrow anyways. One of you can sit on the girls' side.

What!? I'm not gonna--

(Boldly sit in the girl's area)

You never run out of surprises, man.
Male class rep: ...Uhh...You guys can start now...............Will someone please start?
> The silence is heavy...Should you try asking a question as if you were a girl...?

Who here do you like most?

Hey, I can't talk about something like that here!

Actually, what the hell is this?

A mock group date...
Male class rep: I-I guess it's my fault for bringing up the shill thing, haha. O-Okay, out of the three of us here...Wh-Who would you date?

Hey...I object to this line of questioning!
Male class rep: Oh, don't worry...Alright, let's start with you, Chie-san.

Huh!? Wait, um...A-Ahaha...Uhhh, well...
> You feel like Chie is looking over at you...Could she be signaling you to help her?

(Ask Yukiko the same question)

M-Me!? U-Um, who would I choose to date...? Well...Th-That's private...

Isn't it!?
> Chie gave you a wink of thanks.

Okay...your turn. Who would you want to date?


Okay, we get it! You're good at role-playing! Now quit it! You're creeping me out...

There are many forms of love...Didn't you tell me something like that?

No! Not at all!

Well, I admit, I'm pretty dependable...and decent lookin', right?
> Yosuke is proud for some reason...

> The silence is heavy...


...Uhhh, ahaha...

W-Well, see ya!

Mark it. The group date cafe is officially a failure...
> The first day of the Culture Festival ended on a strange note...You decide to at least walk around the school a bit before going home.
-Like A Dream Come True-
> Yasogami High hallway...

We're doing a freakin' play, man! What's up with that!?

It's too late to complain, Piglet.

It's not Piglet! It's Hamlet! How'd I get stuck with that role, anyway...!? And who the hell came up with this play!? "Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet"...Dude!

...Chill out, dude. Tomorrow's gonna be way more exciting, right Sanzo?

For sure! I'm gonna be rooting for you in that beauty contest!

Remember, first place or bust!
> You had fun with Kou and Daisuke...

I-I'm not used to these...A-Ahh, I'm starting to sweat. S-Senpai, wait! D-Don't leave me all alone!

Owww...Hm? What's underneath me? *gasp* I-I'm sorry, Senpai!!!

But thanks to you, I wasn't as scared as I usually am...
> You had an exciting time with Ayane...

Oh come on. Who'd believe crap like this?

*chuckle* You're a confident one...

Hm, maybe you are pretty good...You wanna challenge me? I bet you can't win!

Overestimating your confidence will only work against you, miss...

Hmph, I'll take that as your acceptance! I challenge you to read one fortune, no time limit! If I win, which I will, I'm going to destroy this stand! The subject of this little contest is...Sanzo's relationship with girls!

*chuckle* If that's the case, I most certainly have the advantage.

...What does that mean?
> You share a stirring moment with Ai. You toured the Culture Festival with your friends...
-Signs of Love-

Oh, yeah! Dad said you got the best score in the school on your tests. That's incredible! Umm...I made this. H-Here you go.
> Nanako gave you Bead Ring.


I heard you got top marks in that last exam.

Keeping up your studies while taking care of Nanako, too...? You're one hard worker, aren't you? I need to act like an uncle every so often and give you some spending money. Here you go...A big tip. But don't spend it all in...Nah, you can use it however you like.
> You obtained 50,000 yen from Dojima.