Part 1: Awakening
Chapter 1: Awakening

A young girl is battling a giant demon. I am close by, but can't move or speak! All I can do is watch while the demon keeps striking at the girl. Just as she is fighting for her life, I awake!

and fear. I am Rolf, an agent here in Paseo, the capital of Mota.
I shake my head as if to scatter the remnants of the dream. I have no time to worry like a child about nightmares in this modern age, especially with the Mother Brain planning and controlling all aspects of the environment. I open my window and take a deep breath of fresh air. It seems to wash away the bad feelings left by my dream.

This is my home. Nice, isn't it? Having my own house to live in instead of being crammed into an apartment building is one of the many little perks of being an agent. Not that we don't deserve them: it's hard, dangerous work, and it's become more so recently.

And this is Paseo's Central Tower, where I work. I report directly to Commander O'Connor, the highest-ranking government official on Mota. He told me he had a big assignment for me today; I'd better go in and see what it's all about.

me, the Commander of Mota. What I am going to ask you to do will be the toughest job you have ever done, but it is vital to the future of Mota. As you know, Algo has been brought up by Mother Brain. My work as a Commander has been to smoothly promote the plans of Mother Brain. I had believed that Mother Brain never makes mistakes. But those monsters all over Mota are just too much! We must find out by ourselves why those monsters were born, and how to bring them under control.
Rolf, your mission is to go to the Biosystems lab and get the recorder. If we look into the data, we can figure out how the Biosystems lab ended up making those monsters. Rolf, I hope from the bottom of my heart that you come back safely with the recorder. We'll see each other again!"

On my way home, I thought about my mission. I wasn't so much worried about the job itself as the way the Commander had talked when he briefed me. I was one of his most trusted agents, and normally it would go without saying that any mission he assigned me would be completed safely and efficiently. If he was concerned enough about my safety to tell me he was hoping I'd come back alive, that meant there was a real chance I wouldn't. I knew the Biomonster situation had been getting worse lately, but could it really be more than I was prepared to handle?

I wasn't looking forward to explaining my mission to Nei. The Biosystems lab was on the other side of the continent, which meant I'd be gone for a long time if I came back at all, and Nei could be... clingy.

same way. That was seven months ago. Because she was the product of a mixture of human cells and those of a Biomonster, she was an outcast from society.
"You were still small when we first met, but now you can take care of yourself. I'm going on a dangerous journey: too dangerous for you. I worry about you like you were my sister."
Still, Nei stood in the doorway to keep me from leaving.

I took my sack and started to go, but Nei still blocked the way. I had no choice. I decided to let her come with me.

I became an agent because I wanted to protect the people of Mota; putting someone else in harm's way, especially Nei, didn't sit well with me. But there was nothing I could do about it. I knew Nei well, and even if I'd left without her she would have followed me. I just hoped that I was up to the task of protecting her; I'd rather die than let anything happen to her.