Part 11: The Great MSPaint Holiday Highlights Reel: or, Why Thuryl Doesn't Draw
Well, wouldn't you know it. The day after getting home I was laid low with a particularly virulent bout of flu. I was pretty much bedridden for all of yesterday with a range of unpleasant and very biological symptoms, and I'm still not feeling so good today. So much for regular updates.

Also, someone IMed me and suggested that I should draw some pictures to spice up the LP a bit.
So in lieu of a proper update, have a completely irrelevant bonus update!
The Great MSPaint Holiday Highlights Reel: or, Why Thuryl Doesn't Draw
(Everything below is pretty much true. Minor details and order of events may have been altered for dramatic effect. Spot the deliberate mistakes!)

I climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge...

... ate Szechuan chicken at a traditional Chinese restaurant...

... waited for a boat that was an hour and a half late...
... heard a 5-year-old boy threaten to rape his sister if she didn't stop kicking him in the nuts whilst aboard said boat (NSFW?)...

... listened to a concert at the Sydney Opera House...

... overheard an old man and a waitress at the next table having a spirited discussion about anime...

... listened to my sister tell me about the time she drunk-called the Australian Embassy in Iraq...

... and visited the Museum of Contemporary Art. (Of all the pictures, this one is most true to life.)
Regular updates will resume as soon as possible.