We're going to Zelan! For reals this time!

See? We're entering the spaceship dock and everything.

(This game will throw 'fortheirr' at us, but then perfectly whip out 'incommunicado?')

And here's Wren! 998 years old and doesn't look a day over 400. Much like Demi, he comes with Spark, Recover, and Barrier. He also has a Flare cannon in there somewhere. And, as mentioned before, he's built like a tank, so he'll be leading the party for...well, the rest of the game, really.

Back to the ship!

To Kuran! (It's the purple satellite thingy!)

This guy is a complete joke. In the video he lasts one turn. He lasts two in the screenshots only because I wasted time setting up Barrier and Deban as if he was a formidable fight or something.

The real strategy here is to just beat the hell out of him, preferably with some 'shooting in the face' being applied liberally.

Golly gee, we almost didn't make it!



(I love how she just assumes it's his responsibility five minutes after crushing his house.)

And here we are. Everyone else's favorite character in the game. He's a lovable ol' bastard, isn't he?

Plus he comes with the only TP restoration ability in the game (Ataraxia) and a full-team heal that works on robots (Miracle). He's also got St. Fire which does some pretty solid damage to purely evil monsters, as well as Holyword which will instantly kill an evil monster. Also, Blessing is basically Deban.
Raja is INCREDIBLY useful, as you can see. Plus his dialogue doesn't need much, if any, of my pitiful help to be amusing.


I get the feeling that ol' Raja isn't too fond of his subordinates.

Yeah, Raja then says an empty text box.

...I have no idea what just happened there.
Ski trip!
Thuryl posted:
Hey, we finally have some more callbacks to earlier games for me to talk about! I was getting a little antsy for a while there.
The Wren in PS4 was originally called Forren, while PS3's Wren was Shiren. (There was actually another Wren-class android in PS3 as well, called Siren, but he wasn't a party member.) In an early draft of the English script, PS4's Wren was called "Forn", which was hastily changed to Wren using find-and-replace when they realised that Forn was a dumb name. There's some proof of this much later in the game.
Here's what Wren looked like in PS3. Not [i]too[/i] different from PS4's Wren, is he?
Also, yay, we're finally on Dezoris! Dezoris is the best planet and Dezorians are the best people. They're stronger and tougher than humans and they probably live a little longer, too; hell, Raja's 85 and he's still doing fine. In Phantasy Star 1 and 2, Dezorians have a well-deserved reputation for being secretive, dishonest, and suspicious toward Palmans. One Dezorian in PS1 would even try to lead you into a trap that could only be escaped with magic. Compared to that, Raja's being a pretty nice guy, especially considering how we just destroyed his temple.
The town of Tyler is also a reference to something, but I'll talk about that after the next update.
Oh, and for those who are wondering: no, I'm not sure if Raja's puns make more sense in the original Japanese or if they're just that bad.
Seiren posted:
It is a little-known fact that the Chaos Sorceror can be eliminated in a single move, even if you're not horribly overlevelled.
He is the only 'boss battle' in the game that succumbs to instant-death attacks. My last playthrough had Rika lead with her Eliminate skill, effectively ending the battle before it even started.
Wren (Fuoren-class Android) This powerhouse here effectively controls the entire Algol Solar System from his headquarters in Zelan, the artificial satellite which shares an orbit with Motavia.
Being an Android, he cannot learn techs, but his powerful skills more than make-up for his lack of technical abilities. Equipped with 'standard android gear' such as Recover, Barrier, and Spark, Wren's abilities lean much more heavily on the offensive/anti-machine combat than little Demi. For starters, he's equipped with a Flare Shot embedded in his torso. Like Demi, spare parts can be found to equip Wren with new skills, however, Wren cannot equip Phononmezer parts, and likewise, Demi cannot equip parts meant for Wren. In some regard, Wren is quite possibly the most destructive character in the entire game. The Positron Bolt parts he can equip with near the end of the game, is so powerful that a mere 10-second burst could even destroy a space-fortress like Zelan!
Another major difference between Wren and Demi are in their primary weapons: Wren's weapons cannot cause status effects like Demi's Stun Shot, but they deal a significantly greater amount of damage. In addition, Wren can equip Vulcan weapons, which attack an entire group of enemies. It's standard Android procedure to use Vulcans as much as possible, and then switch to a powerful single-target cannon for boss-battle.
Raja 'No Last Name Given' Raja is Raja, the caretaker of the title of '2nd most badass character in the entire game'.
He isn't violent by nature, but his jokes just scream a concentration of badassery Rune can only just barely surpass. Instead, he is a supportive powerhouse, capable of making your party nigh-invulnerable with his unmatched supportive abilities. As noted by meteor9, he gets Miracle, which is basically Medic Power which also works on droids, and heals nearly as much as Nasar. (Note: Actually, it doesn't revive so it's not too much like Medic Power -meteor9) Blessing is basically Deban, but without the TP-cost, and countless charges. Holyword is an instant-death attack that targets one creature, but only works on 'evil' enemies like many you'd see in Zio's Fort, and lategame areas. Further bolstering his arsenal of powerful support skills is Ataraxia, which is the only thing in the entire game, barring the Inns or Healing Tiles that can restore TP to the group. Combined with a modest amount of charges, your party can go a looooooong time without ever setting foot in a spaceport or an inn.
Finally, he gets Saint Elmo's Fire (St. Fire), which deals significant damage to an entire group of evil enemies.
But that's only his skills! He also learns the entire *Res family, the entire *Sar family, Rimpa, Anti, Rimit, Seals, Rever, and Regen, with Regen being a Sol-Dew in Technique form for 40 TP. Even his basic Res is typically as strong as Chaz or Rika's Gires!
His equipment is limited to basically the same things Rune may use; which means he can wield 2x Laser Barriers for the ultimate tank.
In short, with this wisecracking old fart on your team, you simply can't lose. And if you somehow do manage to lose, well, let's just say Raja will come out of your television/monitor and personally make you pay for the damage to his lovely temple.
Sartak posted:
Purgatory Boss #7: Chaos Sorceror