Part 4
Sorry about the wait. I moved into a new place. Anyway, Tetsuya has a bounty of missions for us.![](1-ibwl2k9WnMuGXj.png)
"Someone surely needs the help of your scout powers."
We already did that, Tetsuya!
No new areas are available, but we've got four missions to do.
Watch Continue: Status Skills
I wanted to show off the grafiti on the other door in the lab, so here it is.
Back to Tetsuya's missions.
Watch New Skill Researcher
Two more.
Watch Defense is the Key
This is one of the memory boxes we received from completing that last mission.
We've got a new partner. Sammah is the guy who's been hanging out in the bar with pH and Baroness.
Watch Powers That Erase
For now?
pH also has some new dialogue for us.
"Moreover, are they thinking at all?"
What do you all think of the mosters that roam the surface? What is their purpose, and how do you think they came to be?
"You lack experience, but you talk as if you're Mister It. Pretty cool aren't you? If that's the case, why don't we step out and battle?"
Know, stop picking on the disabled! Nanashi is a mute!
Watch Come Hither Strong One
You might have noticed this during missions, but everyone dissolves away when the camera passes them. I wanted to make a point of showing this off.
Tetsuya has two new missions for us.
Watch Continue: Erase Skills
Would you like to see some concept art? The Protagonist,The Protagonist Again, Edgar, Freia
"people on the surface. It might contain clues about the woman in the locket. Please help me find the box."
Watch Registration List
"To tell the truth, I didn't think we'd find anything. I'll keep looking, though."
Tetsuya now has the last mission of chapter 2 for us.
Watch Abundance of Memory
It didn't say that I received a memory box because that was my second attempt at the boss, which was made possible by the simulator. I tried to get a better score, but you can see that it didn't really work out.