The Let's Play Archive

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

by Mors Rattus

Part 2: Case 1 - The First Turnabout - Part 1

Case 1 - the First Turnabout
Part 1

Here we have our title screen. At the moment, we've just got the one case, or episode, available to us.

Introduction Video

: I can't get caught... Not like this!

And now, we cut to our plot, already in progress. Most future cases have an intro, though not all are going to reveal the killer.

The screen will often shake to show fear, shock or other emotions - I won't be including gifs most of the time for it, but it's quite a neat little trick for storytelling.

: Whew, I'm glad I made it on time. Well, I have to say, Phoenix, I'm impressed!

: It says a lot about you... and your client as well.
: Um... thanks. Actually, it's because I owe him a favor.

: You mean, you knew the defendant before the case?
: Yes. Actually, I kind of owe my current job to him. He's one of the reasons I became an attorney.
: Well, that's news to me!
: I want to help him out any way I can! I just... really want to help him. I owe him that much.
: (It's over! My life, everything, it's all over!)
: ... Isn't that your client screaming over there?
: Yeah... that's him.
: (Death! Despair! Ohhhh! I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna die!!!)
: It sounds like he wants to die...
: Um, yeah. *sigh*

: Hey. Hey there, Larry.

: Gimme the death sentence! I ain't afraid to die!
: What!? What's wrong, Larry?
: Oh, it's all over... I... I'm finished. Finished! I can't live in a world without her! I can't! Who... who took her away from me, Nick? Who did this!? Aww, Nick, ya gotta tell me! Who took my baby away!?
: (Hmm... The person responsible for your girlfriend's death?)

: Here's the story: My first case is a fairly simple one.

: The guy they arrested was the unlucky sap dating her:

: Our school had a saying: "When something smells, it's usually the Butz." In the 23 years I've known him, it's usually been true. He has a knack for getting himself in trouble. One thing I can say though: it's usually not his fault. He just has terrible luck. But I know better than anyone, that he's a good guy at heart. That and I owe him one. Which is why I took the case... to clear his name. And that's just what I'm going to do!

The Judge is a constant. He will judge every trial we ever do.

Our prosecutor this time around is Winston Payne. He's...a prosecutor.

: Ahem.
: Mr. Wright? This is your first trial, is it not?
: Y-Yes, Your Honor. I'm, um, a little nervous.
: Your conduct during this trial will decide the fate of your client.
: Murder is a serious charge. For your client's sake, I hope you can control your nerves.
: Thank... thank you, Your Honor.
: ... Mr. Wright, given the circumstances... I think we should have a test to ascertain your readiness.
: Yes, Your Honor.

: The test will consist of a few simple questions. Answer them clearly and concisely.

When we're given these choices, sometimes we'll be penalized for the wrong answer. Not this time around, however. I'll be showing wrong choices (or choices with no 'right' answer) with just the answer bars.

: The defendant is the person on trial! You're his lawyer!
: Um, er, eh? Oh yeah, right! Eh heh heh.
: This is no laughing matter! You did pass the bar, didn't you?
: Sorry, I couldn't hear your answer. I'll ask once more: Please state the name of the defendant in this case.

: The, um, defendant? That's... er... Mia Fey?
: Wrong, Wright. Look, I have to leave. I have to go home. I'm... I'm expecting a delivery.
: Aw, c'mon Chief. There's no need to be going so soon, is there?
: Wright! Listen: the defendant is the one on trial--your client!
: I mean, that's about as basic as you can get!
: (I put my foot in it this time! I've got to relax!)
: Sorry, I couldn't hear your answer. I'll ask once more: Please state the name of the defendant in this case.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled trial.

: The defendant? Well, that's Larry Butz, Your Honor.
: Correct. Just keep your wits about you and you'll do fine. Next question: This is a murder trial. Tell me, what's the victim's name?
: (Whew, I know this one! Glad I read the case report cover to cover so many times.)

: Phoenix! Are you absolutely SURE you're up to this? You don't even know the victim's name!?
: Oh, the victim! O-Of course I know the victim's name! I, um, just forgot. ... Temporarily.
: I think I feel a migraine coming on.
: Look, the defendant's name is listed in the Court Record. Just touch the Court Record button to check it at anytime, okay?
: Remember to check it often. Do it for me, please. I'm begging you.

First, let's see what's on the Court Record.

: Um... Mia Fey?
: W-W-What!? How can I be the victim!?
: Oh! Right! Sorry! I, er, it was the first name that popped into my head, and--
: The Court Record button! Remember to use it when you are in a pinch.
: Let me ask that one again: Let's hear your answer. Who is the victim in this case?

: Oh, um. wasn't it Ms. Block? Ms. Cinder Block?
: The person in question was a victim of murder, not ill-conceived naming, Mr. Wright.
: Wright? If you forget something, just touch the Court Record button to help you remember.
: A mistake in court could cost you the case.
: I'll ask you again: Let's hear your answer. Who is the victim in this case?

: Um... the victim's name is Cindy Stone.
: Correct. Now, tell me, what was the cause of death?

: Oh, right! Wasn't she, um, poisoned by er... poison?
: You're asking me!?
: Um... Chief! Help me out!
: Check the court record. The Court Record button... remember?
: (Geez. Give a guy a break!)
: Let me ask again. She died because she was...?

: Right... she was strangeld, wasn't she?
: Please tell me that was you talking to yourself.
: If you wish to hang yourself, Mr. Wright, you're welcome to, but not inside my courtroom. I suppose there's nothing to do but give you another try: She died because she was...?

: She was struck once, by a blunt object.
: Correct. You've answered all my questions. I see no reason why we shouldn't proceed.
: You seem much more relaxed, Mr. Wright. Good for you.
: Thank you, Your Honor.
: (Because I don't FEEL relaxed, that's for sure.)
: Well, then...
: First, a question for the prosecution. Mr. Payne?
: Yes, Your Honor?
: As Mr. Wright just told us, the victim was struck with a blunt object. Would you explain to the court just what that "object" was?

: It was found lying on the floor, next to the victim.
: I see... the court accepts it into evidence.

: Wright... Be sure to pay attention to any evidence added during the trial. That evidence is the only ammunition you have in court. Touch the Court Record button to check the Court Record frequently.

: Mr. Payne, the prosecution may call its first witness.
: The prosecution calls the defendant, Mr. Butz, to the stand.
: Um, Chief, what do I do now?
: Pay attention. You don't want to miss any information that might help your client's case. You'll get your chance to respond to the prosecution later, so be ready! Let's just hope he doesnt' say anything... unfortunate.
: (Uh oh, Larry gets excited easily... this could be bad.)

: Ahem. Mr. Butz. Is it not true that the victim had recently dumped you?

: We were great together! We were Romeo and Juliet, Cleopatra and Mark Anthony!

: I wasn't dumped! She just wasn't taking my phone calls. Or seeing me... Ever.
: Mr. Butz, what you describe is generally what we mean by "dumped." In fact, she had completely abandoned you... and was seeing other men! She had just returned from overseas with one of them the day before the murder!
: Whaddya mean, "one of them"!? Lies! All of it, lies! I don't believe a word of it!

: According to this, she was in Paris until the day before she died.
: Hmm... Indeed, she appears to have returned the day before the murder.

: Dude... no way...
: The victim was a model, but did not have a large income. It appears that she had several "Sugar Daddies."
: Daddies? Sugar?
: Yes. Older men, who gave her money and gifts. She took their money and used it to support her lifestyle.
: Duuude!
: We can clearly see what kind of woman this Ms. Stone was. Tell me, Mr. Butz, what do you think of her now?
: Wright... I don't think you want him to answer that question.
: (Yeah... Larry has a way of running his mouth in all the wrong directions.)

: (Might be better not to get involved in this one...)
: Well, Mr. Butz?
: Dude, no way! That cheatin' she-dog! I'm gonna die. I'm just gonna drop dead!

: Dude! Nick! Whaddya mean, "irrelevant"!?
: That cheatin' she-dog!
: I'm gonna die. I'm just gonna drop dead!

: Let's continue with the trial, shall we?
: I believe the accused's motive is clear to everyone.
: Yes, quite.
: (Oh boy. This is so not looking good.)
: Next question! You went to the victim's apartment on the day of the murder, did you not?
: Gulp!
: Well, did you, or did you not?
: Heh? Heh heh. Well, maybe I did, and maybe I didn't!
: (Uh oh. He went.)

: (I know! I'll send him a signal...)

: Er... Yeah! Yeah! I was there! I went!

: Order!
: Well, Mr. Butz?
: Dude, chill! She wasn't home, man... So, like, I didn't see her.

: Your Honor, the defendant is lying.
: Lying?

: (I'll send him a signal...)

: Um, well, see, it's like this: I don't remember.
: You do "don't remember"? Well then, we'll just have to remind you!
: (I've got a bad feeling about this...)

The two paths converge here.

: The prosecution would like to call a witness who can prove Mr. Butz is lying.
: Well, that simplifies matters. Who is your witness?
: The man who found the victim's body. Just before making the gruesome discovery...

: Order! Order in the court!
: Mr. Payne, the prosecution may call its witness.
: Yes, Your Honor.
: (This is bad...)
: On the day of the murder, my witness was selling newspapers at the victim's building. Please bring Mr. Frank Sahwit to the stand!

Next time: The witness.

California Food and Agricultural Code 26991 posted:

It is unlawful for any person to immerse or soak the carcass of any slaughtered rabbit in water for a period longer than necessary to eliminate the natural animal heat in the carcass and in no event for a period longer than 2 1/2 hours.