Part 29: Realgam Tower Snags
Realgam Tower Snags(Pictures will be added within 24 hours.)
The updates for Realgam Tower are going to come in two parts. First, there's a base area of the tower, that include rematches with all four Cipher Admins, amongst other Peons. Second, there are a series of six battles, occurring in the Colosseum at the top of Realgam Tower. Sadly, this doesn't give us too much time to use Shadow Pokémon in the former area, and just about not at all in the latter.
Base (Lower Area):

Sunflora is a slow Pokémon that relies on its strong STAB Special Attack, and has an average Attack stat. Overall, it is defensively weak: it has a less than average HP stat, low Defense, and average Special Defense. It has one ability: Chlorophyll, which doubles its Speed during sunny weather. Its moves, in order of their recovery, are Growth, Ingrain, SolarBeam, and Sunny Day. Growth is a Normal-type attack that boosts the user's Special Attack by one stage. Ingrain is a Grass-type attack that restores 1/16th of the user's HP at the end of each turn, and also prevents the user from switching out (which can be a good or bad thing). SolarBeam is a 120 base power, 100% Accuracy Grass-type attack that requires one turn to charge before use; in sunlight, there is no need to recharge, and SolarBeam will be used during the turn it is selected, but in rain, sandstorm or hail, it only has 60 base power and still needs a turn to charge.
Delibird is a less-than-average Speed Pokémon that has both weak Attack and Special Attack. Overall, it is defensively weak: it has a very-low HP, Defense, and Special Defense stat. It has two abilities: Hustle, increasing the Attack stat by 50% at the cost of -20% Accuracy to the base accuracy of physical attacks, and Vital Spirit, preventing sleep. Delibird's only level-up move is Present; in order to be taught any other moves, one needs to use TMs to teach them. Its moves, in order of their recovery, are Attract, Present, Fly, and Blizzard. Present is a variable base power, 90% Accuracy Normal-type attack that has different effects; there is a 40% chance of it having 40 base power, a 30% chance of it having 80 base power, a 10% chance of it having 120 base power, and a 20% chance of it healing the targeted Pokémon by 80 HP.
Heracross is a above-average Speed Pokémon that relies on its very strong Attack stat. (Its Special Attack stat, providing no STAB, is very weak.) Overall, it is defensively above-average: it has a above-average HP stat, average Defense, and high Special Defense. It has two abilities: Guts, increasing the Attack stat by 50% when affected by a status, and Swarm, boosting the base power of Bug-type moves by 50% when it is at 1/3 or less HP. Its moves, in order of their recovery, are Endure, Counter, Brick Break, and Reversal. Reversal is a Fighting-type reskin of Flail.
Skarmory is a less-than-average-speed Pokémon that relies on average STAB Attack. Its Special Attack, very weak, is left unused. Overall, it is an amazing Defensive wall: it has a lower than average HP stat, incredible Defense, and average Special Defense. It has two abilities: Sturdy, which causes OHKO moves to fail, and Keen Eye, which prevents accuracy from being lowered. Its moves, in order of their recovery, are Metal Sound, Air Cutter, Steel Wing, and Drill Peck. Metal Sound is a 85% Accuracy Steel-type attack that reduces the target Pokémon's Special Defense by two stages. Air Cutter is a 55 base power, 95% Accuracy Flying-type attack that has a critical hit ratio one stage higher than normal attacks. Steel Wing is a 70 base power, 90% Accuracy Steel-type attack that has a 10% chance of boosting the user's Defense by one stage. Drill Peck is a 80 base power, 100% Accuracy Flying-type attack.
Colosseum (Upper Area):

Miltank is a surprisingly fast Pokémon that relies on its above-average STAB Attack, and has a low Special Attack stat. Overall, it is defensively strong: it has high HP and Defense stats, and average Special Defense. It has one ability: Thick Fat, halving the damage taken by Fire and Ice-type attacks. Its moves, in order of their recovery, are Defense Curl, Rollout, Body Slam, and Milk Drink. Defense Curl is a Normal-type attack that boosts the user's Defense by one stage; if used the turn before Rollout or Ice Ball, the base power of either attack will remain doubled until the user faints or switches out. Rollout is a 30 base power, 90% Accuracy Rock-type attack that attacks for five turns in a row, or until it misses; each subsequent attack that doesn't miss after the first is double the base power of its previous use; base power resets to its initial level after the five turns or first miss, but the initial boost from Defense Curl will remain (see above). Body Slam is a 85 base power, 100% Accuracy Normal-type attack that has a 30% chance of inducing paralysis on the target Pokémon. Milk Drink is a Normal-type attack that restores up to 50% of the user's HP; out of battle, it can be used to give 20% of the user's HP to another Pokémon in the party. At level 53, it will learn Heal Bell, a Normal-type attack that cures the entire party of the user's Pokémon of all status conditions; this, unsurprisingly, can be a very useful move.
Absol is an average-speed Pokémon that relies on its incredible strong Attack, lacking a good STAB due to its average Special Attack. Overall, it is defensively weak: it has a low HP stat, and below-average Defense and Special Defense. It has one ability: Pressure, which exhausts one additional PP of an opponent's move when being attacked. Its moves, in order of their recovery, are Swords Dance, Slash, Faint Attack, and Perish Song. Swords Dance is a Normal-type attack that boosts the user's Attack by two stages. Slash is a 70 base power, 100% Accuracy Normal-type attack that has a critical hit ratio one stage higher than normal attacks. Perish Song is a Normal-type attack that will cause any Pokémon that hears it to faint after 3 turns, unless they switch out.
Houndoom is a fast Pokémon that relies on its very strong STAB Special Attack, and stronger than average Attack. Overall, it is defensively weak: it has an average HP stat, low Defense, and average Special Defense. It has two abilities: Flash Fire, which when hit with a Fire-type attack grants it an immunity as well as a 50% base power boost on its own Fire-type attacks, and Early Bird, halving the number of turns spent asleep. Its moves, in order of their recovery, are Howl, Smog, Flamethrower, and Faint Attack. Howl is a Normal-type attack that boosts the user's Attack by one stage. Smog is a 20 base power, 70% % Accuracy Poison-type attack that has a 40% chance of poisoning the targeted Pokémon.
Tropius is a slow Pokémon that relies on its less-than-average STAB Attack and Special Attack. Overall, it is defensively above average: it has a high HP stat, and slightly above-average Defense and Special Defense. It has one ability: Chlorophyll, which doubles its Speed during sunny weather. Its moves, in order of their recovery, are Magical Leaf, Fly, SolarBeam, and Synthesis. Magical Leaf is a 60 base power Grass-type attack that is not affected by Accuracy and Evasion stat changes, and will hit if the target Pokémon did not use Protect, Detect, or the first turn of Dive, Dig, or Fly. Synthesis is a Grass-type reskin of Morning Sun.
Metagross is a less-than-average Speed Pokémon that relies on its amazingly strong Attack and strong Special Attack STABs. Overall, it is defensively strong: it has a medium HP stat, but a remarkably high Defense stat, and high Special Defense. It has one ability: Clear Body, which prevents the effects of stat stage drops inflicted by opponents. Its moves, in order of their recovery, are Iron Defense, Metal Claw, Psychic, and Hyper Beam. Iron Defense is a Steel-type attack that boosts the user's Defense by two stages. Metal Claw is a 50 base power, 95% Accuracy Steel-type attack that has a 10% chance of raising the user's Attack stat by one stage.
Tyranitar is a slow Pokémon that relies on its exceptionally strong Attack and strong Special Attack STABs. Overall, it is defensively strong: it has a high HP stat, very high Defense, and high Special Defense. It has one ability: Sand Stream, which automatically induces a perpetual Sandstorm, until it is disabled by the Drought or Drizzle abilities, or by any of the weather-inducing moves. Its moves, in order of their recovery, are Thunder, Rock Slide, Blizzard, and Crunch. Rock Slide is a 75 base power (56.25 in Double Battles), 90% Accuracy Rock-type attack that has a 30% chance of flinching a target Pokémon it hits.