Part 20
exactly what it sounds like. "Super-Effective" hits. Not Super-Effective misses.Ledneh posted:
What the hell, only 1 HP? And what the hell does that "Super-effective hits." ability mean?

Ok, here we go. Shedinja's Wonder guard prevents all damage from types NOT strong against Ghost/Bug. which means it's invulnerable to all damage (excluding Sandstorm, poison, etc) except Fire, Flying, Rock, Ghost and Dark attacks.
To get Shedinja you have to have an empty slot in your party as Nincada evolves, for those who care.
And no, it never has more than 1 HP.
BuggyMcDig and Husk will probably be alternating in the lineup.
And I'm pretty sure none of those apply to Wattson's lineup.Ka0 posted:
Shedinja Killers

Weeeeee, Obligatory random trainers in Gym. Ok, seriously now. Except for the Rockers, none of them had fucking Electric types. Sure some knew electric attacks, but they were not true electric types.

Mega Harden!

Alright because I'm a retard I missed the first matchup. Husk vs. Voltorb. Flawless victory goes to...

...oh right, how tough was that Magneton?

Biiiig update in the works, until then, enjoy: