Part 34
Another short update: Misty promptly sent her to The Box. Where do they keep them? GAH FUCK. HOW DO YOU PEOPLE SNEAK UP ON ME? You just don't get it, do you? You Sombrero Monkey... ...Mudskipper.... ...and Molten shitpile... ...succeed at nothing but pissing me the fuck off. GAH. STOP FOLLOWING ME. Nothing you give me will make up for the annoya- -You asshole, All awesomness points you just gained have been rescinded. AAH! The hell?! YOU WERE NOT JUST THERE.'re Satan... aren't you? Don't dodge the question. ARE YOU OR ARE YOU NOT THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS?
And with that he vanished in a plume of fire and brimstone. Misty pauses to giggle at the dong berries. And yeah, We're at Fortree City.