Part 59: The End

( this... a dream?)

(No... this is no dream. Yes... the star's explosion swallowed me... and I'm now adrift... as a spirit... What's going to happen?)

(...This shadow... Gengar...)

Keke! Jake! Didn't take much to put you down! Serves you right! Kekeke! Now, what to do with you?

I know! I'll drag you into the dark world. That'll do it.

(...Gengar is dragging me. He said he would drag me into the dark world... What is the dark world? Am I going to be abandoned in a world I don't know?)



.........Hunh? Darn it... I took the wrong path...


This isn't like me. I can't tell which way is which... Keh! To heck with this. I'll just ditch you here.

That's it. Good-bye to you.

...Hey. ...Hey, can you hear...

Snap out of it!

(...Huh...? This place...)


...Regained consciousness!


(...I'm sure of it. I'm sure... back there... Gengar saved me...)

...Maybe... did Gengar save Jake too?

Awesome, you're alive! You really had all of us worried!

You were incredible!

I'm so glad you're safe! It's fantastic!

Everyone... thank you. But...

What about the star?! What happened to it?!

Fear not! The star is no more. Though it will not be right away... the disasters shall soon be calmed.

What about our friends? Where are Mister Shine and Mister Bright?

Be calm. Both are unharmed.


We did it, Jake! We got it done! We've won peace!

Yippee! This is the greatest!

This calls for a celebration!

Let me shoot my Hydro Pump to kick it off!

Whoa, hold on there! Don't you point those things at me! Face the other way! The other way!

No, no! Let it loose! Hahaha!

Y-you've gotta be kidding me!

I'll secure him so he can't get away.

Oh? Not bad!

What, you're serious?! Nooooo! Don't!



We owe everything to you, Jake, and your friends. Peace has returned to our world. Thank you for everything. And now... Jake, your role here has ended. Soon, you must return to your own world. It is time to bid farewell.

(It's finally come... this time has finally arrived...)

Jake... I am so sorry for this. To everyone... please bid farewell.

Oh? Jake?

...! Jake! Your body... What's happening?

Sheldon... and everyone... I'm sorry. But I have to leave.


Wh-what are you saying?!

Everyone... thank you for everything all this time.

...Huh? Leave? What do you mean, leave?

My role as a Pokémon has ended. I have to return to the human world.


Go back... to the human world?!

Huh? W-why...? Why?! I don't understand! Why do you have to leave?!

Didn't we... aren't we friends?

Yes. You will always be my friend, Sheldon. I will never forget you.

Wait, Jake...

I'm blessed to have met you.

I... What am I going to do when you're gone, Jake?

I'm so very sorry. This is good-bye...





Jake! Noooo!

...Jake... Why... I don't understand...

Why? Why was it necessary to leave us...?

Jake saved my life... but I hadn't done anything to show my thanks... Left... before I could even say thanks...

You're right... Just upped and went like that... Why now? Why when the world's been saved? Just when things were going to get better...

This was coming... Our world, it was saved by Jake. I look back now... When bound for the sky, Jake seemed... as if resigned. Resigned to accept what was to come.

...I think I know. I think I understand now. Jake became a Pokémon to save us. And when... when the star was destroyed... Jake knew that would be the time to leave...

Why... Why didn't Jake tell me earlier...? If this was coming... why didn't he tell me?

Those words couldn't be spoken. As much as you are heart-broken now... Jake must have felt the same pain of leaving. Try to understand, Sheldon.


(...What is this...? I'm rising into the sky. Is this my spirit? I wonder where I'm going?)

(...! Voices... I hear voices...)
Your friend is heartbroken. A true friend... a friend for life... you finally realize it now. If you wish... and wish very strongly... perhaps you will meet again.