
Pokemon, everyone here's heard of it, everyone here knows about it. But by how much? The First Generation of Pokemon is absolutely fascinating to me, they made these games not knowing how well it would be received. They were thinking it would be enough for a sequel pair of games and that'd be it. They didn't know it would be coming over to the west, so it has the good old Japanese strangeness that later games are missing, especially for Gen 2, which they knew would be coming west bound. All Pokemon games have it, obviously, since Game Freak is based in Japan, but they know they're also releasing to a very large Western market, so this game is where it's in full force. And despite how much people know of the American side, they hardly know anything of the Japanese side.
So we'll be covering more or less every aspect of Pokemon and Pocket Monsters in the first generation, including the chosen game: Pokemon Yellow was released in September 1998 in Japan (just before the release of Red and Blue in America), October 1999 in America and June 2000 in Europe. It's based off of the still running anime with its still 10 year old protagonist. Cheekily, they based the game on an anime that hadn't even finished yet (the next episode in Japan after Yellow's release was Battle of the Badge. Yep, that one), so it doesn't follow the anime's story exactly, or hardly at all. We'll see as we go through.
In any case, let's get on with the show.
Table of Contents
#01: Welcome to the World of Colour!#02: There and Back Again
#03: Catch-a-thon 1998
#04: Through the Forest
#05: The Power of Brock
#06: Mt. Moon
#07: Surrounding Cerulean
#08: Blue and Orange
#09: S.S. Anne
#10: Surging On
#11: Cutting Around Kanto
#12: Rock Tunnel Yay
#13: 2spooky
#14: Sights of Celadon City
#15: The Leader and the Boss
#16: Loose East Ends
#17: Cyyyyycliiiiing Roooooaaaaad
#18: Poison To Your Wallet
#19: Route Route's Routes
#20: Eleven Floors of Silph Co.
#21: Riding the Psywave
#22: Surfing the Seafoam
#23: Who Wouldn't?
#24: Bzzzt!
#25: Grounded Down
#26: Path to Victory
#26.5: Final Preparations
#27: The Elite Four
#28: Champion Shigeru
#29: Unknown Dungeon
#30: Welcome to the World of PAIN
Supplementary Videos
Opening and Intro (Update 1)
VS Leader Brock (Update 5)
Team Rocket Wins (Update 6)
Bill's Cottage (Update 7)
VS Leader Misty (Update 8)
VS Leader Lt. Surge (Update 10)
VS Leader Erika (Update 15)
Mew Glitch (Update 16)
VS Leader Koga (Update 18)
VS Leader Sabrina (Update 21)
Pikachu's Beach (Update 22)
VS Leader Blaine (Update 23)
VS Leader Giovanni (Update 25)
VS Elite Four Lorelei (Update 27)
VS Elite Four Bruno (Update 27)
VS Elite Four Agatha (Update 27)
VS Elite Four Lance (Update 27)
VS Champion Shigeru and Credits (Update 28)
VS Mewtwo (Update 29)
VS Professor Oak (Update 30)
CrossPod DeedsCast: Special Pikachu Edition - A Look at Generation 1
Fionordequester's Speed Run Strats
King of the Nido
Well That Was Quick
151 Speed Run Part 2
Onmi's Adventures Asides
Gym Leaders
Pokemon League
The Elite Four
Side Notes
#01: Release Overview
#02: How Pokemon Tick (DVs and Stat Exp)
#03: SHIGERU Who?
#05: Typing Effectively
Rest In Peace Satoru Iwata
#06: How Pokemon Tick (Stats, Special and Stages)
#07: In-Game Trades
#08: The Anime Openings
#09: Leader Differences (Brock, Misty and Lt. Surge)
#10: Is Raticate Dead???
#11: Rambling, Gaming Dude!
#12: The Mew Glitch And How The Hell It Works
#14: Leader Differences (Erika and Koga)
#15: Starter Changes
#16: Time For Adventures!
#17: The Birth of Mewtwo
#18: Leader Differences (Sabrina, Blaine and Giovanni)
#19: Success of Red, Failure of Satoshi
#20: Pokemon: The First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
#21: Juggernaut of a Phenomenon - My Life with Pokemon