Part 2: Episode One: Just Another Day
So how have you been?

I'm not going to do that. I already did it.

So there was a part you DID miss, eh?

See, was that so hard? If things are going so well, what happened to your Caddy?

Sonny, out of deference to the respect I have for you from the events of last year, and my own reverence for the rights of women and their centuries-long fight to gain equal footing in our social structure, I am NOT at this moment making a whip-cracking noise.

It is a struggle, let me tell you.

But I am bearing it, nobly, for your sake and theirs.

I am history's greatest martyr.

Oh, hey! Full detective now, huh?

Your smartass skills are improving. Most impressive, my young apprentice.

Uh... hey, how about we get going? I'd love to see the station again. Now that you look less like an amorphous blue blob...

That's excellent. In fact, it's so cool I'm going to pretend what you just said makes sense.

Oh, this and that. I wouldn't worry about it. Mostly because I can't explain it to you and don't intend to try.

I was just wondering the same thing. Let's hope we have some time before we find out, because I doubt you're going to like it.

You know, you don't have to go over it in your head like that. You could just look at it like you used to.

Again, out of respect for you I will forbear commenting on the keychain.

You know who stores their money like this, Sonny? Hobos. Hobos and old people.

Sorry, Sonny, but it's a finite resource. I've got to replenish my stock after all that respecting you I did earlier.

It is good to see you, though, Sonny. It's been too long.

Entryway seems a little more cramped, but there are more rooms. Where to first?

What thing?

Oh, don't worry about that. It'll be gone in a second. Just my new little helper.

Don't you mean... your aim?

Oh boy!

Just like old times.

S. Bonds, Esquire.


You never forgot it before.

Why would I even know it?

Damn it. Okay, give me a minute.

Happy now?

Hey, why do you have that poster up if you're seeing Marie?

Examining the poster posted:
You took this picture at the beach. Marie has signed it 'Love, Marie'. What a girl!
That's nauseatingly cute.

Oh, sorry.

I'm sure no information about this gun will come in handy at any point in the future.

Don't worry about it.

Are you still obsessed with these things?

Wow, couldn't have telegraphed that one more if you tried, buddy. It's okay. I'm not judgmental.

Just joking, Sonny! Anyway, it's not like it's even physically possible for you to shoot me once, much less fourteen times.


...fine, fine.

Are you done now?

So what's this about adjusting your gun?

Hey, who's that?
The mysterious policeman posted:
You watch as Traffic Officer Mario Gelepsi books evidence.

Alright, alright.

Nice. I don't remember anything like this at the old place.

Gets loud in there?

That what sh... ahem. Right, you are still armed.

What, you aren't going for the headshot?

I was joking! Joking! Spare me the lecture this time. I want to see you shoot more stuff.

That's weird. You were pointing right at the middle.

Huh. So what now?

...Sonny, you did not just whip out a screwdriver, crack open your gun, and start messing with shit in there.

Don't you have... like, mechanics or something who can do this for you?

I never saw you doing this stuff before.

Got it! Right! I wasn't watching. Shoot the target some more.

I hope you understand exactly how exhilarating this is, Sonny.

Uh... yeah. That's... real good, Sonny. I think you twisted that screwdriver enough now. Let's try it again.

Oh, good, because I-

Oh, lord, please let this end soon.

Great, wonderful, you can now slaughter your enemies wholesale. How about we get out of here?

I think I actually need a breather, Sonny.

Yeah, just for a few minutes. I'll be back soon to see your new office. Can't wait!
Next time on Police Quest: Mugged in Memory Lane