Part 33: In The Name Of The Nightwings

: With the success of this past Liberation Rite, Pamitha saw her next level up.

: The perks available to her are the first-level perk Winged Fury; the second-level perk Sleight of Wing; and the third-level perk Greater Celerity.

: Sleight of Wing is actually kind of tempting. I hate saluting, but Pamitha being able to dive in and out of battle as quickly as she does would be a nice bonus to have. Imagine using her to fly into enemy lines (and flying is generally a save move, since Auras cant reach her), and then saluting to change places with Bertrude all of a sudden. Pamitha would have no trouble getting back to where she was, with her speed and her body-tackle passive.

: That said, though, Greater Celerity is the more appealing option of the two. It gives her a straight +8 buff to Quickness, and these matches with the Titan Stars have taught me very clearly that those numbers most certainly mean something. Having this perk would essentially give Pamitha her very own Titan Star.

: Bertrude, meanwhile, does the exact same thing: she reaches her fourth level and gets herself another perk.

: Bertrudes available perks are the first-level perk Hex of Victory; the second-level perk Greater Blast; and the third-level perk Stubborn Flame.

: Stubborn Flame is going to be a given, no question. When Bertrudes on the field and her Pyre has less points than her adversarys, her
entire enemy team takes a -10 hit to Glory. Thats
insane. It neuters wyrms, curs, and imps in particular. Even Oralech would only be doing ten points per hit. It would make dealing with Endriga the Widow and Archbeast Sung-Gries
significantly easier.

: The better question is if I want Hex of Victory or Greater Blast. Im leaning towards Hex of Victory, personally: it, combined with Hex of Defeat, would give Bertrude a flat +5 buff to Glory at all times, which is always nice, and like I had said in a previous update, Im worried that Greater Blast would wind up making the buckshot of Bertrudes blasts too wide, effectively turning this buff into a nerf.

: But thats a worry for another time.

: You overhear some of your companions reflecting on this.

: He hath passed from this place, along with all his eccentricities.

: Oh cheer up already, Bertrude.

: You wonder who, if anyone, among you shall be the next to go. Then, Volfred asks the group to gather. You sense you know what news he is about to share.

: Everyone
I must apologize to bring such news at this late hour, but I felt that you all would wish to know, as soon as possible. The context of our
Plan has changed.

: He looks about at everyone before revealing to them what the stars have revealed to you both.

: They seem to just be
fading away, one by one. For reasons that the Scribes alone may know for certain, though we all may harbor our suspicions.

: See for yourself, if you have any doubt that this is so.

: A hush falls over your companions, all exhausted from the Rite, and now stunned into silence.

: If this phenomenon continues unabated, and we have every reason to believe it shall
then, the Rites shall cease when the stars no longer shine. Permanently cease, that is.

: Your companions exchange glances. You sense negative emotions rising. Confusion. Fear.

: Before, I gave you the impression that, should the Nightwings not prevail in a Liberation Rite, there would be other chances. This remains so. However
our chances are now numbered. The exact number, I have yet to ascertain, but
to be quite frank, there are more of us than we have chances left.

: You sense your fellow exiles are beginning to realize what this means.

: I urge you all to take whatever time you need to think this through
. At dawn, we shall head south again to Moonlight Alcove. We can discuss this further, then.

: Now, please get some rest. Our path grows harder, though not insurmountable, not while we stand together
. We can still prevail.

: The group disperses. Some whisper in hushed tones, others turn to their quarters, speechless. There will be time, later, to better understand this omen.

: Some are less speechless than others, apparently.

with that thought, Im gonna guess Sir Gilman.

: Whoda thunk.

: After the Liberation Rite, you find Sir Gilman, in an uncharacteristically quiet and contemplative mood. He salutes you crisply with his tail.

: Glory to you, Master-Reader!! And, glory to the noble Rukey Greentail! Long may he prosper in the Commonwealth!!

: And, in so doing, may he benefit the Plan into which we have all been thrust!!

: Then, he falls silent for a time. You sense him growing very emotional.

: One of questionable honor
the greatest cunning
and such blinding speed as to befit a minstrels tale. This knight fears our triumvirate lost something irreplaceable in him.

: Aw, thats sweet of Gilman to say.

: Of course!! This knight is also pleased that Rukey has achieved his freedom! Very much so!

: And furthermore! This knight shall now continue training even harder than before.

: Rukey Greentail!! This knight shall train on and until such time as he is swifter than the jagged lightnings of the Deathless Tempest!!

: Now, Master-Reader
? This knight must beg his leave of you. For it is time, not for his rest, but for his training! Know that he is very grateful for your wisdom and your guidance in these Rites. Between yourself and Master Rukey, you have instilled within this knight an unshakable resolve.

: He bows low, and bids you a good evening.

: Despite Sir Gilmans new resolve to match Rukey and his speed, Gilman doesnt actually get any buffs. Not
yet, anyway. Whos to say he wont get another scene to himself a bit later?

: We got places to be, and this damn rain hasnt let up this entire cycle. Lets see if we cant wait it out in the Moonlight Alcove.

: Good morning, everyone. We are at the mercy of the stars, and none can say how soon theyll shine for us again. Let us recover for a while at Moonlight Alcove, and decide how to proceed.

: Its been a very long day, and were down a Nightwing. The Book can wait for a little bit.

: Best make yourselves as comfortable as possible here for the time, Nightwings. The Rites ought to commence again before we know it.

: Until then, be well.
The cycle of the Rites is ending. The news that Volfred and The Lone Minstrel revealed to you now threatens to disrupt the groups resolve.
Who deserves their freedom?
Can there be any hope for your revolutionary Plan to change the Commonwealth, if too few exiles manage to return?
The questions hang like a fog over you and your companions, as you linger there on Mount Alodiel.
For now, the exiles of the Nightwings vow to stick together.
For as many opportunities as they shall have.

: Well, my boy
? Its time once more. Come see.

: Volfred indicates the sky, and through the snow, you see that he is right. Soon, all of your companions are gathered. Volfred regards the group in his steady manner.

: As you all know, I have refrained from participating in the Rites myself
. This was a long-held choice of mine, for a variety of reasons.

: Chief among those reasons is so that I might direct our Plan, free from unwanted attention
both from our adversaries here, and those who would oppose us in the Commonwealth.

: Yeah, thats certainly one way of putting it.

: Before my time, the Nightwings comprised three exiles:
Brighton, Erisa, and Oralech. Little Tizo was with them, as well, still learning in their ways. After Brighton regained his freedom in the Liberation Rites, the Nightwings took me in. A story for another time, but for one thing, I had capacity to read the ancient Book.

: Anyway
when next we earned our way into the Liberation Rite, Oralech was anointed for return. He had long been in exile, and his horns were beginning to show.

: We prevailed
! Little Tizo snuffed the Accusers Pyre. Thus, Oralech earned his freedom.

: Haha, get fucked Lendel.

: She perished, of course
only the anointed can transcend the Shimmer-Pool
. But, she thought the warnings were a myth, and paid the price. She was
always restless. I presumed Oralech perished, too. To survive a fall from Mount Alodiel
? I was left alone

: Subsequently, I made no attempts to reassemble the Nightwings, knowing that such treachery, such harm was even possible, as part of this ordeal. I, frankly, still do not hold Erisa entirely at fault for what transpired
I hold, instead, the Commonwealth responsible, for it put us in this desperate situation.

: And
I resist the urge to think the Rites may partly be to blame, as well, for pitting brother against brother, sister against sister.

: Volfred breathes a deep sigh.

: Now I see that Oralech yet lives. At a time when our Plan is already in motion. And, even the stars are fading
perhaps a signal that the Scribes themselves know that the Nightwings are divided, and that they do not approve.

But, I choose to take it as a sign that we must act! The Scribes have put us in a set of circumstances where each one of us may rise to the occasion. The Nightwings and our Plan need all the help that they can get. And so, I have made a decision, which I wish to announce here to you all.

: Thats surprising! said nobody at all.

: Long have my skills languished in the matter, I admit, although I trust I shall regain them soon enough. While I once vowed never to conduct the Rites again, our present situation calls for all our resources to be brought to bear.

: So, if I may be of use during the Rites to come, I shall avail myself.

: Thats all. Now then, our Reader shall determine where we are headed come first light.

: Volfred bows his head to everyone, while the others exchange looks, then, one by one, salute him, in turn.

: Were finally back in the saddle to choose our next destination.

: To make things a bit brief, Im going to skip the preamble. Do we play against
Barker and the Dissidents, ranked fifth, at the
Nest of Triesta? Do we play against
Ignarius and the Tempers, ranked seventh, at the
Glade of Lu? Or do we play against
Tamitha and the Essence, ranked second, at the Hulk of Ores?

: Im going to be away from my computer for the weekend, so, fuck it: this vote will last
96 hours. So if youre the type to be particularly tardy to these things, nows your chance!