Part 35: 24.B: Poisoned
: Poisoned Gameplay

: Mae is very close to maxing out her Enlightenment bar and getting her final perk. One more game, or the Wisdom Trace, ought to do it.

: Sir Gilman, meanwhile, gets more than enough points to push him into the next level. If you remember, last time, he was maybe a few pixels from the threshold.

: Gilmans available perks are the first-level perk Valiant Return (if Sir Gilman and each of his allies are banished, he immediately returns); the second-level perk Quick Draw (pressing Slash a second time will return Sir Gilman to where he initially was); and his first third-level perk Vigorous Slash (Slashing returns all of Sir Gilmans stamina).

: Usually, I use Sir Gilman for quick, sudden strike at my enemys Pyre; otherwise, he rarely moves from his starting position. Despite having the least amount of Presence in the triumvirate, Sir Gilmans actually not awful at defense because his tripwire-style of Aura is much better at catching approaches than it is at approaching. He also has the least amount of Glory out of everyone, tied with Tizo.

: The reason I bring all this up is because the only times I tend to use Sir Gilman is either when he has a clear shot at an enemys Pyre, or if hes the last man standing. With that in mind, Valiant Return would actually be a fairly useful perk for him: if hes the final line of defense, and hes taken out, hell just come right back and put up another tripwire.

: That said, though, Im going to go with Vigorous Slash, and Im thinking of combining it with Quick Draw. If Quick Draw gives him a second burst of Aura like the initial Slash does (and I can test this in multiplayer pretty easily), Sir Gilman would become nigh-untouchable: he could dash straight into an enemys territory, Slash, Slash again, and be given back all of his stamina. His throwing arc gets next to no distance, but it charges immediately: his windows of opportunity as an offensive unit (which, despite what I just said, is what the game is implying he is, what with his blistering speed and the Scale of Ores) would increase dramatically with those two perks.

: And besides, the initial reason why I turned down Valiant Return, and the whole left tree to begin with, is because I shouldnt be getting banished so thoroughly that it ever comes into play anyway.

: Volfred, like Sir Gilman before him, is a hairs-breadth from a level up. Thats kind of annoying, but, hey, depending on who we use for our next Rite, we could be getting a handful of levels in short order.

: Thats kind of generous, considering they should have won by all rights. Volfreds Final Kindling is a very OP perk.

: The Nightwings are in capable hands, these days, my boy. Thank you for your continued efforts, given all the challenges we face.

: The Rites may be ending, but we still have time to achieve our
Plan, especially if you continue to prevail like that. Come, lets see whom we shall square against when next the stars align.

: Hah, it sounds to me like Volfred is pretty amped after that win. Nothing like winning a close game against a strong opponent!

: Look at the Pyrehearts ratio. Come on, Deluge, get it together.

: According to the planner, we have only one more Rite to go before were summoned back to Mount Alodiel. These cycles are going in a real hurry now, and there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to challenge our opponents.

: Normally, I try my best to refrain from saying or doing anything that could influence your votes, but Id like to point out that if were interested in learning more about our opponents and what brings them to the Downside, we havent played a (non-Liberation) Rite against Deluge or Manley. If we wanted to punch him in his jaw again, now would be a perfect chance, fewer as theyre becoming, to learn more reasons as to why we would want to do that.

: Of course, we could always just go after Uldmildhe, too. If we dont, theres a slim chance she could overtake Tamitha in the rankings and be given the chance to ascend back to the Commonwealth, and we
probably dont want Udmildhe back up there. But then, of course, it's going to be either her or Tamitha, so we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

: Anyway! All that said, our options for the next Rite are
Udmildhe and the Withdrawn, ranked third, at the
Hulk of Ores; or
Manley Tinderstauff and the Chastity, ranked seventh, at the
Pit of Milithe; or we could choose to play against
Sir Deluge and the Pyrehearts, ranked fifth, at the
Spring of Jomuer.

: Who do we play against next? Let me know in the next day!